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Review of residency bar for foreigners..

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What announcement? I heard that someone was contesting old laws that state farang women married to Thai men can get citizenship, but farang men married to Thai women can't. This contradicts the newish constitution that basically states all Thais should be treated equal.

And why should farang men married to Thai women be barred from becoming citizens? If you have Thai children, then it makes the case even stronger. Why should you have to work in your homeland because the Thai government make it so hard to support your Thai wife/children locally in Thailand; access to citizenship would make getting a job locally much more simple rather than the non immigrant visa/work permit red tape route. And employers hate applying for the work permits too.

Come on Thailand, drag yourself into the modern world and leave your xenophobic colonialist fears behind; colonising other countries has been out of fashion for at least 50 years! We foreigners with family connections to Thais only want to come and live in your land; not take it over.

Blah, blah, blah, etc. You get the picture. Equality for foreigners please.

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I must admit the only law I recently saw in the news, Thai women can keep the maiden name. Becoming a resident is someting quite different, yes you are right about the newish constitution that basically states all Thais should be treated equal. I am sorry but I think we will still need to go through due process, 3 years minimum on a non imigrant visa etc. Who ever said that Thai woman can pass on their residency to their foreigner husbands


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Enchanted the answer is No:

Agree once again with D80, the answer from a rather senior immigration bod was that because Thailand is surrounded by Borders with very "Irrational" goverment controls that it is important to monitor immigrants on a strict basis, when I mentioned the revenue claimed by the Thai Goverment implenting these measures, he went into the "no understand question mode"......aahh well this is Thailand.



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Been married to thai wife for years but would not want to be a Thai citizen you then come under Thai law with no back up from your embassy. O.K. for some people but think residency would suit me best. I think you are free to work if you have residency visa.

Morgan  :o

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"A source at the court said the judges were worried

about alien labour problems and surprised that the

petitioner was the justice minister instead of one of

the many Thai women with foreign husbands."

But for those who would welcome Citizenship,

maybe they should have some hope - bearing in

mind that the Petitioner was The Justice Minister !!!


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