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Credit Card Debt

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Two tidbits to add..

1. I have a Thai lady friend who used to work at an Internet cafe on Silom road, where she'd expand her salary by helping translate e-mails from single Thai ladies prone to visiting bars into decent English or a few other languages she knew.

She told me a story, which I loved, about one girl who used to sit in the cafe all day, sending the same e-mail messages to a legion of guys all over the world, and the same with MSN messages, phone calls and such. From what I gathered, it was quite a thriving business for "romance." This lady was a one woman corporation!!!!

2. Another lady I know works near a place like the aforementioned Sabai land, and one of the staff at that place was trying to talk her into leaving her current job for the more "personal" approach of the other shop. Promise was, easy to make 100,000 baht per month by making the falang happy.

I guess I must be in the wrong line of work!!!!! :o:D:D

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I have been here 10 years and have seen it all. I even knew of a case where the husband (farang) did not care for the money that his baby was getting from many past suitors. Sad, but, he was stuck due to a little girl, they had together and the fact that she spend more than he could ever afford. Then there is the other case where the farang husband allowed his wife to make sexy Internet chats to unsuspecting old timers throughout the world and the money came in drover until she found that guy withthe big bundle. Sad! but have seen it all here.

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Firstly, unless she is rich and I mean earning many millions a year, then no way would she have a Bt300,000 line of credit. I have a friend here, working years and earning perhaps 4-5m per year and his credit limit is around Bt150k.

Yeah? Your friend must be a low credit person in all other aspects then, 150k is nothing if you make 4-5M a year. 15-20% of annual salary is no problem, and in many cases much more.

Doesn't need a mega credit line. What the heck do you need to buy which you need right now and can carry away which costs over 150k ?

In the UK the max I had with one card was £25k (had a multitude of cards) which was the bank limit (Premier HSBC) unless perhaps in 7 figure salaries. My Centurian card from Amex had no theoretical limit but the most I ever paid was about 10k.

To the other poster, your quote of 5 times monthly salary is a bit far fetched I think. I mean, you earn 10k and they give you 50k of which you have to pay back 10% per month, thus taking half of your income ? I don't think so.

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Forget her. A classic con artist.

I disagree. A con 'artist' comes up with a very credible story... not one full of holes like this one!

The problem is with the one so moronic as to believe her...

Oh I forgot! His girl is different...! :o

I disagree. I think it all depends on how stupid an nieve the victim is.

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Firstly, unless she is rich and I mean earning many millions a year, then no way would she have a Bt300,000 line of credit. I have a friend here, working years and earning perhaps 4-5m per year and his credit limit is around Bt150k.

Agreed. That is about right.

Why not ask to see a Statement and then make up his own mind. Of course making sure it is her name (ID Card) on the statement would be a good idea.

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there was this thai show on TV yesterday where a ladyboy had millions in debt, got creditcards with a max limit of 36k and she had 50+ cards or so and maxxxxxed them all out, so I guess it is possible...why he/she would go on TV and tell about this is still a mystery...TiT I guess.

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that she has a car and a house to me says greed,( and another farang ripped off )

Probably exactly right!!

To answer the OP, Yes- the banks will restucture / give loans to pay off credit cards at at better rates and terms. I know several Thai ppl who have done this.

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I was interested to see the comments that have been posted since I last looked at this thread.

My friend in the UK said there was also a TV programme in the UK about the way the bar girls use the Internet cafes to send the same message to lots of different farang. I think he took this on board.

When I was dealing with this girl, I went into their local internet on te Island and there was one 'mother' witch in the corner doing the translations. I speak, read and write Thai so we did not need her help - I was helping this girl read my friends email, and sending an email to my friend in the UK as a reply. At the time she seemed (possibly) plausible.

Behind me I heard a Thai girl talking to a farang on the video link. He had a beard and seemed very tired. She explained how she loved him, missed him, could not wait to boom boom him etc...

