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Security Guard Arrested For Allegedly Serial-killing 7 Colleagues

sriracha john

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Security guard arrested for allegedly serial-killing 7 colleagues

A security officer has been arrested for allegedly beating 18 colleagues who dozed off while on duty, killing seven of them, severely injuring the rest.

Metropolitan police chief Pol Lt Gen Assawin Kwanmuang told a press conference that Witthaya Jaikhan, 30, was arrested at his home province of Nong Khai.

Assawin said Witthaya was arrested because of evidence related to one of his victims, Jakkrapol Maomeechan.

Jakkrapol was attacked and killed while guarding Mitsubishi car showroom in Bangkok's Khan Nayao district in July.

He said Witthaya also used Jakkrapol's mobile phone to call Witthaya's wife after the attack.

Assawin said a record from a security camera also showed that Witthaya was the suspect in Jakkrapol's murder.

He said Witthaya had admitted beating other security guards, who dozed off in duty, with iron pipes since January and he made the latest attack on November 4.

Witthaya claimed he disliked colleagues who dozed on while on duty so he always attacked them when no one else was around.

Assawin said Witthaya made a total of 18 attacks, killing seven of his victims.

- The Nation



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This strikes me as a very weird or more likely, incomplete story.

My complete guess is this guy was like an enforcer for the police/army colonel that always own these security firms. Something like a plantation overseer from the 18th century.

Like to know more about this one.

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Borrowed from:


Law Tightens Rules On Security Guards

Law tightens rules on security guards

BANGKOK: -- The Cabinet will consider a National Police Commission recommendation to pass legislation regulating private security and offering protections to those who employ it, a source said. *They may want to add protection for those that are employed as private security.*

There is no specific law governing the busy private security sector. There are 3,000 companies offering the service and employing some 200,000 guards.

The bill says those offering private security must be licensed and those licences will need renewal after four years. Executives of guard companies failing to meet the law can be jailed for up to five years or fined Bt50,000.

Individual guards require the same and must have their permits renewed every three years.

To be registered, guards must prove they have never taken drugs, committed any drug offence, or are suffering from alcoholism. *They may want to add serious mental illness to that list.*

Licensed guards will be entitled to social security. Guards who do not renew their licences will be fined Bt1,000.

Private security must assist police to arrest offenders, the bill says.*They may want to add that private security must not increase the workload of police by murdering 7 people.*

--The Nation 2007-10-15

With condolences to all the victims' families, friends, and associates.

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Guard says he killed 7 others in 18 attempts

A "serial killer" security guard who allegedly killed seven fellow security guards this year was arrested yesterday, police said.

Vittaya Jaikhan, 30, confessed to police that on 18 separate occasions since January he had tried to kill security guards. All victims were security guards whom he found falling asleep or getting drunk while on duty, he said.

"Once I saw a guard sleeping while on duty. First I warned him. The second time he fell asleep I hit him with a piece of wood then arranged his body just as he had been sitting," said Vittaya during a press conference organised yesterday by Metropolitan Police.

Lt-General Asawin Kwan-muang, Metropolitan Police commissioner, said police had been searching for Vittaya since July as he was recorded by a closed-circuit camera at Krisada Kollakarn beating the company's security guard Jakkrapol Maomeechant to death. Jakkrapol's mobile phone was taken by the culprit.

Police later found that Jakkrapol was not the only security guard to be beaten to death. Similar incidents happened to many security guards who worked on Ram-Indra, Artnarong, Nuanchan, Nawa-min and Srinakharin roads.

Vittaya, a security guard at a private hospital on Srinakarin Road, was arrested yesterday in Prawet district. Police also seized a one-metre-long piece of wood, a one-metre-long iron pipe, a mobile-phone SIM card, a yellow T-shirt, and a pair of short trousers.

Saying that he did not like security guards who failed to perform their duty responsibly, Vittaya confessed that he had killed seven guards in 18 attempts. Ten guards were reported severely injured after being attacked by Vittaya.

The latest victim was Sgt Direk Yokyong, a guard at a pawnshop in the Nawamin area, who was killed on November 4, said police.

Vittaya was initially charged with theft and murder.

Maj-General Chitsanupong Yuktatat, commissioner of Metropolitan Police Region 4, said police at this stage had no intention of sending the suspect for mental checks as there was no indication that he was mentally ill.

Dr Taweesilp Visnuyothin, spokesman of the Mental Health Department, said it was too early to state whether Vittaya had a mental disorder. The violence he perpetrated might be driven by depression or a lack of self esteem, he said. However, he said Vittaya could be referred to as a serial killer due to the number of murders he had committed.

