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Alternative Auction Websites To Ebay? (& Paypal Too?)

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Can anyone recommend any "worthwhile" online sites as an alternative to Ebay and its partner in crime Paypal.com?

From Selling point of view? (myself it is eBook selling... my own ebook.. so no digs about peddling copied stuff please! :D )

I say "worthwhile", meaning...

myself personally I cannot think of ONE major competitor to Ebay!!!! ( and I am sure there is plenty of tiny online selling web sites but almost a waste of time going to bother of posting the stuff you want to sell).

Can anyone recommend any competitors of ebay? What is your experience selling on them?

Also Paypal.com goes hand in hand with Ebay... again, I cannot think of myself of who Paypal e.g. 2 main competitors might be??

any suggestions?

Today I was trying to set up a Thai friend on ebay and paypal, just as a little pocket money business for them, and the amount of Red Tape, with both ebay & paypal is a massive main in butt. Its like a modern online high tech version of a Trade Union Shop Stewart of the 1970s, Scargil & Tatcher (ol bag maggie!! :o )!!

I got so fed up with both, only I promised I d do this for someone, I was going to scrap the idea.

Had my own BS with paypal & ebay in the past. Simple thing like changing and address and not have a utility bill from 2 years ago re old address, causes such a major pain, round & round for weeks to get something straight forward, and gormless auto emails!

Anyway any recommendations for competitors of both would be great. I think ebay & paypal must be 2 of the few corporations in the world where nearest 2 - 3 competitors to me, seem pretty invisible. Not very good for the consumer that!


May check out: www.proxibid.com/ or got to: www.auctionfinderonline.com to find an auction for your business.

Hope it helps a bit!


Thanx Reimar... I will give them a look.

I am sick of eBay!!! ebay needs an online auction "Ryan Air" style competitor to come up and give the people a choice (paypay too)!.



many have lost lots of money with Pay Pal....Pal pal has frozed many accounts for lame reasons, most people who may have a few 100 dollars may just forget about it and open a new Pay Pal account....checkout nopaypal.com a goood site to read.......your money is very much at risk and the crap they say about being safe is a bunch of bull...I have a real merchant account to tkae credit cards, but NOW ebay will force you to use eBay or foce ou to link a Pay Pal account to your eBay account even if you have your own merchant account....they are just to greedy....just back in 2001 you could post links to yor web site on your ebay auction, but now you iwll get banned just for that....if you say you take google checkout you will get banned or you listing will NOT even list......and if eBay does ban you for any reason they will contact your buyers and tell them NOT to pay....then eBay will force you to pay the sales commision on all the auctions the sold evn the ones that did NOT pay......the BS they get away with is unreal....if I was a buisness and did what eBay and Pay Pal are doing I would be in Jail...I am sure any of us would....the western way big business get away with anything.....I hope google opens and auction site.......yahoo is usless tryed them a few years back....buyers could change a positve to a neg months after they leave you feedback...Not sure if that has changed...yhaoo does NOT even promote thier auction so no wounder it is not doing any goood.....the fact is if you want to sale you must use eBay....unless google come in


Have you had a look at Amazon Marketplace? This allows you to sell through the amazon website. I've no idea how it is for the seller, only looked as a buyer.


Can anyone recommend any "worthwhile" online sites as an alternative to Ebay and its partner in crime Paypal.com?

From Selling point of view? (myself it is eBook selling... my own ebook.. so no digs about peddling copied stuff please! :D )

I say "worthwhile", meaning...

myself personally I cannot think of ONE major competitor to Ebay!!!! ( and I am sure there is plenty of tiny online selling web sites but almost a waste of time going to bother of posting the stuff you want to sell).

Can anyone recommend any competitors of ebay? What is your experience selling on them?

Also Paypal.com goes hand in hand with Ebay... again, I cannot think of myself of who Paypal e.g. 2 main competitors might be??

any suggestions?

Today I was trying to set up a Thai friend on ebay and paypal, just as a little pocket money business for them, and the amount of Red Tape, with both ebay & paypal is a massive main in butt. Its like a modern online high tech version of a Trade Union Shop Stewart of the 1970s, Scargil & Tatcher (ol bag maggie!! :o )!!

I got so fed up with both, only I promised I d do this for someone, I was going to scrap the idea.

Had my own BS with paypal & ebay in the past. Simple thing like changing and address and not have a utility bill from 2 years ago re old address, causes such a major pain, round & round for weeks to get something straight forward, and gormless auto emails!

Anyway any recommendations for competitors of both would be great. I think ebay & paypal must be 2 of the few corporations in the world where nearest 2 - 3 competitors to me, seem pretty invisible. Not very good for the consumer that!

What is the point of mentioning that you have written an ebook if you are not going to plug it? :D

Please provide more information.

many have lost lots of money with Pay Pal....Pal pal has frozed many accounts for lame reasons, most people who may have a few 100 dollars may just forget about it and open a new Pay Pal account....checkout nopaypal.com a goood site to read.......your money is very much at risk and the crap they say about being safe is a bunch of bull...I have a real merchant account to tkae credit cards, but NOW ebay will force you to use eBay or foce ou to link a Pay Pal account to your eBay account even if you have your own merchant account....they are just to greedy....just back in 2001 you could post links to yor web site on your ebay auction, but now you iwll get banned just for that....if you say you take google checkout you will get banned or you listing will NOT even list......and if eBay does ban you for any reason they will contact your buyers and tell them NOT to pay....then eBay will force you to pay the sales commision on all the auctions the sold evn the ones that did NOT pay......the BS they get away with is unreal....if I was a buisness and did what eBay and Pay Pal are doing I would be in Jail...I am sure any of us would....the western way big business get away with anything.....I hope google opens and auction site.......yahoo is usless tryed them a few years back....buyers could change a positve to a neg months after they leave you feedback...Not sure if that has changed...yhaoo does NOT even promote thier auction so no wounder it is not doing any goood.....the fact is if you want to sale you must use eBay....unless google come in

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