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Iphone Purchase


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So I'm toying with the idea of buying myself an iPhone, since my current phone is on the brink of failure.

Any users here have had any problems with using it in BKK? Also, should I buy an unlocked one at MBK, or wait for (hopefully) the unlocked versions to arrive at iShops next year?

I'd probably use it for messaging, calls, maybe store some notesm and playing with whatever misc. applications.

On another note, I noticed the on-screen keyboard seems to lack commas and periods while typing messages. Is this an oversight, or is there some way to insert punctuation?

Can someone kindly tell me how to get the back off the thing to insert the sim card ! :o
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So I'm toying with the idea of buying myself an iPhone, since my current phone is on the brink of failure.

Any users here have had any problems with using it in BKK? Also, should I buy an unlocked one at MBK, or wait for (hopefully) the unlocked versions to arrive at iShops next year?

I'd probably use it for messaging, calls, maybe store some notesm and playing with whatever misc. applications.

On another note, I noticed the on-screen keyboard seems to lack commas and periods while typing messages. Is this an oversight, or is there some way to insert punctuation?

Can someone kindly tell me how to get the back off the thing to insert the sim card ! :o

its ok i found it ! jeez
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  • 2 months later...
I just got one for xmas and it is a nice phone i dont know how to use the f@cking thing though, i cant get my telephone nos off ma sim to the phone or view the nos on the sim or if someone calls its just a no displayed no names, besides that its ace! :o


FF, Just put the SIM that has your address book into another phone with bluetooth or a serial cable, then import or sync those numbers into address book application on your computer. Then put the SIM back into the Iphone and sync with Itunes, voila the address book contents are on the Iphone.


Sent from my Iphone.

Why not just put your sim, with all your numbers on it, in your iphone and copy them to your phone memory or put the sim in your phone and choose your sim contacts as default contacts?

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No need to buy the program dekka. Any unlocked phone with Installer can download it in 20 seconds for nothing.

That's what I like about the phone. The original model had some shortcomings already noted in this thread - multiple sms addressees, no video camera, no zoom, no way of copying sim cards etc - but the iPhone development community have addressed all these issues and more. It's great fun checking Installer each morning to see what new packages are available to add to your phone's functionality. The value and utility of the phone just keeps increasing every day because of this. What other phone can you say that about?

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Why not just put your sim, with all your numbers on it, in your iphone and copy them to your phone memory or put the sim in your phone and choose your sim contacts as default contacts?

Because that doesn't work with the stock iPhone.

However, there is an application for the iPhone that does it- look for SIMport on your Installer app on the iPhone... it's a lot easier than the address book trick.

And for all those who don't know yet, any iPhone can nowadays be unlocked with a single click using ZiPhone. That app is really genius, used it yesterday to update to 1.1.4. Click one button, wait 5 minutes, and it's jailbroken, unlocked, and has installer.app installed..

Edited by nikster
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I heard that Ziphone screws up your Baseband after using it so that it cannot be upgraded again?? Anyways round that problem yet?

I used iLiberty+ on my latest iphone the other day - does the same job in a different way without making the baseband non-upgradable. Mind you I havent looked at Ziphone for awhile maybe they have addressed that problem in the newer versions.

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No need to buy the program dekka. Any unlocked phone with Installer can download it in 20 seconds for nothing.

That's what I like about the phone. The original model had some shortcomings already noted in this thread - multiple sms addressees, no video camera, no zoom, no way of copying sim cards etc - but the iPhone development community have addressed all these issues and more. It's great fun checking Installer each morning to see what new packages are available to add to your phone's functionality. The value and utility of the phone just keeps increasing every day because of this. What other phone can you say that about?

"The original model had some shortcomings already noted in this thread - multiple sms addressees, no video camera, no zoom, no way of copying sim cards etc "

well mine wont do any of that bendix,and that insataller on mine dont do nothing, is there a way i can update it and if so make it real easy step by step cos im propper thick!


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No need to buy the program dekka. Any unlocked phone with Installer can download it in 20 seconds for nothing.

That's what I like about the phone. The original model had some shortcomings already noted in this thread - multiple sms addressees, no video camera, no zoom, no way of copying sim cards etc - but the iPhone development community have addressed all these issues and more. It's great fun checking Installer each morning to see what new packages are available to add to your phone's functionality. The value and utility of the phone just keeps increasing every day because of this. What other phone can you say that about?

Don't know, but I buy a phone that has everything I need already on it, not a phone that I have to update on a regular basis, maybe it's just me.

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I got my girlie an iphone last month at Fortune 18k 8 gig

she was the first girl on the block to get something other than a nokia Nwhatever

most of the girlies were ohhinh and ahhing - as before the rumor on the street was that iphones were too complicated and hard to use for the likes. now all the girls dont understand why they(or sponsor) paid the same for the nokia, but the iphone is much more fun and obviously more expensive and bigger face.

she uses it to browse sanook, and take pictures and email to me and listen to music. and they all love the rotating photos, but I have forbid her from allowing any of her friends to plug it into the computer to add more music because I am sure then would accidentally update and lock it. which means that the task is left to me now.

the one question I have is where to get the 3rd party app that lets it record video?

also how to make ringtones from mp3's? - non-tech answer please.

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hi guys, how is the selection of the iphone casings and accessories?

just got myself a iphone and happen to be heading to thailand next weekend, so i thought i might just buy my casings over there. are the slections big and prices competitive?

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