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Some Guidance About A Bullying 'farang'


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All of you who are trying to goad the OP into committing a criminal act and physically attacking the man (You're not a real man if you don't defend your wife. The police will take your side anyway, don't worry) have revealed themselves as primitive neanderthal thugs and yobs.

Thinking that taking the law into your own hands and that might makes right and that physical violence is an acceptable route to conflict resolution is the kind of third world thinking that you would rightly sneer at the Thais for.

Physical violence is an acceptable response ONLY if ALL other avenues of conflict resolution have been exhausted and if there is a DEFINITE physical danger.

I wonder how many of you are drinking beer in singlets and flipflops and contemplating a new tattoo celebrating your love of your mother and Millwall football club right now.

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All of you who are trying to goad the OP into committing a criminal act and physically attacking the man (You're not a real man if you don't defend your wife. The police will take your side anyway, don't worry) have revealed themselves as primitive neanderthal thugs and yobs.

Thinking that taking the law into your own hands and that might makes right and that physical violence is an acceptable route to conflict resolution is the kind of third world thinking that you would rightly sneer at the Thais for.

Physical violence is an acceptable response ONLY if ALL other avenues of conflict resolution have been exhausted and if there is a DEFINITE physical danger.

I wonder how many of you are drinking beer in singlets and flipflops and contemplating a new tattoo celebrating your love of your mother and Millwall football club right now.

Although I agree entirely, more to the point really it is not beyond the realms of possibility that this person has access to this forum, or indeed may be reading it right now. Given the circumstances they would clearly be able to identify themselves from the very first post.

It might even prompt him to preempt such an action with some "friends" of his own, who knows?

Not too clever?

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Sounds like a bit of a mess you have ended with you.

I would first make a call to the immigrtion reporting the fact that he has no work permit, I'm sure they are not all onthe make.

Consult a good Thai layer but get a written estimate, they are partial to large fees.

Failing that print a nice story about the guy and drop copies around the town.

The natural reaction is to resort to violence but it never worls out here in Thailand.

Good luck and nail the a******e

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Prior to speaking to a lawyer, perhaps TV members can advise me.

Short story - When I came to Thailand about 5 years ago I/my ex GF purchased some land. We found this land via a farang sales agent who I immediately took a dislike to. He was arrogant, rude and above all a bully. Nevertheless, I purchased said land for 2.8 million baht. Unfortunately, just before the deal was completed, the Thai owner of the land died!! This left the sale completion in limbo for a long, long time.

During this period (of several years), I found out that the farang sales agent had been working in cahoots with the Thai man who died. They would purchase land at very cheap prices and then resell it at about 200-300% profit. Good business if you can get it... I also discovered that the death of this man had left the sales agent with a whole lot of other unfinished business whereby the Thai guy owed him money, (probably quite a lot of money).

Suffice to say, the family of the guy who died were not very interested in completing the sale documents and stalled for several years. Finally, through a good and important Thai friend, I was making some progress in persuading them to complete the documents.

But - I was quite prepared to accept that this deal might never complete and I was prepared to walk away from the 2.8 million baht, if it were more trouble/expense to complete the deal.

Now, the farang sales agent is pestering (bullying is a better word), for me and my wife to work with him to sue the family of the dead man. We prefer the 'Thai' approach and some money under the table and refuse to work with the farang agent. Now he has turned 'nasty' and has started threatening us with all sorts of problems if we do not 'play ball' with him. Since he does not know my email/contact details, he has taken the cowardly approach of threatening my wife by email and shouting at her by phone-calls to her.

I am not concerned about this man if he shouts at me. But I am very, very angry about him threatening my wife. As some of you will know from previous postings, my wife is 'delicate' in both body and mind. She is now quite stable, our marriage is strong and we have a growing business. I do not want this bully damaging my wife's health.

Is there any legal action that I can take to 'nip this problem in the bud' and to ensure that he is forbidden from making any sort of contact with me or my wife? We have copies of the emails he has sent to her and witnesses who will support our version of events.

Thanks for any advice


Is the guy also a TV member? The reason I ask this is that it's all good and well posting such a detailed description of events, but have you ever considered that he may already be taking advantage of this to outflank you?

Again, if what you've said is true it's quite obvious what you should do, as clearly you know things about him that he can ill afford being revealed to the authorities. I'm actually amazed that someone in his position would actually reveal that he didn't have a WP to anyone & surely if he does try to sue his deceased partner's family, this will leave him vulnerable too?

Has for you resorting to violence as suggested by other members - forget it, as you'll probably find yourself in hot water.

