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Would like to know what kind of hemorroids/piles treatment you did in Bangkok, where, and for how much ?

I know that I can check hospitals websites but I would like people feedback.

Following Wikipedia it seems that the doppler guided surgery is the best as you can go back to work after only one day, but I can't find any place doing it in Bangkok, any help ?!

I'm also thinking about rubber band ligation and sclerotherapy as the hemorrhoidectomy seems so painful and needs 6 weeks after the surgery to recover.

Thanks guys.


Would like to know what kind of hemorroids/piles treatment you did in Bangkok, where, and for how much ?

I know that I can check hospitals websites but I would like people feedback.

Following Wikipedia it seems that the doppler guided surgery is the best as you can go back to work after only one day, but I can't find any place doing it in Bangkok, any help ?!

I'm also thinking about rubber band ligation and sclerotherapy as the hemorrhoidectomy seems so painful and needs 6 weeks after the surgery to recover.

Thanks guys.

The specific procedure will depend largely on the extent of the hemorrhoids and to a lesser extent on the equipment and skills of the surgeon.

Specific recommendations may only be possible after a physical exam.

Suggest to select one of the more prominent hospitals such as Bumrungrad; it would offer the best chance of having more sophisticated equipment available and options for treatment can then be discussed with the doc at that time.

Can be a real pain in the butt but if it has to be done...



Would like to know what kind of hemorroids/piles treatment you did in Bangkok, where, and for how much ?

I know that I can check hospitals websites but I would like people feedback.

Following Wikipedia it seems that the doppler guided surgery is the best as you can go back to work after only one day, but I can't find any place doing it in Bangkok, any help ?!

I'm also thinking about rubber band ligation and sclerotherapy as the hemorrhoidectomy seems so painful and needs 6 weeks after the surgery to recover.

Thanks guys.

i posted this information in the medical forum a few months ago.

anyway, i had the full op done almost 9 months ago, at ramkhamheng hospital on ramkhamheng rd, the hospital is located between sois 32 and 34.

i saw the surgeon on friday morning, was admitted to hospital on monday night and operated on the tuesaday morning, out of hospital on the thursday night.

total cost for everything was 50,000 baht.

i had mine surgically removed, i didnt ask the doctor what he was going to do, i asked him if he was comfortable performing the operation and would he consider it a success, he would have given me a video tape of the op had i wanted, i declined.

i can not compliment the hospital, the admin staff, the nurses doctors cleaners or anyone associated with the hospital highly enough, the admin staff spoke english as did the doctors and nurses.

sure there are overpriced alternatives elsewhere, i found this hospital to be as good as if not better than those overpriced establishments.

as for going back to work the next day, well its the same as people telling you they had the snip in the morning and were back at work that afternoon.

for me it was the best desicion i made in a long time, there have been not complications or any need to go back to the hospital, other than for post op checkups, i wish i had had the operation sooner, and i have no regrets.

on a side note, the doctor will also check your colon as well, something any man over 40 should consider.

if you want to know any more details pm me.


Thanks a lot. Was your surgery the hemorrhoidectomy ?

Did you try something else first such as rubber band or sclerotherapy ? Because surgery is usually done when nothing else works anymore.


sorry i do not know the name of the procedure i had, all i know is i am glad that years of suffering are now over.

only you will know how bad yours are, some peoples are inflamed by drinking, or as in my case exercise and lifting heavy weights, other factors involved include diet.

yes i used to administer self treatment, you soon get pretty adept at re-inserting after first applying a liberal dose of ointment, oh the relief just to lie in a bath tub full of cold water.

however i understand your dilemna, its not the sort of topic thats comes up at the dinner table when cigars and brandy are served, also many people are shy to talk or feel embarassed , so getting first hand information is not easy.

if you can solve your problem by a change of life style and/or diet then give it a go, for me it had gone past that stage, surgery was the only option.

i dont know anything about surgical techniques, all i wanted was an end to the misery, which the operation has given.

i wont bore you by telling you about having to wear pampers for a few days, or avoiding stretching, exercise or lifting anything heavy, yes its a delicate internal operation, that takes time to heal, the best person to talk to is the surgeon. i didnt want to know what he was going to do, he offered to show me videos, before and after pictures etc, i told him if i saw what he was going to do i would be afraid to hace it done, sometimes ignorance is bliss, and as i said before its the smartest thing i have done in a long time.

good luck, only you can decide how long you want to suffer, and what course of action to take.


Hemorrhoids are usually simple herniations of the lining of the rectum caused by all the things previously spoken of. They are usually filled with blood, unless they have bled and leave a polyp type residual.

Surgical removal with a burning off of the lesion remaining to seal the lining is often done. Sure there are other surgical methods or techniques but who is to say which is better. The usual advice is that stitching of the lining is not to be done.

When I was 19 years old, I had the surgical removal and I had a six months recovery phase as it is the subsequent bowel movements that are the pain creating events that make these operations considered one of the most painful done.

I was bothered by them for years, internal and external after that. When I was 26, I was watching T.V. in my Navy billet when the chair I was sitting in filled with my blood. Off to the Naval Dispensary where the duty medical officer was a flight surgeon off a carrier. He sewed me up and when I had follow up exams by the regular doctors at the same dispensary they looked for and couldn't find the stitches. They said the flight surgeon shouldn't have stitched me up but they couldn't find the stitches to remove them.

I haven't had and real trouble with them since. Standing duty on a steel deck for four hour shifts is the worse for such a condition and clearly brought on the bleed out.

It seems to me that the propensity to develop hemorrhoids doesn't go away with a surgery, regardless of the type. Whether it is a weak rectal wall or lifestyle issues that cause the condition, once you get them and have them removed, you have to make lifestyle changes to avoid recurrence.


