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Hydroponic Farming


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I heard that there will be an online hydroponic store in Thailand very soon. The company has been in the business for over 30 years overseas. They will be an English version for westerners living in Asia but mainly in Thailand.

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  • 1 month later...

I heard that there will be an online hydroponic store in Thailand very soon. The company has been in the business for over 30 years overseas. They will be an English version for westerners living in Asia but mainly in Thailand.

Any updates???


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  • 1 month later...

I heard that there will be an online hydroponic store in Thailand very soon. The company has been in the business for over 30 years overseas. They will be an English version for westerners living in Asia but mainly in Thailand.

Any updates???


Any update?? #3 A url, anything??


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Hello All, my BER problem has seemed to have stopped, again, most of the toms with BER

were my Hyb. paste tom, the OP Indigo Apple had a few and the PBT-Dye OP had 1 fruit.

The PBT-Dye are good eating and can be beautiful looking. The first 4 pic's are over the past

few days(bottom shots), the last of the 4 was last evening, my heavest so far. And a side


Some from 2/21. My helper and whats getting ready to pick.


The look good rice, how has everything been?



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Hi Rice, all is good, just wondering how did the nutrient go on your toms and chilli's, was the EC in the leachate { drainage } stable? Also Rice , what do you think the BER was caused from?



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Hello All, Scoop1, I don't have any numbers on the past grow leachate, I'm very bad at taking notes

and keeping records, but your formula has given me the best results I've had in the past 15 years doing

hydro here in LOS.

I was going to seed flats this weekend, but, it's raining lick a MFer now, too muddy to get my tent I've

used the last couple of years, covering is OK, but the shade cloth over the plastic is falling apart.

Also, your EC-2.0 Cal Nit 24Hr. soak to treat the coir works great, probably another reason for the better

results. Thank You for the time and effort.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all, for those who may be interested i thought I would take some pics of my hydroponic double truss tomato set up, which enables me to research the nutritional requirements of some of the plants that I grow, mainly tomatoes but I have used it do corn, chilli's, capsicums and a few other things when I need to, its a simple system where I can analyse and meter each individual plant , its gravity fed and the supply tank is only 30 litres in volume, there are five 20 litre buckets and four tomato plants per bucket and four drippers in each bucket, they were seeded on the 20/8/2015 and they are being fed a nutrient that I use for chill's and tomato's, the EC is maintained at 2.5 and Ph. at 5.8 - 6.5 and I aim to have 30% nutrient leachate at the end of the day. I will keep the pics updated when there has been enough progress to notice .









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Hi all, for those who may be interested i thought I would take some pics of my hydroponic double truss tomato set up, which enables me to research the nutritional requirements of some of the plants that I grow, mainly tomatoes but I have used it do corn, chilli's, capsicums and a few other things when I need to, its a simple system where I can analyse and meter each individual plant , its gravity fed and the supply tank is only 30 litres in volume, there are five 20 litre buckets and four tomato plants per bucket and four drippers in each bucket, they were seeded on the 20/8/2015 and they are being fed a nutrient that I use for chill's and tomato's, the EC is maintained at 2.5 and Ph. at 5.8 - 6.5 and I aim to have 30% nutrient leachate at the end of the day. I will keep the pics updated when there has been enough progress to notice .



Hello Scoop1, is that 4 plants per bucket your running? I wished mine were that far along, I'm only

at 1". The plants look very nice.


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Anyone tried to grow Coriander/Cilantro in Hydroponics? I used the usual method for herbs/leafy vegetables with sponge cubes in water. But now after 2 weeks none of the seeds germinated

The last person I know was Frapington on his AP thread, he used the foam cubs on his towers, mostly herb's.

He's not in LOS growing now.

I just give seed to the wife and she grows it in dirt.

Try some fresh seed.


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Hi all, CLW, I have grown lots of Cilantro in all sorts of containers in Hydroponics for the fresh and live herb market and sometimes I just hand feed it and also have drip fed and it does really well if you understand how to get the best flavour and vigorous leaf growth before it bolts to seed, Cilantro can't be grown as a long term crop but you can get 2- 3 cuts before the stress of that process causes it to bolt, its best to use a slow bolting variety, but in saying that if the seed packet is labelled "Cilantro" then it will be a slow bolting variety and if the packet is labelled "Coriander" it will be for seed. Its also important to know that Cilantro loses most of its flavour and aroma when dried and should be used fresh, once seed heads have started to form the foliage has a much stronger bitter flavour, it also does better with good light levels and does poorly in shaded or over or crowded conditions and will stretch and take on a pale green leaf colour, Cilantro must have deep green leaves to have the flavour compounds and volatile components that makes it such an aromatic herb.

The hydroponic nutrient required to get the maximum flavour from Cilantro needs to be very carefully formulated to get the maximum vigorous healthy leaf growth and delay the forming of seed heads much the same as Basil . The seeds usually germinate within a week at 20-26 degrees and the first cut can usually be performed in 50 - 60 days but in high temperature conditions it may need to be done earlier if there is a risk of bolting.



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Hi all, Rice, that's correct, there are 4 plants per bucket and I bred these plants about 2 years ago, and that particular system in the photo is the easiest method of growing a plant in hydroponics, very simple and inexpensive , too often growers inexperienced in hydroponics try and get to technical and complicated with their setup and don't have the technical knowledge to manage and achieve a decent result, you know what the say, "keep it simple".



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Hi all, CLW, are you going to grow the next lot in hydroponics? if you are, make sure you get good quality coir and don't sow the seeds to deep and if you have a fungicide powder dust the seeds in it and that will protect them from Pythiun as they germinate and as I stated in the previous post the nutrient formula for Cilantro is very specific and extremely important to have any sort of success.



