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How To Legally Adopt A Child In Los


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Just for wolf5370 & pepe....... :D

Seriously though, this is soemthing I have thought about for awhile & even though me & hubs are young & I'm in the prime of my childbearing years I would really love to adopt a child as well as having one or two naturally.

So all of you in the know, how do you do it? If a thai child was adpoted by a farang women & thai man, would they have automatic rights to British Citizenship/dual nationality? etc...etc...etc

Serious answers pls :D For a change :o

Edited by Boo
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If one of the parent was British, and the child was legally adopted in the country of its nationality, then you could apply for naturalisatiion of the child. I do not think it is automatic though as having your own kids would. If you were already married (minimum time probably applies), had other kids, then it should not be a problem.

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Thanks Tuky, it's definately something I need to look into more but thanks to Scouse's link I can start researching everything we need to do & plan for the future as at the moment we are in no position to do it (financially) but hopefully in a year or two, wil be able to start the process seriously.

I do know of a young English couple living in LOS who are going through the process at the moment & it's taken so long (abt 8 mths so far) & has been so emotional for them but it's something they really wanted, especially as the wife was told she couldn't have kids in her early twenties, so winners all round, a kid gets a great family & a loving couple get the child they always wanted :o

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