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Australian Election Vote At Embassy? Sat 24th Nov

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Thanks for the compliment Samran...so you're a proffessional student...we all know what they do hey !!

Back to school with you me thinks.

As for war with Indo, yeah I don't think likely...but you never never know if you never never go hey....but you have to wonder who would win with their 250 million population of radical muslims and god knows what else thrown in there, scrawny little deperados....against Oz's 20 odd million of overweight couch potatoes and the odd suntanned life guard to busy posing in the mirror.

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After reading this thread one can only come to the conclusion that you are living in a fantastic fantasy world samran :D

We may have a vastly superior army, but vast in general it aint!

Indonesia has just ordered the latest Sukhois as well as a couple of MI-35 multi role helicopters.

I suppose you were happy living back in the days of 32% sales tax on your TV and video, 22% on your computer stuff etc, and 17% for your mortgage.

Howard took over at 10% and brought it down to 6% or so, now its at 8.5, well deary me we had a few rate rises, as an economist you should be able to tell us how inflation works and why its been climbing so rapidly. interest free everything for 3 years ring a bell?? :o


I'll talk with you as others seem content to throw insults and disparage people instead.

I know the indo's have just purchased a bunch of stuff from the Russians. Good on them. I think they have alot more to worry about internally in simply keeping their country in one piece, rather than thinking about invading Australia. I mean, they managed to hold on to little oldf East Timor for how long? The can barely go to parts of Sumatra and West Papua. How do you think they'd go with all of Australia. Doubt they'd be able to digest it!

I'd rather a strong indo government, and a stable Indonesia that one which is litterally disinitigrating before our eyes. Think about the impact of a disintigrating indonesia on Australia versus a stable one. I'd prefer the later.

As for taxes. I agree with you. I support a GST - as I said, I am an economist! I wish that Keating had been able to introduce it back in 1986 with Option C, but he got rolled by Hawke and the Unions at the Tax summit. I didn't like the GST in 1993 as it came part and parcel of Fightback! which would have pulled apart things like medicare.

As for interest rates, I surely remeber 17% under Keating, and I remember the 23% cash rate under a certain treasurer named John Howard. But, you know what, I'm not one to blame politicians, or give them credit for interest rates. Since 1996, the reserve bank has been independent, and any politicians who tell you that low interest rates are because of them, are out and out liars.

So that interest rates came down from 10% to 5% and how back up to 6% (or whatever it is) has nothing to do with the good skill on a certain Prime Minister John Winston Howard, and have everything to do with a certain former Reserve Bank governor called Ian McFarlane. Economic cycles happen. Australia is part of a globalised trading system. All governments can do is make sure that economies are diversified enough, and have the right tools in place (eg a floating exchage rate, good education) to make sure it can handle any adverse shocks.

Anyway, back to work.....yeah, I do work you know.

So if we are going to talk about fantasy worlds :D then I'll live in the one where the Aussie army is superior to an Indo one, and you live in the one where you beleive that John Howard somehow controls the Australian economy!


Just on the scenario of a Indo/Aus war. While Indonesia has vastly superior numbers of troops (albeit less well trained) they would not be able to effectively deploy them against Australia.

Many believe the Collins class subs, that we have invested billions in, are white elephants. But they would come into their own in the event troop ships tried to cross to Australia. It would be a slaughter. Similarly, we hold a significant advantage in the air and would cut off that invading route. (even before the upgrade of fighter planes due over the next few years)

If an invading force from the north did gain a foothold in Australia they would find themselves marooned in some of the most inhospitable country on the planet many thousands of Kms from our major cities and supply routes.

It would be a relatively easy task to seperate them from their own supply lines and they would fizzle and die in a short time.

No sensible country would attempt an invasion of Australia.

Just on the scenario of a Indo/Aus war. While Indonesia has vastly superior numbers of troops (albeit less well trained) they would not be able to effectively deploy them against Australia.

