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Getting An O-a Visa In The Uk

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This might be of some help to anyone trying to get an O-A long stay Thai visa while still in the UK. I just managed to do this so I know some of the answers now.

Firstly, don't bother with the Consulate in Hull. They don't issue this type of visa and the info. that I got from them was not the same as from the Thai Embassy in London. They admitted that their info. was probably out of date.

Secondly, when contacting the Thai Embassy in London, don't get sidetracked onto their automated visa info, line. This is expensive and contains no relevant info. for O-A visas. Just stay on the line and, eventually, you will get the operator. Ask for extension 118 (only seems to work after 14:00hrs). With luck you may get someone that speaks passable english.

To get the relevant application forms you have to write to the Embassy in London (address on their website). You will get back a standard application form (3 copies) and an additional form for O-A. You will also get a list of requirements and some of these are less than obvious. It took a few phone calls to sort out some of these.

You need a current passport with plenty of time left on it - no surprise there.

You have to be over 50 years old - OK no problem, for me at least.

You have to have a clean criminal record - your county police force can provide this for £10 but it takes a month to process.

You have to provide a medical certificate showing that you don't have leprosy or elephantiasis or syphillis (stage 3). Apparently having HIV is OK!! Your GP can provide the certificate (for a fee I expect).

You need a current bank statement that proves that you have an income of 800,000 Baht equivalent per year. The Embassy says that this is about £14,000 so they seem to be using a different exchange rate to the current rate (~70Baht to the GBP).

There is also the question of 'savings'. The additional O-A application form specifically asks how much saving you have and in which bank. It is still not clear to me if this is an either / or situation with the income requirement. I covered both bases and gave them a current account and deposit account statement.

It was not clear, at the start, whether UK bank accounts were acceptable - yes they are, although I beliieve that ultimately Thai accounts are needed once you are resident. I'll sort this out when I go out in October.

All the documents, except the application forms, do need to be certified by a notary public. These seem to be like hen's teeth. I found one in the end - charged £60 for 20 minutes work. Impressive wax seals though!

All documents must be less than 3 months old.

You will need to state when you intend to enter Thailand (date / flight number / entry port). This means booking a flight before you get the visa so make sure that you get it right.

You will need a 'reference person' in Thailand. This can be anyone - I used a real estate person.

One last tip. You cannot submit applications by post. This doesn't mean that you need to go to London twice (processing takes 2 -3 days) as using a visa agent is perfectly acceptable (although it took a couple of phone calls before this was clarified). I used an outfit called Thames Consular (they have a web site) and they were very good. Passport was back within a week, complete with O-A visa stamp.

Now, all I have to do is make sure that Immigration at Don Muang gives me the year that I'm supposed to get.

Good luck to anyone trying this route. It should work and you won't have to leave the country every 90 days. Still have to report though.

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This is useful post as it shows how much easier, and cheaper it is to get the Retirement visa here in Thailand!!

Just get the Non-Imm 'O' in Hull and extend it once you get here.

Doctors fee 150 baht

Bank confirmation letter 200 baht.

No home police check

No referee in Thailand

Extension fee 3900 baht

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I am not a UKer, but I am still curious.

To get the O visa in Hull, what do you state as the purpose of your visit?

When I look at the purposes for getting an O, I don't see "to come to Thailand to apply for a one year extension based on retirement because it is so much more trouble to get an OA visa outside Thailand."

If you said that, wouldn't consulates just say, apply for the OA?

Are people making up reasons to get the O?

It seems to me for most people doing this, they would have to get a tourist visa and then convert it in Thailand, and then get the one year extension based on retirement.

It sounds like some people have been successful in coming on a tourist visa, and then changing the visa type, and then getting a one year extension based on retirement.

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I know about getting an 'O' visa from Hull but there was a problem with this as, if you are not applying on a business basis, e.g. you have an invite from a Thai company or are going to work for Thai branch of a UK company, you seem to need a guarantor. I don't think that anyone would have been willing to do this for me so I couldn't use this route. It's a bit like asking for a blank, signed cheque. If you know differently then I'm sure that we'd all like to here it as it would certainly be cheaper to do as you suggest.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great info doctor, but why go through London?

Anyway, I appreciate the advice given on this site to use Hull or Birmingham, I shall however use a consulate which I have had success with before. They've always been extremely helpful to me before so I will try there this month.

If I get the all clear I shall post back here, if I don't I shall re-apply at Hull or Birmingham and see what happens. :o

Anyway, in 3 weeks time I'll let you know if the consulates in the UK are as nice as what they used to be. :D

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I know about getting an 'O' visa from Hull but there was a problem with this as, if you are not applying on a business basis, e.g. you have an invite from a Thai company or are going to work for Thai branch of a UK company, you seem to need a guarantor. I don't think that anyone would have been willing to do this for me so I couldn't use this route. It's a bit like asking for a blank, signed cheque. If you know differently then I'm sure that we'd all like to here it as it would certainly be cheaper to do as you suggest.

Talk to the consulate and tell them what you want to do.

They may accept your own letter of guarantee, backed by a copy of your bank statement showing you have sufficient funds.

Alternatively a letter from a friend of good standing, guaranteeing to pay your "economy airfare" back to the UK may suffice. It does not have to be a blank cheque.

When I first came, I needed the letter from my prospective employer AND a letter of guarantee from the UK.

Fortunately for me my previous employer was prepared to issue the letter, against a back to back guarantee from me to reimburse them if the necessity arose.

It never did and 20 years later I am still here.

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When I look at the purposes for getting an O, I don't see "to come to Thailand to apply for a one year extension based on retirement because it is so much more trouble to get an OA visa outside Thailand."

If you said that, wouldn't consulates just say, apply for the OA?


Excellent point. I'm sure the Consulate in LA, and the Thai Embassy in DC, would not grant an 'O' based on you're being over 50 and aspiring to retire in Thailand. So, you would need to trump up some reason for an 'O', and probably use an honorary consulate as well, in order to get it.

And, the tourist visa converted to 'O' visa is relatively new, and as far as I can tell, only available in Bangkok. So, the avenue to retirement may have a few more bumps than one might think.

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