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Proof Of Residency From Immigration

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Need to get proof of residency from Thai Immigration in order to get my driver's license. I've seen on this forum that a rental agreement will suffice, but that's not exactly my situation.

I've a 30 year lease on land owned by my wife. Will the land title papers (forgot the Thai word) with my name shown as lessee suffice? Marriage certificate, Thai wife in tow, plus her residency card -- needed, or not?

Thanks. Oh, I'll be doing this in Chiang Mai, if there are any particular quirks involved with this office that I should know about.


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If you are living in your wife's house, then she should have reported to immigration the last time that you entered the country.

If more than 90 days have elapsed, you should also have reported to immigration.

Provided you have done these steps then requesting the proof of residency letter is a mere formality. No rental agreement etc, you are already registered!!

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If you are living in your wife's house, then she should have reported to immigration the last time that you entered the country

You mean even tho' I indicated where I was staying when I entered Thailand, my wife has to also tell Immigration that she's harboring me in 'her' house?

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Yeah,you should be in her TaBien Ban.

This is not correct.

you can only be on the Household Papers (Tabian Bahn) if you have a residence permit.

As for the registration when you arrive, that is a must.

Fine is 2000 baht

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Jim Gant: As a fellow CNXer, I have been to the administrative office of the Immigration Department, (just across the parking lot to the left as you enter) at least three times for a "Residency Certificate". The last time last month for my Internation Driver's license.

Each time, they required no supporting documentation. (The first one was before they started to enforce the 90 day rule so I don't think they had my address on file) The application for the certificate has your declaration as to where you are staying and you sign this document as evidence of where your staying, same as when you file your 90 day notice.

I personally don't know for sure, but from what I observed each time I got one, they did not check the computer as to where you are previously registered as living, this may change as their system upgrades.

300 Baht is what I have been charged each time I got the "residency" certificate.

You will need a picture for the certificate.

As an aside, the owner of your home, ie. your wife, must advise the Immigration Office, just as you do, of your residence in her home, just as every hotel owner, home owner or anyone providing residence to a foreigner must do. When my Thai did it, one of the idots there told him he had to do it everyday, just like a hotel. Quickly overruled by a more knowledgeable officer. Homeowner only has to advise once upon the foreigner moving in.


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Thanks, Pro.

Guess the wife will have to tell Immigration I live in/rent her place. The law says within 24-hours, but I guess we can fudge that, as my last entry stamp into Thailand was a few weeks ago, and we then stayed in Bangkok with family (was family supposed to inform Immigration of my visit?) Strange law, as they have my address on the TM I filled out upon entry (although there's not enough space for a thorough address). Oh, is there a specific form she fills out to report my address? No info on this per Google.

Getting the drivers license: Info I read says it's located just past Lotus (airport one). Does this check out with you? What am I looking for exactly, and are there any landmarks to give me a headsup as I near it?


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JG: The Land Transportation Office is opposite the airport runway on Hang Dong road on the left as you head south, a kilometer or so before you reach the big intersection that has just installed the drive over and countdown signs.

The fence in front of the LTO is newly painted a bright purple.;

Go to the second floor, ignore the information or registration desk in the middle of the room as you reach the second floor, go right to the first window on your right, the lady there speaks excellent English and specializes in helping farang.

Eye test is for color perception with colored dots only. Foreign drivers license makes it all very easy, no more than an hour. One year first time, five years upon renewal. Picture and residence certificate.

Any further questins, PM me.

Good luck.

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JG: Have your wife ask immigration admin office staff for form for owner to report foreign person staying in here house. She should take her Tambian Ban with here just in case. Won't take five minutes. Your last entry TM 7 is your report for 90 days, thereafter you file your own report every ninety days.

I photocopied my completed form including signature, not the date, and just fill in the date every 90 days. If you come and go, your TM 7 information will change each time.

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