Many believe the Collins class subs, that we have invested billions in, are white elephants. But they would come into their own in the event troop ships tried to cross to Australia. It would be a slaughter. Similarly, we hold a significant advantage in the air and would cut off that invading route. (even before the upgrade of fighter planes due over the next few years)

If an invading force from the north did gain a foothold in Australia they would find themselves marooned in some of the most inhospitable country on the planet many thousands of Kms from our major cities and supply routes.

It would be a relatively easy task to seperate them from their own supply lines and they would fizzle and die in a short time.

No sensible country would attempt an invasion of Australia.

In essence their main problem would be logistics and the fact that Australia is of stragetic importance to the USA who would not allow it to happen. Also it could bring in other countries on either side. It is essential we have good relations with Indonesia. For one thing we should forget the "Balibo Five" incident.If Indonesia had not gone into East Timor it could have become a Russian base.


Mr Squiggle represents exactly what I hate about a lot of Australians right now - including many of my close friends still there - and why I'm glad I'm not back there.

The attitude of as long as I am getting more in my pay packet every week and the economy is strong, I don't give a <deleted> what the government does to immigrants, the environment, other countries, minorities etc etc! Just give me more money and keep that golden goose layin!!!

Fark me, that is f**ked up.


Glad to represent all your hatred Doza....maybe you should chill out a little more...in fact go ask Beardog for some advice on chillin, he good at that.

The economy is great, employment is great, the country is great...so you find a few little problems to have a whine about and change the course of the country...maybe...not saying that it will, maybe Harry Potter will do a better job...just maybe, but are you really willing to gamble and get rid of a good thing ona maybe.

Keep Howard in and in a year or so Costello will take over, who better and with more experience is there to run this country.....nobody...maybe you guys should have voted in that fine example of self control and image...beazley many moons ago.

So what if Howard wnat to keep the Aussie shores and country pristine, get soft on illegals and one day Oz will have some of the worst diseases that other countries are infested with and as long as it is the right minorities he is ignoring...good on him...and as for global warming, he is a little smarter than you think, he knows all this global warming and dire predictions of the end of the world are a croc of crap. Global warming and the end of the world as we know it are akin to the global croc of crap that was conjured up with the millenium bug.

Besides, several doxen countries are polluting the world at an astounding rate and little old Oz is not going to be catching up to them any time soon, so why put any detrimental effects on the economy just now.

You will all be sorry with Harry Potter steering the wheels in the future.

This one was about how to vote in Thailand on Saturday. now I am worried about a war with Indonesia :o:D:D

Foreign affairs issues could be an election issue for those living overseas, the other issue is hypothetical.

A solid win for Rudd and Labour, let the efforts to seriously address climate change in our own backyard begin.

Ageed, landslide victory to the Labor Party, job well done. Currently 84 seats for Labor, 58 seats to the Coalition. Look like Howard will lose his seat to Maxine McKew as well, only the second time in history this has happened. More can be found by CLICKING HERE.

Mark my words....Howard will get back in, nobody could be that stooopid to kick out the golden goose...even if he is a goose.....kick out the goose and get a gander

Looks like you were dead wrong and further more Howard will lose his own seat. Back to the drawing board for you MrSquigle. See you in 3 years time, unless those Indonesians get you first. :o


I've copied these quotes in from another thread to merge them:


.....and the heavens opened and the angels sang as Johnny Howard got kicked out and even lost his own seat.

It's party time!!!!

Guess the citizenship test will be scrapped also:

2007 Australian Citizenship Test </H2>October 1st 2007 02:10

1. Do you understand the meaning, but are unable to explain the origin of, the term "died in the arse"?

_____________________________ ______

2. What is a bloody little beauty?

_____________________________ ______

3. Are these terms related: chuck a sickie; chuck a spaz; chuck a U-ey?

_____________________________ ______

4. Explain the following passage:

"In the arvo last Chrissy the relos rocked up for a barbie, some bevvies and a few snags. After a bit of a Bex and a lie down we opened the pressies, scoffed all the chockies, bickies and lollies. Then we drained a few tinnies and Mum did her block after Dad and Steve had a barney and a bit of biffo."

