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Why Are So Many Britons Emigrating?


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Been ploughing through the hundreds of contributions on the above link to this subject and there seems to be much despondency with the state of things, particularly since Labour took power.

Interested to know the opinions of fellow Brits in Thailand on what aspects of life in the UK you were so glad to leave behind and what you appreciate so much more here in Thailand. Do you find the overall quality of life here in Thailand that much better as I do?

The main aspect of life that drove me out was the increasingly worsening anti-social behaviour and all this referred to political correctness.

Good on Thailand to want to retain its identity, culture and way of life unlike Blair/Brown who are slowly destroying what I once used to recognize as my country.

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no youv'e got it wrong ......all the "true brits"left when Thatcher was in power ,.....only now all the immigrants want to go back too!

Your way of the mark there mate: there is no difference between Thatcher/Blair/Brown - they all follow the same agenda. Do you really think they call the shots!

Maybe this will educate you: http://www.eutruth.org.uk/

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no youv'e got it wrong ......all the "true brits"left when Thatcher was in power ,.....only now all the immigrants want to go back too!

Your way of the mark there mate: there is no difference between Thatcher/Blair/Brown - they all follow the same agenda. Do you really think they call the shots!

Maybe this will educate you: http://www.eutruth.org.uk/

The EU has, from the very start, aimed at becoming a superstate. Britain itself is already on that road by devolving powers to its constituent countries. Eventually, all countries will disappear and become provinces within Europe. This should also ease ethnic tensions between those provinces that currently feel they do not belong within their state. I think it is an interesting and unique experiment. My one reservation is the obvious reference back to the Holy Roman Empire. Just take a look at the EU flag - what does it say to you?

Anyway, back on topic, the UK is hugely expensive. It is like living in Europe's own Hong Kong. If you like that lifestyle, fine. If you live in London most people are running to stand still. Take the money from your inflated property and move abroad. The British are moving out, being replaced by the rest of the world. The only thing I miss in the UK is my fast ADSL internet. The dumbing-down of the country is, however, very sad to see. I used to teach in the UK and seems to me a policy with one aim. In the past about 5% of the population went to university. The policy is now that at least 50% have a tertiary education. The top 50% can in no way be as smart as the top 5%. It is cheaper to educate a student than to have them unemployed and claiming a host of benefits. Hence, low unemployment and worthless degrees. Simple.


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I haven't got a problem with immigration ,just as long as its fair........for instance my wife is Thai and so she can live with me in U.K. without any problem but I can't in thai or own land like she can here......we all know the Indians , Pakistani's have big mansions back home for their retirement but I am married to a Thai and cannot plan like that ,....you try setting up a big mansion/company in bulgaria/romania for e.g. the local mafia will have you out before you can say Jack Robinson! unfortuneately for us wer'e the only mugs that play by the rules!

Edited by dee123
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Seriously though, chaps and chappesses (if there be any)....I remember a UK that perhaps a few of you do not, having spent 10 months there 40+ years ago. And again in '73 for a moment or 3.

Delightful place then, not so sure now though - what with the many and various unhappy types one hears about, not to mention the devilish cost of living.

Had a pommy gf in Oz too, back in '64. Marvellous gel, I must say. Rather feminine those English lasses. The Scots and Irish we see here are similarly appealing, I hasten to add.

Feel rather sympathetic towards you chums. Mind you, in its own way, Oz is toddling down the same gurgler it seems. I feel there's a conspiracy of sorts abroad, wouldn't you agree.

3 cheers for LOS, eh what.

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Britain is the best place in the world, top government, best health service, top schools, no crime, got to work for your money, what a place.................and what a lot of bullsh................., please do not start me off, i feel depressed now looking out of the window, pi.......g down and dreary, cannot wait to leave to join you guys.

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Because Britain isn't British anymore? It lost its identity and soul many years ago.

Sad, really.

Why is that? Too many Romanians?

i remember when smith or jones was the most popular name in the phone book ,now its probably patel .

It's sad to still see so many people clinging to things that are worthless. Such is the way of any "culture" that lives in fear of being lost. Why, I ask, is it important to keep everything "as it was"? Why is there so much resistance to change, since change is unstopable?

Many Australians how gotten over all of this racist rubbish & now realise that humans may have different names etc and we, ultimately, are all the same. It seems to me that it's many older folk who resist change the most. Conversely, many younger people who are afraid of the world, also resist change.

Back on topic...why so many Britons emigrating? I think a better question is "why are so many westerners emigrating". To me, the answer is basically simple...many people are just sick of being slaves & puppets for the sake of acruing material wealth.

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Britons have always Emigrated; Thirst for Adventure; Disalusionment (If I could spell it ) and because we can do so quite easily and have the choice to do so unlike many other Nationalities.

I Can knock Britain as good as anyone but I'm glad I retain my british Nationality and Passport ;-)

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in uk now we have the teenage single mother who lives on a council estate with her eldest son Jason who wears a baseball cap and drives a souped up ford,he gets in trouble with the police.His grandmother was a teenage single mother who lived on a council estate with her eldest son Jason who whore a baseball cap and drove a souped up ford,he has been in trouble with the police.....etc. etc.....

