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Fahrenheit 911 Too Hot For Bangkok


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Y'all gettin' yer knickers in a wad here! :D Well, here's some more on that "Waffles" character who thinks he's qualified to sit in the White House! :D

John Kerry says he'll fight claims he lied about or exaggerated his service in Vietnam. The best way to fight such charges would be to stop calling people names and start providing some answers.

He'll have to show that the charges by a group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are false. That's a tall order. The allegations are numerous, well documented and quite serious. . . .

After all, it was Kerry himself — with the smart salute and "reporting for duty" opening of his convention speech — who made his military service the keystone of his campaign. And it is Kerry who has repeatedly compared himself favorably with President Bush on that score.

In so doing, he's all but ignored his undistinguished 20-year career in the U.S. Senate and his decade as an anti-war activist.

Fair enough. Now we have questions about Vietnam. . . .

If Kerry thinks he's being slandered, he should answer with facts —not with insults, threats and lawsuits.

We have questions, senator. We're ready for your answers. :o


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John Kerry says he'll fight claims he lied about or exaggerated his service in Vietnam. The best way to fight such charges would be to stop calling people names and start providing some answers.

The official Navy documents provide all the proof that is necessary to dismiss the baseless Swift charges. None of the Swift guys can provide documentation to refute it. On top of all that, if they are so outraged about what happened and how things went down, why wait 35 years to start squawking? I'm ashamed to see my fellow shipmates so obviously manipulated as to be a front for a political movement, be it Republican OR Democrat. They are a disgrace to the Navy. :o

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For the final nail in the coffin for y'all in denial re. Waffles and his self-inflicted wounds...

The editor of the Chicago Tribune, who WAS THERE, is going to have his statement appear in tomorrow's Trib, saying SBVfT is lying about the kid in the loincloth incident. Let’s hope somebody finally sets the record straight, because so far as I am aware the Vietnamese don't dress up like they were playing Indians in a John Wayne western, and I'm sick of talking about a loincloth, or is that what VC wear before they wake up and put on their black pajamas?

CHICAGO, Aug. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- "There were three Swift Boats on the river that day in Vietnam more than 35 years ago -- three officers and 15 crew members. Only two of those officers remain to talk about what happened on February 28, 1969.

"One is John Kerry, the Democratic presidential candidate who won a Silver Star for what happened on that date. I am the other."

However, he's only going to say it once, and won't answer any further questions, probably because he's noticed that Kerry's camp has given about a dozen different versions of the incident. They've had the "unarmed lone VC", the "still armed lone VC", the "multiple VC", the "multiple VC backed by heavy weapons", the "multiple VC backed by heavy weapons on both banks of the canal, with bullets flying everywhere." I'll bet that his statement makes sure he can still maintain his standing in a room full of journalists.

However the big complaint about this incident is how Kerry blended actions from a few days earlier, that day, folded them all into a story about shooting a lone (or not) VC, and make a career out of it. At this point let’s just give thanks that Kerry accumulated enough self-inflicted wounds to get out in four months, because who knows what dreck we'd have to wade through if he'd stayed for a full tour like everyone else.


Dude - he signed up for ****2 tours of duty****

Also, he won a BROZE STAR that day, not the silver.

There were 5 boats in the water that day, not 3.

PLEASE check your facts.

You are spouting all this drivel, making personal attacks on people who disagree. If your gonna use facts to support your accusations, please make them right. They are easy enough to check.

I am just looking at the facts and making reasoned arguments.

BTW- what about the Washington Post?

drummer...what do you make of this?

When Kerry came back from Vietnam, he said:

We are ashamed of and hated what we were called on to do in Southeast Asia. And to attempt to justify the loss of one American life in Vietnam, Cambodia, or Laos by linking such loss to the preservation of freedom . . . is to us the height of criminal hypocrisy.

But now he sounds rather proud of what he did in Vietnam, when he proclaims:

We fought for this nation because we loved it . . . I defended this country as a young man and I will defend it as President.

