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as i suspected... this board is infested with perverted preachy - teachy's who like to discuss the what to do & what not to do in regard to dirty 'Activity Games' with Thai youth... disgusting, should be ashamed of yourselves...

do the decent thing & get an English phrase book or better still a cassette... if there were no preachy - teachy's willing to steal theses money from the Thai youth for their the good English, then they wouldn't be forced to whore their souls to satan in the name of the good education in the first place...


Materials: Flashcards of simple actions, anal peanuts e.g.

Jump, run, hop, skip, crawl, stop, sit, stand, placement of anal peanuts... etc.

Pre-teach the commands using flashcards and gestures with the anal peanuts.

Group the students in a circle.

Have the students follow you copying the actions that you do. Eventually the students will not be following you but that's ok.

Once students appear tired, have them sit down and do a wind down activity.

PS - works best with kids but hey, the grown-ups might get to enjoy it!


Preachy-Teachy KingPin, Harry Palmer, in action

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as i suspected... this board is infested with perverted preachy - teachy's who like to discuss the what to do & what not to do in regard to dirty 'Activity Games' with Thai youth... disgusting, should be ashamed of yourselves...

do the decent thing & get an English phrase book or better still a cassette... if there were no preachy - teachy's willing to steal theses money from the Thai youth for their the good English, then they wouldn't be forced to whore their souls to satan in the name of the good education in the first place...


Materials: Flashcards of simple actions, anal peanuts e.g.

Jump, run, hop, skip, crawl, stop, sit, stand, placement of anal peanuts... etc.

Pre-teach the commands using flashcards and gestures with the anal peanuts.

Group the students in a circle.

Have the students follow you copying the actions that you do. Eventually the students will not be following you but that's ok.

Once students appear tired, have them sit down and do a wind down activity.

PS - works best with kids but hey, the grown-ups might get to enjoy it!


Preachy-Teachy KingPin, Harry Palmer, in action



Hahaha...... :o:D:D


Some good comments, I'll retract my previous statement that everyone knows the risks as I guess some of the younger generation missed all the 80s HIV ads.

STDs are on the increase in the west so I guess another public advertising campaign is needed. One is probably needed in Thailand aswell now.

A lot of people complained about condoms being handed out in Thailand during international AIDS week, but I think these sort of ongoing campaigns are vital. Just look at subsaharan Africa to see the potential problem and look at Uganda to see what can be done on a limited budget but with widespread awareness.

At the end of the day though it's your own responsibility, if you're really worried about it use protection, if you're still worried don't have sex with prostitutes, simple. :o

as i suspected... this board is infested with perverted preachy - teachy's who like to discuss the what to do & what not to do in regard to dirty 'Activity Games' with Thai youth... disgusting, should be ashamed of yourselves...

do the decent thing & get an English phrase book or better still a cassette... if there were no preachy - teachy's willing to steal theses money from the Thai youth for their the good English, then they wouldn't be forced to whore their souls to satan in the name of the good education in the first place...


Materials: Flashcards of simple actions, anal peanuts e.g.

Jump, run, hop, skip, crawl, stop, sit, stand, placement of anal peanuts... etc.

Pre-teach the commands using flashcards and gestures with the anal peanuts.

Group the students in a circle.

Have the students follow you copying the actions that you do. Eventually the students will not be following you but that's ok.

Once students appear tired, have them sit down and do a wind down activity.

PS - works best with kids but hey, the grown-ups might get to enjoy it!


Preachy-Teachy KingPin, Harry Palmer, in action

thanks fatso... there is no such thing as bad publicity :o

PS... how do you know that you are fatter than me? have we met?


ALWAYS use a condom, folks. Of course, the feeling without a condom is better but is it worth the risk ??!! I think not !

Unprotected oral sex is also risky (much less risky than unprotected anal/vaginal sex but still there is some risk in it). I would never give head to a guy if he doesn't wear a condom.




Using condoms is like drinking beer without alcohol. Great when you feel thirsty but after a while you miss something.

Only good thing to be said about condoms is that you cannot really cheat with a condom since there is no flesh on flesh contact so you're not really having sex anyway :o

^^^erm could u explain that one to my galfriend :o i would be extremly grateful, thks in advace :D

Sure no problem; i'll send her a six pack alcoholfree beer.

