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"alternative Income Stream"


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Construct an MFA site (not Ministry of Foreign Affairs) with a couple lines of text including lucrative keyword, bung adsense on there and spend a couple thousand quid on related inbounds per month. Watch the dosh roll in. Once that site gets shafted, repeat :o

Tried this one. If anyone does this successfully, they are my hero. It's one of those things that looks great on paper. Problem is getting more from adsense than you spend on traffic. Maybe if you're a SEO genius. Otherwise, very difficult....

Yeah, well, you probably did what the other 99% did and threw up a couple pages with little research expecting instant success through adsense/adwords and omitted the most important part :D

SEO doesn't even come into it and it's actually relatively easy but you need the dosh first. You need to find well-paying, niche keywords, contact the right sites and rent targeted links from them - text-link brokers aren't so good. The days of getting a hi-ranking site linking to you for nothing are virtually gone unless, that is, you have a useful site. But we're not talking about usefulness here are we, we're talking about making dosh... LEGALLY. :D

Like I said, if you have pulled it off, then I am quite impressed. Google 'make money with adsense' and you will see how many people have decided that it is easier to sell the 'secret' than to actually pull it off. My strategy was to pay for adwords and prompt a high CTR on the adsense pages. On some sites it worked. On others it didn't. Then adwords increased my minimum CPC by 300% or so after a few months and that was the end.

As I understand it, you're strategy is to buy links on sites in order to rank high in the search engines (or do you rely on the traffic those links send you?) Surely though, there is more to it or else we would all be rich. Anyway, I am still intrigued by my original goal- 100 sites all making $1 a day in adsense. Seems reasonable, but not easy. One question, how much do you invest in buying links for each site and how long do you have to wait til you begin seeing traffic?

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Teaching Sells launched recently - teachingsells.com

"Learn How to Create Membership Websites That Sell With These Five Step-by-Step Training Courses"

Download Brain's free ebook and make up your own mind.

Another top blogging teacher is Yaro from blogmastermind.com

"You Can Make A Full Time Income Blogging Part Time..."

He's full up at the moment but you can read his blog - www.entrepreneurs-journey.com

And read his free ebook - just google 'Blog Profits Blueprint'

His course starts with the absolute newbie, bringing them up to full fledged professional bloggers lesson by lesson. It's loaded down with well researched resources, coursework, video, interviews ... He's put a lot of work into his program and it shows.

Both Yaro and Brian are class acts. They've been there, done that. And they share their knowledge. Both are popular (and highly respected). Meaning, they are not one page wonders that you see all over the internet these days. So it's easy to google their track records.

Can you make money blogging? Sure. How much? I guess it's up to you and your talents. But I do know only the very top make a decent living out of blogging.

But living in Thailand, a decent living takes on a whole new meaning. In Thailand, having an extra US$1000 - 5000 each month wouldn't be too shabby really. Ok, perhaps Yaro and Brian would say only a lazy person would settle for that little :-)

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How about exporting art, op?

I was thinking about this some time ago, do you have any experience/advice? If it entails going back to home country, would rather not thankyou.

Not much, sorry. Thought about it, but like most things it gets brushed aside and I'm no Warhol. Shouldn't be too much bother finding a supplier here - a glut of painters can be found in every town, usually around major wats - but the hassle is finding the contacts back home. Spose you could export elsewhere but the real dosh is going to be in the US, UK etc. Could go the eBay route if you don't fancy doing any legwork but there's so many doing it and you probably won't get the margins to make it worthwhile. The good thing about it is fair quality art is cheap to buy and canvas is also cheap to ship :o

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Construct an MFA site (not Ministry of Foreign Affairs) with a couple lines of text including lucrative keyword, bung adsense on there and spend a couple thousand quid on related inbounds per month. Watch the dosh roll in. Once that site gets shafted, repeat :o

Tried this one. If anyone does this successfully, they are my hero. It's one of those things that looks great on paper. Problem is getting more from adsense than you spend on traffic. Maybe if you're a SEO genius. Otherwise, very difficult....

Yeah, well, you probably did what the other 99% did and threw up a couple pages with little research expecting instant success through adsense/adwords and omitted the most important part :D

SEO doesn't even come into it and it's actually relatively easy but you need the dosh first. You need to find well-paying, niche keywords, contact the right sites and rent targeted links from them - text-link brokers aren't so good. The days of getting a hi-ranking site linking to you for nothing are virtually gone unless, that is, you have a useful site. But we're not talking about usefulness here are we, we're talking about making dosh... LEGALLY. :D

Like I said, if you have pulled it off, then I am quite impressed. Google 'make money with adsense' and you will see how many people have decided that it is easier to sell the 'secret' than to actually pull it off. My strategy was to pay for adwords and prompt a high CTR on the adsense pages. On some sites it worked. On others it didn't. Then adwords increased my minimum CPC by 300% or so after a few months and that was the end.

As I understand it, you're strategy is to buy links on sites in order to rank high in the search engines (or do you rely on the traffic those links send you?) Surely though, there is more to it or else we would all be rich. Anyway, I am still intrigued by my original goal- 100 sites all making $1 a day in adsense. Seems reasonable, but not easy. One question, how much do you invest in buying links for each site and how long do you have to wait til you begin seeing traffic?