Please tell me which statement was true. If we believe Kerry's statement from thirty years ago that the war in Vietnam had nothing to do with the preservation of freedom, much less with the defense of America itself, then how can we possibly take him at his word now when he brags constantly that he "defended this country" by fighting in that war? Isn't that exactly the kind of assertion that young John Kerry called "criminal hypocrisy."

But old John Kerry has never retracted young John Kerry's claim that the war in Vietnam had nothing to do with the defense of America's freedom. To the contrary, when given the opportunity to explain what he meant back then, old John Kerry contends that young John Kerry's claims were "honest"? :o

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Bush in particular is just a lying, cheating, stealing criminal.

Bit strong mate- this is what I refer to - you are making the same egregious allegations that you are complaining about. W has been smeared probably worse than what Kerry is getting - so in my eyes Faire is Faire! (payback)

It is very strong. I do not refer to the swiftboats ads. I refer to

(1) his very extensive record of shady contributions, connections to shady people, deals, and business practices.

(2) His 1 million USD insider trading deal, which, while the case is still open, the prosecutor (appointed by his dad) found "insufficient evidence" I could also say his coke habit or his partying days, but I really don't believe thats actually relevant. (He had a coke conviction expunged from his record, though)

(Considerably worse than what Martha Stewart is serving jail time for)

(3) His record of consistently putting forth legislation that does nothing but benefit business owners. For example, forbidding the Govt. to negotiate volume based discounts for prescription drugs- thats not running government like a business, thats running govt for business. He's bought and sold like noone since Pres. Grant.

(4) The war- He should have known that Iraq had nothing in their hand, that they were not harboring terrorists - Even the Saudis described him as a "bulwark" against muslim fundamentalism, his report "bin Laden Determined To Strike Within the US", 17 countries + our own that warned us of the event. Our intelligence is not that bad. At least, it wasn't under Clinton. The way I see it, he is either stupid or complicit. I don't think he is stupid. (Either way he's got to go)

This man wants to legalize the dumping of low level **plutonium waste** in PUBLIC LANDFILLS. Please, tell me, how does this benefit the American people?

If you think Bush has been smeared, you don't know his biography.

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drummer...what do you make of this?

When Kerry came back from Vietnam, he said:

We are ashamed of and hated what we were called on to do in Southeast Asia. And to attempt to justify the loss of one American life in Vietnam, Cambodia, or Laos by linking such loss to the preservation of freedom . . . is to us the height of criminal hypocrisy.

But now he sounds rather proud of what he did in Vietnam, when he proclaims:

We fought for this nation because we loved it . . . I defended this country as a young man and I will defend it as President.

Please tell me which statement was true. If we believe Kerry's statement from thirty years ago that the war in Vietnam had nothing to do with the preservation of freedom, much less with the defense of America itself, then how can we possibly take him at his word now when he brags constantly that he "defended this country" by fighting in that war? Isn't that exactly the kind of assertion that young John Kerry called "criminal hypocrisy."

But old John Kerry has never retracted young John Kerry's claim that the war in Vietnam had nothing to do with the defense of America's freedom. To the contrary, when given the opportunity to explain what he meant back then, old John Kerry contends that young John Kerry's claims were "honest"? :o

Too see the hypocrisy,

(1) Look at the stated reasons for war,

(2) look at who stated them,

(3) look at what other reasons they would have done what they did (LBJ made a ton of money from going to war, for example)

(4) look at what other recourses were possible.

Also, you might want to look at the effects on the ground. Did we have Vietnamese interests at heart? The war used more firepower than every other war before it put together.

The intentions of the soldiers who went was largely good. But they obviously did and saw things done that were not consistent with what they thought were "defending freedom"

For example, a friend of mine served in Vietnam. One one occaision, he killed a bunch of vietnamese and piled their bodies so he could carry his injured buddy over a trench.

Maybe you think Americans don't do things like that. They do. People do. The Vikings, the Sudanese, the Japanese, everyone does nasty stuff in war. its the same with the Abu Graib abuse scandal.

You seem to be doubting that anything like that ever happened, or could happen.

