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I've Finally Found Her...

The Gentleman Scamp

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We're still together and will probably continue to be until October 15th, after which the likelyhood is that we will remain good friends.

I'm very fond of her but having lived with her for a month (It's a month today actually) I think she's too young (and untidy) to be serious relationship material.

I can't type much now but what would make a great post for fans of this soap opera to read is the time we went to Ranong together for my visa run and she stuck by me and supported me even though I screwed up and had to pay a three day overstay, resulting in 9hrs of severe hunger on the bus back, and only a roll of toilet tissue and half a bottle of lukewarm water to stop our stomach acids from eating their lining.

That would be a good post for when I'm not in a 2bt a minute internet cafe (there's TV dedication for you) - will write soon.

Have to go now, gotta nip home and give Ning the bike if she's woken up yet but it's only 5pm - a little early for her. :o

Ohh well Can u be Friends?? will it work GS?

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We're still together and will probably continue to be until October 15th, after which the likelyhood is that we will remain good friends.

Sorry, Scampy, I just don't understand - how can you possibly plan to break up and then "remain good friends." Seems incredibly civil :o

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c'mon Scamp, get on the comp, give us an update, people are waiting!

look it's complicated

understatement of the year with you. :D

So, big date's coming, Oct 15th, what could it be? Seems a pretty certain date for a break up, has he been to the fortune teller?

She must be going somewhere, back up to Bangkok for a while? Sure as s.h.i.t is smelly that the Scamp ain't going nowhere.

Ok, free for all, make your guesses here please.

Will they, won't they? This is true soap stories stuff, I'm all of a tingle. :o

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I have enjoyed this story. Thanks Mr. Scamp.

The gentleman mentioned that he may be getting "pussy whipped"

There's nothing wrong with that. "Pussy whipped" = "Owned" That right girl can do that to a man.

When you start losing money, your rationality, your friends, that is:


That's where everybody sees you as you are but you can't. I don't think your there yet Scampi

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I think she is a thai cinderella.

On the 15th she changes from this overly emotional, gaseous, vixen, back to a bar girl on the streets of Bangkok. :o

PS- sorry to those of you who find no humor in bar girls. Don't pm me. I don't like myself either sometimes. :D

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It is sad that it will not continue but i think it was doomed from the start but i don't know how :o just a gut feeling I hope a good friendship comes out of it but it's hard for people that have been intimate to stay friends not saying it cannot be done but it's hard.

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DAY 29

She had always mentioned that she was going to Ireland on Oct 15th and that her dad was coming to Bangkok first and she would go back with him and stay in the family home just outside Dublin with her Irish stepmum and her 6yr old half Thai half Irish step sister, both of whom she speaks of fondly.

Being as indecisive and scatterbrained as I myself often am, this was sometimes a two week holiday and sometimes a three month holiday in which she would get a job and save up some money to bring back to us.

The few times we've actually sat down and had a sensible conversation, she has said that we shouldn't get too attatched to each other as it would be difficult to stay apart all that time and that it's a long time in which either of us could meet somebody else.

She's every right to be realstic, Dublin will be full of handsome, horny young men that would love her at first sight and give her lots of attention and even if her dad wouldn't let her bring a guy home, it's possible that at some point she would be out partying and could meet somebody she ended up sleeping with, just as it is likely that I could meet somebody over here.

If she was in sensible conversation mode a little more of the time then I would be more upset to see her go but the fact is that we are now just two volatile personalities living together.

We no longer say all that romantic tripe and I no longer call her from work but we do still cuddle and we do still care.

Most of the time she's playing this grumpy 6yr old girl character which used to be cute in small doses if she hurt herself or couldn't get her own way but she's like this most of the time and she gets in a strop far too easily.

I don't want and have NEVER wanted a subservient, housekeeper, maid type of girl but it would be nice if she did SOMETHING.

She's a bigger slob than I am and she's at home all day doing nothing except watching TV and eating and calling me sometimes to tell me she's horny.

