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She Says She Is Pregnant!


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I'm a Farang guy. My Thai girl just told me she was only pretending to take the birth control pills and now is pregnant.

I am not sure if this is some crazy lie or not. She is definitely capable of getting all emotional and making up a story to see my reaction. I also wouldn't put it past her to stop taking the pill.

Either way, she is totally crazy and I definitely don't want a baby with this psycho. I want an abortion. I think she wants to keep it. I say "think" because she didn't answer any of my questions. I was screaming at her on the phone and she might just change her number and contact me in 9 months with her hands out. I don't want to reward this irrational behavoir and give her money for 18 years. But, of course, poor kid would be a victim. Forking out the cash would be a huge expense for me.

Whether or not I would give this crazy woman money, I tried to make her believe I would disappear, leave Thailand, just so she wouldn't keep the kid as a way to get money.

Anyway, the reason I'm writing this is I don't know what the hel_l to do. I have no control in this situation. If she ducks out and starts asking for money in a year, am I legally obligated? If my income is coming from a Thai company, does she get a cut?

I would appreciate any advice or sympathy. But do not get on my case about this. I don't need some dick head preacher on a forum chewing me out for my lack of discretion or morals.

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Ok, I wont be a dic* head preacher. From my understanding of reading other posts on here this lady would be entitled to some form of child support from you. Others more knowledgeable on the subject I'm sure will give you the details.

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Either way, she is totally crazy and I definitely don't want a baby with this psycho. I want an abortion. I think she wants to keep it. I say "think" because she didn't answer any of my questions. I was screaming at her on the phone and she might just change her number and contact me in 9 months with her hands out. I don't want to reward this irrational behavoir

You were screaming at her on the phone?

She is the only irrational one?


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y guys have sex with crazy chicks is beyond me. nothijng good can cum of it . spend yr munney on good gurls..........lol.

u just like otehr guy u knw thy nutts yet dont run away. i say pay her, get a job and be a man.

Edited by blizzard
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y guys have sex with crazy chicks is beyond me. nothijng good can cum of it . spend yr munney on good gurls..........lol.

Thats your though, and advice?

Isnt it so that half of all marriages in the west go down the drain, and a lot of them end quite ugly?

Have we not read many stories about wonderful marriages that end with one of the parts behaving quite crazy?

Help our single friends here and tell them how to pick a good one.

Especially how to spot a non-crazy girl that one just started to date (or having sex with).

Come on, give us all some good pointers here.


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How funny is this? This is what happends if you stay with a phsyco

How can you tell from the story that the lady is a phsyco?

She might be.

But how can you tell?

If the story is true (IF), we read about a woman that wanted to get pregnant (for some reason), like I'm 100% sure we all have observed in our own countries.

Then we read about the potential father that absolutely refuse to have a baby with this woman.

Oh yes, he also calls her irrational and crazy.

And from this you know she definately is a physco?

Yes, probably a troll, but a good story to discuss since it can be true.

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How funny is this? This is what happends if you stay with a phsyco

How can you tell from the story that the lady is a phsyco?

She might be.

But how can you tell?

If the story is true (IF), we read about a woman that wanted to get pregnant (for some reason), like I'm 100% sure we all have observed in our own countries.

Then we read about the potential father that absolutely refuse to have a baby with this woman.

Oh yes, he also calls her irrational and crazy.

And from this you know she definately is a physco?

Yes, probably a troll, but a good story to discuss since it can be true.

He is the one who says it. Plus it goes boh ways, there are men who gets a girl pregnant and wont want to father the child and girls who will get pregnant on purpose. But to me this looks like a troll

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If she is pregnant, then regardless of how crazy the mother is, or how stupid the father was, he has a duty to provide for that child. You can try blaming her for not taking her pills but when you voluntarily have unprotected sex with someone you consider a psycho you really have nobody to blame but yourself.

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If she is pregnant, then regardless of how crazy the mother is, or how stupid the father was, he has a duty to provide for that child. You can try blaming her for not taking her pills but when you voluntarily have unprotected sex with someone you consider a psycho you really have nobody to blame but yourself.

Absolutely 100% agree with you.

Of course, if it turns out that a lady in a case like this is pregnant, and indeed a little unstable, maybe a little test to prove that he is the father is in place.

