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Teeth Extraction For Two-yr-old

Captain Haddock

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My 2.3-yr-old has four little brownish upper incisors rather than pearly white big front teeth. We went to Mission Hospital in Bangkok on Monday, where a dentist looked at her briefly and recommended we return next Wednesday to see the specialist. The dentist thought my daughter would need to have her four top teeth out.

The rest of her teeth are fine and white, and we do brush her teeth and not give her sugars to drink. She was on mum's milk for two years, plus fruit and so on, but nothing to excess. It seems the top incisors have not fared as well as the rest of her teeth so far. Is removing them the only option?

Can any dentist out there give me some general advice on this?

Many thanks.

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What Im guessing happened here is you had been seen by just a normal dentist. Dont take 1 dentists opinion at heart only. Go see another center like Bumrungrad and get another opinion. Better yet go to a pediatric dentist.

There could be many reasons here and from your descriptions it seems unclear what the problem is.

The tooth could be just too decayed due to cavities, periodontal diseases or plain old genetics or chance. The tooth could be dead or dying for any number of reasons including bumps or hard bites into solid things. The bodies immune systems may have been compromised past or present and the body was/is focusing on healing things rather than those teeth. Maybe he had been through some illness or being unwell or more serious things like measles chickenpox.

Fluoride use even antibiotics on him or the mother whilst being pregnant

The treatment depending on the problem can range anywhere from Tooth extraction to pulpotomy to doing absolutely nothing. Just depends on the underlying cause and what the actual problem is.

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