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This forum has been VERY boring for the past few months since certain members left. Bendix's return has added some life and a little entertainment back into it. Keep it coming, more might return.

Some newly arrived, anti social, English lout turns the forum into a food fight and you enjoy it?

newly arrived? yes, you are a recent addition, aren't you?

isn't it interesting how some can make a 10pt arial font appear shrill

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I have to mention my rather shocking MC ride from one of the local bars to my home this evening. Totally terrible, in fact I feel scamed in the fact that I haven't been scamed, is my money not go enough for these terrible devious purveyours of transport?

I think I shall move to Minburi.

In order to be considered a resident of the Royal Burgh of Minburi one has to learn how to spell 'scammed' and 'purveyors' correctly.

Don't worry, I'll try not to have too many beers before I post next time. :o

Anyway, keep up the posting ET, I actually enjoy reading your posts, it's certainly awoken a few people.

I have to mention my rather shocking MC ride from one of the local bars to my home this evening. Totally terrible, in fact I feel scamed in the fact that I haven't been scamed, is my money not go enough for these terrible devious purveyours of transport?

I think I shall move to Minburi.

In order to be considered a resident of the Royal Burgh of Minburi one has to learn how to spell 'scammed' and 'purveyors' correctly.

Don't worry, I'll try not to have too many beers before I post next time. :o

Anyway, keep up the posting ET, I actually enjoy reading your posts, it's certainly awoken a few people.

How was the taxi ride today, ET?


I have lived in Bangkok for almost 9 years and never been ripped off by a taxi driver. If you look like a victim you will be a victim. Chat with the driver, ask him about his family etc preferably in Thai. Padthaiguy do you have some social issues?

Bendix keep up the good work British sarcasm at its best. Entertaining to say the least.



Hey, not fair! You didnt say the H word!

Newly-arrived? Well, yes I suppose so. Anti-social? That depends on the society I'm asked to keep, I suppose. English? Guilty as charged, but with an NZ passport too. Does that make things better? Lout? Not guilty. I'm rather urbane and charming when you get to know me.

I feel rather hurt by this tirade of abuse. I do, really. No, really, I mean it . . . .

One thing I find fascinating is how proud, self impressed and clueless the Hooligans types are.

I may be newly arrived to tv, but far from it to Thailand. I'm not impressed by Hooligans, but as far as I know, Bendix keeps his shirt on when he visits Pattaya, and avoids bar fights. As to him being newly arrived, I believe the term is newly resurrected. I think a better term for Bendix would be wind-up merchant, at least in your case. :o

"Bendix, I also took a taxi today with no bad happenings..."


So this is a fun evolution of the thread. Pretty much a BKK affair, but we all pass thru there coming n going, so I can relate (dude). I like how it went into slagging, and then slagging the slaggers, and then misunderstanding who was slagging whom. And now it's become like a TV-any-takers taxi-ride-journal. I say you folks need pie charts and bar graphs so we can make some actual comparisons to see the ratio of good to bad rides out there. Any graffix geeks out there ?

Sidenote: Damian M - I only know you by your Avatar and your assertive TV perosnality... but saw a dead ringer for you based on these today up in Chiang Mai - Shopping in the new Rimping Supermarket. Where were you at 3:45 pm Wed's? And did you take a cab to get there!?

No sir! I actually have never been to ChiangMai, although I keep meaning to go there for a visit. If he looked like my avatar pic.... then he must be nuts! Stay away!

PadThaiGuy... what on earth are you going on about? You must be joking.


I may be newly arrived to tv, but far from it to Thailand. I'm not impressed by Hooligans, but as far as I know, Bendix keeps his shirt on when he visits Pattaya, and avoids bar fights. As to him being newly arrived, I believe the term is newly resurrected. I think a better term for Bendix would be wind-up merchant, at least in your case. :o

Wind-up merchant? Well, I don't know about that. I certainly haven't tried to wind NoodleMan up, but he does seem rather fraught. I recommend a nice cup of tea, and possibly loosening his tie knot just a fraction. We are in the tropics after all.

As one witty member said to me in PM, my nemesis here is like one of those dogs who goes crazy barking at the lawn. Funny. I liked that.

I have lived in Bangkok for almost 9 years and never been ripped off by a taxi driver. If you look like a victim you will be a victim. Chat with the driver, ask him about his family etc preferably in Thai. Padthaiguy do you have some social issues?

Bendix keep up the good work British sarcasm at its best. Entertaining to say the least.



I've got to agree although I haven't lived here for 9 years.

