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Prosecutors Vow To Arrest Thaksin Upon His Return To Thailand

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Apologies if this has been discussed before (I don't follow it that closely) but why has it not be possible that on the judicial findings of this corruption case being released and a case for Toxic to stand trial being filed why hasn't an international arrest warrant ever been requested?

Seems incredible this clown is allowed to hop around the planet without a care in the world and no accountability for his wreckless actions!

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I am still stunned that the ordinary and quite poor people of Thailand supported the PPP, it is just beyond belief after Thaksin is almost certainly guilty of robbing these people of Thailand's inheritance of billions of Baht and ensuring their future will take many many more years before they can escape the poverty trap whilst Thaksin and his cronies just get richer and richer

I've never have understood why so many people who have lived in LOS for a couple rounds of government, thai style, cannot seem to grasp Thaksins ADMINISTRATION, was no more nor less corrupt than previous governments.

Is it that difficult? Is there a switch that just won't click? A mental block that stops all thought when this is stated? Unlike those governments he actually gave something to poor people. Yes he is corrupt, yes he is venally corrupt we all know this. I guess the point is if the other non Thaksin administrations would have been something less than as bad as Thaksins we could honestly throw brickbats at the people who voted for the PPP.

Obviously we cannot

he is giving 10 baht and taking 1,000 baht in return and of course many of the poor don't see this. thaksin is a businessman and everthing he does has to have profit. the rigth way to help the NE poor is not by giving them debts and cattles that they will eat anyway when they run out of money but to educate them.

I doubt the elections were real. if there can be fixed elections in USA then there can be in Thailand. The mistake was that the coup did not stay in place longer and ensure a real election.

'a coup' ensuring a a 'real election'

strange notion of democracy :o

They all have their own agendas, i never saw a non corrupted thai gvt. What we dislike with toxin is mostly the way he manages us the farang. Do you really care about the rest ?

No I'm not fan of toxic, just a fan of democracy

introduced 30-baht healthcare

Yeah, because that worked out so well... waiting half an hour to see a doctor for a rash and getting a few paracetamol and the doctor getting maybe five baht for the visit.

Well, now if we just take a close and objective look at the "first world" the amazing discovery will obviously be same, same but just a little different if at all.

Are there really politicians anywhere that really ever have been brought to justice whatever justice actually means? Well, history showed if actually someone had to take responsibility for his/her "misbehaviour" this was staged by third (foreign) parties upon military intervention.

No country ever deals with corrupt politicians without military intervention? Learn some history. Here are a few where the rule of law brought them down. I could name British and European politicians too. There are more Americans than I have named but these readily come to mind.

Richard M. Nixon- President- Forced to resign. Pardoned by Ford before he could be prosecuted. Never again held political office or power. Ford later lost election to a term as president largely for pardoning Nixon.

US Vice President Spiro Agnew-convicted of accepting bribes. Given probation and forced to resign. Never again a force in politics.

US Attorney General John Mitchell-convicted and sentenced to prison.

John Dean- spent time in prison for watergate

Charles Colsen- Nixon aide- Sent to prison for role in Watergate cover up.

John Erlichman-White House lawyer- Convicted and sent to prison.

H.R. Haldeman- White House chief of staff- convicted and sent to prison.

Herbert Kalmbach- Nixon attorney guilty of Campaign Violations-Imprisoned, Fined and disbarred from practice as attorney

More recent:

Randy "Duke" Cunningham. War Hero. Highest scoring Vietnam air ace. US Congressman. Convicted of accepting bribes and now serving a sentence in prison. Will likely die in prison. Those who bribed him are also facing prison.

Several Bush appointees convicted of accepting bribes and currently in prison. They still are not finished with Tom Delay and others. Tom Delay who may end up with a corruption conviction is no longer electable.

I could continue the list to include many other cases including those at the state and local level but I the point is made here Every country on earth has corrupt politicians, public servants and businessmen. It how they are dealt with that makes the difference.