I was absorbed in the email I was writing so did not take much notice. However, after about 10 minutes I looked over and she was still saying how much she loved this guy blah blah and I thought nothing of it until I realised he DID NOT have a beard. Now either he shaved pretty quickly or this was another bloke - classic!!!

As for my friends case, we have decided that she needs to provide all the information about any debt she wants him to help her with and he will pay the credit card company DIRECTLY if he helps at all that is.

This will ensure that at least the debt is genuine - even if nothing else about this girl is.

My chum is reading this thread, so I am being very polite here about his true love - don't want to alienate him and lose him to the 'dark side' if I can help it.

Thanks again for the feedback.

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Firstly, unless she is rich and I mean earning many millions a year, then no way would she have a Bt300,000 line of credit. I have a friend here, working years and earning perhaps 4-5m per year and his credit limit is around Bt150k.

Agreed. That is about right.

Why not ask to see a Statement and then make up his own mind. Of course making sure it is her name (ID Card) on the statement would be a good idea.

We are all missing the point here, its a scam,. ! . ill bet the debt :o
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I was interested to see the comments that have been posted since I last looked at this thread.

My friend in the UK said there was also a TV programme in the UK about the way the bar girls use the Internet cafes to send the same message to lots of different farang. I think he took this on board.

When I was dealing with this girl, I went into their local internet on te Island and there was one 'mother' witch in the corner doing the translations. I speak, read and write Thai so we did not need her help - I was helping this girl read my friends email, and sending an email to my friend in the UK as a reply. At the time she seemed (possibly) plausible.

Behind me I heard a Thai girl talking to a farang on the video link. He had a beard and seemed very tired. She explained how she loved him, missed him, could not wait to boom boom him etc...

I was absorbed in the email I was writing so did not take much notice. However, after about 10 minutes I looked over and she was still saying how much she loved this guy blah blah and I thought nothing of it until I realised he DID NOT have a beard. Now either he shaved pretty quickly or this was another bloke - classic!!!

As for my friends case, we have decided that she needs to provide all the information about any debt she wants him to help her with and he will pay the credit card company DIRECTLY if he helps at all that is.

This will ensure that at least the debt is genuine - even if nothing else about this girl is.

My chum is reading this thread, so I am being very polite here about his true love - don't want to alienate him and lose him to the 'dark side' if I can help it.

Thanks again for the feedback.

Here is the best advice i can offer your friend about bg's. if their lips are moving they are lying or busy ! :o
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A friend of mine has a new girlfriend who has some money problems. She says she had a clothing shop which went bust owing 300,000 baht on a credit card.

She says she needs 30000 baht a month to clear this debt off and wants my friend to pay.

The story gets worse. She says this is the reason she has to work in a bar (yes we can all smell a con here, but he is my best friend and I am trying to help him).

I would like to know if the situation in Thailand is similar to my native country England, where this kind of debt can be restructured in some way if there is hardship.

If this is a persoal debt (ie: she did not have a limited company), would she be able to go and speak to the credit card company, explain she cannot pay and restructure the loan in some way.

She has a car worth 600,000 Baht (not sure how much she owes on this) and a house (not sure of the value of this), could this used to restructure the loan. My initial thought is sell the car and the debt is gone isn't it!!

If she had a limited company and the credit card was in her name I suspect the debt would be a part of the company bankrupcy and not really an issue. Is this correct in Thailand.

Any advice would be appreciated, as my friend is eager to help this girl and I am eager to prove that she does not need 30000 baht a month.

By the way, I am NOT a Troll - check out my other posts - I cannot believe he is planning to do this. She has been proven to have lied on other issues, however love is blind it seems.

Thanks for your help

Hi, my name is mike, im a recovering whoreaholic, my advice is just dont do it ! :o
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there was this thai show on TV yesterday where a ladyboy had millions in debt, got creditcards with a max limit of 36k and she had 50+ cards or so and maxxxxxed them all out, so I guess it is possible...why he/she would go on TV and tell about this is still a mystery...TiT I guess.

