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Fahrenheit 911 Too Hot For Bangkok


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I have been in the middle east for over 10 years now. I am not a couch potatoe

activist that uses other peoples words to come to my conclusions. I was here

for both wars also. I have also worked in korea and in europe for several years

so just what is your experience. Keep reading your comic books some day you will

have to get in the real world. You sit back in your nice comfortable enviroment then condemn those that sacrifice for your freedoms. As long as you have enough petro to fly from place to place or run your misguided arse around in a vehicle your

happy. Your twisted facts are the same as Moore has done or any of us can do within the safety of our room which yours is most likely in your parents house.

Someday you may have to sacrifice for others until then you need to get both sides of the story and do the rest of us a flavor get a bicycle ( with training wheels

we would hate to see such a sap as you get hurt).

Too many Shylocks here in Thailand, claiming themselves as war veterans in Vietnam, Korea etc etc and asking others what they have done?

Well Khun, you may have killed innocent people from a gun or by drooping a bomb against your self-made enemies, whoever they are.

Don't question back asking me or anyone here what we have done, to ease out your troubled minds with those bad memories of kids, women getting killed by your bullets. All I can say is, shame on you people who think that they have killed innocent people thinking to protect the world.

Let me remind you more..

Sometimes back, some of you guys killed blacks in your own countries to satisfy your own desires of racial supremacy. When looking at Olympics, I have no doubts for those jealous intentions of those who were involved in those acts.

Don't you think that you'll need to keep a full stop for this big big talking, racial supremacy, super power ideology and US$ mentality before you'll drag Taiwan into a war with China.

When that happen, that will be the end of your "Happy Hrs" in Thailand, and all farang people will be the most hated people here in Thailand.

It will happen much faster than the time it took to change the world support that US got after 9/11 to the least like nation, after invading Iraq.

Let's wait and see!!!

BTW, a bicycle seems to be more strategically sound in this "Fight against Terror" era coz your country seems to be successfully controlling the oil reserves now. :o

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One can rightly say that's Moore's "movie" is just that... 

Thank your for your opinion, but I am sure that the majority of us would prefer to make our own judgement

Well this meaning you are speaking for me as well. Thank you for this thing.

Is quite correct except should say "it is my opinion" then never wrong yes?

For me, no idea will see film next week then tell everyone if my opinion is good moveie or excellent documentary.

Thank you

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See it for yourself- its a load of sh*te! Basically one man's opinion and skew on things - lets not forgt Mr. Moore has an agenda here. Regardless I think they should show it and let the audience decide for themselves.

Not really a documentary IMO.

Why is load of <deleted>. If it have many hard words I will take a dictionary to help. If it has very hard things to understand I am lucky not to be American I suppose.

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Well, America is a country where patriotism can be drummed up by a man wearing makeup and tights, walking around a wrestling ring with a plank of wood on his shoulder shouting “USA! USA!”.

And at this, the rest of the world should look on and say, “That man’s got the right idea. He could run for president one day, and probably will.”

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good film, how can u call it a load of <deleted>?

Certainly opened my eyes to a few things  :D

I agree totally. Particulaly, the dumb-founded look of Bush as he sat idly in a grade school reading class while Americans, under attack, were dying by the thousands at the WTC. Absolutely a horrendous reaction by an alledged Commander-In-Chief. Truly reflected what an imbecile he is.

You got that backwards, buddy. the Lumbering Lying Liberidiot Lardass (aka The Michigan Moore-on) is the one who's an idiot. For example:

"White people scare the crap out of me. … I have never been attacked by a black person, never been evicted by a black person, never had my security deposit ripped off by a black landlord, never had a black landlord … never been pulled over by a black cop, never been sold a lemon by a black car salesman, never seen a black car salesman, never had a black person deny me a bank loan, never had a black person bury my movie, and I've never heard a black person say, 'We're going to eliminate ten thousand jobs here - have a nice day!'"