Who really holds the power in Thailand after the PPP form government, the first thing they would need to do is replace all the top military leaders if they want to have any chance, I can't see this happening, from what I can see even with the PPP in office the military will still be pulling the strings if PPP resist there will be another coup


Tentative Cabinet list ready

Samak Sundaravej would become prime minister...

Can anybody give me an insight into Samak's background? Was he a military man? A police officer? Has he any university degrees? Has he studied abroad?

I've tried Wikipedia and other sources and I've got very little, except the he started his political career in the Democrat Party and that he's been in Thai politics for over 40 years now!

he is giving 10 baht and taking 1,000 baht in return and of course many of the poor don't see this. thaksin is a businessman and everthing he does has to have profit. the rigth way to help the NE poor is not by giving them debts and cattles that they will eat anyway when they run out of money but to educate them.

But the way the poor people look at is as follows:

Taksin = gives 10 baht and takes 1,000 baht in return

Every other politician in Thailand just took the 1,000 baht or if they did give anything back it certainly never made it to the poor...

So if you were them what would you think is better 10 baht or 0 baht?

I cant see Mr. T being arresdted when he returns. More like garlanded with Samak prostrated in front of him :o

Has anybody noticed that Mr. Ts brother in law is being touted as justice minister? Probably not the most tactful pick the PPP could have made.

you could not see anything democratic. Taksin needs his day in court and it will come as it justly should, if he is guilty then the people will be the ones to throw away the key. What is for sure for those of you that so hate Taksin, if the coup de ta did not remove Taksin undemocratically, then the people would have thrown him out. In that case, it would have been permanent, unfortuneately we are now stuck with a ridiculous new system of government with a proxy PM from the old guard(re poison) WHOM the majority have voted.

Maybe the offer was not for 1 billion Baht - but the buying of votes certainly seems to be a trait of the PPP - as the EC is finding out.

I went along to the election booth with GF, not a sign of vote buying, had a chat with the Amphur representatives there, and they said it didn't occur in this neighbourhood. Of all my gf's family and cousins, over 30 of them, not one received a single offer of money....

Let us know your own personal experiences.

he is giving 10 baht and taking 1,000 baht in return and of course many of the poor don't see this. thaksin is a businessman and everthing he does has to have profit. the rigth way to help the NE poor is not by giving them debts and cattles that they will eat anyway when they run out of money but to educate them.

But the way the poor people look at is as follows:

Taksin = gives 10 baht and takes 1,000 baht in return

Every other politician in Thailand just took the 1,000 baht or if they did give anything back it certainly never made it to the poor...

So if you were them what would you think is better 10 baht or 0 baht?

oh, so you really think that thaksin took less than any other politicians before him? how much tax he and his family has not paid while the noodle vendor on the street has to pay taxes for every single cents earned? two boeing left for europe with full of suitcases believed to be cash and gold days before the coup in september, where did this came from? suwanaphum project? the money he has loaned to the burmese dictator government? land deal? etc.

thaksin was giving to the poor to stay in power because he knew the poor masses will keep him. he is using them, exploiting them and keeping them stupid and dependent. one policy of the dems that the poor overlooked is the free education for all but they seem to prefer free cattles for all.

Prosecutors vow to arrest Thaksin upon his return to Thailand

An article in the South China Morning Post recently stated Mr Thaksin’s intention of using Hong Kong as his Asian base for his planned return to Thailand. The article also reiterated Mr Thaksin’s reluctance to return to the political limelight but that he may consider serving as adviser to the PPP if his asked to do so.

--Bangkok Post 2007-12-27

Remember the English expression: "The power behind the Thrown" which means that while the "Puppet" is leading in the eyes of the people, his strings are being pulled by someome out of view.

Thaksin wants to be that Puppetmaster.

Maybe the offer was not for 1 billion Baht - but the buying of votes certainly seems to be a trait of the PPP - as the EC is finding out.

