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Bkk To Seim Reap Solo


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What are some of the pro's and con's of going to Ankor Wat alone? I want to see the temples there so bad. If I get to Bkk a second time. I have to give it a try.

Just like my first trip to bkk, I did my research and put my whole trip together using the internet. Nothing bad occurred. I'm confident that I can do this, and that everthing will go well.

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I've heard from more than one source that the roads in Cambodia on the way to Siem Reap are horrendous.

Yes, I went along it the other direction in August and the road was abysmal. It won't be quite so bad now that we're not in the rainy season any more but will still be pretty awful. For some people though the experience of one of the world's worst roads is part of the fun...

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What are some of the pro's and con's of going to Ankor Wat alone? I want to see the temples there so bad. If I get to Bkk a second time. I have to give it a try.

Just like my first trip to bkk, I did my research and put my whole trip together using the internet. Nothing bad occurred. I'm confident that I can do this, and that everthing will go well.

Are you a man or a woman? AND what is your age range and what country you come from? With this information we can give you the best advise.

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What are some of the pro's and con's of going to Ankor Wat alone? I want to see the temples there so bad. If I get to Bkk a second time. I have to give it a try.

Just like my first trip to bkk, I did my research and put my whole trip together using the internet. Nothing bad occurred. I'm confident that I can do this, and that everthing will go well.

Are you a man or a woman? AND what is your age range and what country you come from? With this information we can give you the best advise.

Male - I can see where this can be important. I guess I should have given more information if I want to get a thorough response. I will also say that I don't like to go in tourist groups, when I do travel. It can enjoyable at times for some,

Country - USA.

Forgive for being private , but, the age, sex, thing question tend to annoy the crap out of me, but I do see where it can be helpful.

I really don't have to go by land, I just though it would really be a cultrual and mind stimulating adventure to do this by land for me. My first trip, things seem to go so smoothly, as far as booking a plane to fly to chiangMai, and changing my flight plans on the return trip.

I'm planning on going in august, and expect to get wet.

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What are some of the pro's and con's of going to Ankor Wat alone? I want to see the temples there so bad. If I get to Bkk a second time. I have to give it a try.

Just like my first trip to bkk, I did my research and put my whole trip together using the internet. Nothing bad occurred. I'm confident that I can do this, and that everthing will go well.

Are you a man or a woman? AND what is your age range and what country you come from? With this information we can give you the best advise.

Male - I can see where this can be important. I guess I should have given more information if I want to get a thorough response. I will also say that I don't like to go in tourist groups, when I do travel. It can enjoyable at times for some,

Country - USA.

Forgive for being private , but, the age, sex, thing question tend to annoy the crap out of me, but I do see where it can be helpful.

I really don't have to go by land, I just though it would really be a cultrual and mind stimulating adventure to do this by land for me. My first trip, things seem to go so smoothly, as far as booking a plane to fly to chiangMai, and changing my flight plans on the return trip.

I'm planning on going in august, and expect to get wet.

Bangkok Airways direct, or Thai to Pnom Penh and then by boat to Siem Reap



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I did the trip overland a few years ago...via an agent on KSR. It was a mess. Nice minivan to the border then a 2 hour wait. Only to fiind out the roads were too bad for the bus we were promised. So, we (12 of us) were stuffed into the back of a pickup truck. Backpacks and all...and a large crate of fish. The road was OK for the first few hours, but went down hill really bad after that. Potholes larger than the truck. River crossings where we had to get out and push to get across. We were all a mess when we got there (after midnight and we left at 8am from KSR). And I heard about a Japanese girl who had fallen out of her truck and cracked her skull. They flew her back to BKK in a helicopter.

Yes, it was quite the experience. But won't do that again for sure.

Once you get there your guesthouse will find a driver for you easily. Mine had a scooter which worked out fine. I did 3 days there and got to see some of the more remote sites. My guide is a great guy that I still keep in touch with. The ruins are amazing. It really is a must see place. Siam Reap is a safe town. I did this trip solo also and with no safety issues at all.

You might consider the boat trip from there to PP then fly home from there. I was not impressed with PP, but the killing fields have left a lasting impression on me for sure...

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I did the trip overland a few years ago...via an agent on KSR. It was a mess. Nice minivan to the border then a 2 hour wait. Only to fiind out the roads were too bad for the bus we were promised. So, we (12 of us) were stuffed into the back of a pickup truck. Backpacks and all...and a large crate of fish. The road was OK for the first few hours, but went down hill really bad after that. Potholes larger than the truck. River crossings where we had to get out and push to get across. We were all a mess when we got there (after midnight and we left at 8am from KSR). And I heard about a Japanese girl who had fallen out of her truck and cracked her skull. They flew her back to BKK in a helicopter.

Yes, it was quite the experience. But won't do that again for sure.

Once you get there your guesthouse will find a driver for you easily. Mine had a scooter which worked out fine. I did 3 days there and got to see some of the more remote sites. My guide is a great guy that I still keep in touch with. The ruins are amazing. It really is a must see place. Siam Reap is a safe town. I did this trip solo also and with no safety issues at all.

You might consider the boat trip from there to PP then fly home from there. I was not impressed with PP, but the killing fields have left a lasting impression on me for sure...


Interesting read. Sounds like air is the way to go.

My main interest is Angkor Wat but a visit to the museums since I"m there, I should not pass up.

Thanks for the insight.