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Just yesterday the first coriander germinated, after 17 days. Anyway, I think I'll make a new lot. The seeds are already treated when I buy them.

I've read it might increase the germination rate to split them up as coriander is a multigerm with a tough seed coat. Have you tried?

For coir you mean the growing substrate? I'm planning to grow them on a NFT system.

Do you have a formulation for the nutrient solution or the name of a common one? I can mix at the universities laboratory.


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Hi all, CLW, what type of NFT system are you looking to use? Cilantro is not like "leafy greens" how much hydroponic experience do you have ?, NFT is not really for the inexperienced or first timer, in my opinion a coir based system will do much better if you are just starting out, as for the nutrient I use , it wont really be suitable in NFT it is a totally different nutrient management system, if you don't have a lot of experience don't try and get to technical with the setup , it can very quickly end in tears.



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Hi all, CLW, is that a University Project, or your personal system, and what nutrient are you using for those plants? is the nutrient made at the University or is a pre mixed store bought solution? just need to know what fertiliser salts you have to make a nutrient for the Cilantro. Also do you suffer any "Tip Burn" on the fancy lettuce?



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It's a university project for volunteer students who want to learn about hydroponics. Every group has its own growing table. Right now the nutrient solution is the commercial A + B type. But one professor offered me I could mix my own solution if I want to. I'm not sure what salts they have I guess it's from our chemistry department. So for the Cilantro just tell me a recipe, they can order everything at the chemical store. At the moment no tip burn yet but it was quite cloudy most of the time. We have a shading system installed in that greenhouse but unfortunately it is connected with two neighbouring greenhouses so we can't use because it will disturb the experiments there.

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It's a university project for volunteer students who want to learn about hydroponics. Every group has its own growing table. Right now the nutrient solution is the commercial A + B type. But one professor offered me I could mix my own solution if I want to. I'm not sure what salts they have I guess it's from our chemistry department. So for the Cilantro just tell me a recipe, they can order everything at the chemical store. At the moment no tip burn yet but it was quite cloudy most of the time. We have a shading system installed in that greenhouse but unfortunately it is connected with two neighbouring greenhouses so we can't use because it will disturb the experiments there.

Hello All, first off, hit the return key more often so the lines don't run off the page!!!!!!!!!!

If you have the formula, you can get all the micro's EMS'ed to you from WESCO, I get

all my salts from the local ag store here in Korat ,25Kg sacks. The micro's are 1Kg,

Solubor 500gr. and the Moly 100Gr. bag.

All the contact details are in the several hydro threads, it'a all on TVF search , or google

will pop thous items up. If you you can't find the #'s and @'s, PM me.

rice555 it's just starting to rain here!!

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Hello All, I don't do NTF or DWC or grow greens/lettuce, I grow in coir

so I have no experiance with what your trying to go. I can give you what

was on top of the sheet that WESCO gave me for tom/egg/chili.

See the 3rd. pic.

[email protected] this the @ to order from WESCO, send
them your address/phone# and what you want(see pic #1) and give them
your wish list and the will contact you back with an invoice with amount
and shipping(EMS) and you do a money transfer to their bank, send a Fax
with a copy of the deposit slip and they will fill your order and EMS it,
about 2 days. The Moly and Solubor in my bill are the smallest amount, all other micros are 1Kg. Buy the 25 Kg salts locally and save $.

Pic #1 is what wesco has, you should be able to find all in CM except the

Moly and Solubor, these can be ordered, see Pic#3, this is my bill for

all the micros if you so single TE's and don't use a STEM like Nicspray

like in the formula in Pic#2.

Clear as mud??

rice555 about to weigh out my TE's for Scoop1's new tom formula.




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Hi all, CLW that's a wonderful project for the students, I wish I was there to help them, I would love to be involved in passing on a little knowledge particularly when you have the Universities blessing, are you a teacher there?

Can you please find out what fertilisers salts they have and what are the elemental percentages of the fertiliser salts and then I can work it out for you



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, just thought I would post some updated pics on the progress of my Double Truss Tomato Nutrient Research, I have raised the EC to 3.0 and the Ph. remains the same as the previous posting, all of the 1st trusses have good fruit set, light levels are very high as usual, 1800 micro moles per square metre per one second, and you will notice the plants defence against such high light levels in a separate pic.








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Hi all, CLW that's a wonderful project for the students, I wish I was there to help them, I would love to be involved in passing on a little knowledge particularly when you have the Universities blessing, are you a teacher there?

Can you please find out what fertilisers salts they have and what are the elemental percentages of the fertiliser salts and then I can work it out for you



It's a nice project indeed. I'm a student there. My major is Tropical Agriculture.

Our University has holidays at the moment and next week is midterm week.

So I might need some time to find out about the fertilizer.

Btw your tomatoes look great! Looking forward to growing my own.

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Hello Scoop1, the new system look like it's working very well! What are your O/S temp's? and hours of sunlight?

I mixed up a new batch of nutes and been giving 1/4 strength to my few seedlings, got to check what verity they

are, last of last years seed.

Keep putting up pic's!


Hi all, just thought I would post some updated pics on the progress of my Double Truss Tomato Nutrient Research, I have raised the EC to 3.0 and the Ph. remains the same as the previous posting, all of the 1st trusses have good fruit set, light levels are very high as usual, 1800 micro moles per square metre per one second, and you will notice the plants defence against such high light levels in a separate pic.



attachicon.gifTomatoe a.jpg

attachicon.gifTomato f.jpg

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attachicon.gifTomato e.jpg

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