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I Got Cheated Today


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Well, another day in paradise! :o

Never mind.

Anyone else got wrong charged?

I did. Though they gave me too much change back. :D

Anyways, in those rare cases that I'm stuck with a 1000 baht note, I'm in the habit of APOLOGIZING to the staff for not having smaller change.

Only half the reason is because I actually feel sorry, the other half is that it makes it very clear that I know what note I'm giving them; but in a nice way.

Also I know plenty bars where staff are instructed to confirm back to the customer the denomination that he just paid with.. After a few drinks and in a dimly lit bar some punters just don't remember all that well. I like that policy.

But if it ever would happen to me, no way that I would let it slide.. 1000 baht is my "thiow"-budget for a week. (Another reason why I'd be unlikely to pay with a 1000 note: almost all of the time I don't HAVE a 1000 note and the Mrs. usually gives it to me in small bills. Or when I do use an ATM I make sure I get an amount like 900 or 400, so that I don't get stuck with high value bills that are hard to get change for. (Alert readers will have figured out that I don't live in Bangkok :D )

Edited by chanchao
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Take a 1000 baht note, write HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE! on the underside, give it to a Thai friend, have him buy something cheap presenting the note so she doesn't see the writing and leave. Walk in shortly after, buy something cheap, pay with a 100 baht note. When she comes back with the change, tell her YOU paid with a thousand baht note that says HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE! on the underside.


That is copyright from the 1973 film, Paper Moon. :o

Didn't know that.

It was done years ago at my uncle's store while I was there visiting, mind you, he pulled many more on others his whole life, som nam na. :D

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If I have a small bill to pay with a 1,000 note, I usually apologise for making them give me all their change: "Sorry, I only have a 1,000".

I don't actually feel sorry, but it's just a way of making sure that they know that I know that they know it was a 1,000.

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Whenever you pay w/ a larger note, you always have to call attention to the larger note. You show it and say "Pan nung, na! or 1000 na." And get the waitress/waiter/cashier/whoever to nod in agreement.

It has to be routine, every time, every place. I do it without thinking now. If you don't, then yes, you WILL get scammed at some point. Learned the hard way myself. Now it's been years and years . . . . .

Edited by JSixpack
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As I keep saying.

Ray Mears, Ralph Fiennes, Bear Grylls, Bush Tucker Man, Steve Irwin, Scott Of The Arctic, Shackleton, Chris Bonnington, The Andes Crash Plane Survivors or any other survival or exploration experts.

They know nothing until they've spent a drunken night out in the bars of Thailand. :o

Unlucky Georgie boy, next time your in Surin I'll look after you.


Edited by johnsurin
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If you've never been had in Thailand, than you haven't been here long enough. It happens to all of us every now and then. Amazing Thailand! It's best to laugh at and use it as a good story. In the end, pocket change really.

never happened and never will happen .

Probably has happened to you before in some way or fashion. Think back to the days before you spoke thai. Scams come in all forms too and are not always about money. Anybody can be scammed and those say they have never been or never will be are some of the easiest to scam. :o

Speak for yourself buddy , there are some people who do

take attention for what is happening around them .

I think you have to be a little naive for such a thing to happen ,or not taking action

when it is happening just infront your nose .

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Whenever you pay w/ a larger note, you always have to call attention to the larger note. You show it and say "Pan nung, na! or 1000 na." And get the waitress/waiter/cashier/whoever to nod in agreement.

It has to be routine, every time, every place. I do it without thinking now. If you don't, then yes, you WILL get scammed at some point. Learned the hard way myself. Now it's been years and years . . . . .

Right, so what I and JetsetBKK were suggesting was to put this into an apologetic form rather than yelling at them in grammatically iffy "Pan nung, na!" which just isn't as nice.

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Like the other poster said, if you stay here long enough it will happen to you. I've paid

for a couple of drinks at a club before (one being orange juice for me) with a 500 baht note

and the attendant and the change just disappeared. It gets old constantly having to keep

exact change for everything because you can't trust the clerk not to cheat. But, it happens

to Thai people also, in particular the recent rash of befriending someone and then drugging

them and stealing their belongings. Laboriously wave it about in the air pointing to the 1,000. :o

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The bill was for 370THB, and that included at least one lady drink. You can't get too drunk on those few baht.

Depends on how many he'd had in previous bars.

I was out on Thursday evening (21:00 to 24:00) and was totally fishcaked when I left. The bill was in the order of Bht 250.00. :o:D

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The bill was for 370THB, and that included at least one lady drink. You can't get too drunk on those few baht.

Depends on how many he'd had in previous bars.

I was out on Thursday evening (21:00 to 24:00) and was totally fishcaked when I left. The bill was in the order of Bht 250.00. :o:D

250baht can get you drunk?

You are lucky!

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If you've never been had in Thailand, than you haven't been here long enough. It happens to all of us every now and then. Amazing Thailand! It's best to laugh at and use it as a good story. In the end, pocket change really.

never happened and never will happen .

Probably has happened to you before in some way or fashion. Think back to the days before you spoke thai. Scams come in all forms too and are not always about money. Anybody can be scammed and those say they have never been or never will be are some of the easiest to scam. :o

Speak for yourself buddy , there are some people who do

take attention for what is happening around them .

