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Uk Admits 140,000 For Residence

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The BBC today reported that the immigration service in the UK has admitted 140,000 people for residence over the last year.

How many did Thailand admit?


How many of them were Thai

We should have some kind of a reciprocal agreement

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It makes no sense to me to compare the immigration policies of a fully developed country like the UK to a 3rd world developing country like Thailand.

How many applied for residence in the UK and were refused or never processed? I would bet that the percentage of applicants accepted vs applications rejected is probably higher in Thailand then the UK.


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I think it's a fair comment. Personally I think this is just one more reason to leave the UK.

British immigration policy is one of the main reasons why I will leave the UK this year. I prefer to be a minority in a country which is proud of it's heritage than be a majority in a country which I have no control over.

Sorry if I seem a little defeatist, I love my country, however I feel that it is too late for me to be able to change it.

Would love to hear from people who disagree with me, unfortunately I feel there will not be too many.

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Kon,Myself and my family feel exactly the same here in the UK,A lot of people here are in the rat race with no escape.Or not having the balls to leave,But this country if you are middle class white with 2.4 kids,mortgage and a car stereotypically,is ruined,Taxed to ###### and crap weather with people where i live don't give a crap about anyone or anything that is British,

Shame we didn't look after the tax payers instead of the hangers on,this country should be renamed Britain, Great it is no more.

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I prefer to be a minority in a country which is proud of it's heritage than be a majority in a country which I have no control over.

I know where you're coming from m8. But you have no control whatsoever over Thailand, at least in England you can vote. Mind you, theres not much more positive I can say about England right now. :o

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ahhh, this old chesnut!!

migration though formal and semi formal routes (legal migration, work permits, refugees - some legal, some not)


non-formal migration (eg, back to back tourist visa runs, never going home, getting a non-immi "B" or "O" visa, when all you want to really do starts with "S")

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ahhh, this old chesnut!!

migration though formal and semi formal routes (legal migration, work permits, refugees - some legal, some not)


non-formal migration (eg, back to back tourist visa runs, never going home, getting a non-immi "B" or "O" visa, when all you want to really do starts with "S")


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The BBC today reported that the immigration service in the UK has admitted 140,000 people for residence over the last year.

How many did Thailand admit?


Rubbish comparison. As a former colony power, UK has very special immigration rules, favouring the former colonies, which obviosly is not the case in Thailand.

Cheers.......kandt :o

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Sorry to contradict you, but Commonwealth citizens receive no special treatment. They are bound by the same immigration rules as non-Commonwealth nationals with the exceptions of working holidays and claims to UK ancestry.

Prior to 1/1/73 Commonwealth citizens were free to settle in the UK with no visa, they just has to arrive. The Immigration Act (1971) which became effective on the preceding date introduced a uniform control for any foreign national; i.e. a person who is a citizen of a country other than the UK or an EEA state.


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while Thailand more or less lets any old useless bugger stay as long as they want so long as they pop across a border every 30 days.

With regards to the immigration rules to the UK, they guarantee that Aussies and Kiwis are treated like a potential illegal immigrant to the country, as we are the largest group of overstayers and illegal workers.

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But, Samran, the UK authorities tolerate it as otherwise there'd be no one to work in the pubs. :o


And the disgrace of Hong Kong prior to the 1997 handover. No consideration given to the people who had been under British rule for generations (those that had not swum across from the Mainland), just a scuttle from an Island that had been ceded to UK a hundred and fifty years before (and including Kowloon up to Boundary Road).

Thank goodness for Canada, who took in all that could afford to pay C$ 250k for a passport. (They all then turned round and went back to HK, 'cos that's where the money can be made :D ). UK politicians didn't realise that - they just wanted to keep the gangsters in Beijing happy.

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