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No! I Think My Hair Is Falling Out!

Harry Palmer

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over the last couple of months i've been noticing an above average amount of hair coming out in the shower or when I brush my hair, etc. my hair isn't looking any thinner I guess, even though i'm trying to convince myself that it is. i've tried to track down some info on hair loss, and so far i've found that it is common to lose 50-100 hairs a day (i guess i'm in that range) and that hair loss resulting from stress usually happens a couple of months after whatever event that may be, so maybe that's one more thing i can blame on my ex . i guess the next step would be to consult with a physician, if for no other reason than to ease my mind. any advice or personal stories out there? thanks you guys...

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Loss of hair is often because of not sufficient blood circulation in the skin, then the skin gets somewhat oily, sometimes itchy, and then hair is getting less and less.....often you cannot see that immediately by looking into a mirror....

Take a second mirror, and search all the head around, often it is starting to fall out at one spot only, not bigger than the size of a coin....and from there this spot without hair is getting slowly bigger and bigger.

If this is the case, do not wait, buy a medical shampoo, (you might also ask a doctor for the first advice) and also an alcohol-based spray.....you have to wash with this shampoo your hair EVERY day....after use the spray strong massage.....the skin is getting rather red with it (due to strong blood circulation) - within about 4 to 6 months all lost hair will be back again, still a bit weak and thin, but the hair will start to grow again. - I am still using the medical shampoo and the alcohol-based spray, but not every day....

It helps, but during the first 4-6 months I had to treat my hair EVERY DAY. Patience is required until you see any improvement.

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It is not so difficult, after the first 2 weeks or so you will do it somewhat without even thinking about...

about BALD as far as I have seen in my case, you can really do something against it, and it was not expensive......just a question of patience, you must do it EVERY DAY - especially men, 40 yrs or older often have problems with the scalp.

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Sun effects hair growth, wear a hat. Harry how old are you now.

This also effects your situation.

I am 50 and I guess lucky. I still have mine getting a little thinner but overall still there.

Asked my father once will I go bald and his remark was you have very little hair on your chest you will still have it on your head when you are old God rest the man he was right to some extent.

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over the last couple of months i've been noticing an above average amount of hair coming out in the shower or when I brush my hair, etc. my hair isn't looking any thinner I guess, even though i'm trying to convince myself that it is. i've tried to track down some info on hair loss, and so far i've found that it is common to lose 50-100 hairs a day (i guess i'm in that range) and that hair loss resulting from stress usually happens a couple of months after whatever event that may be, so maybe that's one more thing i can blame on my ex . i guess the next step would be to consult with a physician, if for no other reason than to ease my mind. any advice or personal stories out there? thanks you guys...

You obviously have too much time on your hands, knuckle down and ignore it; if it's your destiny to be a slaphead there's little you can do about it. :D

Just start thinking more Yul Brynner rather than Michael Caine :o

BTW I hope you asked your sister's permission before you to posted her photo? :D

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Beginning to wonder are you Dr. Jekyll as your name implies. Or will I point others in your direction. Looking at your posts times and when you joined I am wondering as you seem not to answer the post but to find fault with the posters.

You are just taking up my valuable time now a slight irritation that I know where to find.

And itch when the right time comes.

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Beginning to wonder are you Dr. Jekyll as your name implies. Or will I point others in your direction. Looking at your posts times and when you joined I am wondering as you seem not to answer the post but to find fault with the posters.

You are just taking up my valuable time now a slight irritation that I know where to find.

And itch when the right time comes.

I never find fault with any posters.


Anybody is entitled to his opinion.

And mine is not better than yours.

And about your time, well, you sure waste it as much as I do... :o:D

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Dr. Jekyll All any member has to do now is read your last no of posts. This forum is to give helpfull advise and recieve it.

Sorry Harry Got side tracked again, on the lighter side rubbing onions onto my chest at 14 dident help either.

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Yohan, I admire you, I really do :D  :o

This is the first time,

somebody tells me that in all my life....

Admire me? For what?

Usually they all complain about me...

Hmmmm - difficult.....

