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Online Chats Often Lead To Sex

sriracha john

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yes I am an old male and have had many sexual connections via the internet all over the age of consent, why have you advertised the websites the youngsters use?

i'm an old male too but i prefer to have sexual connections in direct contact (in my case with my Old Lady). we don't use the router and internet but we do it in our bedroom... or if the maid is off anywhere we please in the house :o

p.s. we have not tried it yet in the pump house, the utility room or inside the water fall. but you never know what we might be up too :D

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SRJ- so the wolf comes out of the sheep's clothing. Ladda T. and her Ministry of Culture gang are nothing more than the Thai government's version of the "Moral Majority" types in the U.S.- anti-sex, anti-youth culture zealots. The same group brings us each year's annual warning of the health risks of wearing spaghetti-string blouses during Songkran (so far it's been mosquitos, catching cold, and what else?). I wondered if she might be behind it- and now, perhaps, it seems she might have been behind most of these ludicrous anti-sex ABAC announcements the last few years. They need a cover, too, 'cause their direct statements have already lost all credibility. Well, ABAC's no great loss, either.


Don't mess with the Blue-Hair Battalion.... :o

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SRJ- so the wolf comes out of the sheep's clothing. Ladda T. and her Ministry of Culture gang are nothing more than the Thai government's version of the "Moral Majority" types in the U.S.- anti-sex, anti-youth culture zealots. The same group brings us each year's annual warning of the health risks of wearing spaghetti-string blouses during Songkran (so far it's been mosquitos, catching cold, and what else?). I wondered if she might be behind it- and now, perhaps, it seems she might have been behind most of these ludicrous anti-sex ABAC announcements the last few years. They need a cover, too, 'cause their direct statements have already lost all credibility. Well, ABAC's no great loss, either.


It's A LOT more, IJWT! I'd say a bit of overstatement. It's the Thai Ministry of Culture, an arm of the government with teeth vs. citizen, ground-roots movements in the USA. The day the USA establishes a Ministry of Culture and starts censoring the language, internet, university uniforms, and Christmas fashions, then I'll get worried. :o

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With her wonderful pigeon English telling him and i quote "you is tin tong honey, i just care for you, i just ask about the money, what can i do." A line like that would have the hardest heart weep.
Always the same girls!!! :o

Strange coincidence, timing wise..... so just curious... but are you using a webcam now, tingtong? :D:D

I say leave them to themselves........ under 20 they can't drink, what else they going to do!!! .... If there not going meet online where are they going to meet......

Guess the government will come up with a working party of how to monitor ALL internet chat rooms for "potentially fatal interent sex chat". A swat team could be set up by the Morals and Social Ministry to raid young boys and girls rooms with buckets of ice and madatory two weeks in a Wat as punishment.

Edited by jayjayjayjay
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I think IJWT got it right. This type of study (depending on what it is done for) should differentiate between underage persons having sex and adults. They also might want to determine the number of underage persons having sex with adults vs the number of underage persons having sex with other underage persons.

I think people were having sex long before chat lines came along and I don't think that outlawing them will reduce sex. I also agree with the poster who wants a definition of a stranger. If you chat with someone on line for a couple of years, are they really a stranger? Are they referring to people who have sex during their first face-to face (no pun intended) meeting, or people who 'meet' via the internet chat line, see each other and at a later date decide to have sex.

This study is just plain confusing. What are they trying to tell us?


I never take these kinds of studies too seriously.

Wonder if they took into acount the fact that as younger a male is, as bigger the chance is that he is just bragging.

As younger a female is, as more concerned she will be not to look like a........(not nice word).

This is a world wide fact.

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This one a few days ago from an Aussie online news source regarding a survey conducted in USA.

Article from: news_sourcelogo.gif

30pc of women who meet people online have sex on first date

By Kim Powell

ONE third of women who meet someone online have sex on the first date, and three quarters of these do not use a condom, according to a new survey.

The survey, published in the US journal Sexuality Research and Social Policy, is alarming for those who push the safe sex message - particularly as chlamydia and HIV infection rates in Australia are now at a 10-year high.

etc etc etc...

Thailand is not doing too well huh? I think the goal should be atleast 50% not the measely 8% Thailand has so far achieved... :D:o:D

but that is just my opinion :bah::D:D

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yes I am an old male and have had many sexual connections via the internet all over the age of consent, why have you advertised the websites the youngsters use?

i'm an old male too but i prefer to have sexual connections in direct contact (in my case with my Old Lady). we don't use the router and internet but we do it in our bedroom... or if the maid is off anywhere we please in the house :D

p.s. we have not tried it yet in the pump house, the utility room or inside the water fall. but you never know what we might be up too :D

No offence there mate, but wouldn't it be more fun to give the Old Lady a day off and try rooting the maid under the waterfall? :D

And what do you use the "pump house" for, if I might be so bold? We never had one of those in our gaff when growing up, but I think there's one in the Roman Baths in Bath. Am I warm? Must have some villa there Chewbacca. :o

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That's why I spend 23 hours a day posing as a 15 y/o boy. "Meet me down that dark, dark soi out the back of your house - you know, the one where nobody goes"


i am signing up to all singles websites right now(i will get that 8 per cent up)anyone now of some that have these lovely ladies :D:D:D

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Moreover, 27 per cent of male respondents and 8 per cent of female admitted they had sex with people they had met online. Of this group, 28 per cent of males and 59.4 per cent of females said the sex was not consensual.

