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Pain Kilers


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Hi All

Which strong pain killers pills can anyone of you recommend me which is available in Thai pharmacy ?

For Knee and sholder joints for playing sports before games.



You won't get "strong" pain killers from a Thai pharmacy.. Most of that stuff (Codein etc) can only be kept (by law) in a registered hospital.

Ibuprofen (Advil/Brufen) is the most common drug used in these circumstances but can cause real damage to stomach and kidneys (in cases of dehydration) if taken before playing any games.. NOT a good idea.

Causes gastric irritation any time in susceptible people.

Serious medication should always be taken under guidance of a qualified physician..

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if you have problem with joints than take glucosamine and not the painkillers.

taking them you will damage your joints even more - playing rough sports is not the best idea.

get some good massage treatments from a therapist who can address your problems and don't do just a routine

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I've seen Tramal capsules here, both original {Grünenthal} and generic which were available without prescription.


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If you can get Tramadol over the counter then that should be strong enough. If it isn't I would suggest you seek professional help.

As pain killers only mask the problem not cure it, you are in danger of allowing yourself to cause more damage without your body's defence mechanism telling you to stop.


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How old are you Titus and what kind of sports do you play? Height and weight?

Past injuries? Regular workout regimen? Pre-game regimen? Ever been treated for these symptoms? Where, by whom, what did they tell you? What pain meds and how much have you taken in the past? Any opioids/"narcotics"? What worked for you, if anything?

Etc. etc.

Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've seen Tramal capsules here, both original {Grünenthal} and generic which were available without prescription.


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If you can get Tramadol over the counter then that should be strong enough. If it isn't I would suggest you seek professional help.

As pain killers only mask the problem not cure it, you are in danger of allowing yourself to cause more damage without your body's defence mechanism telling you to stop.


YES you can get Tramadol over the counter, I always buy a 500 pill tub..

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If I understand correctly, you want something you can take before playing sports.

You won't be able to play very well if you take tramadol beforehand, it has a depressent/sedating effect.

Best bet would be an NSAID, but be sure to take with food to avoid stomach irritation. And don't take if any history of bleeding disorder or ulcer.

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NSAID-s are here in Thailand, I have had 2 sripts of them, but I do not know if they are OTC. Truth is, I once asked for Ambien at a lage mall Pharmacy in BKK. They said they did not carry it but had something similar. I asked if I could buy it, they said.... Normally you need a persription. By that, I presume that there are Abnormal circumstances, when it is sold to the public without a sript?

I did not buy any, because I did not want to ask the pharmacist to jepordize their job. Which they probably due on a daily basis any how.

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Using any pain killer (even NSAID) before exercise may allow an injury to be sustained and worsened before you realise the extent of the injury. Tramadol is the strongest OTC and does contain a weak opioid that can cause constipation and have withdrawal symptoms with continued use. Also would make you turn up positive to a piss test too I imagine, not that that would ever happen to you...

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Using any pain killer (even NSAID) before exercise may allow an injury to be sustained and worsened before you realise the extent of the injury. Tramadol is the strongest OTC and does contain a weak opioid that can cause constipation and have withdrawal symptoms with continued use. Also would make you turn up positive to a piss test too I imagine, not that that would ever happen to you...

Yep, I found that to be true back several decades ago when I worked out. If I took motrin or something of the sort I would be very sore the next day because I could not monitor what was really going on.

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If your joint problems are related to arthritis (degenerative joints), you might try a new drug called Artrodar (aka Diacerein). link

It was prescribed for me by a doctor (orthopedic surgeon) in Bangkok who specializes in joint problems. It is a 4th generation NSAID made in Switzerland. I take it once a day and it has made a remarkable difference for me. My shoulder feels better than it has for a decade.

Initially, I got it at the hospital pharmacy (expensive). It took me awhile to find it at a regular pharmacy, but I finally did at SC Bhaesaj on Rama IV Rd. (across from Chulalongkorn Hospital). It's next door to the Pan Pacific Hotel (walking in the opposite direction from Silom Rd.)

I also take glucosamine three times a day. link

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