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Just a point to note for those picking up visa on arrival in Saigon (with letter from VN Immigration acquired through tour operator). It's getting into high season and more companies are using that service but the visa desk at the new international arrivals at Tan Son Nhat is quite small and only 3 or 4 people man the fort. I just spent 2 hours waiting for my visa-on-arrival as there was a huge group of tourists deplaned at the same time; about 60 people in all at 10 am.

If you are getting your visa on arrival, make sure you don't have any tight onward domestic travel connections and have some patience. Have your letter ready and get a visa application first (they don't need your landing card). Move away and fill in the form (plenty desks but NO PENS). Come back to the window and submit letter, passport and picture and move away again. They will page your name when ready and that is when you will get your passport back with visa in it and only then pay for it. Take passport and landing card to regular passport desk and your are in. If you crowd the desk waiting, waiving your money you will only get frustrated as they won't process yours any quicker. The key is getting the application form first and turning it in pronto.

Note that I have never had delays getting the letter converted into a visa when arriving at off-peak times and I have done this 4 times now.

Why not just get a visa BEFORE you go to Vietnam? The embassy has one-day service for visas.

That is what I do, apply in the morning, pick up visa in the afternoon. Very easy.


I don't live in Bangkok so easier for me to do the online application and pick it up on arrival which takes 10-15 minutes if there's no tour groups. If I used their Bangkok embassy same-day service, it would be more expensive and time consuming all around.

My advice on this and on another thread was also directed to the visitor from overseas who similarly may not be close to a Vietnamese embassy in their home country. All very convenient for you Bangkok domiciled visa-runners, a taxi ride, lunch and a beer while you wait, etc.

Anyway, a moot point for me now, I got a 6-month multi-entry business visa this last time.

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