There are three main blood vessels (veins) in the lower rectum which cause hemorrhoids. They are positioned at 4, 7 and 11 o'clock positions. Hemorrhoids mean a distension of these vessels, similar to varicose veins in the lower legs. The distension occurs because there is a connection between two different venous systems here with two different pressure gradients. Partly due to human anatomy and bad dietary and sedentary habits, the lower veins become engorged and distended.

Anatomy: Why don't animals need toilet paper? They don't develop this condition either.. At risk of being arrested or ridiculed it is worth while to watch a horse pass faeces. The lower rectum "rolls out" as it were and then recedes again back into the anus. This mobilises the blood and prevents clotting (hemorrhoids).

hemorrhoids are classified in grades from 1 to 4 according to severity and each has an indicated mode of treatment.

Grade 1 can be managed by sclerotherapy while grade 4 usually requires surgery.

Hope this helps??


I've suffered from "piles" for years.

Had the 1st operation (general anaesthetic) at 21, which followed 3 minor incisions (local anaesthetic, doctors surgery, very painfull).

Had them return several times over the years & on each occassion except one, I used Xyloproct ointment to reduce them. The "exception" was incised without anaesthetic - freezing was used instead (no pain at all). I do recall on one occassion that I declined the use of any anaesthetic. 2 seconds of shear agony is a lot better than the 10 seconds of a needle jabbed in your freckle, which is worse than shear agony.

BTW, most of my piles were external.


50,000 Bt is an extortionate price. I had ligation 4 weeks ago by a UK trained Thai specialist. Cant say it was painless, but the cost certainly was. 1,200Bt for two. Got another one to do next week. Colonoscopy was 7,500Bt. Choose a good doc and it doesn't matter which hospital you use, in my opinion. This was in Songkhla, not Bangkok.


Would like to know what kind of hemorroids/piles treatment you did in Bangkok, where, and for how much ?

I know that I can check hospitals websites but I would like people feedback.

Following Wikipedia it seems that the doppler guided surgery is the best as you can go back to work after only one day, but I can't find any place doing it in Bangkok, any help ?!

I'm also thinking about rubber band ligation and sclerotherapy as the hemorrhoidectomy seems so painful and needs 6 weeks after the surgery to recover.

Thanks guys.

I had it done in Phuket for about 100,000 baht. They new I was insured so they nailed the insurance company full price at the Bangkok-Phuket hospital. they wern't painful but I was bleeding and had to have a spinal tap. After that they use heat to close them up not a knife. I was on morphine for three days. After that it slowly got better and after two month it was normal. I was happy with getting it over with don't put it off just go and get it done.



Would like to know what kind of hemorroids/piles treatment you did in Bangkok, where, and for how much ?

I know that I can check hospitals websites but I would like people feedback.

Following Wikipedia it seems that the doppler guided surgery is the best as you can go back to work after only one day, but I can't find any place doing it in Bangkok, any help ?!

I'm also thinking about rubber band ligation and sclerotherapy as the hemorrhoidectomy seems so painful and needs 6 weeks after the surgery to recover.

Thanks guys.

I had it done in Phuket for about 100,000 baht. They new I was insured so they nailed the insurance company full price at the Bangkok-Phuket hospital. they wern't painful but I was bleeding and had to have a spinal tap. After that they use heat to close them up not a knife. I was on morphine for three days. After that it slowly got better and after two month it was normal. I was happy with getting it over with don't put it off just go and get it done.




I am a MD and leave in Cambodia.

First, you should know that medecine is a business and business is money!

Most of internal hemorroid with some bledding can be treated with elastic ligature, which are not painful (just a few hours of disconfort). It cost 20$ for Khmer and 40$ for farang here in Calmette hospital. It is available in Thailand.

THis method cannot be used for External hemorroid.

Many private hopsital will not propose you this method as it is too cheap compared with surgery!!

I has had 4 ligature some year ago done here and I am very happy since it has been done.

So just make sure that you are not going togo for surgery if it is not needed!!

Good luck



I am a MD and live in Cambodia.

First, you should know that medecine is a business and business is money!

Most of internal hemorroid with some bledding can be treated with elastic ligature, which are not painful (just a few hours of disconfort). It cost 20$ for Khmer and 40$ for farang here in Calmette hospital. It is available in Thailand.

THis method cannot be used for External hemorroid.

Many private hopsital will not propose you this method as it is too cheap compared with surgery!!

I has had 4 ligature some year ago done here and I am very happy since it has been done.

So just make sure that you are not going togo for surgery if it is not needed!!

Good luck


Yes I think that 2000 Thb for rubber ligation should be enough, but I wonder how much people pay in Thailand?

And about Cambodia, so you really have dual pricing for everything, even hospital ?! Doesn't sound friendly at all !

Also, I uploaded rubber band ligation video on youtube:


Would like to know what kind of hemorroids/piles treatment you did in Bangkok, where, and for how much ?

I know that I can check hospitals websites but I would like people feedback.

Following Wikipedia it seems that the doppler guided surgery is the best as you can go back to work after only one day, but I can't find any place doing it in Bangkok, any help ?!

I'm also thinking about rubber band ligation and sclerotherapy as the hemorrhoidectomy seems so painful and needs 6 weeks after the surgery to recover.

Thanks guys.

Doppler guided hemorrhoids surgery seems the best choice but I can't find any information about this surgery in Bangkok, any help ?

Written in Wikipedia:

Doppler Guided Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation

The only evidence based surgery for all grades of hemorrhoids. It does not involve cutting tissues or even a stay at the hospital; patients are usually back to work on the same day. It is the best treatment for bleeding piles, as the bleeding stops immediately.

When you read this you might wonder why crazy surgeons still need to cut somebody with hemorrhoids, they should check internet to improve:


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