Although it is probably true that use of condoms gives protection against aids same as smoking filter sigarettes reduces the risk of cancer :D


I like the time honoured Thai tradition for some falangs of the plastic bag taped around the head. It is the ultimate condom for a <deleted>, plus it prevents any further transmission of STDs. :o

do the decent thing & get a gf or better still a wife... if there were no sex-pats willing to pay theses girls for their pleasures, then they wouldn't be forced on the game in the first place...

Forced is an interesting choice of word


do the decent thing & get a gf or better still a wife... if there were no sex-pats willing to pay theses girls for their pleasures, then they wouldn't be forced on the game in the first place...

Forced is an interesting choice of word

you don't think that they sell themselves to fat, bald, ugly farangs out of choice... do you?

you don't think that they sell themselves to fat, bald, ugly farangs out of choice... do you?

Why do you think they do it then.

The days of needing to feed the family are gone, most of them are in it for better mobile phonrs, cars, retierment money.

Its a choice

you don't think that they sell themselves to fat, bald, ugly farangs out of choice... do you?

Why do you think they do it then.

The days of needing to feed the family are gone, most of them are in it for better mobile phonrs, cars, retierment money.

Its a choice

Have you been on the sherry RC?


I've know lots of girls from up here who have gone to work in BKK, Pattaya ect.

While I would'nt say that they were rich, they were'nt poverty stricken.

They have gone to earn money, they could work here but for a few thou a month.

No one forced these girls to go it was their choice. I for one dont blame them but no one is forcing them to do it.

Oh dont start on the sherry till about 6 (usually :o )

I've know lots of girls from up here who have gone to work in BKK, Pattaya ect.

While I would'nt say that they were rich, they were'nt poverty stricken.

They have gone to earn money, they could work here but for a few thou a month.

No one forced these girls to go it was their choice. I for one dont blame them but no one is forcing them to do it.

Oh dont start on the sherry till about 6 (usually :o )

I agree, it is their choice to go with said fat, bald, aging falang.

Either because there are no other punters around, or said fat, bald, aging falang offers good money.

They only forcing will be the force of gravity when said fat, bald, aging falang climbs on top of her. :D

Ginseng and other stuff? What the he11 for?

TRY TO have sex twice a day for 30 days and you'll see what Ging seng and other stuff (the stuff for which Colombia is very famous ..... got it??) are necessary!!!


Put a bull in with a new heifer in season and he will perform. Put in another heifer and he will perform again. As long as you have fresh heifers you can get quite a string going. But put a previously serviced heifer in, and the action stops. Works the same way with rats. This is known as "the Coolidge Effect" from the old joke in which President Calvin Coolidge and his party, and the First Lady and her party, are being given separate tours of a chicken farm. At one point the First Lady asks if the rooster is able to have "relations" more than once a day, and is told that he is able to have them dozens of times in a day. The First Lady says "Would you mention that to Mr. Coolidge?" Later it's the President's turn at the same tour stop. "Your wife wanted me to mention to you that the rooster is able to have relations dozens of times in a day." "Oh? Same hen?" "Oh, no, that wouldn't work. Different hen each time." "Ah. Mention that to Mrs. Coolidge."

Anyway, an oft-repeated, old joke... but no ginseng required.

you don't think that they sell themselves to fat, bald, ugly farangs out of choice... do you?

Why do you think they do it then.

The days of needing to feed the family are gone, most of them are in it for better mobile phonrs, cars, retierment money.

Its a choice


(Sorry, but from my experience this quote is rubbish)

The family may now be fed well, have some form of running water, maybe even a phone, but the more they get, the more they expect. And it is the girl(s) in the major centres who have to provide. Not the brothers sitting back in the baan smoking, drinking, doing nothing.

The girls have really got the sticky end of it and untill Issaan has every family in a mansion, with all the luxuries of a Hollywood film star, the girls will be expected to keep sending money home.


do the decent thing & get a gf or better still a wife... if there were no sex-pats willing to pay theses girls for their pleasures, then they wouldn't be forced on the game in the first place...

Forced is an interesting choice of word

you don't think that they sell themselves to fat, bald, ugly farangs out of choice... do you?

Yes, on the whole it is a choice. There are very few (thankfully) who are forced into bondage and prostitution, and even fewer of these cases are in Thailand.

If you infact mean 'they do so out of economic necessity' then you should say so, and not use the word 'forced'. They can survive on their farm, they just won't have the money they see those other girls coming back home with.

That's why I found the choice of word interesting. It's the same word used alot by some organisations in an attempt to gather funding which to my mind is unethical.

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