I am still stunned that the ordinary and quite poor people of Thailand supported the PPP, it is just beyond belief after Thaksin is almost certainly guilty of robbing these people of Thailand's inheritance of billions of Baht a........................................and he cunningly continues to line his own pocket at the expense of Thailand's real people.

How can it be right in a country of such abject poverty that a few like Thaksin and his cronies can be so rich, and that they carry on ensuring that the poor people of Thailand remain poor, is it maybe for continued cheap labour? This is to me immoral.

Cheats ruthlessly do cheat anyone, anywhere, anytime!

he cheated Themasek Holding as well, after the sale was sealed - the value dropped dramatically hahahahahahahaha!

Probably his Cayman Island Investment Group dumped right thereafter all the shares they been holding for a premium!

Remember the SET Boss just recently got cought for "cheating"!?

It's the Name of the Game the powers to be always played and will certainly not stop too soon unless they get stopped but then by whom?

Have a good look around and back!

He got away how many times already?

"Oh, sorry that was an honest lie!" and got away with it - as its again the children ..... and well, they are children aren't they allowed to make "mistakes"? :o

It will go on - Welcom to the greatest Show on earth!

Welcome to Alice in Wonderland!


Until voting day I was still convinced this country deserves better.

Not anymore.

Nung Roi percent correct in respect of the PPP voters and shame on the smaller parties for allegedly joining forces with them.

They know exactly what the PPP are all about, along with the unethical reputations of the figure heads in respect of not working 100% for and in the interests of the country and it,s citizens.

Those who voted otherwise, deserve better and hopefully their wish will be realised when the PPP and surrogate party start falling out and self distruct themselves.

I feel sure you were not including them as a non deserving cause, as they did all within their power as voters, but fell short of their objective / s

Amazing news just in that the PPP are celebrating here and most of the major players of the legally banned TRT are doing likewise in H.Kong.

Samak will have been the guest of DIS honour in H.Kong, never mind all the crap about him staying home.

His personality and demeanour has never once given him the desire to shun publicity GOOD AND BAD and well we all know it, home what a joke that is !!!



If only everyone would think of those who opposed the PPP and gave them some credit for their efforts.

While they didn,t quite get there, it wasn,t so far short vote for vote. so let us not undermine or forget them.

Unfortunately the N. and N.East was always going to be a hugh mountain to climb in relation to the inbedded culture of handouts for votes and the love of anyone who appears to be a giver as that a certain non Thai lover in exile exploited to the full once again.

I live in this area when i,m in Thailand with my family andhave witnessed in personal terms how popular i was while i was giving.

Now, i,m, kineow and bad falang to most of the ones who i,ve stopped giving never to be returned loans ect.

The nice thing is i don,t have to put up with the phoney wai,s anymore........................They ignore me, thank god.

I am still stunned that the ordinary and quite poor people of Thailand supported the PPP, it is just beyond belief after Thaksin is almost certainly guilty of robbing these people of Thailand's inheritance of billions of Baht and ensuring their future will take many many more years before they can escape the poverty trap whilst Thaksin and his cronies just get richer and richer

I've never have understood why so many people who have lived in LOS for a couple rounds of government, thai style, cannot seem to grasp Thaksins ADMINISTRATION, was no more nor less corrupt than previous governments.

Is it that difficult? Is there a switch that just won't click? A mental block that stops all thought when this is stated? Unlike those governments he actually gave something to poor people. Yes he is corrupt, yes he is venally corrupt we all know this. I guess the point is if the other non Thaksin administrations would have been something less than as bad as Thaksins we could honestly throw brickbats at the people who voted for the PPP.

Obviously we cannot

For the first part I disagree, he sold AIS to a Singaporian company, it was and is not a national asset, if that is the case then DTAC and TRUE are national assets as well........ if they are to be called national assets then Thailand may as well turn "communist", do we all want that? As for a billion baht, if Taksin had sold AIS while the Democrates ran the country like a school canteen during 1997 to 2000, then he would have yielded less. He transferred it to his kids and the question is justifiable raised by the ASC (kangaroo court) that the transaction should have yielded tax.... That still has to be answered in court. Should Taksin never had entered politics, he still would have sold it for $2 billion US and as with everybody else would not have had to pay any tax anyway!!!!!!!!!!! So the question is, if he had his time over again, would have Taksin have gone into politics... I bet the anwser is NO, emphatically no.... Why the pain for little gain. What, a piece of land in Ratchadar, I dont think so.