_____________________________ _____

5. Macca, Chooka and Wanger are driving to Surfers in their Torana. If they are travelling at 100 km/h while listening to Barnsey, Farnsey and Acca Dacca, how many slabs will each person on average consume between flashing a brown eye and having a slash?


6. Complete the following sentences:

a) "If the van's rockin' don't bother .......

You're going home in the back of a .........

c) Fair crack of the...........

_____________________________ ____

7. I've had a gutful and I can't be fagged. Discuss

_____________________________ _____

8. Have you ever been on the giving or receiving end of a wedgie?

_____________________________ _____

9. Do you have a friend or relative who has a car in their front yard "up on blocks"? Is his name Bruce and does he have a wife called Cheryl?

_____________________________ _____

10. Does your family regularly eat a dish involving mincemeat, cabbage, curry powder and a packet of chicken noodle soup called either chow mein, chop suey or kai see ming?

_____________________________ _____

11. What are the ingredients in a rissole?

_____________________________ _____

12. Demonstrate the correct procedure for eating a Tim Tam.

_____________________________ _____

13. Do you have an Aunty Irene who smokes 30 cigarettes a day and sounds like a bloke?

_____________________________ _____

14. In any two-hour period have you ever eaten three-bean salad, a chop and two serves of pav washed down with someone else's beer that has been flogged from a bath full of ice?

_____________________________ _____

15. When you go to a bring- your-own-meat barbie can you eat other people's meat or are you only allowed to eat your own?

_____________________________ _____

16. What purple root vegetable beginning with the letter "b" is required by law to be included in a hamburger with the lot?

_____________________________ _____

17. Do you own or have you ever owned a lawn mower, a pair of thongs, an Esky or Ugg boots?

_____________________________ ____

18. Is it possible to "prang a car" while doing "circle work"?

_____________________________ _____

19. Who would you like to crack on to?

_____________________________ _____

20. Who is the most Australian: Kevin "Bloody" Wilson, John "True Blue" Williamson, Kylie Minogue or Warnie?

_____________________________ _____

21. Is there someone you are only mates with because they own a trailer or have a pool?

_____________________________ ____

22. What does sinkin piss at a mate’s joint and gettin paralised mean?

_____________________________ ____

You may copy your mate’s answers, please submit this back to me when you have had a fair old crack.

The pass rate is 45%


Senior Member

#13...I have an Aunty Somchai over here like that, does this count ?


Tim, Tim, where for art thou Timothy...the thearch continues.

After reading this thread one can only come to the conclusion that you are living in a fantastic fantasy world samran :D

We may have a vastly superior army, but vast in general it aint!

Indonesia has just ordered the latest Sukhois as well as a couple of MI-35 multi role helicopters.

I suppose you were happy living back in the days of 32% sales tax on your TV and video, 22% on your computer stuff etc, and 17% for your mortgage.

Howard took over at 10% and brought it down to 6% or so, now its at 8.5, well deary me we had a few rate rises, as an economist you should be able to tell us how inflation works and why its been climbing so rapidly. interest free everything for 3 years ring a bell?? :o

That is in interesting take. I will admit the GST is good, probably the best thing Howard did. But you analogy is a bit lame though. There were lots of things, services and food for example that had 0% sales tax. Yes I know SOME food is still taxed at 0%. You also need to remember that they were wholesale rates taxed once. The GST is cumlative, the equivelent rate is about 16% but that does depend upon how many hands the product has gone through and how much value they have added.

