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Cheated By A Farang


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i was cheated for the last payment when i worked with a :o farang in a dive shop in Kata,Phuket and somehow he got away with it.He's been doing this for a long time and to many people, if you say his name people in diving business will know him well.

The thing is i know he's cheating the revenue department with a lot of black money. I got evidence in my hands it shows about 3 million baht black money in it. If the revenue department found out,what's gonna happen

i said by a farang,because i'm thai

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could be a troll.

hmmmm. normally its farangs who are out of pocket in this country , but , if he is a chronically dishonest man , cheating not only you but others and the revenue dept , then perhaps you should send a letter to the authorities.

he probably deserves it.

Edited by taxexile
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i was cheated for the last payment when i worked with a :o farang in a dive shop in Kata,Phuket and somehow he got away with it.He's been doing this for a long time and to many people, if you say his name people in diving business will know him well.

The thing is i know he's cheating the revenue department with a lot of black money. I got evidence in my hands it shows about 3 million baht black money in it. If the revenue department found out,what's gonna happen

i said by a farang,because i'm thai

Big Trouble is what would happen. but why are you bringing this up on a expat site ?

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i was cheated for the last payment when i worked with a :o farang in a dive shop in Kata,Phuket and somehow he got away with it.He's been doing this for a long time and to many people, if you say his name people in diving business will know him well.

The thing is i know he's cheating the revenue department with a lot of black money. I got evidence in my hands it shows about 3 million baht black money in it. If the revenue department found out,what's gonna happen

i said by a farang,because i'm thai

Big Trouble is what would happen. but why are you bringing this up on a expat site ?

Why not bring it up here - its about Thailand and its about an expat!

Plenty stories about Thai's ripping off farangs and farangs ripping off other gfarangs

Farangs ripping off a Thai is not as common (from what I here) so it is news - man bites dog

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well i bring it up here because it's General,so i thought it's ok. But what i want to say now is that not only thais are dishonest ( to farang) there are good and bad in any nationalities,right? So bad people deserves punishment.

Sorry that some of you might have had bad experience about thais, but life is a real pain sometimes.

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and why shouldn't he? isn't this an open forum?

I hate when somebody try to cheat on me. So, i understand your feeling.

Make him pay for it, if you can. :o

doent make any difference farang or not.

shop him ,wont get you ant money but you'll feel better.........

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Hi tb42_So, I'm sorry you got ripped off for a payment that your deserved - I say that sincerely. As you know, it could happen to and from any nationality.

I think it's too extreme to bust him by telling the authorities about him. I suggest you try and have a mature conversation with him to see whether you two can work it out. If that's too difficult (due to threats, etc), then leave him a stern note - but I think threatening to have him busted is going too far.

There's a bit from a movie about tough guys in NYC starring Robert De Niro (Can't recall the name). A young man is talking with a mob boss who he looks up to. Suddenly the young man notices another young man across the street who owes him $20 and tells the boss he's goin to go over and beat up the punk. The boss puts his hand on the young man's shoulder and says, "don't bother. Consider that $20 was worth it just to get that punk out of your life."

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i was cheated for the last payment when i worked with a :o farang in a dive shop in Kata,Phuket and somehow he got away with it.He's been doing this for a long time and to many people, if you say his name people in diving business will know him well.

The thing is i know he's cheating the revenue department with a lot of black money. I got evidence in my hands it shows about 3 million baht black money in it. If the revenue department found out,what's gonna happen

i said by a farang,because i'm thai

Something fishy here. A Thai employee isn't going to have access to the figures, unless you're the accountant. And if they did wouldn't stiff the Thai employee for a paltry sum of money. What does he owe you 5000 baht? 10000?

Local government have been scrutinizing the farang owned dive businesses. If you indeed have evidence take it to the tax office.

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i was cheated for the last payment when i worked with a :o farang in a dive shop in Kata,Phuket and somehow he got away with it.He's been doing this for a long time and to many people, if you say his name people in diving business will know him well.

The thing is i know he's cheating the revenue department with a lot of black money. I got evidence in my hands it shows about 3 million baht black money in it. If the revenue department found out,what's gonna happen

i said by a farang,because i'm thai

Something fishy here. A Thai employee isn't going to have access to the figures, unless you're the accountant. And if they did wouldn't stiff the Thai employee for a paltry sum of money. What does he owe you 5000 baht? 10000?

