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What a pleasant change to see that the topic is been discussed here in an intelligent and open way without the usual idiotic, infantile and insulting remarks. This is a real and stressful medical condition for many men and should never be treated with the disrespect it so often attracts. This is a medication that corrects an errant enzyme that controls blood flow. That's all....it will not make your plumbing work nor get you going!


Erectile Dysfunction is a real and common problem, and the unwelcome fact of life is that as we men age the problem increases. Often due to stress or other underlying medical conditions, such as Diabetes. This is a proven medicine that has taken the mental stress and fear from many a man who is otherwise a full and healthy human being.

There are many variants on the market under many names. The more common pill is Viagra with the chemical ingredient Sildenafil citrate in varying quantities, usually 100mg. There are plenty of pills with little or no such ingredient.....so buyer beware!

What about this!!???

Jet lag research

The 2007 Ig Nobel Prize in Aviation went to Patricia V. Agostino, Santiago A. Plano and Diego A. Golombek of Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina, for their discovery that Viagra aids jet lag recovery in hamsters.[31] Their research was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.[32]

What the heck are hamsters doing....flying around the world!! :)


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  • 2 years later...

i already use KAMAGRA jelly 100mg when i get drunk,not need glass of water,just open packet and take 50% of the jelly and work in 15 minute after,never problem,never headache,just feel hot first 30 minute....

bough it 100 baht...in phuket to a friend or 110-130 baht to a pharmacy..it work good

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Interesting time to open up a two year old thread for no reason.

It does give me the opportunity to say that a customer at a nearby guesthouse in his early thirties died on Saturday, allegedly as a result of a heart attack brought about by Viagra.

As previous comments stated, be careful; it's not for everyone.

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Interesting time to open up a two year old thread for no reason.

It does give me the opportunity to say that a customer at a nearby guesthouse in his early thirties died on Saturday, allegedly as a result of a heart attack brought about by Viagra.

As previous comments stated, be careful; it's not for everyone.

That was a quick autopsy.....normally they dont even bother

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cialic better, realy...

But today I went to pharmacy and wanted to buy only 4 tablets cialic brand. Price 2000 THB. ask a question: if I buy a pack of 40 tablets? what price? seller say: THB 500 one tablet.

I was very surprised. where I buy a fixed price packages 40 tablets Brand = 10000THB +/- and generic cialic = 6500 +/- (120 pills). I wanted to cry because it is a robbery.

PS: I wanted to cry a lot more time because the chicken was already in bed :D , and I was so tired that he could not do anything :)

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cialic better, realy...

But today I went to pharmacy and wanted to buy only 4 tablets cialic brand. Price 2000 THB. ask a question: if I buy a pack of 40 tablets? what price? seller say: THB 500 one tablet.

I was very surprised. where I buy a fixed price packages 40 tablets Brand = 10000THB +/- and generic cialic = 6500 +/- (120 pills). I wanted to cry because it is a robbery.

PS: I wanted to cry a lot more time because the chicken was already in bed :D , and I was so tired that he could not do anything :)


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I tried that Kamagra stuff. Rubbed the gel all over my wenus.

Didn't do anything, but my wife loved the pineapple flavor.

Reminds me of the time a Doctor gave me some suppositories. Took 2 a day for a week. For all the good they did, I could have shoved them up my @ss.

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I tried that Kamagra stuff. Rubbed the gel all over my wenus.

Didn't do anything, but my wife loved the pineapple flavor.

Reminds me of the time a Doctor gave me some suppositories. Took 2 a day for a week. For all the good they did, I could have shoved them up my @ss.

You know why Mike Tyson cries everytime he has sex?

Pepper spray.

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13,600 plus views on this topic just about sums up the majority of the slummy old sexpats swamping Phuket now despite TAT's pathetic efforts to steer this island brothel, or Brothel Island, into a 'family oriented' direction for which there may be a place but I personally find my idea of entertainment neither gyrating whores and their accompanying aging lotharios/neanderthals nor a bunch of screaming kids running around the place.

Is there nowhere, outside the pseuds' corner of Cherng Talay/Bangtao where one can have a drink and some INTELLIGENT conversation with some decent music and ambient surroundings? Thought not.

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13,600 plus views on this topic just about sums up the majority of the slummy old sexpats swamping Phuket now despite TAT's pathetic efforts to steer this island brothel, or Brothel Island, into a 'family oriented' direction for which there may be a place but I personally find my idea of entertainment neither gyrating whores and their accompanying aging lotharios/neanderthals nor a bunch of screaming kids running around the place.

Is there nowhere, outside the pseuds' corner of Cherng Talay/Bangtao where one can have a drink and some INTELLIGENT conversation with some decent music and ambient surroundings? Thought not.

What would you consider an INTELLIGENT conversation? Just curious.:wai:

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13,600 plus views on this topic just about sums up the majority of the slummy old sexpats swamping Phuket now despite TAT's pathetic efforts to steer this island brothel, or Brothel Island, into a 'family oriented' direction for which there may be a place but I personally find my idea of entertainment neither gyrating whores and their accompanying aging lotharios/neanderthals nor a bunch of screaming kids running around the place.

Is there nowhere, outside the pseuds' corner of Cherng Talay/Bangtao where one can have a drink and some INTELLIGENT conversation with some decent music and ambient surroundings? Thought not.

Interesting post for someone who has no age or gender on its profile

As shot asked what do you consider INTELLEGENT conversation

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13,600 plus views on this topic just about sums up the majority of the slummy old sexpats swamping Phuket now despite TAT's pathetic efforts to steer this island brothel, or Brothel Island, into a 'family oriented' direction for which there may be a place but I personally find my idea of entertainment neither gyrating whores and their accompanying aging lotharios/neanderthals nor a bunch of screaming kids running around the place.

Is there nowhere, outside the pseuds' corner of Cherng Talay/Bangtao where one can have a drink and some INTELLIGENT conversation with some decent music and ambient surroundings? Thought not.

Interesting post for someone who has no age or gender on its profile

As shot asked what do you consider INTELLEGENT conversation

Typical for this poster to just want to wind people up, his question easily concludes he knows nothing about Phuket as I could rattle off dozens of places that do not have the bargirls.

But why feed the TROLL.

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these are the prices i pay:

4 tabs Cialis made by Ajantapharm india generic "adalaphil" registered in thailand and sold in pharmacies in Bangkok and Patong at 400 baht a box.One KAMAGRA sachet 20mg any taste sold at patong pharmacies at 50 baht each.

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