It is my belief that you can love your country without it being perfect. patriotism does not mean you agree with everything. I love our country, but it is not perfect. It is made up of people, and people <deleted> up from time to time. Some of them are even criminals. It is your duty are a patriot to make this country the best it can be. The Founding Fathers gave us the Right of free speech for a reason.

Plain fact is that war did absolutely nothing to protect our freedom, and was significantly detrimental to the freedom of the Vietnamese. To say that it was because "this is America, and America is always right" is hurtful. You gotta live in the real world if you want to make effective decisions.

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The allegations are numerous, well documented and quite serious. . . .

If Kerry thinks he's being slandered, he should answer with facts —not with insults, threats and lawsuits.

We have questions, senator. We're ready for your answers. :o


(1) not well documented. Actually, they AREN"T documented. Well, not until 2004, anyways. The allegations are hypocritical. Would *you* take that sitting down?

(2) serious allegations? Try insider trading? Treason (the leak of Am. Wilson's wife's covert status is treason)? Those are a fiar bit more serious than lying about ones war record, which, btw, is thing Bush *has* done.

Yes, he has made it a keystone of his campaign. But Bush has made the War the top issue. hmmmm.... war record .... war ... sounds familiar ....

So I have some questions for you, Boon Mee....

*What do you think about Bush's insider trading scandal?

*What about Bush's own military record? he has lied about it, and has gotten family influence to get him out of serving at all. Medals or not, Kerry volunteered. "I sleep better at night knowing George Bush was definding the skies of Texas while I spent 5 years in a POW camp" (republican Sen. McCain)

*Not funding No Child Left Behind (breaking his promises to do so)

*What about his wanting to dump low level plutonium waste in landfills?

*What about his, at best, Bush's total ineptitude handling intelligence that should have prevented 9/11? (at his own admission, he didn't read the reports given to him)

*What about Karl Rove leaking Amb. Wilson's wife as a covert CIA op? (5 reporters have said that Rove spoke to them, saying "Wilson's wife is fair game" before finally Novak took the bait)

*What about his locking the government into retail drug prices, forcing many senior citizens to cut pills in half?

*What about the biggest deficit in history- by any country, anywhere, anytime?

*What about the profiteering by Halliburton, Bechtel, etc?

*What about his handling of Afghanistan? The fighting s worse now than ever. The Taliban controls the southern half of the country.

*What about the Project For A New American Century's plan for "constabulary action" to enforce US interests? Is that a good idea?

*What about his coke habit and hard drinking days? (during his first run for the house, he was worried that there were pictures of him dancing naked on the table of his local bar... he had done this often)

Start with any one, and work your way through. Were waiting for your thoughts, Boon Mee.

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Too see the hypocrisy,

(1) Look at the stated reasons for war,

(2) look at who stated them,

(3) look at what other reasons they would have done what they did (LBJ made a ton of money from going to war, for example)

(4) look at what other recourses were possible.

i think you americans are just caught up in your own self righteous bull since many years.

It's the sole reason for the patriotic conditioning you exhibit. You are afraid to look at yourselves. Let alone find something wrong...

No wonder the rest of the world thinks your arrogant.

And no wonder the more agressive arabs react to that.

America has been asking for it for several decades, and finally got some of it a few years back, unfortunatly their current politics are only setting up more of it , instead of dealing with it.

Bush or kerry , same same, just the way the election campains are run every time says enough about the arrogance and stupidity of the people.

I hope that there are still some thinking , moral and intelligent people in the states, but the overal BLA BLA that comes out of the country let's me think it's not the case :o

America is just the ultimate EGO trip....

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Load of <deleted>?

I guess the "My pet goat" was done with CGI.

I suppose the Director of the FBI was full of <deleted> when he stated on video that when he continued to bring the Bin Laden threat to the attention of the white house he was told "I don't want to hear about that anymore".

I guess when Rumsfeld, Bush and Powell stated on the record that "we are certain Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and we know where they are" that one of the weapons was an invisibilty ray used to hide all the others.

See the movie for yourself and make your own decisions. I think its VERY clear that Boon Mee belongs in the militia up in Montana or maybe at the Bush ranch.