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in uk now we have the teenage single mother who lives on a council estate with her eldest son Jason who wears a baseball cap and drives a souped up ford,he gets in trouble with the police.His grandmother was a teenage single mother who lived on a council estate with her eldest son Jason who whore a baseball cap and drove a souped up ford,he has been in trouble with the police.....etc. etc.....
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when I was born all my mothers side of the family all lived within half a mile of each other mothers grandparents uncles aunties etc and the next door neighbours family all lived within half a mile and that family etc nowadays its defragmented no good guiding peer pressure available

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in uk now we have the teenage single mother who lives on a council estate with her eldest son Jason who wears a baseball cap and drives a souped up ford,he gets in trouble with the police.His grandmother was a teenage single mother who lived on a council estate with her eldest son Jason who whore a baseball cap and drove a souped up ford,he has been in trouble with the police.....etc. etc.....

And for this, who do you intend to blame?

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Because Britain isn't British anymore? It lost its identity and soul many years ago.

Sad, really.

Yes in full agreement I basically left UK in 1966 which was when it really began on the slippery slope, I have travelled the world extensively and I find the Land of Smiles has the life style I love similar to the South Pacific Isles previously

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in uk now we have the teenage single mother who lives on a council estate with her eldest son Jason who wears a baseball cap and drives a souped up ford,he gets in trouble with the police.His grandmother was a teenage single mother who lived on a council estate with her eldest son Jason who whore a baseball cap and drove a souped up ford,he has been in trouble with the police.....etc. etc.....

In Thailand we have the Single Mother who doesn't have access to a Council House or welfare and resorts to selling herself; Her Mother was a single mother and sold herself and Her eldest son wears a baseball cap, drives a Honda wave or dream as he cannot afford a souped up ford, he has been in trouble with the Police due to his drug taking and constantly drags the family down to his level ;-)

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in uk now we have the teenage single mother who lives on a council estate with her eldest son Jason who wears a baseball cap and drives a souped up ford,he gets in trouble with the police.His grandmother was a teenage single mother who lived on a council estate with her eldest son Jason who whore a baseball cap and drove a souped up ford,he has been in trouble with the police.....etc. etc.....

And for this, who do you intend to blame?

well anybody who'll except it of course! :o or HAROLD WILSON!!

Edited by dee123
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in uk now we have the teenage single mother who lives on a council estate with her eldest son Jason who wears a baseball cap and drives a souped up ford,he gets in trouble with the police.His grandmother was a teenage single mother who lived on a council estate with her eldest son Jason who whore a baseball cap and drove a souped up ford,he has been in trouble with the police.....etc. etc.....

And for this, who do you intend to blame?

well anybody who'll except it of course! :o

It's a silly analogy.

Edited by elkangorito
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I am not going to go doen the immigrant route,because I am an immigrant in Thailand,so whats the point.

I did leave the Uk tho because I was increasily upset with how much tax I had to pay,I was single,in a ralationship and paying tax through the nose,whilst I watched the nice house that I had bought go down in price because the housing association had put a girl in the house 3 doors way who had five children all by diffrent fathers and a cocaine dealer in the house five doors away,let me tell you it was not much fun,all bloody hours..

Plus the weather just got me down,we waited all year for a summer and then got five days of sun, well maybe a little more.

Thailand is not easy by any stretch but its a whole lot beter than the uk for me.

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So why is there such a skilled labour problem in Australia!!! On BBC world service, another report of a huge recruitment campaign for Anglo Saxon/Celt skilled workers who are pi**ed off with life in UK. Why cannot Oz produce enough plumbers/Nurses/hair dressers even carpet fitters.

Possibly, that all ours are having to compete with Poles/Latvians/Lithuanians etc.

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Actually, regarding emigration/immigration, Oz is one of the few countries of the world which is attractive in the extreme to the restless, the frustrated, the desperate. There are very likely more people of UK origin here than elsewhere (certainly per capita). The USA was a favourite of course, especially for the Irish, in earlier times. Oz is, now.

I forget the name of the UK poster who reported just now of looking out of his window at the grey sky. I truly sympathise: there is no virtue in perennial greyness. Ask any Scandinavian SAD sufferer.

A year or so ago, during winter, we (in Sydney) had an unseasonally warmish sunny day (just the one). Suddenly, unexpectedly, I felt terrific, without immediately realising why.

This was the moment I restarted my thinking about the LOS. There are some people (here, as elsewhere) who actually prefer cold weather. Sometimes they're married to someone who doesn't. Oops. :D

Me, I like it warm every day. Lots of Poms (et al) do too, it would seem. :o

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for me the one of the perks of not living in the uk is not having to look over your shoulder on a night out, walk home, walk to the shops etc..

im 6' 4". im 28. i can look after myself, but the level of violence in the uk is shocking. cocaine is a big, big problem. i would say that those from the age of 16-40 in most pubs etc are "on the beak". around 30-40%.

UK = Shithole

but i do miss going the game :o

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in uk now we have the teenage single mother who lives on a council estate with her eldest son Jason who wears a baseball cap and drives a souped up ford,he gets in trouble with the police.His grandmother was a teenage single mother who lived on a council estate with her eldest son Jason who whore a baseball cap and drove a souped up ford,he has been in trouble with the police.....etc. etc.....

And for this, who do you intend to blame?

ok in no particular order politicians,rap music,single mothers,Corperate breweries,bad teachers,bad parenting,contraception advisors,the voting system,television,bob monkhouse,road planners,immigration rules,the zurich treaty,westlife,and Thatcher the milk snatcher

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