If all confirmed, then I strongly believe in supporting the child.

Regardless of the relationship between the parents.

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I agree cdnvic, he cant just say I want her to have an abortion, if its yours onion man, you do the manly thing and take care of it.

True or not, I dont know if she is pregnant, but one thing I can tell you is, if you met this girl on your hols and in a bar and had lets say a couple of nights with her and thats it, and you returned home and she says she is pregnant, although not 100% certain, id saying she was lying for sure, and trying to scam you for money.

Saying you are pregnant is one of the most common bargirl scams out there.

My guess is, this was his first time in los, met this girl in a bar one night, exchanged numbers and now she is trying to scam him.

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Wow, It was like I posted, got a beer and all these replies. I guess lots of insomniacs here. Or maybe those not in Thailand.

I guess I need to say... she is not my girlfriend. I been dating her for almost a year. She lives in Hua Hin, I live in Bangkok. I she used to stay with me on weekends. Cooking, cleaning. Really sweet.

I "date" lots of girls. I don't go with prostitutes. I don't pay for sex. I don't give money to girls. The most I do is buy street food for them.

But I do "see" a few other girls. Perhaps one would say many other girls. The pregnant psycho knew that. I was totally honest. I alwasy told her she could stop seeing me if she didn't like it. Totally her choice. No pressure. She was my regular girl. We got tested for HIV together. We decided to have unprotected sex WITH BIRTH CONTROL. She just didn't swallow the dam_n pills because she's so f***ing crazy.

Yes, I know that is probably the root of a lot of her irrational behavior.

She was always all "I love you" and I was always telling her not to say that and I don't want a full time girlfriend (especially an unstable one like that). Perhaps this is her way of keeping me around. Sh*t, who knows. There is no speculating with crazy, emotional, irrational women like this.


Without doubt....a troll

What is a troll?

Either way, she is totally crazy and I definitely don't want a baby with this psycho. I want an abortion. I think she wants to keep it. I say "think" because she didn't answer any of my questions. I was screaming at her on the phone and she might just change her number and contact me in 9 months with her hands out. I don't want to reward this irrational behavoir

You were screaming at her on the phone?

She is the only irrational one?


Man, wouldn't you scream if she told you "I stopped taking the pills (because im f***ing irrational and crazy)". She just decided to make me a father without mentioning it to me. How selfish is that? And... how crazy is that? Would a rational person do such a thing? Hahaha, totally not!

How funny is this? This is what happends if you stay with a phsyco

I'm not gonna stay with this psycho. Actually I dont ever want to see her again. I'm trying to convice her to come to BKK and we'll go to the hospital together. Then I would try to warm her up to the idea of an abortion. If she doesn't want that, I will continue to lead her to believe she will be a single mother with no child support from the father who has moved away to a far off country never to be seen again. Hopefully that will have her realize her crazy plan won't work.

My thai girlfriend?????

How long have you been with her onion man??


Almost a year, just on weekends.

If she is pregnant, then regardless of how crazy the mother is, or how stupid the father was, he has a duty to provide for that child.

Yes, unfortunately the crazy women know this and use it against us. They abuse the fact that if they make the decision on their own, without consulting the guy, they can trap the guy for life, make him a father and grab him by the financial balls.

You can try blaming her for not taking her pills but when you voluntarily have unprotected sex with someone you consider a psycho you really have nobody to blame but yourself.

That is like saying "if you try to cross the street in Bangkok and get hit by a speeding taxi, it is all your fault". No way man. I have someone to blame that is not myself. I blame her. Totally and completely. Of course I should have looked both ways even tho the light was green. But some people don't play by the same, sane rules.

I agree cdnvic, he cant just say I want her to have an abortion, if its yours onion man, you do the manly thing and take care of it.

True or not, I dont know if she is pregnant, but one thing I can tell you is, if you met this girl on your hols and in a bar and had lets say a couple of nights with her and thats it, and you returned home and she says she is pregnant, although not 100% certain, id saying she was lying for sure, and trying to scam you for money.

Saying you are pregnant is one of the most common bargirl scams out there.

My guess is, this was his first time in los, met this girl in a bar one night, exchanged numbers and now she is trying to scam him.

