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Helping The Locals/family


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Nice thoughts on helping people less well off than you.

A member called mouse was trying to set up a site a few months ago along the same lines as some of you are thinking: Mouses' webpage Not sure if it's still running, maybe you should PM him first. :D

Personally I'm selfish and only think of myself, but hats off to others who are willing to give the time or effort to help other people. :o

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I could have saved a 6 year old girls life upcountry.

I was 2 days late. 400 baht at a hospital would have saved her

from dying of dysentary. I didnt know her or her family (neighbors)

or that she was sick, but if I was there in time I would have helped

her in a second and she would still be alive for a lousy 10$.

Watching the mother screaming while carrying the dead girls body

while the family members tried to pry it away from her is an image

that still haunts me to this day.

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I could have saved a 6 year old girls life upcountry.

I was 2 days late. 400 baht at a hospital would have saved her

from dying of dysentary. I didnt know her or her family (neighbors)

or that she was sick, but if I was there in time I would have helped

her in a second and she would still be alive for a lousy 10$.

Watching the mother screaming while carrying the dead girls body

while the family members tried to pry it away from her is an image

that still haunts me to this day.

I'm missing something...Did the hospital refuse to treat the child because the mom didn't have 400 baht? Is that what happened?

I would like to hear more details about this, if you don't mind...

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Yes the hospital refused to help the girl. This is a serious problem upcountry.

No $$ / no treatment.

One day a guy crashed his motocy on my soi. The guy was messed hard.

Blood everywhere, mouth / ears bleeding. Instantly everyone jumps in a truck

and we pick him up and take him to the hospital. The nurse comes out and

looks at this poor guy and says "10,000 baht" . Well nobody had 10K baht

on him and she let this guy lay there in pain for 10 mins before they convinced

her they will get the $$$. I almost choked her I was so angry.

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I could have saved a 6 year old girls life upcountry.

  I was 2 days late. 400 baht at a hospital would have saved her

  from dying of dysentary. I didnt know her or her family (neighbors)

  or that she was sick, but if I was there in time I would have helped

  her in a second and she would still be alive for a lousy 10$.

  Watching the mother screaming while carrying the dead girls body

  while the family members tried to pry it away from her is an image

  that still haunts me to this day.

I'm missing something...Did the hospital refuse to treat the child because the mom didn't have 400 baht? Is that what happened?

I would like to hear more details about this, if you don't mind...

I always try to verify such stories, not so easy to believe, what I read here...

Nobody dies instantly of dysentery.....village people know about the danger of dysentery, medicine is available in pharmacies and does not cost even baht 400,-.

Usually families in villages are collecting money for medical help from all neighbours .....and everybody gives a 10,- or 20 baht.....

At least this is the way it is done in villages in South Thailand.

This woman with her child was not alone, as mentioned in this report.....

Where did this exactly happen? Do you have more details?

Something strange....

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Yes the hospital refused to help the girl. This is a serious problem upcountry.

No $$ / no treatment.

One day a guy crashed his motocy on my soi. The guy was messed hard.

Blood everywhere, mouth / ears bleeding. Instantly everyone jumps in a truck

and we pick him up and take him to the hospital. The nurse comes out and

looks at this poor guy and says "10,000 baht" . Well nobody had 10K baht

on him and she let this guy lay there in pain for 10 mins before they convinced

her they will get the $$$. I almost choked her I was so angry.

Yes, correct, no cash - no treatment.....

But to see a doctor for first aid in a hospital after an accident is not baht 10.000,-, even not, if you go to a private hospital for foreigners......

Charges are low in a general hospital.....

Which hospital? Please offer more informations....

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Many people in the villages just will not go to hospital - they just die in pain. I have seen several people suffering from easily cured problems, but which are potentially life threatening without treatment.

I instigated a weekly run for old people in our village who want to visit a clinic about 15km away and they are now getting used to the idea that help is available for them.

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I instigated a weekly run for old people in our village who want to visit a clinic about 15km away and they are now getting used to the idea that help is available for them.