Firstly we know Thai TV is crap. Secondly, we know that people who want to get on the telly will say anything. Thirdly, people lie, especially Thais and people who want to get on telly. Lastly, I had 5000 credit cards all with limits of USD1,000,000 and I maxed them all out.

Even the clowns who run credit in this country are not unaware of some outstanding liabilities.

Why go on telly an lie ? because they can and the audience believes it as they believe these shitty Thai soap operas.

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I'd add that it feels like a scam. I'm also not sure why he's agreeing to pay off her debt in the first place though. Basically he's agreeing to give her a gift of 300,000 Baht. It doesn't really matter what the story she's come up with is. He's an idiot who's thinking with his dick who thinks that giving 300k to a Thai girl he barely knows is going to buy him love. Som Nam Na as the Thais say. If he gives the money and the story is 100% true, or he gives the money and the story is 100% false, he's still given away 300k Baht to a girl for no obvious reason.

I can kind of understand the guys who give lump sums like this away based on a story of medical emergency, they can at least feel that they're saving a life at the same time as they're trying to buy love, but a credit card debt? He must really be doing all his thinking with his small head for such a story to be working on him.

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It is a fairytale. Semi-plausible maybe, but nevertheless a fairytale. He should change his phone number and go ex directory, and forget the whole episode.

Correct, but there's an easier and quicker way to lose the leech. As in the anti drugs campaign "Just say no" and she'll be off like a rat up a drain pipe.

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I'd add that it feels like a scam. I'm also not sure why he's agreeing to pay off her debt in the first place though. Basically he's agreeing to give her a gift of 300,000 Baht. It doesn't really matter what the story she's come up with is. He's an idiot who's thinking with his dick who thinks that giving 300k to a Thai girl he barely knows is going to buy him love. Som Nam Na as the Thais say. If he gives the money and the story is 100% true, or he gives the money and the story is 100% false, he's still given away 300k Baht to a girl for no obvious reason.

I can kind of understand the guys who give lump sums like this away based on a story of medical emergency, they can at least feel that they're saving a life at the same time as they're trying to buy love, but a credit card debt? He must really be doing all his thinking with his small head for such a story to be working on him.

Well said. :o

The guys heart is in the right place, it's his brain that's dislocated!

If he want's to donate 300KB, why not give it to a Tsunami orphanage? Imagine what they could do with 300,000B.

They will say "thank you" & mean it. She will say "thank you , (stupid farang)" :D

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you must convince yr friend he is customer not bf. then everything should fall into place.

bargurls are very ez to deal with as long as you know what they are. THEY NOT YR GF.............LOL

omg i luv bargurls. but does anyone think it is silly to bring a solicitor in to check on her finances.................this guy must be destined for issarn living.

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"A friend of mine has a new girlfriend who has some money problems..."

It does not concern you, and you should not get involved.


You've voiced your concerns so good enough. He ploughs on and gets burned, tough titties I'm afraid.

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I agree with nearly all that is being said here. At best this girl is a money grabber. Her tale, true or not, is not even about wanting money for a 'sick' relative, she just wants to pay off business debts and then start another business.

The emails from her got more and more absurd. For example, just before she was deciding to sell her body for the 'first' time because of her financial problems, she was involved in setting up another business with two (or more) members of her family. Hang on just a minute, I thought she was broke and in massive financial debt :D

It turns out as well there is over 300,000 baht equity in the car - so she could sell the car to pay off her debts not her body - if it upsets her so much to work in the bar.

I therefore dropped out of the 'loop' on Friday.

The 'best' one for me though, is the tale she told that she had to split from her pervious (wealthy) boyfriend, because she could not have kids :bah: and now wants to have kids with my friend - huh - she can now have kids :D - a miracle indeed for Christmas.

Each time I point out any details to my friend that dont seem to fit, he 'explains' why she is not lying.

Even to the fact that she can now have kids - he says he may have misunderstood what she originally said. :D

So I asked him, OK, if she did not split up from the original boyfriend because she could not have kids WHY did they split up. I mean its a pretty big mistake to make isn't it, quite a misunderstanding.