Finally, from what you've said about him, I wouldn't have done business in the first place - perhaps you should have asked for advice all those years ago & you may not have handed over 2.8m baht up front.

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Violence will never give you the upper hand here Simon so stay clear!!!

Easy to say .... I would have to show some severe self control ....could I in your shoes? ....maybe not but..... with a clear mind... dont make more problems for yourself my friend....

Farang threatening Thai woman AND no work permit..... his balls are in your court and firmly under your feet!!!!

Go get him!!! :o

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All of you who are trying to goad the OP into committing a criminal act and physically attacking the man (You're not a real man if you don't defend your wife. The police will take your side anyway, don't worry) have revealed themselves as primitive neanderthal thugs and yobs.

Thinking that taking the law into your own hands and that might makes right and that physical violence is an acceptable route to conflict resolution is the kind of third world thinking that you would rightly sneer at the Thais for.

Physical violence is an acceptable response ONLY if ALL other avenues of conflict resolution have been exhausted and if there is a DEFINITE physical danger.

I wonder how many of you are drinking beer in singlets and flipflops and contemplating a new tattoo celebrating your love of your mother and Millwall football club right now.

I did state in clear english I was being sarcastic....


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All of you who are trying to goad the OP into committing a criminal act and physically attacking the man (You're not a real man if you don't defend your wife. The police will take your side anyway, don't worry) have revealed themselves as primitive neanderthal thugs and yobs.

Thinking that taking the law into your own hands and that might makes right and that physical violence is an acceptable route to conflict resolution is the kind of third world thinking that you would rightly sneer at the Thais for.

Physical violence is an acceptable response ONLY if ALL other avenues of conflict resolution have been exhausted and if there is a DEFINITE physical danger.

I wonder how many of you are drinking beer in singlets and flipflops and contemplating a new tattoo celebrating your love of your mother and Millwall football club right now.

Ahh, that old chestnut.

Why does it always have to be the Brit abroad, in flip flops, with tats, supporting Millwall analogy?

So all of the people you have ever met in your life who had a set of balls, and a little pride, are English football hooligans who support millwall (not to wonder even further off topic, but perceptions of violent types on this forum seem to be reserved for we British guys only. There are no 'nasty buggers' in Oz, U.S, Canada et al?)

You are missing my point. I am not suggesting he messes the guy up as a knee jerk reaction. I am suggesting he spins the situation around to nip the problem in the bud.

I suggested he bullys the guy back, verbaly. The matter would end there. By turning up at his office and shouting at the guy 'you ever call my wife again, ill rip you apart' i am certain the guy would realise he can not bully Simon up.

If it was me, i would do precisley that. I would ensure the guy knows that I can not be bullied. Im just talking about barking at the guy - thats all. You have never barked at anyone before in response to aggressive behaviour? You have never stood up for yourself and 'gave a little back' when someone has taken a liberty with you?

Should the guy not feel too intimidated by Simons stance and gets even more aggressive with Simon and Simons wife, he then has the option of knocking the guy out and ripping his office up. Which is what I would do.

Sorry. I am certain that most TV members would take issue with that aproach and write me off as another Milwall fan.

Thats just me. You wont find me on the corner of Soi 4 at 5am, in flip flops, Chang shirt and Union Jack shorts. Im just a normal, respectable guy with manners and morals. Im not a Chang slugging moron who kicks off with someone purely because they have the wrong footie shirt on. I am however, a guy. And if anyone phones my wife and bullies her, I would seek them down and let them know verbaly that they have pissed around with the wrong wife. if that wouldnt do it, then yes... i would indeed kick the guy all over town.

The other option is to look like a complete wimp infront of your wife and spend the next 2 years burried deep in paper trails with a couple of lawyers. In the meantime, the guy will still be calling you and you will be in the same situation. Only you will owe a few shillings to a few lawyers and will have to suffer the stress of the whole legal thing. Nothing happens quickly in Thailand. I am sure that the legal approach would drag on for years. On the other hand, a swift phone call or face to face meeting letting the guy know that you have a set of balls would likely kill it stone dead overnight.

Edited by GetBackJoJo
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Hes 65 years old? Man that's perfect! I bet even you could take him, but just in case here's some pointers: First wait for him and hide behind something when you know hes walking by, then jump out screaming as loud as you can and hit him in the knee with a large heavy stick or metal rod (just to be safe, you have to fell a bully like this as quickly as possible to get the upperhand). If he didn't have a heart attack from the shock of your beastly battle cry then hopefully he will fall and break his hip, add the smashed kneecap and you're on your way to victory! While he's struggling to get up (this elderly bully sounds like a mean tough sob and likely to not give up easily) stomp on his fingers to ensure he cannot use his hands should he regain his footing and savagely attack you with a myriad of lightning quick precise hand strikes. Once that is done, to really make sure you have defeated your adversary, run to your car and run him over a few times, that final blow should take the fight right out of him.