Very interesting posting, very true....

Could you give any figure, how much they have to pay for that.....

to go to the clinic, to see the doctor, and to get medicines for what you call easily cured problems.... How do they earn the money for that?

Please tell us more about it.

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Could you give any figure, how much they have to pay for that.....

The clinic visit is free (in Uthom Phom). My wife has bought some trucks and one of them is kitted out as a bus/taxi, she provides the deisel. There are normally about 10 or 12 passengers.

If medicine/treatment is necessary the normal price is Bt30 each. Sometimes things can be more serious and more costly, I usually foot the bill; e.g. cataract op., a guy had a very serious gout condition, another had cancer in the latter stages (he died) all cost a few thousand baht which my wife coughed up.

We normally provide a small lunch also. Total cost is a few hundred baht a week - we are currently living in HK but the bro-in-law provides the service and pays out of the proceeds of my wife's various enterprises in the village.

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Yes the hospital refused to help the girl.  This is a serious problem upcountry.

    No $$ / no treatment.

    One day a guy crashed his motocy on my soi.  The guy was messed hard.

    Blood everywhere, mouth / ears bleeding.  Instantly everyone jumps in a truck

    and we pick him up and take him to the hospital. The nurse comes out and

    looks at this poor guy and says  "10,000 baht" .  Well nobody had 10K baht

    on him and she let this guy lay there in pain for 10 mins before they convinced

    her they will get the $$$.  I almost choked her I was so angry.

Yes, correct, no cash - no treatment.....

But to see a doctor for first aid in a hospital after an accident is not baht 10.000,-, even not, if you go to a private hospital for foreigners......

Charges are low in a general hospital.....

Which hospital? Please offer more informations....

Between Social Security Medical coverage, and the 30 baht Health Care Program, I wonder why these things would happen. Doesn't make sense to me, but I've not had much experience in this area in recent years. I do sense that there is more to both of these stories, but I don't know....

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Yea I dont really get it either, medical costs are'nt that high. Gov hospitals 30 bht

You can also get help in emergancy situations, if you dont have enough money to pay.

My brother-in-law's little boy was very premeture, and only given about a 50-50 chance of surviving. The hospital said that the total cost would run into several 100,000 bht.(as he had to be in intensive care for a few months)

The whole family was trying to decide, if it was worth it with only a 50% chance of survival, anyway they applied to the hospital and the goverment agreed to pay the bill

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Yea I dont really get it either, medical costs are'nt that high. Gov hospitals 30 bht

You can also get help in emergancy situations, if you dont have enough money to pay.

My brother-in-law's little boy was very premeture, and only given about a 50-50 chance of surviving. The hospital said that the total cost would run into several 100,000 bht.(as he had to be in intensive care for a few months)

The whole family was trying to decide, if it was worth it with only a 50% chance of survival, anyway they applied to the hospital and the goverment agreed to pay the bill

Yea I dont really get it either, medical costs are'nt that high. Gov hospitals 30 bht

Not just Govt hospitals, but most private hospitals, too.

Frankly, I find it extremely difficult to believe that any person in a hospital would stand by and not treat a baby dying from dysentary simply because the family didn't have 400 baht.

Sorry, I just don't buy the story, as presented.

But, I'm willing to make the effort to personally find out the whole story....if Nam Kao will provide me (by PM) the name of the hospital, baby's name, dates, and any names of hospital personnel known....

Up to you, Nam Kao...

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I too smell a tall story. Kindly stay on topic, how can we as foreigners improve medical assistance for the poor in the villages. It is my understanding that, in medical emergencies, care is available to all for a very small fee indeed. I have experience of this upcountry when my TGF required medical help earlier this year.

Although not always to the standard one might expect in the West, it is however available too all in my experience.

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The hospital is in Wang Sai Phun. Dont have the name off the top off my head.

Hospital records?? Dude this is Thailand, you must be new here.

Anyways if you want to verify my story do this little experiment.

Go way upcountry, boon docks, jump on a motorcy, crash into something big,

when (and if) you get to a hospital tell them you have no $$$ to pay for treatment.

