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Thais And Looking Rich


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I was in Paragon Mall last week and couldn't help but notice how excrutiatingly hard many Thai men and women there try to look excessively Hi-So. It's pretty obnoxious how they saunter around like they're a Thai superstar or mogul at a country club... I can only tolerate being there for a short time and then it wears on me. I'm starting to feel that Thai men with a little money are nothing but oversexed, adulteristic, big-face-chasing egotists. Anyone feel the same? While I'm on a roll I also must say that I'm also bored of the little cuffed shorts, ambiguous top, and flat shoes that the younger Hi-So-striving women wear. All that excess precision makeup work too. They all look like clones! Why all the effort to impress others? Any ideas?

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This is what happends in all countries, especially with girls, girls will always dress nicely and the blokes also want to look good.

I find you may feel like this in any country you go to.

I actually find it disturbing that Thai people actuall breathe in air like other humans do too? strange that hey

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Appearance and 'face' are everything. Thais will buy a BMW and sleep on the floor in a B2000 a month room just to look good to their associates who rarely come to their room.

If you have enough money to feel comfortable, without being rich, some people have no need to 'show off'.

Thais will buy 'expensive' (relatively) watches because it's part of the uniform.

Don't let it get to you, smile and see through it.

BTW, are you Thai lady or farang, if you don't mind me asking? :o

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people with low self esteem need validation from strangers (ie attention from strangers), but in the end if you are not happy with yourself you wont be happy no matter how much prada you own

additionally, excessive shopping is usually a form of self medication used to fill an emotional void in one's life

Edited by bingobongo
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Yeah, and while we're at it, what about those farang men trying to 'big themselves up' and look HISO by wearing a counterfeit Rolex or Breitling? Don't they know that if you're gonna have the slightest chance of passing that off, it's best not to partner it with a soiled Beer Chang vest, a tattooeod neck, a ludicrously oversized amulet (to 'fit in'), and the obligatory four foot ten little brown accessory trailing a few feet behing him, yabbering into a mobile phone in Thai to her friends about what an idiot he is.

Oh, the shame . . .

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I always thought excessive shopping was just a female thing.

Look the dressing up nicely is just to look good, i dont see why it should get to anyone here, you should see what its like on a Thursday night in Sydney's malls, the young ones are out and dresses in the shortest shirts and all look like there going clubbing.

I tend to also think the asian ladies look after themselves alot better in the dressing up department. Nothing wrong with that. But buying nice cars they cant afford etc is a totally different topic

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actually termed as affluenza......but it isnt confined to the West, just more prevalent


Affluenza is a social condition arising from being, or desiring to be, materially wealthy, or to "Keep up with the Joneses." Affluenza is symptomatic of a culture that prides financial success as one of the highest pursuits to be achieved and can be found (according to those who believe the condition exists) amongst people who are just relatively wealthy, or even merely in regular contact with, via the media, images of those who are


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Yeah, and while we're at it, what about those farang men trying to 'big themselves up' and look HISO by wearing a counterfeit Rolex or Breitling? Don't they know that if you're gonna have the slightest chance of passing that off, it's best not to partner it with a soiled Beer Chang vest, a tattooeod neck, a ludicrously oversized amulet (to 'fit in'), and the obligatory four foot ten little brown accessory trailing a few feet behing him, yabbering into a mobile phone in Thai to her friends about what an idiot he is.

Oh, the shame . . .

I dont know why that made me laugh so much. But I think trying to look good is a good thing, i mean if they went shopping looking like they just woke up then there would be a topic about how grubby they look etc. Thais just cant win

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I have to say I find this highly amusing also! :o

Personally I prefer to keep my 'wealth' undercover you know - I'll be the one in Camo shorts and t-shirt in say Tiffanys . . . but I'll actually buy someting . . . not there just to gaze at all shiny things. I've done this in London, Singapore, Sydney and Bangkok . .. . people who serve in these kind of shops get used to seeing the window shoppers and can spot the serious ones regardless of looks.

People seem to think that you need to show for people to believe you have money, the comment on the make up is spot on. I just do not understand why they need to trowel it on, but then again with the amount of hi-so tv shows where even the kids are made up then it shouldn't really come as a surprise!

I just don't understand why people put the need to 'show' ahead of practicality!