As for mortages, the times of 17% were not good, and yes I remember them. But you know what the good economy that Howard has had the last 11.5 years is all because of this pain. Even Howard himself said that the economy has been going good and growing for 15 years. Which is true, but think how long was Howard in power for, yep 11.5 years. So what about the 4.5 years before. Well that was when Keating was the PM and before that the treasurer. People hated Keating for the receission we had to have, but he was right and the pain of high unemployment ad rates is the main reason we now have a strong economy. The problem is it is going too strong, Howard should have put the breaks on about 4 years ago, but didn't. You know why? He probably would have lost the last election. Howard was lucky because when he came to power he had the money to pay for the so called black hole. That money came from Labour policy under Keating and of course selling off governent assets. Do remember it takes about 2-3 years for a governments policy to have any real effect on the economy. As for the black hole again it was large but the bulk of that was to pay for initiatives that help stimulate the economy after the recession. That is what we lack now, even with Rudd, a government who is willing to invest in infrastructure.

Oh I think you will find that cash interest rate in 1996 was about the same as now and ironicaly when Howard was Tresurer under Fraser the cash rate was 22%, the highest EVER for an Aussie government. The only difference was the banking sector was regulated so it didn't effect mortages, but it sure the hel_l effected business and the running of the Government.

One more thing to remember when it comes to interest rates is to compare affordability. Housing was more affordable under Keatings 17%. Nowdays not so easy. For example I am on an income of about $90,000, I brought my house in the suburbs of Canberra for $160,000 in 2000. My house is now worth around $370,000. I pay a mortage of about $1200 per month. I dread to think what the payments would be if I brought the house now. I couldn't afford it, I know that for a fact. And this is for a 12square house in the outter burbs of Canberra, ie an entry level house. Now I guess I should think myself lucky, because of Howard I have made $200,000, well on paper, but it is worthless except to borrow against and if i want to upgrade my house or move on it will cost me a whole lot more. I would rather my house was still closer to $160,000.

Rudd faces a challenge because he will now have to live with the effect of Liberals 11 years in Government, in particular their fiscal policies. Ie high inflation in particular. In 3 years I have no doubt interest rates will be higher and growth slowed and the Libs will claim how they told the public so, but nup, the reason will be the last 5 years in particular of Howard and Costello.

They've been at the forefront lobbying for the rights of expat Australians, on issues including dual nationality, inequitable loss of citizenship, social security arrangements, and of course, voting rights.

It sounds a bit like trying to have your cake and eat it too. If you're an EXpatriate, then you've given up your homeland and moved onto greener pastures.

It easy for me to see feel this because I've already given up 4 countries to move on.

Time a new new Flag me thinks...one without the colony connection....... :o

The old flag will do. We are used to it and never mind the colonial connection. The Poms are forever sorry for giving the place to us convicts and not keping it for themselves. Now they are stuck in that miserable cold place, called England, forever. Kevin 007 you beauty. Get Keating out if retirement to give you a hand with some good socialist ideas and discontinue all links with that prick Bush. I remember all the way with LBJ. Bush is the greater evil.



"Hallelujah...praise the lord"....

Well, only what...minutes into the job and he is already telling you lot not to drink...'dont go out and celebrate with a beer...just have a cuppa and an iced vovo'.. :o

And the new page on the history of Australia "how to &lt;deleted&gt; up a country in one saturday morning"

So he tells his team "we have a lot of work to do now"....yeah like he is now running around his new office on sundy morning telling everyone "oi you lot, don't touch a thing, nuttin, just leave things as they are and let everything go along as it was before and maybe they won't notice"

During the Pauline Hanson phase I was working in Singapore, for months every taxi I got in the XCab driver would ask where I am from when I mentioned Australia every darn time Pauline would be brought up by the driver along with comments about Australia being racist.

I was totally confused as that was not the Australia that I left behind.

My point is that the Hanson period really made Australia a laughing stock around the Asia region.

She did have some ideas regarding Aboriginals that might have been worth looking into, it is a shame she could not control her mouth and that Howard didn't use the opportunity to do something about the Australian international image.

I won't be worrying about voting.

Pauline's bid for the Senate failed dismally yesterday. :o

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