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Re age/sex/location etc. Its merely useful information. I looked at your profile, found it totally devoid of any clue & so decided i was unable to give a helpful and meaningful answer. Only as another poster posed the Q i have now decided to add my 2 bhts worths. You may have been an 18 year old girl, or a 65 year old guy, or anything (literally) anywhere inbetween. It can & does make a difference.

I haven't (yet) been there, but i have traveled alone a lot. (Male 40's). You will be fine traveling alone, biggest tip when doing so is never get so drunk you don't have your wits about you. I know a Thai girl who was well used to traveling and was sedated & robbed on Mo Chit bus station. (she was sober at the time, it was daytime)However, i got around the world for 6 months without problem apart from having a few $$ lifted in Jamaica which was my own stupid fault.

When you travel alone you tend to make the effort to talk to other travelers more & they are almost always very friendly and helpful. However if you have concerns about going alone why not poke around the net for travel buddy sites & see if anyone else of your age group is heading up there around the same time?

Also a good idea to carry a bracelet or necklace type i.d. with blood group, health insurance, emergency contact no's etc. in.

They flew her back to BKK in a helicopter.

wow, really? Who was "they" & who paid? Nice to know that sort of serrvice is available out there.

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ay ay ay ... yeah these places are sooooo dangerous .. why didn't you all stay @ home than !! Unbeleivable..

Well on the serious note europe was also bad after WWII .. but they did rebuilt :o so that may give u a clue ..

Yeah the road is NOT paved (btw.. due to payoffs from Bangkok air, who keeps monopoly on Bkk-SiamRiep flights)

But .. you cross the border.. pay 20$ per head for shared camry .. & it gets you from Poipet to Angkor within 3-4 hours wih some minor buttshaking only ! Unless you're handicap, or suffer from severe motion sickness you should survive the trip !

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The time I did this a Camry would have never made it. We barely made it in a truck. I met some people who were on a bus...they spent the night in the middle of the river until a truck large enough to pull them out showed up. I guess that makes the trip longer than 3-4 hours?

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Re age/sex/location etc. Its merely useful information. I looked at your profile, found it totally devoid of any clue & so decided i was unable to give a helpful and meaningful answer. Only as another poster posed the Q i have now decided to add my 2 bhts worths. You may have been an 18 year old girl, or a 65 year old guy, or anything (literally) anywhere inbetween. It can & does make a difference.

I haven't (yet) been there, but i have traveled alone a lot. (Male 40's). You will be fine traveling alone, biggest tip when doing so is never get so drunk you don't have your wits about you. I know a Thai girl who was well used to traveling and was sedated & robbed on Mo Chit bus station. (she was sober at the time, it was daytime)However, i got around the world for 6 months without problem apart from having a few $ lifted in Jamaica which was my own stupid fault.

When you travel alone you tend to make the effort to talk to other travelers more & they are almost always very friendly and helpful. However if you have concerns about going alone why not poke around the net for travel buddy sites & see if anyone else of your age group is heading up there around the same time?

Also a good idea to carry a bracelet or necklace type i.d. with blood group, health insurance, emergency contact no's etc. in.

They flew her back to BKK in a helicopter.

wow, really? Who was "they" & who paid? Nice to know that sort of serrvice is available out there.

I'm new to the site and still learning the ropes around here. Makes sense to be more specific if I want good anwsers. I'm in your age group also. I do use caution when I travel and try to blend in as much as I can. Or should I say not look like a tourist,

I plan to hang around here and learn as much as I can from you guys, and hear some stories on how best to get from A to B.

Thanks Paulusa for offering your help, I'm new to the neigborhood and I'm sure it shows.

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What are some of the pro's and con's of going to Ankor Wat alone? I want to see the temples there so bad. If I get to Bkk a second time. I have to give it a try.

Just like my first trip to bkk, I did my research and put my whole trip together using the internet. Nothing bad occurred. I'm confident that I can do this, and that everthing will go well.

No problem.

Fly there with BKK airways.

There are many hotels to choose from, but don't expect too much although they are OK

The main problem you have is the language... they don't kow english and i guess you don't speak Kmer.... I have been toold you can hire students from the local university to be your guide and who do spek some english, never have looked into it in depth. Worthwihile to skim internet for that (student associations etc... )

Have a nice trip

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What are some of the pro's and con's of going to Ankor Wat alone? I want to see the temples there so bad. If I get to Bkk a second time. I have to give it a try.

Just like my first trip to bkk, I did my research and put my whole trip together using the internet. Nothing bad occurred. I'm confident that I can do this, and that everthing will go well.

No problem.

Fly there with BKK airways.

There are many hotels to choose from, but don't expect too much although they are OK

The main problem you have is the language... they don't kow english and i guess you don't speak Kmer.... I have been toold you can hire students from the local university to be your guide and who do spek some english, never have looked into it in depth. Worthwihile to skim internet for that (student associations etc... )

Have a nice trip

How about a recommendation on a hotel, with a pool and a decent restaurant?

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Just wanted to add my agreement that the road from Poipet to Siem Reap is terrible. I paid return fare from Poipet, but when I arrived in Siem Reap, I promptly booked a flight all the way to Bangkok for 3 days down the line. I was NOT going to get back in a minivan and destroy my spine any further.

I'm a 27-year-old male, with no real allergies to uncomfortable situations, but I thoroughly advise you not to take any sort of truck or minivan from Poipet to Siem Reap. The Camry sounds like an okay option, but I will be telling my friends to pay the extortionate airfare.


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