Michael Moore From his Book Stupid White Men

He calls his book "Stupid White Men." I guess that's who he expected to buy it! Maybe all those self hating whites like he himself seems to be. :o

It is quite hard for a good go to chuch catholic white boy same me to say bad things about other country but boon mee I think maybe you see your president, say he is so he is right. This means you are not a thinking person for your president. Just a thinking person for whatever they say is correct.

You have nice icon of Thailand flag but it says I am here so they are right, when you going to the restaurant or pub you say OMG all these Thai ppl thinking dear mr bush is idiot when you know he is perfect man.

I think you should have weights for icon so people know you are dumb bell.

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I saw his expression and to be honest I think most would have been dumb founded! If anyone said prior to 9/11 that someone just rammed a jumbo jet into a skyscraper you would have laffed at them and called them lunatics. Probably didn't believe it and was in shock. He acted appropriately after and that is what counts!

Appropriately, considering he knew? or appropriately if he didn't really and only mr cheney and wolfowitz knew?

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I guess I suppose I would HOPE that as commander in chief, he would have taken a pro-active response.

I do understand about the mixed reactions people had later on... after SEEING the tv footage or after witnessing it first hand, but Bush had JUST been informed of the attack...and didn't know if there were further attacks coming or who was involved... and to watch him sitting there and seeing how he didn't seem to know what to do next.... oh wait... yes he did.... He read a book to some youngsters.  How presidential....

Great, another jackass telling us how we should act. I don't know how we get through the day without you.

Listen tough guy, every American was stunned by what happened. If W acted like the rest of us, then nice to know he is human.

You should thank god that a 747 isn't rammed up the arse of your country, so we don't see the stupid look on your face, and those of your countrymen.

Goodness socal I am think someone take your training pants today. Sorry. It would be fun to see oyu in school debate team. "If you don't like what I am say, get stuffed".

What does "moron" mean?

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I bought my DVD copy from a vendor in Sala Daeng. While I agree that some of Moore's statements should be substantiated better, most of what he writes in Stupid White Men is followed up by verifiable sources. So, true, while his research is not perfect and far from academically sound, it is definitely not a load of crap. For that, tune into the "fair and balanced" rantings of Fox News or some of the regularly featured conservative authors such as Ann Coulter.

And oh yeah, Boon Mee, I'm American and the last I checked that means I and others have a right to dissent, which definitely does not make me a communist. Views along the lines of your own and others who have a problem with opposition seem to be more in tune with communists.

in my italian thinking, if you shout at boon mee he will be angry and make fist and perhaps make loud noise about commy prick when he is slobbering over beer and friend in soi nana. But is not likely he will debate issues about which he have only got one single eye. For that gun and boot and fist and no brain.

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I saw his expression and to be honest I think most would have been dumb founded! If anyone said prior to 9/11 that someone just rammed a jumbo jet into a skyscraper you would have laffed at them and called them lunatics.  Probably didn't believe it and was in shock. He acted appropriately after and that is what counts!

Over 1,000 American's died from 9/11 and over 10,000 died all around the world due to his timely actions against war on terror. More to come when he get re-elected.

When Thaksin killed 1000 in south and drug lords, what a human rights record he got from west?

These films are useless. US Govt have killed enough people in the history of mankind, more than any other terrorist organization or any other govt.

Vietnam, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Middle east and add all other figures..Hitlar and BinLaden looks like kids compared to this record.

All those killings been justified as, precision guided killings with a good intention of protecting all of us against terror.

If anyone try to do movies about each an every incident, the number of days will not be enough to watch them.

I do not think these movies have any meaning other than a personal attack on Bush.

If anyone quote this and reply, please quote all and do not quote part of this and jump saying i am anti-American. :o

I think not unamerican so much as forgetful. The christians have killed more as a group, than america as country, even if now the church uses GWB to do its' work so the church isn't blamed.

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