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Mobi’s Country Park - Pong Style.


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I’ve just leased 3 rai of land which is adjacent to my house for 5 years. The initial reason for this was to forestall the land owner’s plans to rent it to a company who wanted to build an ice factory there.

I now plan to make most of it into a ‘wild country garden’ with maybe a nice wooden sala where I can spend the cool evenings, contemplating nature; with maybe a rai or so turned over to Mrs Mobi who wants to grow Banana trees, Papaya, and other edible produce. (Maybe grapes for our homemade "Pong Plonk" :o )

The land is covered with knee high wild grass, weeds, bushes etc, and is there is a liberal scattering of towering Palm trees, mango trees and the like.

This is all very idyllic, but there are a number of hard jobs/work to be done before my dream becomes a reality.

  • Make a large hole in my back garden wall, and put a gate in for access.
  • Fence the whole area off, to make sure the locals know it is private property, and to stop the cows and Soi dogs from straying on there.
  • Run electricity cables for lighting.
  • Clear the area, cut the grass, build country pathways, and generally turn the land into something hospitable for folk to wander and abide in.
  • Maintain the area on an ongoing basis.

This is an interesting project for me and one that I am prepared to get personally involved in and get my hands dirty, but I have no knowledge or the appropriate skills for this sort of thing and I will need help. I am in no hurry, and it will be good just to watch it slowly progress.

So if anyone out there knows of anyone – Thai or Farang – who may be interested in being gainfully employed in this venture – either for a period of time or on a permanent basis, then please PM me to discuss further.



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Hi Mobi

Have an excellent workforce avaialable for hire here in my village, I have recommended them in the past and always got good reports back on the high standard of reliability and workmanship. Due to the building downturn they do not have much work at the moment. In the past they have built houses, cleared land, dug gardens etc the boss is my neighbour so if you are interested give me a call or pm me and I will talk to him. (ALL my previous recommends have remarked on his fair pricing!)

John C

I’ve just leased 3 rai of land which is adjacent to my house for 5 years. The initial reason for this was to forestall the land owner’s plans to rent it to a company who wanted to build an ice factory there.

I now plan to make most of it into a ‘wild country garden’ with maybe a nice wooden sala where I can spend the cool evenings, contemplating nature; with maybe a rai or so turned over to Mrs Mobi who wants to grow Banana trees, Papaya, and other edible produce. (Maybe grapes for our homemade "Pong Plonk" :o )

The land is covered with knee high wild grass, weeds, bushes etc, and is there is a liberal scattering of towering Palm trees, mango trees and the like.

This is all very idyllic, but there are a number of hard jobs/work to be done before my dream becomes a reality.

  • Make a large hole in my back garden wall, and put a gate in for access.
  • Fence the whole area off, to make sure the locals know it is private property, and to stop the cows and Soi dogs from straying on there.
  • Run electricity cables for lighting.
  • Clear the area, cut the grass, build country pathways, and generally turn the land into something hospitable for folk to wander and abide in.
  • Maintain the area on an ongoing basis.

This is an interesting project for me and one that I am prepared to get personally involved in and get my hands dirty, but I have no knowledge or the appropriate skills for this sort of thing and I will need help. I am in no hurry, and it will be good just to watch it slowly progress.

So if anyone out there knows of anyone – Thai or Farang – who may be interested in being gainfully employed in this venture – either for a period of time or on a permanent basis, then please PM me to discuss further.



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Hi Mobi

Have an excellent workforce avaialable for hire here in my village, I have recommended them in the past and always got good reports back on the high standard of reliability and workmanship. Due to the building downturn they do not have much work at the moment. In the past they have built houses, cleared land, dug gardens etc the boss is my neighbour so if you are interested give me a call or pm me and I will talk to him. (ALL my previous recommends have remarked on his fair pricing!)

John C

I’ve just leased 3 rai of land which is adjacent to my house for 5 years. The initial reason for this was to forestall the land owner’s plans to rent it to a company who wanted to build an ice factory there.



Sounds like a winner to me, go for it :o

What about a pond? no need to cut it weed it or water it. I got lots of Tilapia fish you can have to put in it also a couple of Palai.