I agree his gov was corrupt, policy wise is most likely the evil culprit, and if they nail him on it, well and good.

Yeah, because that worked out so well...

Yep, since there are more Private Hospitals charging a mint for the same service!

It certainly helped, some!

it's not about the poor - it's about the rich getting richer - squeeze it, there is still some Juice!

And he'll be back with the worst of the "squeezers"!

Guess the People get in return what the deserve - why nobody understands the law of Dhamma and the workings of Kamma in a 9+% Buddhist Country, why?

So many Temples, Monks, Kru's and Ajaran's, well, well, well, well.....

" - why nobody understands the law of Dhamma and the workings of Kamma in a 9+% Buddhist Country, why?

So many Temples, Monks, Kru's and Ajaran's, well, well, well, well....."

Why, coz Dhamma doesn't put food on the table!


I find it strange that people on here spend all year complaining about the military government and when another government is elected, they jump right onto it again and start complaining about that one too.

Let's face it, many people on here complained about Thaksin while he was still in power and especially after. But after the past year, I have to say Thaksin was a lot better for this country than the military government. Sure he took a few Baht here and there for himself, but every government, not only in Thailand, will do that. The difference is that Thaksin did some good things for the country (while taking money for himself), while the other governments Thailand had didn't (and also took money for themselves). So what's better?

You can't keep politicians from taking money for themselves, but I'd rather have one that does something for the country than someone that doesn't.


3 to 4 million Democrat votes were military men and their families who were ordered, I mean instructed, to vote for the military coup Democrat Party. I'm not sure anyone cares if a few votes were bought for chump change by the PPP.

Maybe the game plan is:

Try to arrest him upon his return. Hope he tries to escape so he can be shot. All nice neat, tidy and legal

Noooo, don't make a martyr out of a criminal!

Core leaders celebrate PPP victory with Thaksin in Hong Kong

Bangkok: -- Core leaders of the People Power party have reportedly met with Thaksin Shinawatra in Hong Kong to celebrate the party’s victory at the polls, according to a source close to the People Power party (PPP).

The first batch of former members of the defunct Thai Rak Thai party had arrived in Hong Kong on Wednesday, the source claimed. They include key leaders of the PPP such as Yongyuth Tiyapairat, Sudarat Keyupapan and Danuporn Punakan. A second batch of PPP members will reportedly make their way to Hong Kong on Thursday.

An article in the South China Morning Post recently stated Mr Thaksin’s intention of using Hong Kong as his Asian base for his planned return to Thailand. The article also reiterated Mr Thaksin’s reluctance to return to the political limelight but that he may consider serving as adviser to the PPP if his asked to do so.

As rumours about the mass gathering of former Thai Rak Thai party members in Hong Kong continue to swirl,

Don't you love the way he hops into any foreign country and decides that he's making it or will make it his home base for stirring further political divisiveness in his home country, to the embarrassment of the host country, maybe even doing a little money laundering (he did hire mules in Hong Kong and previously bought a football team, upset swiss banks). I see him like a Little Emperor on his travels, throwing a tent wherever he pleases to meet his cohorts in order to come up with even more plans to screw up this country even more than it is already.

After a cancelled visa in mainland China, how long before The Little Emperor is escorted out of Hong Kong?



There is some interesting strategy here. By making the announcement that Thaksin will be arrested, the government has set a prescience that will be expected to be carried out.

If the arrest does not happen then it will be viewed as Thaksin and or the PPP manipulating things. It that is the case, it sets the stage for another coup by giving them a reason.

