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Loy Kratong Justice


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I was standing in the road between the plaza at Thapae Gate (which, by the way, the Thais did a fantastic job of getting ready just in the nick of time) and the new little triangle traffic island watching a farang sitting on the edge of the triangle shooting off Roman Candle fireworks up and into the middle of the crowded plaza across the street. I was thanking my lucky star NOT to be standing underneath where these were exploding 2-3 meters over the heads of the people trying to enjoy the peace and tranquility of releasing khum loi in the plaza.

This man was just sitting there holding the Roman candle in his hand, a somewhat glazed expression on his face as he enjoyed HIS play.... right up until the entire Roman candle blew up in his hand! I guess there is some justice in all that.

I hope he wasn't seriously injured, but perhaps there was just enough residual pain to think about the pain others might have been suffering because of his earlier actions.

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." - Galileo Galilei

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I used to love LK but it has been ruined by clowns like that so now, like Songkhran, I tend to avoid it unless I can really get away from the touro areas (bit difficult as I only visit Thailand briefly nowadays).

Anyhow, the moment must have been priceless. Wish I'd been there, I wouldn't have laughed - well maybe a little - okay maybe I'd have pissed myself. :o

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the concert area by the governors house last night turned into chaos just after midnight. Hoons letting off huge bomb-like fireworks and running around throwing crackers at each other. Where the hel_l where the BIB?

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Moved into my house w/six month lease in the EXTREME NW corner of Moo Baan Suan Nonsee on September 8th. Twenty meter " green belt" separates my corner of "civilization?" from the surrounding locals. Literally EVERY night (except during downpours) since moving here the locals have delighted themselves with bombarding us with everything from bottle rockets,the giant firecracker/bombs, to even the occasional emptying of a couple clips of .45 caliber pistols. Hearing of the idiot with the Roman candle incident was like music to my ears. Can't wait to move to anywhere else in the Chiang Mai area where relatively peaceful evenings COULD happen. I feel better now...Thankyou very much

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Driving home from Tuskers last night we had to travel down Loi Khro Road and there were idiots letting off fireworks in the middle of the road at the "Bar End".......we had to drive by fireworks just waiting to explode two feet away from the car.

I just cannot understand the lunacy that is displayed here during festival times.

Tonight there will be two sides of Narrawat Bridge occupied by morons letting off fireworks directly at people on the other side of the bridge 20 metres away while the MIB look on. That sounds like fun :o

How many people will loose an eye or a hand or their lives tonight in Chiang Mai, all in the name of FUN !!!? :D

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Exactly, ThaiPaully. Riding to the Peak after our get-together, I had to close my helmet shield to avoid getting fireworks directly in my face. I am not going out tonight. Having a few old friends over to the moobahn for a quieter celebration. One of the ladies is pregnant and can't take the risks of the crowds, etc.

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How many people will loose an eye or a hand or their lives tonight in Chiang Mai, all in the name of FUN !!!? :o

TV (television, that is) news this morning already carried two stories of CM firework-fun casualties being stretchered out of ambulances into hospital. I live by the river a couple of km's north of the Superhighway- so tonight it'll be a happy launch of our kratongs (just finished making them), a few drinks and a grandstand but SAFE view of other people's fireworks in the night sky.

Talking of drinks - don't underestimate how many drivers will be off their heads tonight..............

P.S. If anyone is feeling in vigilante fireman mode, I have three songkran waterguns here. Feel free to contact me and borrow them if you've a mind to deal with any more farang f**kwits doing the same as the OP described. :D

Edited by Steve2UK
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12-year-old boy loses had in giant firecracker explosion

CHIANG MAI: -- A 12-year-old boy lost his hand after a giant firecracker he made for Loy Krathong celebration exploded in his hand, police said.

Doctors had to amputate his right hand after it was badly damaged by the explosion.

The boy, Narubet Tomtui, a sixth grader, was admitted to the Nakhon Ping Hospital in Mae Rim district at 9:30 am.

The explosion also badly damaged his eyes. Doctors said he could be blind.