The apartment is full of laundry that needs doing, ash trays that need emptying and dishes that need cleaning and I am happy to share the chores but I need a woman who's gonna HELP ME BECOME A MORE TIDY PERSON.

When she picks me up from work she gets in a strop if I want to check my e-mail and when we get home she wants to playfight and I want to relax, she then can't sleep until 3 or 4 am because she's been sleeping all day while I've been working.

My boss has even said he doesn't think she's right for me, although I know he's concerned that my personal life may affect my work during high season.

Last night we saw One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest and to my surprise she enjoyed my favourite film of all time - I thought it would be too boring for her, that was a nice surprise.

She also talked about buying Splitlid a present for his birthday (yes, our Splitlid) which was very nice. When I asked wy she simply replied, "Because he's your friend" and she's looking forward to meeting Erco and his wife at the weekend. This sort of stuff makes me very fond of her, she's very considerate and it's that and her frankness and honesty which are her best qualities.

She has admitted to being difficult to live with and those before me could not handle her and she seems convinced that she can not change but only she can do it - I can't.

This morning I woke up freezing as I do most mornings because she can't sleep with the fan on, no it has to be the AC, and I switched off the air con.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek, had a shower, got on the bike and came down here.

She'll remain sleeping until at least 2pm and if I'm very lucky, she may even iron the shirt I washed last night.

One thing I will say - I always knew her heart was in the right place and that was something I defended from the moment I started this post, and although I may have been wrong about her beng 'the one' I was not wrong about her and to this day she has never reminded me of a bargirl; only of a chldish, stroppy, acutely insecure, attention seeking, untidy, sometimes selfish but very lovable, smart and thoughtful girl who's too young to realise that life isn't as easy as it looks and who doesn't really know what she wants deep down.

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DAY 29

She had always mentioned that she was going to Ireland on Oct 15th and that her dad was coming to Bangkok first and she would go back with him and stay in the family home just outside Dublin with her Irish stepmum and her 6yr old half Thai half Irish step sister, both of whom she speaks of fondly.

Being as indecisive and scaterbrained as I myself often am, this was sometimes a two week holiday and sometimes a three month holiday in which she would get a job and save up some money to bring back to us.

The few times we've actually sat down and had a sensible conversation, she has said that we shouldn't get too attatched to each other as it would be difficult to stay apart all that time and that it's a long time in which either of us could meet somebody else.

She's every right to be realstic, Dublin will be full of handsome, horny young men that would love her at first sight and give her lots of attention and even if her dad wouldn't let her bring a guy home, it's possible that at some point she would be out partying and could meet somebody she ended up sleeping with, just as it is likely that I could meet somebody over here.

If she was in sensible conversation mode a little more of the time then I would be more upset to see her go but the fact is that we are now just two people living together.

We no longer say all that romantic tripe and i no longer call her from work but we do still cuddle and we do still care.

Most of the time she's playing this grumpy 6yr old girl character which used to be cute in smal doses if she hurt herself or couldn't get her own way but she's like this most of the time and she gets in a strop far too easy.

I don't want and have NEVER wanted a subservient, housekeeper, maid type of girl but it would be nice if she did SOMETHING.

She's a bigger slob than I am and she's at home all day doing nothing except watching TV and eating and calling me sometimes to tell me she's horny.

The apartment is full of laundry that needs doing, ash trays that need emptying and dishes that need cleaning and I am happy to share the chores but I need a woman who's gonna HELP ME BECOME A MORE TIDY PERSON.

When she picks me up from work she gets in a strop if I want to check my e-mail and when we get home she wants to playfight and I want to relax, she then can't sleep until 3 or 4 am because she's been sleeping all day while I've been working.

My boss has even said he doesn't think she's right for me, although I know he's concerned that my personal life may affect my work during high season.

Last night we saw One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest and to my surprise she enjoyed by favourite film of all time - I thought it would be too boring for her, that was a nice surprise.

She also talked about buying Splitlid a present for his birthday (yes, our Splitlid) which was very nice. When I asked wy she simply replied, "Because he's your friend" and she's looking forward to meeting Erco and his wife at the weekend.