I am happy to say that Democrats Abroad DID show the film (along with Outfoxed) at their Chiang Mai meeting last week.

I look forward to writing to this forum again on November 5th when I can invite some of you guys to a nice crow dinner.

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I guess what annoys me more than anything - Kerry ambition was political from the get go when he went to Vietnam. Why else would one videotape oneself so much and why the ###### would you bring a typewriter with you? :o Oh well least I don't have to elect either of them.

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I guess what annoys me more than anything - Kerry ambition was political from the get go when he went to Vietnam. Why else would one videotape oneself so much and why the ###### would you bring a typewriter with you?  :o  Oh well least I don't have to elect either of them.

I can understand that. He ran for the Presidency in '92, too.

But do you really think that anyone is going to make it to President who doesn't have that kind of ambition? Bush does- he's ran for class president of every school he's every gone to. he's admitted that the reason he bought into the Texas Rangers was to raise his profile to run for Governer. Just the nature of the beast. Nader, too. Clinton did, too. JFK, LBJ, DWE, HST et al.

Dollars to doughnuts its not confined to American politics...

.... its not the ambition I fault Bush for - I fault him for being a criminal.

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I guess what annoys me more than anything - Kerry ambition was political from the get go when he went to Vietnam. Why else would one videotape oneself so much and why the ###### would you bring a typewriter with you?  :o  Oh well least I don't have to elect either of them.

I can understand that. He ran for the Presidency in '92, too.

But do you really think that anyone is going to make it to President who doesn't have that kind of ambition? Bush does- he's ran for class president of every school he's every gone to. he's admitted that the reason he bought into the Texas Rangers was to raise his profile to run for Governer. Just the nature of the beast. Nader, too. Clinton did, too. JFK, LBJ, DWE, HST et al.

Dollars to doughnuts its not confined to American politics...

.... its not the ambition I fault Bush for - I fault him for being a criminal.

Let's see some proof of those aligations of "criminal" activity there, drummer! :wub:

Because the Democrats are fielding a loser in the form of "Waffles" does not demonstrate any "criminal" activity on the part of Bush. :D

Looks like John O'Neill has pulled off his the gloves and thrown them down as gauntlets at the feet of John Kerry (you know, the Vietnam vet who's French-looking and called The Poodle because, like a poodle he is a rich woman's toy---yeah, that guy!) by challenging Kerry to, instead of suing publishing companies or whining to the FEC, to SUE HIM!

"If he was actually in Cambodia on Christmas Eve in 1968, he should sue me,"

"If, in fact those other five boats on March 13th, 1969, if they all fled like he did instead of staying like he knows they did, he should sue me."

"If he didn't wound himself with a grenade, causing a rice fanny wound, and then reported it to the Navy as a water mine – if he didn't do that on March 13th he should sue me"

Wanna bet Kerry hides behind his lawyers? :D:D:D


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Switch on the TV these days and you'll see John O'Neill, principal spokesman for the hundreds of Swift boat veterans who oppose their old comrade Kerry, talking calmly and patiently about the facts, citing chapter and verse and relevant footnotes, while some deranged interviewer is going berserk.

Kerry: strange, stuck-up... and stupid

By Mark Steyn

(Filed: 24/08/2004)

According to Francis Harris in Saturday's Telegraph, allegations that John Kerry "lied about his Vietnam record" are "unravelling". Oh, I wouldn't say that. Right now, it looks like the sanity of the Kerry campaign and its pals in the media that's beginning to unravel.

Read it all… :o


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I did not know sadam and his sons had 6000 civilian friends then of course you may of been there at the time Penzman.

I'm sure they were heard saying at some point " Oh please, pleaaaase, blow up and fry to a crisp the whole neighbourhood and ourselves but please get us rid of Saddam and his sons"

He's still alive, civilians and american soldiers dead, great batting average! :o

All it takes is a single bullet, bad lambchop ar a traitor from the inside...

More to it than just toppling Saddam over...