Then report back here what happened, OK?

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The hospital is in Wang Sai Phun. Dont have the name off the top off my head.

Hospital records??  Dude this is Thailand, you must be new here.

Anyways if you want to verify my story do this little experiment.

Go way upcountry, boon docks,  jump on a motorcy, crash into something big,

when (and if) you get to a hospital tell them you have no $$$ to pay for treatment.

Then report back here what happened, OK?

I didn't ask for records, I asked for the name of anyone concerned, and the dates. Since you stated they were your friends, I assumed you knew their names..

And, Thai hospitals do keep records, masses of them.

Sorry to say, but from the tone and quality of your response, it gives me more reason to to think that your story isn't really accurate.

It's easy to accuse a hospital of negligent homicide, and I believe accusers should be responsible for their accusations, especially in this case, being that your charge is extremely serious

But, so far, you don't seem to be willing to back your words, or accept responsibility for your accusations stated here. That's your option, of course

Oh, and I'm not new here :o

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Oh, and I'm not new here

Me too and I have seen absolutely no eveidence in my time in Thailand of Thai's being turned away in emergency situations. The Thia's aren't monsters Re, withholding medical help. The Americans hold that honour. (Now I've gone and done it :o )

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Oh, and I'm not new here

Me too and I have seen absolutely no eveidence in my time in Thailand of Thai's being turned away in emergency situations. The Thia's aren't monsters Re, withholding medical help. The Americans hold that honour. (Now I've gone and done it :o )

But, I have heard of more than a couple of times when a patient gets transferred from one hospital to another, and gets caught in a referral circle....Some patients have died..

I want to be clear, I'm not trying to protect hospitals or suggest that the health care in Thailand is good...It's not, generally, in my experience...and this is one area where I do have a lot of widespread experience in Thailand, going back almost 20 years...One must be very proactive with one's health care here. Many dangers lurking for the clueless or those who over-acquiesce.

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I will put my 2p worth in

About 2 years ago one of my neighbors by the name of Boon had a daughter who was heavily pregnant.

Unfortunately the birth was breach or some such problem (im not a medic) but the story was true.

The local hospital in Amphur Phen, said that they would do a suzerain if the family had the money.

As they did not have any money the doctors said that they would cut the baby into pieces to get it out. :o

The 30 B scheme is only very basic.

What is the Hippocratic Oath in Thailand?

I was not asked for anything and only found out when I saw Boon crying.

This is proud man and would not have come to me for help.

He was trying to sell his house (worth nothing) to get the money, no chance.

I paid about £70 to the doctors for the operation and extracted a promise from Boon that he would not tell anyone about the money.

He kept his promise.

Only my wife and I in the village know what happened.

All went well and now there is a beautiful little girl next door. :D

Thailands a good place to live ----IF--you mave money

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I didn't ask for records, I asked for the name of anyone concerned, and the dates. Since you stated they were your friends, I assumed you knew their names..

And,  Thai hospitals do keep records, masses of them.

Sorry to say, but from the tone and quality of your response, it gives me more reason to to think that your story isn't really accurate.

It's easy to accuse a hospital of negligent homicide, and I believe accusers should be responsible for their accusations, especially in this case, being that your charge is extremely serious

But, so far, you don't seem to be willing to back your words, or accept responsibility for your accusations stated here. That's your option, of course

Oh, and I'm not new here  :o

Visiting Thailand since about 30 years, I agree with Ajarn. I am not new in Thailand, and not new in Asia generally.

I know, that medical treatment in Thailand is far from being perfect, but what they have is available for very little pay, and health improved a lot during the last decades due to clean drinking water, prepacked food, mobile phones to call for help, electricity almost everywhere (refrigators), better streets...Medical service for itself also improved....more hospitals, more medicine, better educated staff....

Every Thai hospitals keep records, also small private clinics are keeping records....