-- The Nation 2007-11-24

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I have no sympathy for him. Why do these idiots come here at festival time?

a bit harsh :o

perhaps the question should be, where is the supervision for the youngsters 16 and younger?

I remember as a kid playing with crackers and rockets trying to blow up a whole host of things for fun, but did know the limit to it. Dad kept a check on us kids not to annoy people or destroy their property.

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I have no sympathy for him. Why do these idiots come here at festival time?

a bit harsh :o

perhaps the question should be, where is the supervision for the youngsters 16 and younger?

I remember as a kid playing with crackers and rockets trying to blow up a whole host of things for fun, but did know the limit to it. Dad kept a check on us kids not to annoy people or destroy their property.

I assume uptheos was referring to the farang in the OP, not to the 12 year old.

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I have no sympathy for him. Why do these idiots come here at festival time?

a bit harsh :o

perhaps the question should be, where is the supervision for the youngsters 16 and younger?

I remember as a kid playing with crackers and rockets trying to blow up a whole host of things for fun, but did know the limit to it. Dad kept a check on us kids not to annoy people or destroy their property.

I assume uptheos was referring to the farang in the OP, not to the 12 year old.

i hope so

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Even in the just 8 years I have been here, Loy Kratong has radically changed.

That said, in the 4-5 years prior to this year, there were announcements from central government restricting some fireworks and banning certain other makes / types (including well publicised raids on vendors) - none of which happened this year as far as I know, nor did I learn of any announcements about play-area restrictions.

Discovered Saturday morning that the car has a new scar from a firecracker exploding ON the body - about six inches from the petrol cap - had the cap been loose and the vapour ignited - that would have been one firework thrower that wouldn't have needed a temple to cremate them. That happened while we were in Tuskers for the unofficial piss-up.

It's mid morning Monday now, and we still have idiots doing drive-by firecracker lobbing. Our house has a new baby and two of the houses opposite have too. It's not a peaceful place right now with the firecrackers and baby-choir screaming to high heaven - - - as someone said earlier .... where are the BiB?

At least the soi-dog pack has bruggered off to somewhere else.


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Although I live in the middle of town it has been quite peaceful. Got together with the neighbours and decided nobody wanted fireworks going up near their house. So anyone coming close and looking like they were going to let anything off was told to b..... off.

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Gaz, It's bad about your car getting hit like that, that aside...

All you folk worrying, chill the hel_l out.

If the Thais want to act like like prats and let off the fireworks whining constantly is not going to change it.

Its the same back home in the UK kids do the same thing! Older guys get the fireworks and us young kids (back then) were chucking them about) boys will be boys I'm afraid.


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Gaz, It's bad about your car getting hit like that, that aside...

All you folk worrying, chill the hel_l out.

If the Thais want to act like like prats and let off the fireworks whining constantly is not going to change it.

Its the same back home in the UK kids do the same thing! Older guys get the fireworks and us young kids (back then) were chucking them about) boys will be boys I'm afraid.


Unfortunately it isn't always just a matter of harmless pranks. I was talking to a shopowner in the market today who almost got her house burnt down last night. One of the floating lanterns came down on her roof at 1am in the morning. It is only because neighbours/passersby saw and there was someone that was agile enough to go up on the roof and put the fire out that their house was saved. They called the fire service; then by the time they had put out the fire they called again to ask why they hadn't come. Apparently they said the fire engine couldn't get out of the station - too many people blocking its way! :o

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Jims #25 - I agree on the whining and no action ....... anyone know where I can buy 20 metre rolls of cheesewire? I have an idea for how to cure the drive-by motorcycle firecracker throwers :D

Sally - a few years back (five or so I think) the self same incident happened up at Wororot and a century-old teak-wood mansion disappeared completely within 20 minutes. To me personally, losing all those historical and architectural treasures in such a manner is far more distressing than a few "som nam na" injuries, or paintwork scars on cars. After all, it's bad enough the way locals rob bricks from the Kampaengdin and city walls in order to beautify their homes, but to totally lose wooden masterpieces int he name of fun is unforgivable.

..... ponders the idea of starting a business fitting rooftop sprinklers for wooden houses :o

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