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Quote Of The Year


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Can you honestly see the Army/ the EC/ the rump of the CNS letting Samak be the next PM? The PPP may win as a party, but somehow I just cannot see that pig of a man being allowed to take the top job. Even amongst politicians, he is a monument to insincerity. He was a vociferous opponent of Thaksin when he was PM, but now he has a sniff of power, he's his best buddy. Stinks, doesn't it?

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IMHO, the only reason that Thaksin was spat out was he was in danger of giving the people a voice. The whole corruption thing was just a smokescreen, if you ask me. I'm not saying that he wasn't corrupt, but just how many politicians in this country have not dipped their little pinkies into the biscuit tin, just a teensy-weensy bit? The so-called BKK "elite" were not exactly comfortable with the idea of 80% of the country suddenly starting to, horror, expect things like decent housing, education, healthcare. I mean, where would it all end? :o

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Back to the topic at hand....

“Who did you fornicate with last night?” Samak Sundaravej asked of a female reporter in an attempt to skirt around an embarrassing query on his party’s infighting over its Bangkok candidates.

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Back to the topic at hand....

“Who did you fornicate with last night?” Samak Sundaravej asked of a female reporter in an attempt to skirt around an embarrassing query on his party’s infighting over its Bangkok candidates.

Good idea: I mean, returning to the actual topic at hand. Let us not allow are political bigotry to override our objectivity in terms of ..... moderation (no pun intended).

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Back to the topic at hand....

“Who did you fornicate with last night?” Samak Sundaravej asked of a female reporter in an attempt to skirt around an embarrassing query on his party’s infighting over its Bangkok candidates.

It might be a translation issue, but I was under the impression that he actually said: "With whom did you have a sinful night?"

Nicer words maybe, but still shows his obvious inability to deal with questions for which he was not prepared.

Another quote from him, back in 1976: "Shoot them!"

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Back to the topic at hand....

“Who did you fornicate with last night?” Samak Sundaravej asked of a female reporter in an attempt to skirt around an embarrassing query on his party’s infighting over its Bangkok candidates.

It might be a translation issue, but I was under the impression that he actually said: "With whom did you have a sinful night?"

Nicer words maybe, but still shows his obvious inability to deal with questions for which he was not prepared.

Another quote from him, back in 1976: "Shoot them!"

Let's pray that there isn't a repetition of that theme. I mean a student vs. establishment showdown (yet again...). Le plus le change, le plus le meme chose, n'est pas?

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Samak is just a blundering, bullying phuyai. He views any slightly awkward question as gross impertinence and deals with it accordingly. If he gets to be PM, God forbid, it will put the cause of fair governance in this country back at least ten years.

Fair governance (a recent slogan of the new military establishment) was already set back about 30 years, commencing September last year. Rew plough?

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Careful, people here may start liking the guy. :o

Sorry but I think your view of TV-posters is very mistaken.

Quite right, but some peoples contributution is flip remarks or what "my mate said" or " I read somewhere". Tis just best to not respond :D

You know, I am not quite sure of the election results. It may not be the landslide that Thaksin had. Lots in Issan do not seem to like him, at all. It's personality over reality for sure, and I cannot see PPP not winning.

I personally hope the Democrats win. OK he is from the elite too, but at least he appears to be intelligent rather than just a crafty grafting old school &^^%$$ Can it be a worse option?

Anyway, I am not a voter although some here are. What will be will be :D

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As an outsider who cares a great deal about the future of Thailand, I will be watching the election results with great interest. Comparing the PPP which appears to be a reincarnation of the old TRT party with the Democrats which represent the current junta is like comparing sh*t with sh*t which does not leave one much of a choice. Comparing Samak who has a record of supporting brutality and repressive government going back to 1976 and Black May in 1992 (how quickly people forget!) to Abhisit who is well educated and seems to be well intentioned yet ineffectual seems to leave me with a clearer preference. It appears from what I have read that recently that the end result of this election will probably result in some type of coalition government (which may IMHO be the best possible result since there is not much choice when choosing between types of sh*t). Unfortunately if the PPP does win in a huge majority and then tries to repress the military, my guess is that it will eventual result in another coup. These are just my random thoughts and mutterings on the issue while I am hoping for the best resuts for the future of Thailand. :o

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saw the old man on some bullshit news shit about 3 weeks ago and he threw the bitches for a loop when he started speaking english while sprinkling it wih some thai.. the girl were visibly shaken, was so cool, i am sure it doesnt exist now, but the old gf took hr

I saw that, was hilarious

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well, I know that there a lot of extreme lefties around here; but please, for 1 second be serious and tell me; what's a better option as Thaksin; ok, let's put it this way; a less worse; however you want to see it ... I don't see any other option for Thailand then Thaksin to get things back on track.

Back on what track?

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well, I know that there a lot of extreme lefties around here; but please, for 1 second be serious and tell me; what's a better option as Thaksin; ok, let's put it this way; a less worse; however you want to see it ... I don't see any other option for Thailand then Thaksin to get things back on track.

Back on what track?

what part of; please, be serious for 1 second, didn't you understand ?

or do you have a way to put a spin on the largest fall of the stockmarket in Thai history? forgot already? doesn't matter? and what about the floods, the billions that have been stolen by the army, etc etc etc etc etc

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