I haven't personally as I'm lazy but it's one way to get the money fast if you're willing to lay some down. The reason everyone's not doing it is because you have to shell out to get anywhere. Adwords and other PPC's are one way, but like you say, Google Smart Pricing sees them taking ever greater margins, you have to constantly monitor the bidding and if you're vying for generic hi-paying keywords, like loans, it can be tough and expensive.

Buying links from relevant sites/pages through anchored keywords within the content, as opposed to stuck on a links page somewhere, is the way to go. The object is to get the traffic, although people doing this are invariably looking to gain ranking to get up in the serps to get the traffic. This is what pisses google off in that people are manipulating their algo and thus a crap, mfa site could be way up in the serps and make them look bad when it beats genuine sites for the targeted keywords. On the other hand, google are making serious dosh from these mfa sites through all the ad-clicking so they ain't too perturbed if the truth be known.

Regards the cost, you could be spending anywhere from perhaps $50-$100 per month for a link from a PR5/6, depending on the topic, right up to hundreds for higher ranking sites. Some people will spend in the region of $10,000 per month renting links but they're making serious money back. Seeing a single-page PR8 mfa in the top three in the serps is a little disconcerting for everyone but the owner who is raking it in. The way to pick the sites is to simply see who are ranking high for your main keywords and then target them and those who are linking to them, just as you would when reciprocating. They are unlikely going to link for free but may take some dosh, although many will not as they will be of the mind that G will sting them for selling even though it is virtually impossible to detect unless they are into it wholesale. If you go the text link broker route you need to ask which sites and where on said site are they placing your link.

Regards the time, as soon as they paste your link code in their pages you should be reaping the benefit traffic wise, if they have any traffic themselves that is; but you would have already researched that. If you're after the ranking, you will have to wait for future updates... in the order of months.

100 sites all making $1 a day would be nice but you'll more than likely be getting virtually no traffic as your sites won't be seen above the hordes of others doing the same thing. If you spent a lot of time on them and got some tidy content and then chased some good links, then you're talkin; but for 100 sites? Better to have 10 sites making 10 bucks a day, or 1 making $100. Easy to take care of the hosting side of it with a reseller account, but what about the registration fee? May be peanuts for .co.uks and the like, but 100 .coms are pricey.

For now, pick one of those 100 sites with some decent keywords and chase up buying some links for it and see how you go. If you're worried about G shafting your other sites, which they won't, start another site on separate hosting with a separate adsense account.

3 tips for budding web developers wanting to make dosh:

1. Write about something you enjoy

2. If not, have a couple pages and spend loads on links

3. Study webmasterworld

Anyway, do I know you? If yes then you should know all this already :D

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You can speak English, can you?

I taught for a while here in los. it's a dead end and a boring job as Thais want to to be entertained rather than learn anything and pay is low but the job pays the bills.

Question: can you entertain Thais??? hahaha I know I sucked at it.....

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Like the business model, but I think the chances are about as good as having a typical Isaanite family adopting you instead of you adopting them as per the norm.

TEFL'ing seems like the most feasible route, IMO. If you're a little more aggressive, you can tap into the billion Baht tutoring market (all subjects though, not just English) for kids dreaming of going to Chula/Thammasat. That's what they pour into the more organized tutoring schools.


Edited by Heng
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English teaching :X

Paper boy salary with paper boy career options.

OK for a retiree looking for a little xtra cash to supplement income I suppose and also for a year or so after Uni to fund living in the country.

Anyone else - forget it unless desparate and there are plenty of those who are and do it just to be in Thailand for whatever attractions they have :o

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My last few words to advocate making money online. If you are an expert in a certain area or extremely passionate about something try it.

I think your words are falling on deaf ear's.

It does take the effort and time though and some people want instant riches which unless you win the lottery are far few between.

If I had the time I would do what you are doing - some of the sites I would set up are out of bounds to me under my current corporate contract though :o

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Someone works as an extra for 3 days and earned 4,500 Baht, someone else replies not worth it.

I suppose it depends on your lifestyle. 4,500 Baht would keep me fed and watered for over a month, and be very welcome.

surely even workin as an extra regularly would require some sort of work permit........and im not sure there is a big demand here for farang extras......is there??? and would have to pay your own travel/accomodation i think.........im sure would be a queue of people if plenty of work!!! :o

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Construct an MFA site (not Ministry of Foreign Affairs) with a couple lines of text including lucrative keyword, bung adsense on there and spend a couple thousand quid on related inbounds per month. Watch the dosh roll in. Once that site gets shafted, repeat :o

Exactly what does this post say ? I have fair command of the English language.....but this is mere gobbledegook !( or should I say "geekspeak"?

I believe it is yet another money making opportunity that would find the OP in legal difficulties.

i believe you are wrong

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If you don't start an online business now you miss out big time. It's still time to conquer some niches for yourself. Check out guides like this one http://internet-starter-guide.com/ that explains you step by step what to do. This guy also talks about Thailand and I wouldn't be surprised if he also lives here. It makes so much sense to work online plus its also fun because you decide in what niche you are working.


Thanks freitag. I have been wanting to try to get into some internet based business for some time now.

At first glance looks like good info for no cash up front...:o

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