Sorry for being so sarcastic, I just think the idea of an old man trying to bully my woman (or me) and me not knowing what to do about it is so ridiculous I just had to be a little ridiculous too.



Sounds like you're rehearsaling your part on your upcoming action movie, right ?

Thanks for a good laugh. :o:D:D You have a future in comedy action screen writer.

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Ahh, that old chestnut.

Why does it always have to be the Brit abroad, in flip flops, with tats, supporting Millwall analogy?

You are missing my point. I am not suggesting he messes the guy up as a knee jerk reaction. I am suggesting he spins the situation around to nip the problem in the bud.

I suggested he bullys the guy back, verbaly.

If it was me, i would do precisley that.

he then has the option of knocking the guy out and ripping his office up. Which is what I would do.

Sorry. I am certain that most TV members would take issue with that aproach and write me off as another Milwall fan.

... i would indeed kick the guy all over town.

On the other hand, a swift phone call or face to face meeting letting the guy know that you have a set of balls would likely kill it stone dead overnight.

:D edited to show the real views despite the bluster.


I think the OP asked for a sensible approach to his problem :D

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Why don't you just get the phone company for your wife's phone to block his number. Then all you have to do is delete any e-mails he sends to your wife's e-mail or set it up as spam. If that does not work go and speak to the police with as much evidence as you can get. :o

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Hes 65 years old? Man that's perfect! I bet even you could take him, but just in case here's some pointers: First wait for him and hide behind something when you know hes walking by, then jump out screaming as loud as you can and hit him in the knee with a large heavy stick or metal rod (just to be safe, you have to fell a bully like this as quickly as possible to get the upperhand). If he didn't have a heart attack from the shock of your beastly battle cry then hopefully he will fall and break his hip, add the smashed kneecap and you're on your way to victory! While he's struggling to get up (this elderly bully sounds like a mean tough sob and likely to not give up easily) stomp on his fingers to ensure he cannot use his hands should he regain his footing and savagely attack you with a myriad of lightning quick precise hand strikes. Once that is done, to really make sure you have defeated your adversary, run to your car and run him over a few times, that final blow should take the fight right out of him.

Sorry for being so sarcastic, I just think the idea of an old man trying to bully my woman (or me) and me not knowing what to do about it is so ridiculous I just had to be a little ridiculous too.



Sounds like you're rehearsaling your part on your upcoming action movie, right ?

Thanks for a good laugh. :o:D:D You have a future in comedy action screen writer.

Thanks! Im glad someone gets my humor.


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Thanks! Im glad someone gets my humor.


Humour.. not humor. My sarcasm. Hilarious huh? As a Brit.

Sometimes sarcasm is not appropriate on a post when somebody asks for help in a serious matter that may affect their life.

Food for thought??

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agreed wholeheartedly.

i dont tink op posted to be the butt of jokes................even though his situation is extremely comical..............lol.

very insensitive mr mavis.

sending a deceased fish to man may get a message across. for you mafia fans!

Edited by blizzard
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hello simon,if your fed up with it all then pass it over to me........if i get the land for you then will split it withyou 50/50.

this will probably be very hard to do as you seem to have paid for the land before receiving land title... i dont fully understand why you did this or why your lawyer was happy for you to do this.just why was a deposit not paid initially??

was money given to land agent or to the thai guys account....this will make a difference as land agent may still have your money.....although i presume he hasnt got it all as he wouldnt be so wound up about suing the thai family.i cant see how he has lost his own money ....seems he was purchasing land with clients money and if they were buying cheap then im sure he wasnt giving the thai guy the full amount which means he still has some of your money and other clients too.obviously there is more to this than meets the eye,but if you want to shut him up then tell him you will be taking him to court to explain where exactly is your money/land .....im sure he will disappear especially as no wp,doesnt help get your money back but will get him off your back.

i havent read other replies so excuse me if repeating advice or there are new twists to this story that i dont know.

if he wants you to help sue them then why not if he is paying legal fees etc as was his fault and might possibly be the only way to get something back but this being thailand i will be very surprised if you receive anything but when you just leave it then this will happen again and again as thais see we are pushovers and just give up.man this is a lot of cash ..your cash,but im just afraid it may be used against you in pay offs to make it more difficult for you to pursue.the thais are pretty good at hiding the money and saying its spent and probably let a family member spend a yr in jail as punishment for this offence......2.8 mill is areal lot to them and worth someone taking a yr or to out......but at least its better than getting away with it scott free.im just sorry to hear of another guy getting ripped off again and again..has happened to one of my friends due to him not listening to me and others and trusting a 'nice helpful thai lady'.i have been duped in a very small way when i first came here and now im sorry to say i trust no one especially in thailand.good luck.