Let me guess.....Are you sure?

If you are really sure about it,

then let me know, if I am right.

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Yohan, I think your intentions are truly positive unlike many here. I can tell that you are most likely German, very methodical with numbered lists of often very good advice. I have known German (Austrian, Swiss) people to be this way. I remember one post by Tutsiwarrior directed at you that was very harsh and mean

and you were very diplomatic and calm in response. It takes much tolerance and patience to deal in this manner. Good job. Your feminist exposes are just too much for me though. :D:D

To get back on the subject; so Harry's hair is falling out? Jeez, what a bummer.

This should be the least of one's troubles; when teeth are falling out and the wood

can no longer stay hard, now that's when the worry should set in. :o:D

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yeah harry, when senile dementia sets it you will not care about the hair on your head, you will forget you ever had it in the first place.

you are getting older inevitably...the phrase 'male pattern baldness' might well be something just to get used to....though with technical advances you might be able to get some astro turf paved in up there.

nice idea...maybe worth knowing what yohan has to say..might be that a thai head massage every day will keep the follicles from fleeing.


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Yohan, I think your intentions are truly positive unlike many here. I can tell that you are most likely German, very methodical with numbered lists of often very good advice. I have known German (Austrian, Swiss) people to be this way. I remember one post by Tutsiwarrior directed at you that was very harsh and mean

and you were very diplomatic and calm in response. It takes much tolerance and patience to deal in this manner. Good job. Your feminist exposes are just too much for me though.  :D  :D

To get back on the subject; so Harry's hair is falling out? Jeez, what a bummer.

This should be the least of one's troubles; when teeth are falling out and the wood

can no longer stay hard, now that's when the worry should set in. :D  :D

Thank you, Mbkudu,

Tutsiwarrior is an exception, he might post against me, whatever he likes :o

because he is not a radical male feminist.....

About my feminist threads or comments, this is only a part of my overall postings...but as you see, I am not alone with complaints about Western women....something true with it....

There are plenty of threads, which I personally do not like, or which are meaningless to me... for example the Gay-section, I am not Gay, so I do not read what they post inside, another section is the Farang girls section, this is the women-gossip corner, I do not care and I never will post anything there....

Simply said, if interested, read about the radical feminists, and if not, then just choose some other threads instead .....

The Thaivisa Forum is a big forum, and there is a lot of information inside...not all postings can be interesting for all members....

Harry's hair is a good example..... who has no problem with hair, will not read it.

(or maybe post a funny comment, because it is HARRY's hair)

On the other side,

it is not really the least of one's trouble - skin problems often are very difficult to treat and it take a long time to see some progress. If somebody has any experience with that, why not to post it?

Best regards, Johann

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nice idea...maybe worth knowing what yohan has to say..might be that a thai head massage every day will keep the follicles from fleeing.


The scalp needs blood circulation to let the hair grow....Getting older, blood circulation is getting worse, because below the scalp are only the bones of the scull.

Massage of the head, with various alcohol-based medication is very useful to boost blood circulation.

Thai head massage is a good business idea, I think.....

Another important point is, that the scalp must be treated every day, to remove any remains of fat, dust, sweat out of the roots of the hair...Washing it with medical shampoo is necessary.

If you do so regularly for a longer time, most hair will recover again within 4 to 6 months. I think, if you are getting bald (but not totally bald yet) you should start with some treatment. Good luck

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nice idea...maybe worth knowing what yohan has to say..might be that a thai head massage every day will keep the follicles from fleeing.


The scalp needs blood circulation to let the hair grow....Getting older, blood circulation is getting worse, because below the scalp are only the bones of the scull.

Massage of the head, with various alcohol-based medication is very useful to boost blood circulation.

Thai head massage is a good business idea, I think.....

Another important point is, that the scalp must be treated every day, to remove any remains of fat, dust, sweat out of the roots of the hair...Washing it with medical shampoo is necessary.

If you do so regularly for a longer time, most hair will recover again within 4 to 6 months. I think, if you are getting bald (but not totally bald yet) you should start with some treatment. Good luck

Good advice if I may just add to what Yohan posted.