IMHO, if you get "taken" (had) by a taxi driver, you're probably not smiling enough & don't know how to make a joke out of "haggling". If I was a Thai taxi driver, I think I'd try to "take" the farang if I was confronted with a "typically serious" farang. In this way, I'd be "taking the piss" out of the farang. What fun! :o

EDIT Ban the word "dude".


Back to the OP's qn.

As someone has already said check the meter isn't running when you first get in the cab. It's happened to me twice that the meter has been left running whilst uncle Buck has been waiitng in line and clocked up quite a few baht before I've even joined the queue let alone got in.

Both times I have pointed it out before we have left the terminal and the driver has reset it in a chirpy voice saying "mai bpen rai" "mai bpen rai"

The pattern I've noticed is that the ones who try it on have the destination slip in their possession, either they've obtained it from the desk person themselves or asked me for it for clarification. Learn some Thai and tell them your destination and don't hand over the destination slip which has the driver's identification on and a complaint slip.

For the record the majority I've had are alright and can have a good bit of banter with some.


In my experience, this issue is mostly related to whether you know your way around Thailand or not. In that respect, I do feel it's unfortunate for those tourists or perhaps expats who can't speak any Thai. I don't know many experienced expats on the ground who speak some Thai who have any problems. I think this issue is one of tourists and non Thai-speaking farangs.

I may be newly arrived to tv, but far from it to Thailand. I'm not impressed by Hooligans, but as far as I know, Bendix keeps his shirt on when he visits Pattaya, and avoids bar fights. As to him being newly arrived, I believe the term is newly resurrected. I think a better term for Bendix would be wind-up merchant, at least in your case. :o

Wind-up merchant? Well, I don't know about that. I certainly haven't tried to wind NoodleMan up, but he does seem rather fraught. I recommend a nice cup of tea, and possibly loosening his tie knot just a fraction. We are in the tropics after all.

As one witty member said to me in PM, my nemesis here is like one of those dogs who goes crazy barking at the lawn. Funny. I liked that.

A real smartass on the internet.

You would'nt last 3 minutes in my neighborhood, punk.

I have zero tolerance for the hooligan types that recently invaded Thailand.


As I wandered into Thaivisa this morning and scanned the contents pages, I saw PadThaiGuy had made another post to this rather fascinating thread.

Before clicking on it, I paused slightly. Oh so slightly. And I made a little bet with myself that our rather obsessive friend had made a post which referred to me and which used the magical H word.

I clicked. I read. And now I owe myself a 100 baht.

Could you define 'hooligan' PadThaiGuy? It does seem to be a term that's bandied about rather liberally by you over the last week.

Back on thread. I got a taxi to work this morning. I paid 60 baht. The guy smiled at me. I smiled back. It was a nice experience.

I have zero tolerance for the hooligan types that recently invaded Thailand.

and most readers of this thread have zero tolerance for immature name calling that persists long after it has ceased to have any relevance or be amusing.

put a sock in in it please , if not only to preserve what remains of your own dignity , then at at least to spare the embarrasment of readers having to wade through this nonsense.

it's like watching two bald men fighting to the death over a comb.

although it is no surprise that one of them is behaving in a completely ridiculous manner , i am surprised that the other still finds it necessary to provoke by responding.


Just a little while we were eating tacos and drinking Negra Modelos .... and now? I think this mildly amusing barking dog is now foaming at the mouth.

Mods, Help!!!! Please put him out of his misery.

As I wandered into Thaivisa this morning and scanned the contents pages, I saw PadThaiGuy had made another post to this rather fascinating thread.

Before clicking on it, I paused slightly. Oh so slightly. And I made a little bet with myself that our rather obsessive friend had made a post which referred to me and which used the magical H word.

I clicked. I read. And now I owe myself a 100 baht.

Could you define 'hooligan' PadThaiGuy? It does seem to be a term that's bandied about rather liberally by you over the last week.

Back on thread. I got a taxi to work this morning. I paid 60 baht. The guy smiled at me. I smiled back. It was a nice experience.

What is a Hooligan? Easy. Just look in the mirror Bendix.

Acting like an disrespctufull idiot and being proud is one of the telltale signs I use to spot hooligans.

I resent the invasion of the English Hooligans to Thailand.

They drag all the Farangs into the gutter in the eyes of locals.

Like I said earlier. Big man on the internet but in real life you would'nt last 3 minutes in my neighborhood.

You are really a pathetic troll. It's not difficult to figure out who you are, and I think you are mentally ill the way you use alternative forum names to foment national hatred and bimbo-isms.

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