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sorry just read your initial post again.........good if you can get your important thai friend to settle it as this is what it is all about for you.im afraid the land agent fcuked up by doing these deals and was unfortunate for him (and you) that his partner in this lucrative scheme died.(if he really did!!!)...he had a good idea but in his greed he forgot that he had to trust solely this thai guy to be honest or at least stay alive.ultimately it is him that has caused this problem for you and he has not sorted anything for you in 5 years....i would point out to him that he made you vastly overpay for a piece of land and that it was with him that you made the deal so it is him that should pay you back and then chase the thai family for his money....tell him once he has paid you back (when pigs fly !!!) then you would help him sue for his money back.if you think you can at least get the land(with thai friends help) then tell him to <deleted> off hassling you or you will sue him for welching on his deal with you and working in thailand without wp........follow through with this if he persists but he will have to be real stupid to carry on .personally i dont think he has lost any of his money so has to get you and maybe others customers to help as he may have lost some profit to be made in said thai mans death....so he has nothing to lose and lots to gain.

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Prior to speaking to a lawyer, perhaps TV members can advise me.

Short story - When I came to Thailand about 5 years ago I/my ex GF purchased some land. We found this land via a farang sales agent who I immediately took a dislike to. He was arrogant, rude and above all a bully. Nevertheless, I purchased said land for 2.8 million baht. Unfortunately, just before the deal was completed, the Thai owner of the land died!! This left the sale completion in limbo for a long, long time.

During this period (of several years), I found out that the farang sales agent had been working in cahoots with the Thai man who died. They would purchase land at very cheap prices and then resell it at about 200-300% profit. Good business if you can get it... I also discovered that the death of this man had left the sales agent with a whole lot of other unfinished business whereby the Thai guy owed him money, (probably quite a lot of money).

Suffice to say, the family of the guy who died were not very interested in completing the sale documents and stalled for several years. Finally, through a good and important Thai friend, I was making some progress in persuading them to complete the documents.

But - I was quite prepared to accept that this deal might never complete and I was prepared to walk away from the 2.8 million baht, if it were more trouble/expense to complete the deal.

Now, the farang sales agent is pestering (bullying is a better word), for me and my wife to work with him to sue the family of the dead man. We prefer the 'Thai' approach and some money under the table and refuse to work with the farang agent. Now he has turned 'nasty' and has started threatening us with all sorts of problems if we do not 'play ball' with him. Since he does not know my email/contact details, he has taken the cowardly approach of threatening my wife by email and shouting at her by phone-calls to her.

I am not concerned about this man if he shouts at me. But I am very, very angry about him threatening my wife. As some of you will know from previous postings, my wife is 'delicate' in both body and mind. She is now quite stable, our marriage is strong and we have a growing business. I do not want this bully damaging my wife's health.

Is there any legal action that I can take to 'nip this problem in the bud' and to ensure that he is forbidden from making any sort of contact with me or my wife? We have copies of the emails he has sent to her and witnesses who will support our version of events.

Thanks for any advice



Hi Simon,

Doesn't your wife have family that's on the police force.

I thought most Thais did.

Maybe you can have one of the relatives "talk" to him.

Although without a work permit I would think he is "dead in the water" already so to speak... :o

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Thanks! Im glad someone gets my humor.


Humour.. not humor. My sarcasm. Hilarious huh? As a Brit.

Sometimes sarcasm is not appropriate on a post when somebody asks for help in a serious matter that may affect their life.

Food for thought??

Actually I did misspell humour, I am Canadian after all.

The rest of your post...... give me a freaking break. People were telling him to beat up an old man and I thought that was funny. I posted a reply to demonstrate how silly it was getting with the violent suggestions.


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if bully sold me land at inflated price of 300% i would be happy his partner passed(from a buznit point of view).

why does simon want to cumplete deal? dont make sense.

did simon outsmart the bully in getting a good price for the land.

peeple just have a hard time putting their thoughts to words......................lol.

picture clearer now. you paid without getting bill of sale. in usa you can sue yr lawyer for stupidity!

he wants to complete deal coz he has paid for the land already!!!! wouldnt you want to?? if not....lets do business..i got a great deal for you...money up front deal.ok??

and we are not in usa hence problem!

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