Local government have been scrutinizing the farang owned dive businesses. If you indeed have evidence take it to the tax office.

Well, there were so many things I'd like to say about a thai being "taken" by a falang, but.. think of every tourist that has been truly overcharged, and even constantly stopped by corrupt police, and government offices who work in the grey areas of charging for services... But then I re-read your Post, what proper english you have typed for working at a dive shop?

Let's focus our energies on a legitamate thread.

Yup, troll.. (who called that first?)

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i was cheated for the last payment when i worked with a :o farang in a dive shop in Kata,Phuket and somehow he got away with it.He's been doing this for a long time and to many people, if you say his name people in diving business will know him well.

The thing is i know he's cheating the revenue department with a lot of black money. I got evidence in my hands it shows about 3 million baht black money in it. If the revenue department found out,what's gonna happen

i said by a farang,because i'm thai

Something fishy here. A Thai employee isn't going to have access to the figures, unless you're the accountant. And if they did wouldn't stiff the Thai employee for a paltry sum of money. What does he owe you 5000 baht? 10000?

Local government have been scrutinizing the farang owned dive businesses. If you indeed have evidence take it to the tax office.

Well, there were so many things I'd like to say about a thai being "taken" by a falang, but.. think of every tourist that has been truly overcharged, and even constantly stopped by corrupt police, and government offices who work in the grey areas of charging for services... But then I re-read your Post, what proper english you have typed for working at a dive shop?

Let's focus our energies on a legitamate thread.

Yup, troll.. (who called that first?)

A troll - because he spells better than you?

Yes - focus indeed.

Why do you assume right off the bat a Thai who has worked at a dive shop could not have good English?

They would be mixing with foreigners every day, would have a lot of literature relating to the business in English would they not?

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^Yes I have a Thai friend who works for one of a large dive company in Kata and he/she speaks english better than many of the tourists who come here. The Thai people I've met who work administration and as instructors are very well educated, well spoken and come from good families.

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Sounds like wishful thinking to me Terry!

But if theres a dodgy farang out there (which there are) then we should at least try and do something to counter them where possible.

For one thing if he's targetting Thais by not paying them it looks pretty bad on the rest of us. Being tarred with the same brush and all that...

To the OP, if you want I can email some people and they can investigate this asshol_e.

If you're telling the truth then maybe they can get this guy named and shamed on a few websites.

If this is a grudge on a personal matter then not much can be done.

TB42, I'm PMing you...

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i was cheated for the last payment when i worked with a :o farang in a dive shop in Kata,Phuket and somehow he got away with it.He's been doing this for a long time and to many people, if you say his name people in diving business will know him well.

The thing is i know he's cheating the revenue department with a lot of black money. I got evidence in my hands it shows about 3 million baht black money in it. If the revenue department found out,what's gonna happen

i said by a farang,because i'm thai

Something fishy here. A Thai employee isn't going to have access to the figures, unless you're the accountant. And if they did wouldn't stiff the Thai employee for a paltry sum of money. What does he owe you 5000 baht? 10000?

Local government have been scrutinizing the farang owned dive businesses. If you indeed have evidence take it to the tax office.

It's 53000 baht he owes

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What do you mean by "black money"? Is it the same stuff the nigerians try to sell to you down by Sukhumvit Soi 3 or what?

Not that he sells anything like that, but he's got an office that's not registered which means he doesn't pay tax or anything but the rent and electric and a guesthouse too. Money from guesthouse goes to his pocket 100%.

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I also suggest you try to solve this by talking to him first. Now, we don't know his side of the story of course, only yours.

If it really was a blatant ripoff, then you should seek a lawyer and take him to court. Whether you want to nail him for tax fraud or not, is up to you and your conscience of course. I would consider it if I had done nothing wrong, and seen him do the same thing to others. If it is part of his business practices not to pay his employees for work performed then he should be stopped. I understand Phuket has a labour union. Perhaps they could help.

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Well, there were so many things I'd like to say about a thai being "taken" by a falang, but.. think of every tourist that has been truly overcharged, and even constantly stopped by corrupt police, and government offices who work in the grey areas of charging for services... But then I re-read your Post, what proper english you have typed for working at a dive shop?

Let's focus our energies on a legitamate thread.

Yup, troll.. (who called that first?)

I have to presume that English is not your first language. If it is, may i suggest a refresher course at night school?

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