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Where To Buy Good Condoms?


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The 7-11 condom selection is poor [and without English descriptions]. Is there anywhere to buy non-latex condoms in Chiang Mai, or is the selection the same in pahrmacies too?


do you really need an English description? thought it was kind of obvious whats in the box and what its gonna look like! :o seriously though, just ask in a pharmacy, they will probably give you western ones. If you really want to have English on the box go to Boots the chemist in cental kad suan keaw, or airport plaza, or the night bazar. All pharmacies will have johnnies though but they may ask what size you want! :D

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"thought it was kind of obvious whats in the box and what its gonna look like!"

Appreciate the humor, but......I can't intuit what they've got in 'em either. I read Thai, but small letters, usually other ppl standing around 'looking at you' and then maybe 7 mystery varieties, it's like what's the deal here? We've got a few kinds of rubbers back home, but not this many... and with pictures on the box that leave more questions than answers....totally Russian Roulette of condoms here.

However, there seems to be this standard black Durex condom everywhere, but they're way on the small side....so not good. I only use them in a pinch - literally. But then there's one Durex line called Featherlite, comes in a Gold Box, brilliant, super thin, great feel, and the right size. Hard to find 'em. Some pharmacies, and usually Tesco will stock them. Frustrating not to find the right Jimmy when you need one, so I usually take the opportunity when in the area to go grab some in advance (optimistic of me) at the 2nd pharmacy on the left heading up Ratchadamnoen from Thapae Gate. Just found out he's got the economy box too, but had to ask before he pointed out where they were - box of 12, good price....happily optimistic indeed.

As to original post... I often see a box around with English on it that says 'natural condom' or some such thing but never buy these so don't pay much attention. You should be able to find them at Tesco or the pharmacy I just mentioned. But... Latex allergy, ok go for it. Otherwise, they're not supposed to stop that old HIV, so I'd say go latex for full protection.

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As to original post... I often see a box around with English on it that says 'natural condom' or some such thing but never buy these so don't pay much attention. You should be able to find them at Tesco or the pharmacy I just mentioned. But... Latex allergy, ok go for it. Otherwise, they're not supposed to stop that old HIV, so I'd say go latex for full protection.

Is the OP looking for something like "Durex Avanti", (or other brands) which is a polyurethane condom? They avoid latex allergy problems, are ultra thin, yet strong and have the advantage of being useable with oil (think massage oil if you're wondering........ :o ). They are also expensive!

Unfortunately I've never found anywhere selling them in Chiang Mai, and I agree with other posters, trying to make sense of what's what in Thai condoms ain't easy! Another gotcha is working out if they contain nonoxynol-9 (increased HIV transmission risk) which some Thai versions still do. I buy in bulk from overseas - safety first!

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The 7-11 condom selection is poor [and without English descriptions]. Is there anywhere to buy non-latex condoms in Chiang Mai, or is the selection the same in pahrmacies too?


Truck tire inner tubes.... Non-latex, thick enough to prevent disease if you double them, and almost large enough. Heck, you should be able to get three or four from the same tube! :o

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A note for Western men. Durex has a condom called "Comfort"; comes in a dark blue box. Not commonly found- never in 7-Eleven, etc. The pharmacy opposite Tops food court on ground level at KSK stocks these. Package writing is in Thai only; ask the pharmacist for it.

More to Western standards as far as sizing. I have not found any condoms here that are pre-lubricated with nonoxynol-9, or for that matter, any lubricants sold here that contain same- if anyone out there knows of product containing this ingredient, post it here, and thank you in advance!

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ummm.... duh...

i know this is a bit off topic, but my GF and I are trying to have a baby.

anyone know where I can find condoms with a hole on top? :o

Get her to use scissors. You might be fortunate enough to get a free circumcision at the same time. (Every little bit adds to the pleasure!)

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A note for Western men. Durex has a condom called "Comfort"; comes in a dark blue box. Not commonly found- never in 7-Eleven, etc. The pharmacy opposite Tops food court on ground level at KSK stocks these. Package writing is in Thai only; ask the pharmacist for it.

More to Western standards as far as sizing. I have not found any condoms here that are pre-lubricated with nonoxynol-9, or for that matter, any lubricants sold here that contain same- if anyone out there knows of product containing this ingredient, post it here, and thank you in advance!

There is a white box of Durex that they sell here has had spermicide (nonoxynol-9) for many years. They fit me fine, but all these ex-special forces guys with GIGANTIC John Holmes sized willies might have to import big ones, :o

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The biggest (widest) Durex you're likely to find is Kingtex, in one of those black boxes. Don't need to read Thai; just look on the back of the box for a number between 45 and 60. Unfortunately if you're wide, Kingtex is only 49 mm wide....wait a minute, that's not right...I know some Durex boxes say 55. But you may need 60, and where do they sell those in Thailand? Western countries have 60mm and larger.