Perhaps this is the real cause of concern.

Edited by sylviex
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Skillfully crafted polls & articles like this are the pre-cursor, "the warm up" if you will to small pressure groups being able to ask for a new ban of some type or another & have the "ammunition" to back up their argument so those deciding on the "ban" will have no choice but to go ahead & make it happen.

Take alcohol advertising, cigarette smoking, short miniskirts on university students, full moon parties on KPG, nightclub closing times, teenage curfew, petrol station closing times, alcohol trading hours & a host of others as examples. Many have begun in this fashion.


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ThaiVisa has chat, does it not ? :o

it does and I met my exwifes brother Boo on that very site. I'm pleased to say we had sex the first date, though to be honest she was crap at first he soon warmed up. Now she is hot. In fact I would say in the world of, well I better not mention they names, lets just say a lady of the third sex I met at nan plaza, my wife Boo sisters boyfriend is the hottest thing on two legs, or rather her back hahahaha when he lie down . But when I have the op I be all not femal Why get in a twist over a chat site we wouldnt use it if its nott to met the hot thai chickie. Or if you male then or male to femal sex op then it can be either if you gay or straight. lets be honest its why you old guys are here. What harm it doto you. We dont do it your house in your face. Its only in the country natural like the dogs and the dog get it when he can. all male the same like to have the hot sex. If you lucky like me have the urge and the hots dont need kamagra female cause you like a hammer all the time you lucky.Eat right and stay in shape even though she sixty up. Not beer belly just hard flat handsome guy still I find attractive still.

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ThaiVisa has chat, does it not ? :D

it does and I met my exwifes brother Boo on that very site. I'm pleased to say we had sex the first date, though to be honest she was crap at first he soon warmed up. Now she is hot. In fact I would say in the world of, well I better not mention they names, lets just say a lady of the third sex I met at nan plaza, my wife Boo sisters boyfriend is the hottest thing on two legs, or rather her back hahahaha when he lie down . But when I have the op I be all not femal Why get in a twist over a chat site we wouldnt use it if its nott to met the hot thai chickie. Or if you male then or male to femal sex op then it can be either if you gay or straight. lets be honest its why you old guys are here. What harm it doto you. We dont do it your house in your face. Its only in the country natural like the dogs and the dog get it when he can. all male the same like to have the hot sex. If you lucky like me have the urge and the hots dont need kamagra female cause you like a hammer all the time you lucky.Eat right and stay in shape even though she sixty up. Not beer belly just hard flat handsome guy still I find attractive still.


What were you trying to say ?

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A lot of young thai people love chatting line through MSN or through social networking sites. I think a lot of females feel more comfortable talking with guys ( Thai guys, remember these numbers are about real thailand not the ridiculous world of foreign men and thai women) then they would in person, and this leads obviously to quicker intimate contact, combine that with the semi new trend of you thai women starting to get more sexually empowered, especially at university level.

On a related note its so sickening when i see my friends myspaces/hi/facebook and see these eurotrash shitbags saying stuff like wow you look so tight, and hello mate lets shag, and other euro-drivel etc.. the thing is a lot of young girls really do get taken advantage of by these guys cause they dont know anybetter, but at least middle age thai cougars can counter attack those stats by taking the foreigners to the cleaners. very nice!

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ThaiVisa has chat, does it not ? :D

it does and I met my exwifes brother Boo on that very site. I'm pleased to say we had sex the first date, though to be honest she was crap at first he soon warmed up. Now she is hot. In fact I would say in the world of, well I better not mention they names, lets just say a lady of the third sex I met at nan plaza, my wife Boo sisters boyfriend is the hottest thing on two legs, or rather her back hahahaha when he lie down . But when I have the op I be all not femal Why get in a twist over a chat site we wouldnt use it if its nott to met the hot thai chickie. Or if you male then or male to femal sex op then it can be either if you gay or straight. lets be honest its why you old guys are here. What harm it doto you. We dont do it your house in your face. Its only in the country natural like the dogs and the dog get it when he can. all male the same like to have the hot sex. If you lucky like me have the urge and the hots dont need kamagra female cause you like a hammer all the time you lucky.Eat right and stay in shape even though she sixty up. Not beer belly just hard flat handsome guy still I find attractive still.


What were you trying to say ?

I haven't a clue, either, but I would say that he/she is an incredibly adept writer as he/she met and bedded down with someone from Thaivisa chat on the very same day he/she joined Thaivisa..... which was yesterday.

Edited by sriracha john
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I live here and get lotsa free sex with younger thai ladies who are seemingly desperate for farang<

Play then at their own game and it is so easy

Thank god for the internet eh

:o can i have some directions to these ladies you are talking about?where do you live? :D

Me too, please. Just one or two will do, I'm not greedy.

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