Scotty, actually I known this girl for almost a year. I been in Bangkok almost 4 years. So I know how XXXXXX trick guys. It totally sounded like I was a rookie tho, ur right. Rookie mistake.

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Yes, unfortunately the crazy women know this and use it against us. They abuse the fact that if they make the decision on their own, without consulting the guy, they can trap the guy for life, make him a father and grab him by the financial balls.

By the sounds of it, a condom had a good chance of solving this problem. Never have unprotected sex with someone you aren't comfortable with raising your child. That's not my rule, it's nature's.

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You say you been with this so called PSYCHO for 1 year right?

If she was so much of a psycho mate, why stay with her for 1 year?

Seems she is a PSYCHO is your eyes now you have got her up the duff ah kid, but she wasnt a psycho when she was cleaning and cooking for you was she?

The others are right, your not man enough to take care, and for the babys sake only, I hope she aint pregnant, cos you aint man enough...................

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You say you been with this so called PSYCHO for 1 year right?

If she was so much of a psycho mate, why stay with her for 1 year?

Seems she is a PSYCHO is your eyes now you have got her up the duff ah kid, but she wasnt a psycho when she was cleaning and cooking for you was she?

The others are right, your not man enough to take care, and for the babys sake only, I hope she aint pregnant, cos you aint man enough...................

I have to agree with you here. I think what makes her psycho to him is that she got pregnant.

A little constructive advice, tell her you don't want a kid or any woman with a kid. Make her believe that you will have nothing to do with her IF she has the kid but you will be around if she doesn't. If it turns out she is pregnant and she keeps it you step up and be a man. You take care of the kids financial needs AND you try to be around sometimes for the kid. Resposibility for a child is a hel_l of a lot more than sending some money every month. She may have been deceitful in putting the obligation on you but it is your obligation just the same and it isn't to her it is to the child.

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...What is a troll?...

On ThaiVisa, quite often a troll is a poster who, when accused of being a troll, asks “What is a troll?”

A good definition of a troll is as follows:

“An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who intentionally posts controversial or contrary messages in an on-line community such as an on-line discussion forum with the intention of baiting users into an argumentative response.”

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_Internet--


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My guess is, this was his first time in los, met this girl in a bar one night, exchanged numbers and now she is trying to scam him.

Scotty, actually I known this girl for almost a year. I been in Bangkok almost 4 years. So I know how whores trick guys. It totally sounded like I was a rookie tho, ur right. Rookie mistake.

But you said she wasn't a whore but a girl who cooked and cleaned for you, or did I misunderstand? You seem to want to have your cake and eat it, but when the going gets a little tough, you start screaming blue murder at the girl who cooked, cleaned, kept your bed warm for you on your little w/end jaunts to Hua Hin and now could quite likely be the mother of your child. Grow up and be a man!! :o

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From what I've read here, this certainly sounds like a scam.

Tell her NOW, that when the baby is born (if in fact she is pregnant) you will demand a DNA test to prove that the child is in fact YOURS and HERS. I would say continue to see her to have peace of mind to see if she has a big tummy. If its a scam, she might not want to see you again until the baby is born and that alone should make you suspicious.

I'm sure that threat of the DNA test may change things.

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From what I've read here, this certainly sounds like a scam.

Tell her NOW, that when the baby is born (if in fact she is pregnant) you will demand a DNA test to prove that the child is in fact YOURS and HERS. I would say continue to see her to have peace of mind to see if she has a big tummy. If its a scam, she might not want to see you again until the baby is born and that alone should make you suspicious.

I'm sure that threat of the DNA test may change things.

And if the child belongs to him?

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I am a new father of a 15 day old little girl. Your comments and questions make me sick! What if she is telling the truth! She has cared for you. cleaned for you, slept in your bed for a year! All the while your off being a butterfly man! And you call her a crazy! You poor excuse of a man! Go back to her, beg for forgiveness for you terrible behaviour! Own up and be a man!

Look into these little eyes and say you want to kill her!

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I am a new father of a 15 day old little girl. Your comments and questions make me sick! What if she is telling the truth! She has cared for you. cleaned for you, slept in your bed for a year! All the while your off being a butterfly man! And you call her a crazy! You poor excuse of a man! Go back to her, beg for forgiveness for you terrible behaviour! Own up and be a man!

Look into these little eyes and say you want to kill her!

Hear Hear

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