Just think of the situatuion - My friend asks her why she split up with her previous boyfriend, she says it was because he smells or drinks too much, however my friend comes away thinking its because he wanted children and she could not have them !!! - perfectly normal mistake to make.

I do not think I mentioned before that in the UK he is also married, so he is risking his marriage as well :o Good heavens a classic tale, wealthy farang meets bar girl, gets conned, wrecks his marriage, finds out the bar girl is a liar when it is too late and all his money is gone, and he ends up living in a shoe box!

The trouble is he thinks this only happens to other people.

So I am pretty much out of it - he is a lost cause for now - anyone who checked me out to see if this tread was the work of a Troll, will see on other posts I am in the process of training as a teacher - so I am going back to spend my time on that.

My chum will make his own decision on this - sadly I know what it is going to be.

He has been reading this thread, so please keep any comments coming, not that it will stop him pursuing the 'love of his life' :D

Thanks for all your thoughts and useful comments.

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year

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You've just said that he is wealthy. If so, what's 300k? Peanuts. He has a marriage back home, and it was all too easy I'd imagine - the pretty wife, the money - he is just aching for a life lesson. He just wants to feel the thump of betrayal in the diaphram - a cleansing experience. Id' say he's had it all too easy, and wants to ground himself. Perfectly legitimate. That's why Thai girls exist, ain't it?

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I think your friend should give her all the money she wants. That way we all would have more fun posts to read about idiot farangs losing their life's savings to absolutely unbelievable cons. I have heard so many of these stories but they always prove interesting reading.

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Ignoramous, Appleman and Blizzard, I agree. You will be delighted to hear he is about to 'go for it'. He has received some pieces of paper from her that 'pretty much proves what she has been saying' and is about to embark on the roller coaster of his life.

He is still muttering about having the documents checked out (yeah right), but is already suggesting that whatever this girl says I will be 'against her'. So its my fault then - I have been keeping these two lovers apart for all this time (4 weeks! and counting).

Once again I asked the unreasonable question of how come she can now have kids and wants kids with my friend, when her story was that she split up from her previous (married and wealthy) boyfriend because she could not have kids. My friend does not like this piece of the puzzle, so along with other bits of the puzzle that just dont fit - ignores it!

Good luck to him I say, as long as he leaves me out of it from now on. I don't want this girl and her family (her father is a policeman out here) knowing where I live in Thailand and contacting me when it has all gone pear shaped.

I will keep you posted how this turns out. Mind you as my chum is reading this thread, he may feel I am 'dissing' his new love too much and may never speak to me again :o

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Ignoramous, Appleman and Blizzard, I agree. You will be delighted to hear he is about to 'go for it'. He has received some pieces of paper from her that 'pretty much proves what she has been saying' and is about to embark on the roller coaster of his life.

He is still muttering about having the documents checked out (yeah right), but is already suggesting that whatever this girl says I will be 'against her'. So its my fault then - I have been keeping these two lovers apart for all this time (4 weeks! and counting).

Once again I asked the unreasonable question of how come she can now have kids and wants kids with my friend, when her story was that she split up from her previous (married and wealthy) boyfriend because she could not have kids. My friend does not like this piece of the puzzle, so along with other bits of the puzzle that just dont fit - ignores it!

Good luck to him I say, as long as he leaves me out of it from now on. I don't want this girl and her family (her father is a policeman out here) knowing where I live in Thailand and contacting me when it has all gone pear shaped.

I will keep you posted how this turns out. Mind you as my chum is reading this thread, he may feel I am 'dissing' his new love too much and may never speak to me again :o

As you say, anything you do or say to try to help is going to fall on deaf ears. He's got the blinkers on, mate, forget it.

Btw, you haven't got twp TV nicks have you? :D

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It is very hard for a typical Thai running an unincorporated small business to even get a credit card much less one with a B300,000 line. They have no proof of income as typically will have no proper audited financial statements and severely under report income to the tax authorities.

The outrageous sums of money these dolts are so easily conned out of never ceases to amaze me. They are an embarrassment to men everywhere.

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