Meanwhile Dr Kampanat Tansitabutrkul, a psychiatrist of Galaya Rajanagarindra Institute, said his institute was ready to examine Vittaya if asked to by police. The examination would take about two weeks, he said.

- The Nation


A mental examination would certainly seem to be indicated.

Edited by sriracha john
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It's the lead story at the Bangkok Post, which now puts the number of murders at ten... :o:D

Police arrest man over 10 murders

Security guards sleeping on the job led to killing spree

A security guard who had beaten 10 fellow workers to death was arrested yesterday, bringing an end to his fatal dislike of guards who liked taking a nap on duty. Witaya Jaikhan, a security guard at Samitivej Srinakarintara Hospital, confessed to police he had ''wiped out'' those he said took advantage of their bosses and did not deserve to be paid for sleeping on the job. The 30-year-old, who had worked as a security guard for slightly more than one year, decided to punish other security guards after his attempts to wake them failed. ''I used to wake them up, but they scolded me. So I've remained enraged since then,'' said Witaya. Since January he killed 10 and seriously wounded eight others, according to Metropolitan Police Chief Assawin Kwanmuang. His latest offence occurred on Nov 4 when he beat a guard at a pawnshop on Navamin road. Witaya told police that his crimes were done in steps, starting by waking them up first. If they kept sleeping, he would beat them to death or give them severe injuries, he added. Police said the man used a one-metre wooden or metal stick as his weapon and would strike his victims on the head when they slept. According to the police interrogation, Witaya often cruised down Ram Inthra, At Narong, Nuan Chan, Navamin and Srinakarintara roads looking for sleeping security guards. He also went to Samut Prakan to look for victims there.

Continued here:


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<br /><img src="http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w133/thaivisa2/30055633-01.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /><br /><i>Serial killer Vittaya Jaikharn, 30, shows a wooden bar he used to kill one of his seven victims during a police press conference after his arrest yesterday.</i><br />The Nation<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Youv'e got to laugh at these photos you can almost always see the enjoyment on the perpertrators face!!

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Thailand nabs serial killer of sleepy guards

BANGKOK - Thai police have arrested a hospital security guard who allegedly killed at least seven and seriously injured another 10 fellow-members of his profession for sleeping on the job, media reports said on Sunday.

Wittaya Jaikhan, 30, was arrested Saturday, ending a five-month-long police manhunt for the serial killer of security guards in Bangkok and neighbouring provinces.

Wittaya, who has confessed to the killing spree, attributed his rampage to professional outrage.

“I hate guards who fall asleep on the job and don’t perform their duty,” he told Thai Rath, a mass circular.

But the murders were not entirely motivated by piqued professional pride. Wittaya, a security guard at Samitivej Sirnakarintara Hospital, also confessed to stealing his victims’ “candies, chocolates and mobile phones,” after bashing them over the head for nodding off on the job.

“His actions were apparently aimed at robbery,” opined Taweesin Visanuyothin, a spokesman for the Department of Mental Health, ruling out an insanity plea for the obsessed serial killer.



Robbery for candy? :o sounds weak.... sounds like mental illness or other cause. Irresponsible of the Dept. to dismiss him out of hand without an examination.

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Unsurprisingly, the news is making the rounds of international coverage now... with yet a different total...

Thai serial killer says he 'hated those who take naps at work'

Police in Thailand said Sunday they have charged a security guard with murder after he admitted beating to death eight co-workers he discovered sleeping on the job.

Wittaya Jaikhan severely injured seven others in his violent spree, which began early this year, said spokesman Colonel Piyapun Pingmuang.

"He confessed to killing the victims because he hated those who take naps at work, and he thought they were taking advantage of their employers," Piyapun told AFP.

"He used thick pieces of wood and iron pipes to kill them."

The 30-year-old was arrested after using a mobile phone belonging to one of the victims to call his wife, the spokesman said.

"We are sure that the suspect is not mentally ill. Consequently, he will be treated as a normal killer," Piyapun said.

Wittaya could face the death penalty if convicted.



More personnel quick to assess his mental status without conducting a mental status examination.

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Thailand nabs serial killer of sleepy guards

BANGKOK - Thai police have arrested a hospital security guard who allegedly killed at least seven and seriously injured another 10 fellow-members of his profession for sleeping on the job, media reports said on Sunday.