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"You can get actually force one of them on?!? Lucky you."

Aw cr@p! I tried my best to watch my words.... knew something might come back to haunt me. Won't be as humble about my equipment (RTD Jr.) as UG is about his, but come on now! Without going into details, let's just say the glove really doesn't fit, and therefore, you must acquit!

Almost to the same pt, and addressing things I've heard other unit-proud Farang boast - some guys just wanna be first to say how '...they wouldn't fit in one of them Thai condoms in a million years.', or 'I'd break one of those in less than a minute, mate.' etc I dunno, if you gotta tell me about the machoness of yer own package, said package, and a portion of the psyche immediately become suspect. Further, my own two cents' (bahts') worth is that if you break the jimmie in less than a minute you're going about things all the wrong way. The receiving end of said activity might not be all that willing and consequently not ....how to put it delicately.... maybe go look into buying some lube too, my man. And then the I'm-like-a-machine approach also makes me picture a guy who would gulp down a first rate three course meal or a second rate burger with equal rapidity, failing to savor the refinements and quality of the nicer meal. Something to be said for taking your time and doing things right. I pity the said gulped down meal. But then maybe these guys are only finding the second rate burgers anyway (like deserves like)......

metaphor over, for now unless someone else wants to run with it....

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Don't buy them in Thailand.

When you're next in the UK just roll into the local birth control / gonk clinic and grab some from there.

Usually they are in a dish at reception :D

failing that just tell them it's for birth control and you've got carte blanche!

I've got a good number of the Durex selection here in my castle :o All good so far

Failing that buy the ones in Thailand. You can try Thai hospital and ask there, it's cheaper. Alternatively just go into the nearest health clinic.

Bangkok had a place called cabbages and condoms (names changed now though) don't know if Chiangers has an equivalent.

Believe it or not some of the health organisations visit the beer-bars and hand out free condoms there. In the past I've been given some johnnies from them when I was paying my bill! They are the cheapo ones though so be very careful, as I think they are too thin, hence i use durex ones.

Edited by JimsKnight
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As a side note to this discussion, most people are not aware that Thailand produces a huge percentage of the condoms sold worldwide. Think rubber trees, think latex, etc.

Also, I concure with RTD re: approach, angle of attack (!?!), lube, etc. It is possible to break any size condom, given the circumstances.

Sabaijai's suggestion for online order looks like the best suggestion yet....

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Follow up post: Just ordered from sabaijai's suggested vendor. Learned a few things I was not aware of; nonoxynol-9 actually increases the risk of HIV infection to women according to the latest studies. Also, the polyurethane condoms have been proven to be just as effective as latex in preventing transmission of HIV and sperm. They are about twice as expensive, but for those who are allergic to latex, or seek the other obvious benefits (thinner, nearly invisible, transmit body heat, compatible with petroleum-based lubes, etc.) they seem a good choice. OK, enough condom posts from me for now! :o

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There is a white box of Durex that they sell here has had spermicide (nonoxynol-9) for many years.

If you're talking about M-11, it doesn't contain nonoxynol, at least not according to this site:


Also says M-11 is a natural rubber one.

To clarify PeaceBlondie's joke: Kingtex is the SMALLEST diameter (49). As you can see on the site, most are around 52 mm, with the Comfort ones being 2 mm wider.

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There is a white box of Durex that they sell here has had spermicide (nonoxynol-9) for many years.

If you're talking about M-11, it doesn't contain nonoxynol, at least not according to this site:

It did for many years and had it written all over the box.

I switched to a type of condom that doesn't have it several years ago because of the controversy over whether it kills HIV or makes it easier to spread.

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The woman I love as well as my wife and I are all disease free so we have no need for the use of frangers. No need to use these horrible things when engaged the making of love so long as we remain faithful to each other. Love and trust are the meaning of life apart from faithfulness to our god. Besides that my poor little willie is so small even the smallest of the small rubbers is still too large for me.

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The woman I love as well as my wife and I are all disease free so we have no need for the use of frangers. No need to use these horrible things when engaged the making of love so long as we remain faithful to each other. Love and trust are the meaning of life apart from faithfulness to our god. Besides that my poor little willie is so small even the smallest of the small rubbers is still too large for me.


i did some searching and found this for you. i know you are faithful and all that but life's too "short" in case you decide otherwise.

let me know if these fit ya.


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