This morning I woke up freezing as I do most mornings and I switched off the air con. I gave her a kiss on the cheek, had a shower, got on the bike and came down here.

She'll remain sleeping until at least 2pm and if I'm very lucky, she may even iron the shirt I washed last night.

One thing I will say - I always knew her heart was in the right place and that was something I defended from the moment I started this post and although I may have been wrong about her beng 'the one' I was not wrong about her and to this day she has never reminded me of a bargirl, only of a chldish, stroppy, acutely insecure, attention seeking, untidy, smetimes selfish but very lovable girl who's too young to realise that life isn't as easy as it looks and who doesn't really know what she wants deep down.

Is it Possible to be friends?? GS

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Is it Possible to be friends?? GS

I see no reason why not, unless we end on a huge row.

She's said she would like us to stay friends and when she gets back from Dublin we can live together in the house I just put a deposit on as friends and shower and sleep together as friends.

I don't really see what the difference is.

Friendship is maybe the one thing missing in the relationship, and friendship is the best glue in any relationship.

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Is it Possible to be friends??  GS

I see no reason why not, unless we end on a huge row.

She's said she would like us to stay friends and when she gets back from Dublin we can live together in the house I just put a deposit on as friends and shower and sleep together as friends.

I don't really see what the difference is.

Friendship is maybe the one thing missing in the relationship, and friendship is the best glue in any relationship.

Sounds like you are right I think if you two were friends first maybe it would have lasted longer but it's good to hear you can be friends now.

sounds to me you were just two lonely people and just wanted to have someone there at your side Am I Right or Wrong?

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GS with all the women in Thailand How come you don't find someone else?

My friend just went recently and I fixed him up with a cousin of my wife. I mean when i was there many girls were asking my wife if i knew someone for them.

I even had the mother of one come and give me pics of her daughter before i left seeing if i could find someone but it's not easy.

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I know it's weird to point this out now...

I thought she had an engineering or electronics degree... why did she need to look for a 7-11 job as suggested by a few of you out there? (I might have lost track somewhere, been reading this in the past 4 hours and eyes are swollen now :o

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I know it's weird to point this out now...

I thought she had an engineering or electronics degree... why did she need to look for a 7-11 job as suggested by a few of you out there? (I might have lost track somewhere, been reading this in the past 4 hours and eyes are swollen now :o

And last week I thought they had no money left to buy food, and now he's made a downpayment on a house? After they were travelling to Burma.

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I know it's weird to point this out now...

I thought she had an engineering or electronics degree... why did she need to look for a 7-11 job as suggested by a few of you out there? (I might have lost track somewhere, been reading this in the past 4 hours and eyes are swollen now :o

You need to lie down if your eyes are swollen honeyen :D

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I know it's weird to point this out now...

I thought she had an engineering or electronics degree... why did she need to look for a 7-11 job as suggested by a few of you out there? (I might have lost track somewhere, been reading this in the past 4 hours and eyes are swollen now :D

And last week I thought they had no money left to buy food, and now he's made a downpayment on a house? After they were travelling to Burma.

This is getting more interesting by the week! :o

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are you going for the longest ever topic on the forum?

can not see anything else new in the topic that has not been asked and said before :o

Hey CTG, It's back by popular demand, it wasn't me.

P.S. I'll be holding auditions for a replacement girlfriend on Oct 20th at the Sienna Room, Hilton Hotel, Hua Hin.

If you're interested please bring references from at least one ex boyfriend. :D

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are you going for the longest ever topic on the forum?

can not see anything else new in the topic that has not been asked and said before :o

Hey CTG, It's back by popular demand, it wasn't me.

P.S. I'll be holding auditions for a replacement girlfriend on Oct 20th at the Sienna Room, Hilton Hotel, Hua Hin.

If you're interested please bring references from at least one ex boyfriend. :D

GS OK I send some your way?? One is not lazy and she wants to get out of udon thani. she said something about working in a hotel. :D

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