I am still stunned that the ordinary and quite poor people of Thailand supported the PPP, it is just beyond belief after Thaksin is almost certainly guilty of robbing these people of Thailand's inheritance of billions of Baht and ensuring their future will take many many more years before they can escape the poverty trap whilst Thaksin and his cronies just get richer and richer

I've never have understood why so many people who have lived in LOS for a couple rounds of government, thai style, cannot seem to grasp Thaksins ADMINISTRATION, was no more nor less corrupt than previous governments.

Is it that difficult? Is there a switch that just won't click? A mental block that stops all thought when this is stated? Unlike those governments he actually gave something to poor people. Yes he is corrupt, yes he is venally corrupt we all know this. I guess the point is if the other non Thaksin administrations would have been something less than as bad as Thaksins we could honestly throw brickbats at the people who voted for the PPP.

Obviously we cannot

For the first part I disagree, he sold AIS to a Singaporian company, it was and is not a national asset, if that is the case then DTAC and TRUE are national assets as well........ if they are to be called national assets then Thailand may as well turn "communist", do we all want that? As for a billion baht, if Taksin had sold AIS while the Democrates ran the country like a school canteen during 1997 to 2000, then he would have yielded less. He transferred it to his kids and the question is justifiable raised by the ASC (kangaroo court) that the transaction should have yielded tax.... That still has to be answered in court. Should Taksin never had entered politics, he still would have sold it for $2 billion US and as with everybody else would not have had to pay any tax anyway!!!!!!!!!!! So the question is, if he had his time over again, would have Taksin have gone into politics... I bet the anwser is NO, emphatically no.... Why the pain for little gain. What, a piece of land in Ratchadar, I dont think so.

I agree his gov was corrupt, policy wise is most likely the evil culprit, and if they nail him on it, well and good.

hold on right there! it's suppose to be the whole SHIN corporation that he sold which included the SHIN SAT which is a national asset. now the singaporean can easily eavesdrop into thailands' communication system.


What is it with all the people in this thread apparently cheering for the military government? All they accomplished in 1 year is drive the economy into the ground, take away healthcare benefits for the poor (and then wonder why they don't get any votes from the poor), make visa regulations more difficult for foreigners, etc. While they still haven't brought a single charge forward against Thaksin.

Sorry guys, that government was a failure and it's time the old government came back. We all complained about Thaksin's government before, but after the past year, I have to say it was much better than the current one.

3 to 4 million Democrat votes were military men and their families who were ordered, I mean instructed, to vote for the military coup Democrat Party. I'm not sure anyone cares if a few votes were bought for chump change by the PPP.

well everone in our office vote for the democrates and noone ist at the army. I have doubts you can order the military mens families. I don't see that the Democrats have anything to do with the coup.

Maybe the game plan is:

Try to arrest him upon his return. Hope he tries to escape so he can be shot. All nice neat, tidy and legal

Make him a martyr.....( God Forbid it happening )

Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, they really would loose all they have worked for and hope to achieve. JUSTICE


The top brass in Thailand seem to have all the words for anything but doesn't seem to care when Mr.T's kid is seen riding around helping PPP campaign for the election. Didn't the kid owe the tax department some small change??

That's what I wondered when I saw his kids campaining in the papers. Weren't there warrants for their arrest for failing to appear in court to testify about the Temasak deal? :o

Or was it just all talk and no action from those in charged :D

The top brass in Thailand seem to have all the words for anything but doesn't seem to care when Mr.T's kid is seen riding around helping PPP campaign for the election. Didn't the kid owe the tax department some small change??

That's what I wondered when I saw his kids campaining in the papers. Weren't there warrants for their arrest for failing to appear in court to testify about the Temasak deal? :o

Or was it just all talk and no action from those in charged :D

Good point however everyone got cold feet it would seem until the election was over. I don’t want to say the election is over because of what I just posted in another thread, it seems the PPP has openly admitted to something (hint: Thaksin is running the PPP) that may get them disbanded. If that is the case it my seriously delay Thaksin’s arrival.

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