Baldness is mostly brought about by DHT buildup in the scalp. DHT is a by product of testosterone. Bodybuilders using Testosterone will find their hair will fall out rather quickly, some wont. All this is doing is speeding up what was going to happen anyway. You dont have to take testosterone for this to happen. We all have natural testosterone levels in our body, there is some truth in the "Bald men are more virile" saying, because they have a higher testosterone level.

so natural testosterone X time passing = baldness.

However there are 2 things you can do about it. As Yohan mentioned a medical shampoo. I think he is refering to Nizarol based shampoo, about 2-5% active ingredient. Luckily this is available in many Thai Pharmacies. This stimulates the hair folicles.

The other one is a DHT inhibitor/scavenger, that clears DHT from the scalp. This comes in the form of Propecia tablets. Active ingredient 1mg finasteride. Depending on your condition, 3 months of treatment will see new hair growth, or a definate slowing even stopping of hair loss. The downside is it costs between 1200 -1500bht, for 1 month supply. Thats 28 tablets per box.

Name: Propecia

Chemical name: Finasteride

Price: 1200-1500bht

Available: Most Thai Pharmacies.

Another option is to buy Proscar. This is 5mg finasteride tablets x30 per box. It costs about 17-1900bht, but the trick is to cut the pills into 4. Giving you smaller cuttings of approx 1.25mg (4 months supply). This is still well within the paramaters. Its normal use is for prostate problems, but 1.25 mg aint gonna affect anything down there. You can buy a pill cutter from the pharmacey.

I have tried both tablets and cut tablets, and to be honest the Propecia works much better for me. Not sure why, maybe when you break the Proscar pill it loses some of its ooomph. Thats just me though, and I was taking a testosterone cycle.

But having said all this, do Thai ladies give a sod about you going thin on top. I thought their concern was going thin in the wallet.... :D:D:o

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Hair loss has been my problem as well, since several years ago....I guess at the age of 36, I have not been TOO unlucky but not too lucky either. I guess my hair's being of the 'thin type' hasn't helped at all.

From what I have known, read or heard, there are various reasons for hair loss. The main factor is the hereditary one, I guess. Other than that, hair type, shampoo usage/type, quality of water, pollution at the places you live, dandruff (and some other factors) all possibly affect it.

There is always the hair implanting, which one could go for. In fact, I, myself, will soon start to do research on it. I want to know about how effective it is, various methods, how much the various ones are, how painful it can be and any possible negative after-effects.

Or, of course, one can choose to ignore the situation and eventually go bald without worrying about it much. One can also choose to shave it all off. One can also choose to wear a bandanna or a cap most of the time.



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mbkudu and yohan...I did once post some drunken drivel that criticised yohan but I have since become a paid up member of the yohan fan club.

To keep with the thread I also think that my hair is falling out...

Tutsiwarrior, welcome back, we have not heard anything from you for a longer time. Where have you been?


Medicinebox, Thanks for your information, you know much more about that all, than what I know....I just did, what my doctor told me, we have here in Japan such shampoos, sprays and so on but with different names, local products...many similar products...

It works, but you need patience....4 to 6 months and all is back again, and without using a wig...

As JemJem said, there are various reasons for hair-loss. And hereditary is a reason, where maybe you cannot do much against it. My friend got bald at 26.....totally, exactly like his father.....

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Sun effects hair growth, wear a hat. Harry how old are you now.

This also effects your situation.

I am 50 and I guess lucky. I still have mine getting a little thinner but overall still there.

Asked my father once will I go bald and his remark was you have very little hair on your chest you will still have it on your head when you are old God rest the man he was right to some extent.

i'm about 250 in dog years :o

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mbkudu and yohan...I did once post some drunken drivel that criticised yohan but I have since become a paid up member of the yohan fan club.

To keep with the thread I also think that my hair is falling out...

Zup dude, I missed your shock value, really did. Don't worry about your hair. You've already got a chick that loves you, and look at Michael Jordan. He looks pretty dope with a bald dome.

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