Edited by Rimmer
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Hi Mobi

Have an excellent workforce avaialable for hire here in my village, I have recommended them in the past and always got good reports back on the high standard of reliability and workmanship. Due to the building downturn they do not have much work at the moment. In the past they have built houses, cleared land, dug gardens etc the boss is my neighbour so if you are interested give me a call or pm me and I will talk to him. (ALL my previous recommends have remarked on his fair pricing!)

John C

I’ve just leased 3 rai of land which is adjacent to my house for 5 years. The initial reason for this was to forestall the land owner’s plans to rent it to a company who wanted to build an ice factory there.



Sounds like a winner to me, go for it :o

What about a pond? no need to cut it weed it or water it. I got lots of Tilapia fish you can have to put in it also a couple of Palai.

Let's you off the hook doesn't it :D

BTW No ponds allowed.

Thanks John, I'll be in touch.

Soundman, you never know, it might be a good location for a full moon rave up. I'll let you know if I need some sound blasting :D

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Hi Mobi

Have an excellent workforce avaialable for hire here in my village, I have recommended them in the past and always got good reports back on the high standard of reliability and workmanship. Due to the building downturn they do not have much work at the moment. In the past they have built houses, cleared land, dug gardens etc the boss is my neighbour so if you are interested give me a call or pm me and I will talk to him. (ALL my previous recommends have remarked on his fair pricing!)

John C

I've just leased 3 rai of land which is adjacent to my house for 5 years. The initial reason for this was to forestall the land owner's plans to rent it to a company who wanted to build an ice factory there.

I now plan to make most of it into a 'wild country garden' with maybe a nice wooden sala where I can spend the cool evenings, contemplating nature; with maybe a rai or so turned over to Mrs Mobi who wants to grow Banana trees, Papaya, and other edible produce. (Maybe grapes for our homemade "Pong Plonk" :o )

The land is covered with knee high wild grass, weeds, bushes etc, and is there is a liberal scattering of towering Palm trees, mango trees and the like.

This is all very idyllic, but there are a number of hard jobs/work to be done before my dream becomes a reality.

  • Make a large hole in my back garden wall, and put a gate in for access.
  • Fence the whole area off, to make sure the locals know it is private property, and to stop the cows and Soi dogs from straying on there.
  • Run electricity cables for lighting.
  • Clear the area, cut the grass, build country pathways, and generally turn the land into something hospitable for folk to wander and abide in.
  • Maintain the area on an ongoing basis.

This is an interesting project for me and one that I am prepared to get personally involved in and get my hands dirty, but I have no knowledge or the appropriate skills for this sort of thing and I will need help. I am in no hurry, and it will be good just to watch it slowly progress.

So if anyone out there knows of anyone – Thai or Farang – who may be interested in being gainfully employed in this venture – either for a period of time or on a permanent basis, then please PM me to discuss further.



I can recommend the group of workers John C is talking about until I moved house they kept the area around the house looking good. Very hard workers!


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I know a German guy in your area who does an excellent job in garden architecture and natural swimmingpools and so on....

This is going to be more in the nature of a "Country Park" than a "pretty pretty" garden. I want to leave it very natural, with wild grass, bushes, flowering shrubs etc, and paths wending their way to maybe a little wooden Thai style Sala, where a few cold drinks may be had whilst contemplating nature and the world. There's already a liberal scattering of mature Palm trees and Mango trees. Maybe a bird hide would be in order?

Lakes and natural swimming pools are not allowed.

It will need some designing however, so if you think your friend may be interested in this kind of thing, please let me know.

The first job will be to fence off the land in so that I don't have to employ a 'cow wrangler', a 'drunken pissing Thai men' wrangler, and Soi dog wrangler and a plastic bag re-cycler. Yes, and maybe even a snake wrangler.

I've only got it for 5 years, after which it will probably sold for housing development, so I don't want to go overboard.

John I will give you call.

Thanks for all the replies and offers, so far. :o

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I know a German guy in your area who does an excellent job in garden architecture and natural swimmingpools and so on....

Raro are your talents endless??????

they are unfortunately less endless than the number of German guys around.... :o

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