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the hundreds of Swift boat veterans who oppose their old comrade Kerry, talking calmly and patiently about the facts,

You ready to eat crow? They're starting to recant. :o Someof them are saying they have no personal experience of Kerry, that they made the accusations based on the stories of others.

Can't say I didn't tell you so.

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Let's see some proof of those aligations of "criminal" activity there, drummer! :o
Proof? You're asking me for proof?

First of all, which one of those allegations do you want me to start with? Which one is the worst, and which one is the least damaging? Pick a couple of 'em, and I'll give you a case for it.

(There are so many, I don't know where to start)

So I have some questions for you, Boon Mee.... 

*What do you think about Bush's insider trading scandal?

*What about Bush's own military record?  he has lied about it,  and has gotten family influence to get him out of serving at all.  Medals or not, Kerry volunteered.  "I sleep better at night knowing George Bush was definding the skies of Texas while I spent 5 years in a POW camp" (republican Sen. McCain)

*Not funding No Child Left Behind (breaking his promises to do so)

*What about his wanting to dump low level plutonium waste in landfills?

*What about his, at best, Bush's total ineptitude handling intelligence that should have prevented 9/11? (at his own admission,  he didn't read the reports given to him)

*What about Karl Rove leaking Amb. Wilson's wife as a covert CIA op?  (5 reporters have said that Rove spoke to them, saying "Wilson's wife is fair game" before finally Novak took the bait)

*What about his locking the government into retail drug prices, forcing many senior citizens to cut pills in half?

*What about the biggest deficit in history- by any country, anywhere, anytime?

*What about the profiteering by Halliburton, Bechtel, etc?

*What about his handling of Afghanistan?  The fighting s worse now than ever.  The Taliban controls the southern half of the country. 

*What about the Project For A New American Century's plan for "constabulary action" to enforce US interests?  Is that a good idea? 

*What about his coke habit and hard drinking days?  (during his first run for the house, he was worried that there were pictures of him dancing naked on the table of his local bar...  he had done this often)

We are waiting for your answers, Boon Mee.
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Ahem...what's that about crow? Read it and weep all you Waffles lovers! :o


**World Exclusive**

Dem presidential hopeful John Kerry personally phoned anti-Kerry swift boat vets, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

Kerry reached out to Robert "Friar Tuck" Brant Cdr., USN (RET) Sunday night, just hours after former Sen. Bob Dole publicly challenged Kerry to apologize to veterans.

Brant was skipper of the #96 and # 36 boat and spent time with Kerry in An Thoi. Kerry and Brant slept in the same quarters, and Brant used to put Kerry back to bed at night when Kerry was sleepwalking.

Brant received a call from Kerry at his home in Virginia while he was watching the Olympics on TV.

The call lasted 10 minutes, sources tell DRUDGE.

KERRY: "Why are all these swift boat guys opposed to me?"

BRANT: "You should know what you said when you came back, the impact it had on the young sailors and how it was disrespectful of our guys that were killed over there."

[brant had two men killed in battle.]

KERRY: "When we dedicated swift boat one in '92, I said to all the swift guys that I wasn't talking about the swifties, I was talking about all the rest of the veterans."

Kerry then asked if he could meet Brant ["You were one of the best"] -- man to man -- face to face.

Brant declined the invite, explaining that Kerry was obviously not prepared to correct the record on exactly what happened during Vietnam and what happened when Kerry came back.


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When John Kerry went postal last week, the major media's preferred strategy for dealing with the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth — to ignore them — went down the toilet. Kerry melted down because the Swifties' exposure of Kerry's "Christmas in Cambodia" fantasy has struck a nerve, and is gaining traction, despite the major media's refusal to report on it.

Kerry Campaign Admits First Purple Heart Self-Inflicted?

And questions keep coming. For example, Kerry received a Purple Heart for wounds suffered on December 2nd, 1968. But an entry in Kerry's own journal written nine days later, he writes that, quote, he and his crew hadn't been shot at yet, unquote. Kerry's campaign has said it is possible his first Purple Heart was awarded for an unintentionally self-inflicted wound.