Wittaya Jaikhan, 30, was arrested Saturday, ending a five-month-long police manhunt for the serial killer of security guards in Bangkok and neighbouring provinces.

Wittaya, who has confessed to the killing spree, attributed his rampage to professional outrage.

"I hate guards who fall asleep on the job and don't perform their duty," he told Thai Rath, a mass circular.

But the murders were not entirely motivated by piqued professional pride. Wittaya, a security guard at Samitivej Sirnakarintara Hospital, also confessed to stealing his victims' "candies, chocolates and mobile phones," after bashing them over the head for nodding off on the job.

"His actions were apparently aimed at robbery," opined Taweesin Visanuyothin, a spokesman for the Department of Mental Health, ruling out an insanity plea for the obsessed serial killer.



Robbery for candy? :D sounds weak.... sounds like mental illness or other cause. Irresponsible of the Dept. to dismiss him out of hand without an examination.

He's an OBVIOUS Whack-Job! Put him in the Looney Bin where he belongs :o

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Amazing that they failed to catch him for so long. I think the FBI would have nabbed him after the second attack. This just seems like there was a complete lack of competence on the part of the police investigating these cases. That's assuming they even had anyone investigating.

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Thai guard accused of killing sleepy colleagues

BANGKOK - A Bangkok security guard has been arrested for allegedly beating to death eight guards who slept on the job and badly injuring eight others in a year-long killing spree, police said on Sunday.

"I used to wake them up, but they scolded me. So I've remained enraged since then," Wittaya Jaikhan, 30, was quoted as saying by the Bangkok Post after his arrest on Saturday.

Wittaya, a guard at a Bangkok hospital, told police he would cruise the streets of the Thai capital during his off hours, looking for sleeping guards who he said did not deserve their pay.

He shook them awake but if they kept on dozing, he beat them with an iron pipe or a wooden stick, police said.

Bangkok police chief Assawin Kwanmuang said Wittaya has been linked to 18 attacks on guards since January, the latest on November 4 when a guard at a Bangkok pawnshop was beaten to death.

"We found an iron pipe, a wooden stick, and a mobile phone we believe belonged to one of his victims," Assawin said of Wittaya's arrest.

Police began hunting Wittaya after they obtained his picture from a security camera that recorded the July murder of Jakrapol Maomee, a guard at a Bangkok car dealership.

They later tracked Wittaya down after he made a call with Jakrapol's mobile phone.

Police said Wittaya is undergoing a psychiatric assessment before he is formally charged with premeditated murder and theft.

- Reuters


The first report of a mental status examination being conducted... but in light of all the other reports, it's questionable, but hopefully accurate.

Edited by sriracha john
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Condolences to the victims and their families. May those that were killed RIP.

I am surprised that as this was going on, it wasn't reported (or maybe it was in the Thai news). Serial killers are rather significant in society.

I wonder what "set him off", since sleeping seems to be a national pastime. Why yesterday, where I work, the guard and the maid were both sleeping, the maid was sleeping soundly enough that she fell off her stool, startling the guard awake, who then fell--it was a comical sight. Alas, 20 minutes later they were both back asleep!

(In this case, however, there was nothing to be cleaned and nothing to guard, really)!

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Sorry to dispute Scott's assessment, but Khun Sanguan says otherwise..... :o

City's guards shocked by murder spree

Bangkok's community of security guards have been terrified by the discovery of a killing spree by one of their fellow workers. ''I have been trained to be wary of outsiders and intruders. I've never thought that the danger will come from within,'' said Bancha Intana, a night-shift security guard at Suan Dusit Rajabhat University. While police and psychiatrists have been examining the mental condition of Witaya Jaikhan, a 30-year-old security guard at Samitivej Srinakarintara Hospital, to see if he was having mental problems that prompted him to beat to death 10 of his fellow workers, most of the security guards interviewed by the Bangkok Post believe Mr Witaya is a psycho. ''A sane man will not rob a security guard because we are poor.We have only 100-200 baht cash in our pockets, a wristwatch and a mobile phone,'' said Bandit Kong-on, another security guard. According to police, Mr Witaya killed 10 and seriously injured eight others since January. Security guards also said that taking a nap on duty was common practice and insisted the habit does not affect their work. ''We only take a nap, not a deep sleep,'' said Sanguan Chumchimplee, 51, a security guard at a warehouse in the Klong Toey area.

Continued here:



It is positive news that at least it seems to be true that he is being evaluated.

Brief description of the inevitable "full-blown" re-enactments (Post #11) conducted yesterday is also in the article.

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