I think you have to be a little naive for such a thing to happen ,or not taking action

when it is happening just infront your nose .

You have a point here when it is in front of your face, it's a bit careless. what my previous post is about is being had in general: scam, robbed, being taken advantage of, etc. One of those is bound to happen if you spend enough time in thailand, unfortunately.

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If you've never been had in Thailand, than you haven't been here long enough. It happens to all of us every now and then. Amazing Thailand! It's best to laugh at and use it as a good story. In the end, pocket change really.

never happened and never will happen .

there are some people who do

take attention for what is happening around them .

I remember a time I was pick pocketed in Pattaya on a songtao. Didn't put it together until i was off and already payed the driver. One of the passengers (thai siting next to me) got me, not really sure how but it had to of been him. I figured it out and was extremely angry that I ran after the baht bus dodging in and out of traffic. Realizing I could be hit by a car, I decided to let it go. All in all probably good i didn't confront the guy, because I would've bashed his face in and I, being a foreigner, would've lost in the end. Lost 1000 baht. Lesson: shit happens, oh well, move on.

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. I remember a time I was pick pocketed in Pattaya on a songtao. Didn't put it together until i was off and already payed the driver. One of the passengers (thai siting next to me) got me, not really sure how but it had to of been him. I figured it out and was extremely angry that I ran after the baht bus dodging in and out of traffic. Realizing I could be hit by a car, I decided to let it go. All in all probably good i didn't confront the guy, because I would've bashed his face in and I, being a foreigner, would've lost in the end. Lost 1000 baht. Lesson: shit happens, oh well, move on.

They work in teams, normally and older lady will start talking to you then maybe offer a seat I have seen it a few times.

Never been done but had a close call on the pickpocket, been done on the padded bill in Phuket the worst place is samui almost every bar tries it. worse if you go out and eat asa party of 6 or 8 you will be padded like a pillow....

As the guys say pay the bin regular, maybe every transaction that would finish the scam.

but the problem is westerners says "its only this" so dont care or dont admit they care.

Its nice when they try it and you catch them

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i've been given wrong change dozens of times at 7-11, family mart, and tops. It could be they are just bad at math. Also at all these places i've given a large bill to pay and they say that i gave a lower denomination, but I'e always held my ground and they've always said "oh sorry". Really makes you wonder if it is a true mistake or them trying to pull a fast one.

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I was short-changed at a 7/11 once. (Knowingly once, maybe it happened at other times too :o...) But it was only for 10 baht and I really couldn't be bothered to argue the point.

OTOH, about 5 years ago, my old local bar in bkk started giving regular customers a 10% bin discount. Don't know if they still do it - haven't been back for a while. The discount then became the tip. :D

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Take a 1000 baht note, write HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE! on the underside, give it to a Thai friend, have him buy something cheap presenting the note so she doesn't see the writing and leave. Walk in shortly after, buy something cheap, pay with a 100 baht note. When she comes back with the change, tell her YOU paid with a thousand baht note that says HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE! on the underside.


brilliant, thats all Thailand needs another conman! Just like his avatar! :o

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Went to a filthy bar with the missus in Pat Pong once on the ridiculous recommendation of a mate. The missus advised against it but, hey, I'm the man, I know what's going on right?


Had a beer and the missus had a pepsi. Wanted out of the Sheetwhole, so check-binned. "600 Baht thanks"....I don't think so..!! Sat there in the dim light and told them I was happy to wait for the tourist poilce. I had already dialled them as I have them on speed dial.

I was promptly told a mistake had been made and the price was about 160Bt.

Got up and legged it, quick smart. Never been that low again. Very lucky to not have left in a bag or bleeding profusely, despite my size and ugly, have crazed looking face. Definitely felt like I was a lucky guppy swimming with sharks.

Another time in Pattaya, went for a walk around the bars whilst the missus stayed back at the hotel with the girls. Sat down at a nice little bar, which was empty except for me and all the girls.

Ordered a beer and they tried the old swappo scam, but since my Thai is passable, I explained that all I had was X amount and they could talk to the missus to confirm, so there must have been a mistake. Quickly got the correct change.

Was peesed off that they tried, so I then acutally pick-pocketed one of the girls mobile phone, excused myself and went for a leak. Removed the battery instantly and then came back.

When I came back, they were all freaking out trying to find her phone. I asked what was happening and they explained. Gave her the 'oh you poor darling look', offered her my phone to call so they could 'find' it...but nothing..!!


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First time in my life! I went into a bar tonight near Khon Kaen, on my way to home. I had a few drinks and paid a few lady drinks. Handsome man :D

Bill was 370 Baht. I paid with a 1,000 Baht bill. 1 second later the waitress showed up a 100 Baht note which was hidden under the bill (I reckon) and pocketed my 1,000 Baht bill.

I was scammed. Had to pay it again. Total bill 1,370 baht for a few beers.

May they rot in hel_l. Som-nam-na farang!

Needless to say, I did not tip. :o

Just another troll by george he does this a lot when P-issed

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