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Foodland's "sage Stuffing" Bolloxed


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I'm a long-time fan of the frozen stuffing Foodland sells this time of year. However, this year it has changed from the traditional bread-crumb (kind'a) based recipe to some kind of weird sloshy mess. The batch I bought at the Soi 5 store the other day were all packed 8-12-07.

Now, I have long suspected that Foodland waters some frozen goods before sale (i.e. to increase the weight) -- certainly their salmon drips an incredible amount of water. But before jumping to any conclusions, I'm curious -- does this year's batch match anybody's notion of what stuffing is supposed to be?



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Mystery solved. I spoke to the (German?) chef at their supplier -- apparently he changed the recipe without changing the label: they are now selling frozen RAW sage stuffing! It seems that I was not the only customer who had been taken aback by this, either.

The manager at Foodland was very nice about refunding my money, btw.


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