If a Thai person requires urgently medical help and cannot pay for first aid at the moment, the hospital or clinic usually keeps his/her ID, and such a person is back soon again, or a relative or friend, after collecting some money from all the others living in the same village. - I myself often gave a small donation for somebody in the neighbourhood, never the total medical bill, but when the locals gave 5 or 10 or 20 baht, I gave 100 or 200.....

Strange to me, that there was no money at all available, usually neighbours are helping. All Thais are aware, that medical help is NEVER totally free of charge.

I am still waiting for Nam Kao to explain, how a hospital can ask for baht 10.000,- for first aid in advance after a motor cycle accident.

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I agree with the sentiments re cash/help.

A brother of my ex Thai lady(9 years, by the way) fell out of a tree collecting fruit and ended up paralysed from the waist down. When I first met him, he was being carried by his two 5 yr old twin daughters to meet me - he had lost a lot of weight.

The family thought the best thing was for him to die - I couldn't accept that and we managed to save enough money to buy him a decent wheelchair. He's now mobile, has travelled a bit in Thailand and most importantly, has his dignity back.

Despite the fact that my girlfriend and I have gone our separate ways, I know I am respected by her family and the village for the little I did.

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I too smell a tall story. Kindly stay on topic, how can we as foreigners improve medical assistance for the poor in the villages.

Not at all.

You might get to see the doctor without money, but not the resulting treatment.

Drugs cost money is the bottom line.

I remember seeing a little boy in the local gov hospital here.

He had had his operation and needed some medicine, but as Mum had not visited

for a day or two (she was working) he only had the prescription. Not the pills!!

Fortunately Mum did turn up, otherwise I would have paid.

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I think we must admit that anything is possible here. Lots of terrible things do happen, on a daily basis...

But, in my time here, I've heard LOTS of BS stories, too....Especially on the internet in recent years. Anonymous writers, able to easily escape responsibilty for their words...

Recently, a posting was made in SCT accusing a hotel of racial discrimination. He named the hotel, too. My first reaction was anger at a hotel who would do this. I wanted to make sure everyone knew about this hotel, even though I'm aquainted with the owner...

So I wrote the accuser privately, asking for more info so I could verify the story before making an even bigger stink about their racism. He wrote back with the names and details.

I contacted the front desk manager and relayed the story I'd heard. She was familiar with these people, and said she would write the details of the situation and send them to me, which she did, including a copy of the original registration form they filled out. I also talked with her later, and the original front desk worker who had dealt with the situation.

Anyway, to cut to the chase, it turns out there were lots of holes in the accusers story, and plenty of reason for doubt. To me, it looked like the hotel was following responsible security measures, and the (Thai) accuser got pissed off that she wasn't given the key to a room registered only in a farang's name, and she could provide no proof to security that she also belonged in the room....

I do have the inclination and resources to follow-up with such allegations- and do something more.... But, in the interest of fairness, serious charges should followed-up for verification before condemnation...Thailand has enough problems with the true stories. They don't need the BS lies, too. And these kinds of accusations do effect the business, or in the case of the hospital, negatively affect people's opinions about Thailand and Thai peole. If the accusations are correct, the guilty should be fried, but if the accusations are false, then the accuser should be fried, in my book.

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Since were on a medical theme, it reminds me of something that disgusted me.

We decided to go and get ourselves checked out for STD's since we were going to be a long term thing. We went to the local hospital upcountry. Quite a modern place really. The thing that angered me was the way the nurse openly discussed, loudly, in the waiting area in front of 30 or 40 strangers, our sexual health and the purpose of our visit. I know very well you shouldn't get angry in these situations but I made my feeling very clear to the nurse and angrily insisted the conversation be continued somewhere more private. She got the message.

The whole waiting room was listening to our private lives being discussed by this thoughtless nurse. I have no doubt, that if we had a disease (which we didn't, as it turned out) that it would have been announced loudly for the whole hospital to hear :o

I have also heard that if you are told you have HIV, there is no councellling after being given the bad news.

To remain on topic, perhaps this is something we could do to improve things, offer a councelling service of some kind to those affected by such diseases. We are all aware of the lack of understanding in this country regarding the disease.

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