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Cat Telecom Office Location


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I think I'm going insane - I was told by an anonymous voice on the phone to go to TT&T and pay them 86 Baht for a Cat Telecom international call I made or my phone would be cut off - I have been to TT&T, TOT and the Post Office and none of them will accept my 86 Baht and none of them can tell me where the CAT Telecom offices are where I might be able to unload my 86 Baht and keep my phone connected.

We sublet and the utilities are in another person's name so I have no paperwork at all - just the invoice number etc: - in short; can somebody please tell me where CAT Telecom are ? - they have a website but it seems to be out of commission and my other Googling has turned up nothing concrete regarding their whereabouts.

Thanks in Advance,

Phil - (resrea).

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CAT is on the Super Highway, south of Carrefour and Makro and on the opposite side of the road, beside a police station.

I don't know where you're coming in from, but I usually take Charoen Muang Road across Nawarat Bridge and keep going, turn right at the Super Highway, and complain about the one-way crap because I can see it on my right almost immediately.

Good luck!


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CAT is on the Super Highway, south of Carrefour and Makro and on the opposite side of the road, beside a police station.

I don't know where you're coming in from, but I usually take Charoen Muang Road across Nawarat Bridge and keep going, turn right at the Super Highway, and complain about the one-way crap because I can see it on my right almost immediately.

Good luck!


Many thanks Michael,

I'm coming from Nong Hoi and will be taking a taxi or tuk tuk or similar - any idea what are the best directions to give the driver ? - I've asked a few if they knew where it was and they just plain didn't have a clue - I don't know my way around Chiang Mai well enough yet to give directions - thanks again, it's appreciated I assure you,


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I bicycle everywhere so I've never learned to give directions to drivers who don't speak English.

If you get him on the Super Highway / Highway 11 / Ring Road, it'll curve west and then start moving north. (Three names because it's different on each of my maps. Welcome to Chiang Mai.)

By coming in this way, CAT is on your left and you don't have to worry about the one-way crap.

You'll probably notice Big C on your right. Then, on your left, you'll pass some furniture stores, Ramyen Inn, a Mazda dealer, a Mitsubishi dealer, and then CAT Telecom Center. Ding ding ding! Just past that is Provincial Police, and if you reach the underpass at Charoen Muang (Makro across the road), you've gone too far.

I'm getting all these landmarks by looking at my Chiang Mai Big Map, by the way. I was there two days ago, but my memory isn't THAT good. :o

Best regards,


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I think I'm going insane - I was told by an anonymous voice on the phone to go to TT&T and pay them 86 Baht for a Cat Telecom international call I made or my phone would be cut off - I have been to TT&T, TOT and the Post Office and none of them will accept my 86 Baht and none of them can tell me where the CAT Telecom offices are where I might be able to unload my 86 Baht and keep my phone connected.

We sublet and the utilities are in another person's name so I have no paperwork at all - just the invoice number etc: - in short; can somebody please tell me where CAT Telecom are ? - they have a website but it seems to be out of commission and my other Googling has turned up nothing concrete regarding their whereabouts.

Thanks in Advance,

Phil - (resrea).

Phil hate to say this, BUT TIT. You are wasting your time going to CAT HO or any where else without any "paperwork". They need to see the statement/invoice to accept payment. Get a copy of the bill and then go to any Post Office and you will have no problem the processing fee is 10 Baht. Be assured they will disconnect you if not paid and then if you are quick and lucky you can be reconnected for a fee.

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I think I'm going insane - I was told by an anonymous voice on the phone to go to TT&T and pay them 86 Baht for a Cat Telecom international call I made or my phone would be cut off - I have been to TT&T, TOT and the Post Office and none of them will accept my 86 Baht and none of them can tell me where the CAT Telecom offices are where I might be able to unload my 86 Baht and keep my phone connected.

We sublet and the utilities are in another person's name so I have no paperwork at all - just the invoice number etc: - in short; can somebody please tell me where CAT Telecom are ? - they have a website but it seems to be out of commission and my other Googling has turned up nothing concrete regarding their whereabouts.

Thanks in Advance,

Phil - (resrea).

Phil hate to say this, BUT TIT. You are wasting your time going to CAT HO or any where else without any "paperwork". They need to see the statement/invoice to accept payment. Get a copy of the bill and then go to any Post Office and you will have no problem the processing fee is 10 Baht. Be assured they will disconnect you if not paid and then if you are quick and lucky you can be reconnected for a fee.

Thanks oxymoron - that's eminently sound advice - and, having done the rounds of TT&T, TOT and the PO in my quest to get rid of this 86 Baht, I should have realised myself that I would be on a hiding to nothing by trekking out to CAT without something 'official' in my hand.

I love this place, but sometime's when I've gotten tangled up in the red tape I have to say it can be just a little scarey.

Thanks again both to yourself and to Michael for the help - it's appreciated,

Best Regards,


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Strange , I have never had a call about an unpaid CAT bill. Although TOT and TT&T will have an automatic message to tell you about an unpaid bill, although often you have already paid.

I have gone a long time without paying CAT bills many times, because if you forget the cut off date they are a pain to pay, and all I ever got was a letter. If I have to make an international call I use 008 .... as it comes up on your ordinary phone bill. But I have noticed often the 008 won't connect to faxes.

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Strange , I have never had a call about an unpaid CAT bill. Although TOT and TT&T will have an automatic message to tell you about an unpaid bill, although often you have already paid.

I have gone a long time without paying CAT bills many times, because if you forget the cut off date they are a pain to pay, and all I ever got was a letter. If I have to make an international call I use 008 .... as it comes up on your ordinary phone bill. But I have noticed often the 008 won't connect to faxes.

I should have explained - (but it's been such a saga I sort of got exhausted) - that I was trying to make an overseas call and couldn't get through - I was just getting a message giving me a number to phone - I finally bit the bullet and rang the number - they said my international access had been suspended and to pay the 86 Baht CAT bill at a TT&T office - (bad advice it seems, as the people in the TT&T office looked at me like I'd walked in with an AK-47 in each hand and a dozen or so grenades strapped to my chest) - as the call I was trying to make was urgent I promised them faithfully I would try my best to pay the 86 Baht bill if they would just reinstate my international access, which they did.

I've since heard that it's by far easier to buy some sort of pre-paid card to phone internationally via my mobile phone - I will have to look into that.

Best Regards,


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If you really have to go to CAT, I would reccommend you to go to Airport Shopping Center. Recently, they opened new office on 3rd floor. CAT on superhiway is too far outside to go if you don't drive yourself to pay tuk tuk or minibus is crazy price just to pay 89 ฿ oversea call. Next time dial 008 CAT has offer reliable internet but oversea call is not.


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