Thankfully Laos isn't quite so hi-so driven! Not saying there isn't some morons around as there certainly is however there is just less of places for them to show! :D

Edited by technocracy
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Yeah, and while we're at it, what about those farang men trying to 'big themselves up' and look HISO by wearing a counterfeit Rolex or Breitling? Don't they know that if you're gonna have the slightest chance of passing that off, it's best not to partner it with a soiled Beer Chang vest, a tattooeod neck, a ludicrously oversized amulet (to 'fit in'), and the obligatory four foot ten little brown accessory trailing a few feet behing him, yabbering into a mobile phone in Thai to her friends about what an idiot he is.

Oh, the shame . . .

OH, you saw me then, you should have come over and said hello. :o

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I dont know why that made me laugh so much. But I think trying to look good is a good thing, i mean if they went shopping looking like they just woke up then there would be a topic about how grubby they look etc. Thais just cant win

Not the affluent male ones anyway, TheDon, particularly from malcontent farang who innately believe that being white they have more right to be affluent than these strange exotic creatures.

The bottom line? We want them to be poor and subservient. That way we can steal their women, get drunk on their streets and swan around like pigs in shit, thinking we're far superior.

When we find that many of them are rather intelligent, ambitious and - god forbid - have money in their bank accounts it upsets our view of the natural world order - hence hissy fits like that of the OP.

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Hey there are alot of wealthier people in Thailand now, maybe they are actually pretty rich and like to dress nice because they can afford it.

I know some farangs who cant stand Thai's who are richer then them and will always use the "i bet there mums were bar girls" excuse so he can make him feel better about himself.

One thing i notice with some farangs, If a western girl walked across the road and nearly gets run over the western guy will say what an idiot driver, he should watch where he is going, if the Thai girl did the same thing it would be that silly girl crosses the road without looking, how silly is she etc.

My point is that a few farangs in Thailand seem to see Thai's as doing anything wrong even if they know it happends in farang land.

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I'm sure the OP would be just itchin' in his/her own skin that most wealthy folks here DO keep their wealth undercover. Agree with TL above that most posts of these type are a projection of insecurity, as there are noveau riche everywhere in the world (just look at the legions that were created in the dot com boom: from those who were actual NR to those who barely cleared a lucky $50k from a handful of eBay shares), and while they may be amusing to inwardly chuckle at, only those who were questioning their own self worth would take it home and post about it online.


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I was in Paragon Mall last week and couldn't help but notice how excrutiatingly hard many Thai men and women there try to look excessively Hi-So. It's pretty obnoxious how they saunter around like they're a Thai superstar or mogul at a country club... I can only tolerate being there for a short time and then it wears on me. I'm starting to feel that Thai men with a little money are nothing but oversexed, adulteristic, big-face-chasing egotists. Anyone feel the same? While I'm on a roll I also must say that I'm also bored of the little cuffed shorts, ambiguous top, and flat shoes that the younger Hi-So-striving women wear. All that excess precision makeup work too. They all look like clones! Why all the effort to impress others? Any ideas?

I have to say I'm pretty amazed that anyone would get worked up enough to start a thread in Thai Visa about how Thais dress in a shopping Mall in Bangkok.

Resentment, jealousy and frustration - even hatred - seems to pour out of your very pores. :o

I suggest you get a life and stop worrying about what clothes Thais choose to wear when they go shopping and come down to sunny Pattaya and have a good laugh at those......

farang men trying to 'big themselves up' and look HISO by wearing a counterfeit Rolex or Breitling? Don't they know that if you're gonna have the slightest chance of passing that off, it's best not to partner it with a soiled Beer Chang vest, a tattooeod neck, a ludicrously oversized amulet (to 'fit in'), and the obligatory four foot ten little brown accessory trailing a few feet behing him, yabbering into a mobile phone in Thai to her friends about what an idiot he is.

.....that Bendix was telling us about :D

Much more fun, and better for your blood pressure :D

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Yeah, and while we're at it, what about those farang men trying to 'big themselves up' and look HISO by wearing a counterfeit Rolex or Breitling? Don't they know that if you're gonna have the slightest chance of passing that off, it's best not to partner it with a soiled Beer Chang vest, a tattooeod neck, a ludicrously oversized amulet (to 'fit in'), and the obligatory four foot ten little brown accessory trailing a few feet behing him, yabbering into a mobile phone in Thai to her friends about what an idiot he is.

Oh, the shame . . .

:o:D :D

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"Thais will buy a BMW and sleep on the floor in a B2000 a month room"

Oh really?

