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Baby Is Gone


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Is there a Thai word for responsibility?

Of course there is - ความรับผิดชอบ

Is there a word in English for การยอมรับ

The people who questioned the OP in this thread as being a troll should be ashamed of themselves - it's a very serious matter.

I wish the OP and his family the best in sorting out their problems.

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I find it quite weird to answer this email. I only do it from encouragement from my friend who set the record straight. In retrospect, the best responses that I got were from people that saw the seriousness of my situation and told me to get a lawyer. Besides what most people thought, I was being honest by my first few, and only few postings. I stopped, and main reasons was that I turned to you guys for comforting and I got negativity. I live in Thailand and I accept that. But from an audience as I thought as my 'peers'...

I will tell you the same thing that I told my wife's father (who is a prominent Dr.)

You should really be ashamed of yourselfs.

By the way, I have full 100% control of my daughter, my life, and my sanity, mostly because of my friend who 'set the record straight'.

Please think again about what you say to people, since there is other 'real people' at the other end.


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I find it quite weird to answer this email. I only do it from encouragement from my friend who set the record straight. In retrospect, the best responses that I got were from people that saw the seriousness of my situation and told me to get a lawyer. Besides what most people thought, I was being honest by my first few, and only few postings. I stopped, and main reasons was that I turned to you guys for comforting and I got negativity. I live in Thailand and I accept that. But from an audience as I thought as my 'peers'...

I will tell you the same thing that I told my wife's father (who is a prominent Dr.)

You should really be ashamed of yourselfs.

By the way, I have full 100% control of my daughter, my life, and my sanity, mostly because of my friend who 'set the record straight'.

Please think again about what you say to people, since there is other 'real people' at the other end.


glad it worked out

in your position, i wouldn't have justified any of the crap written here with a response.

but in your position i wouldnt have thought to seek support here. you cant make your life public domain and expect only the answers you want

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Despite the thread's other shortcomings, it is good to hear you decided to follow the advice below...

Once I get an American passport for her, can I just take her?

Yes, you can, but it's not advisable. It's called kidnapping.

Technically you could get a passport as long as you have all the correct documents and I'm sorry but you cannot kidnap your own child unless the baby is under some court order determining residence and custody. You are merely taking your child with you on a trip to your own country. The fact that the mother is not coming is immaterial. Do you honestly think fathers with deceased wives have problems ?

Excuse me, while I used the wrong terminology, it's still illegal to remove a child (EVEN YOUR OWN) out of a country without joint parental approval (which the OP doesn't seem to have nor does he appear interested in obtaining). Anyway, it's not kidnapping, but child abduction and the punishment is up to 7 years imprisonment.

International Child Law:


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I'm sure this headline does stir up a worry in Male Western Fathers with Thai/?? Children.

I know I sympathize with the fellow if it ever happened to me I see nothing wrong with asking this forum for advice. Of course I would now expect about 80% of the heartless Stards here to involve themselves supplying an insight to their sad lives and not a gram of true help. But in the remaining 20% I'd take as help offered.

Though I am not a woman, I have seen how hormones in a 1st time mother can Swing from one extreme to another. .... Sometimes in a breath of time.

In times of confusion most people can rely on Home being the safest place to be, some cultures, more so than others.

Woman with a child, confused, unsure, Stories about farang with Thai lady, worried about her future with you, worried about "HER" baby's total safety, Can she trust you as her man. All these and more confusions * Hormones....

You have to treat this situation with a Delicacy, nurturing faith. You can only do that if you mean it.

These fears you have to slowly and softly approach... Unless it’s a total vindictive situation, going to the police has made your position weaker. If the time comes you will know when to apologize for the mistake. Do it honestly and without excuse.

There has been some spectacular advice given to you. I'm sure you can pick the pearls from the pork.

Be a good man,

No Anger

Be patient,

Show your love for her and your child ( congrades btw),

Show you can supply a good home.

Do that and

Then she will only run to you.....

Relax if only to help yourself think better.

Keep your head; remember its new ground for you.

I wish you all you deserve.


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I find it quite weird to answer this email. I only do it from encouragement from my friend who set the record straight. In retrospect, the best responses that I got were from people that saw the seriousness of my situation and told me to get a lawyer. Besides what most people thought, I was being honest by my first few, and only few postings. I stopped, and main reasons was that I turned to you guys for comforting and I got negativity. I live in Thailand and I accept that. But from an audience as I thought as my 'peers'...

I will tell you the same thing that I told my wife's father (who is a prominent Dr.)

You should really be ashamed of yourselfs.

By the way, I have full 100% control of my daughter, my life, and my sanity, mostly because of my friend who 'set the record straight'.

Please think again about what you say to people, since there is other 'real people' at the other end.


hey well... u are right, I dont understand how can people make fun of something like this. anyways i'll talk to you as a woman... (i dont hv childrens and im not thai, but i guess i dont need to be)

I think that if your wife is depressed, and acting that weird you should not call her, you should go and see her directly! and show her a really caring love, be extra over duper king size sweet, go and look for her, bring her flowers, bring the baby nice stuff, tell her you love her, you care about her, she's the only one for you, and you just want to be happy with her.. invite her for a date!! improbe! :o

it may work... but don't expect it will work with only u trying once!... be persistent.


good luck!

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