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Light Box-photobox


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Hello all. I am a chef looking to make nice food pictures. Nothing special, just something that I can adjust the light of.

Looking for a lightbox, or whatever you call it that is the box with the light control to make the colors come out.

Again, nothing massively professional. Also, can this work with a non-slr digital camera, or would I need an slr (took a miracle to get company to get me the digital non-slr)

Any idea on idiot proof box and where to buy in BKK.?

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One of my favorite light sources is window light, I have used it succesfully for several different product shots. It works good for food. This time of year, a North window will give you soft illumination, the kind that a professional soft box emulates. I find direct light is too harsh for food, except if it is coming from behind as a rim light. It also helps to have a good reflector or fill light.

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