Again, another self projection post.

Scenario 1: and they were able to pay 3-12 million (not sure what the 7 series are going for nowadays, I drive a Honda) cash. Yeah sure, and they'd be renting a 2,000 Baht a month room.

Scenario 2: they finance 80-90%. Yeah sure, folks living in 2,000 Baht a month rooms would be able to afford the 80,000-100,000 a month payments.


p.s. we actually have a few strips of 1,000 - 2,500 Baht a month rooms for rent in the extended family. The typical transportation is motorcycle, saleng (converted bicycle/cart type setup), or foot. On the rare occasion that someone has a car, it's either a 20 year old pickup or one of the first Mazda's that came off the boat here.

Edited by Heng
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I'm sure the OP would be just itchin' in his/her own skin that most wealthy folks here DO keep their wealth undercover. Agree with TL above that most posts of these type are a projection of insecurity, as there are noveau riche everywhere in the world (just look at the legions that were created in the dot com boom: from those who were actual NR to those who barely cleared a lucky $50k from a handful of eBay shares), and while they may be amusing to inwardly chuckle at, only those who were questioning their own self worth would take it home and post about it online.


bingo! :o

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In the west, among educated people, it is considered poor taste to flaunt your wealth, and morally repugnant to try to flaunt wealth you don't have.

But the Thai desire to appear "hi-so" is not devoid of a moral aspect, as some posters have suggested. Rather a person who is financially successful is thought to have achieved a deserved success as a result of being a good person, perhaps in his or her previous life. Luck is thought not to be accidental. Hence the furious merit-making activities.

Of course there are those who admire the rich simply because of the power associated with wealth in a developing country. Obviously you can buy a lot of happiness and solve many sticky problems here if you have enough money.

The Thai obsession with looking good is one of their most endearing yet annoying traits. My wife can't leave the house, even to pick up a few things at Lotus, without an hour in front of the mirror.

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When we find that many of them are rather intelligent, ambitious and - god forbid - have money in their bank accounts it upsets our view of the natural world order - hence hissy fits like that of the OP.

How do you feel about it personally? Can you live comfortably amongst rich Thais?

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and speaking of Paragon, is that place making any money do you think. does anyone actually BUY anything there??? all i see is a bunch of students and lookie-loos window shopping and like you say, trying to see and be seen. besides the starbucks and food courts and other restos, i can't help wondering if any other merchants there do any business. to me, the whole project seems like a big white elephant :o

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^ that's what people have been saying about Siam Center, Discovery Center, and the Emporium since they opened. I'd imagine there are folks who are living farther out who say the same thing about each Central, the Mall, and Home Pro branch as well.


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I'm not insecure about it at all. I live in a wealthy area in the US and see serious material excesses on a daily basis...but the difference here is that the people here who are truly wealthy don't put on a big show like you see in Thailand. Most big rich types who are used to living the large lifestyle don't have time for that nonsense.

Another thing to those who call me insecure- are you assuming I'm poor?

Edited by papaya9
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I am sure you are smart enough to see the flaw in your logic, but maybe not. Have you considered that there are very rich Thais who dress in a normal fashion but you don't know they are rich because they are dressed normal so you go and assume that only the Thais that are dressed excessively are rich?... I just want to know how you know that these people dressed in normal attire aren't wealthy? Have you conducted a poll?

"those who call me insecure- are you assuming I'm poor?"

Are you going to post a photo of you next to a rental car if we say yes?

Edited by TonyLeung
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I'm not insecure about it at all. I live in a wealthy area in the US and see serious material excesses on a daily basis...but the difference here is that the people here who are truly wealthy don't put on a big show like you see in Thailand. Most big rich types who are used to living the large lifestyle don't have time for that nonsense.

Ahhhhh. Now it becomes clearer. You're an American who lives in America.

Here's a tip. The world is a big place. Sometimes - in some faraway places (much further away than Baltimore even) - there are different countries, peopled by different people who speak different languages, eat different food and have different cultures.

I know they look strange. Alien even. But it doesnt make them better or worse - just different.

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When we find that many of them are rather intelligent, ambitious and - god forbid - have money in their bank accounts it upsets our view of the natural world order - hence hissy fits like that of the OP.

How do you feel about it personally? Can you live comfortably amongst rich Thais?

I'm not prejudiced. I despise everyone equally :o

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