This story just gets worse and worse for Kerry! :o


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When John Kerry went postal last week, the major media's preferred strategy for dealing with the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth — to ignore them — went down the toilet.

Preferred strategy? Like full page articles in the New York Times? Yeah, nobody reads that stuff anyway.

Hey, Boon Mee - Which charge would you like evidence for?

We are STILL waiting for your answers. tap ... tap ... tap ... *twiddles fingers* ...

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When John Kerry went postal last week, the major media's preferred strategy for dealing with the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth — to ignore them — went down the toilet.

Preferred strategy? Like full page articles in the New York Times? Yeah, nobody reads that stuff anyway.

Hey, Boon Mee - Which charge would you like evidence for?

We are STILL waiting for your answers. tap ... tap ... tap ... *twiddles fingers* ...

You are in denial big-time there, little drummer ...

Kerry is going down and y'all can continue to "hope" his war record" doesn't show :o more discrepincies!

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Let's see some proof of those aligations of "criminal" activity there, drummer! :D

Proof? You're asking me for proof?

First of all, which one of those allegations do you want me to start with? Which one is the worst, and which one is the least damaging? Pick a couple of 'em, and I'll give you a case for it.

(There are so many, I don't know where to start)

So I have some questions for you, Boon Mee.... 

*What do you think about Bush's insider trading scandal?

*What about Bush's own military record?  he has lied about it,  and has gotten family influence to get him out of serving at all.  Medals or not, Kerry volunteered.  "I sleep better at night knowing George Bush was definding the skies of Texas while I spent 5 years in a POW camp" (republican Sen. McCain)

*Not funding No Child Left Behind (breaking his promises to do so)

*What about his wanting to dump low level plutonium waste in landfills?

*What about his, at best, Bush's total ineptitude handling intelligence that should have prevented 9/11? (at his own admission,  he didn't read the reports given to him)

*What about Karl Rove leaking Amb. Wilson's wife as a covert CIA op?  (5 reporters have said that Rove spoke to them, saying "Wilson's wife is fair game" before finally Novak took the bait)

*What about his locking the government into retail drug prices, forcing many senior citizens to cut pills in half?

*What about the biggest deficit in history- by any country, anywhere, anytime?

*What about the profiteering by Halliburton, Bechtel, etc?

*What about his handling of Afghanistan?  The fighting s worse now than ever.  The Taliban controls the southern half of the country. 

*What about the Project For A New American Century's plan for "constabulary action" to enforce US interests?  Is that a good idea? 

*What about his coke habit and hard drinking days?  (during his first run for the house, he was worried that there were pictures of him dancing naked on the table of his local bar...  he had done this often)

We are waiting for your answers, Boon Mee.

Don't want to respond? I don't blame ya. If I was tasked with defending that, I'd quit.

Thats even the short list ....

You're stretching for the Drudge Report :o:D:D and ducking any kind of answer about ANY of Bush's policies.

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Kerry Lied, Democrats Cried

So now he's removing documents from his own web site upon their contradiction. Michael Moore will eat an extra side of beef today in approval.


I would've thought "eating an extra side of beef" would be considered v. patriotic in the States? And so what if the guy is a little overweight? - that puts him in the majority of your great (ahem, fat) nation.

It seems you're so bereft of good hard facts and reason to dispel Michael Moore's claims, that you continually have to hark back to his generous girth to try and score a point, which seems like the actions of a desperate man to me.

But as this thread has broken down into a 2/3 person slanging match on the US presidency fandango (about as interesting as a wet weekend in Scarborough, if you ask me) and the mods seem to be sleeping on this one. couldn't you move over to the Bearpit or get this thread back on track? It's supposed to be about draconian censorship at the FCCT and F9/11, in case you guys had forgotten.

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plachon, right on the spot.

Usually, George would have referred it back to the pit long time ago even if he opened the original post.

It always fascinates me, how members who usually write interesting posts become blind in defending their opinion, once it's politics, not stoping to post weird links or copy and paste comments by obscure sources.

So my opinion too, back to the pit.

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