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Looking for dialogue as to why Fahrang, meaning foreigners not white people, come to visit or live in Thailand and whether overall, not in petty whining specifics, you view the experience as a positive or negative affect on your life.

For example:

1.) We come here for a 6 month stay each year, for the last 26 years now, to visit the wife's/our/my family to rejuvenate the unconditional family feeling that Thai's in general share with one another.

2.) We come because of the Thai attitude and demeanor as it is still, despite the cynical beliefs of some otherwise, genuinely the Land of Smiles in spirit and demeanor.

3.) We love the natural beauty that is Thailand from the coast to the mountains. We love the heat, the food the climate but respect its consequences if we don't.

We see the Thai people as they are and judge Thai society, not by our western standards, but in acceptance of it, as a visitor should do when he visits some else's home.

4.) More personally, we particularly enjoy leaving behind western information over load, sound bite driven, seemingly always critical, cynical and faultfinding spirit and demeanor that is so consumptive practiced in western cultures from America to Europe these days.

Though admittedly, not being blind nor stupid, we have seen this western cultural cynicism corruptive influence and slowly creep into Thai society more and more particularly in Bangkok’s intellectual and economically prosperous society.

It most assuredly has been and continues to be a positive affect on our lives.

That is all! :o

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It's the lure of the pussy.

Work in Saudi; after 6 weeks in the desert feel really horny and come to LOS for some Rape & Run. :o

Met a TG 10yrs ago and haven't been back in my home country ever since. All in all LOS has a positive effect on my life although my bank manager thinks otherwise.

I come to LOS for some Rape & Run. :D

Nice..... :o:D valued tourist then..!!


Don't go flaming Sex Tourists, Child molesters and other such weirdos as you will be on DaveThailand's (ThaiVisa's Alpha Male (In his eyes),The Pervert's appologist in Chief) hitlist. and he wont leave you alone with his boorish oneliners :D


i used to come to LOS for the bar girls but found there's a lot more to muang thai than beer sing and bar fines.

now i have my own thai honey, i'm building a house in paradise, and can live comfortably for the rest of my life on my savings which would last me about 5 years tops in the USA.

also if that moron Bush gets "elected" again, where else i'm i going to live, move back to frigid UK!

I come to LOS for some Rape & Run. :D

Nice..... :D :D valued tourist then..!!


Don't go flaming Sex Tourists, Child molesters and other such weirdos as you will be on DaveThailand's (ThaiVisa's Alpha Male (In his eyes),The Pervert's appologist in Chief) hitlist. and he wont leave you alone with his boorish oneliners :D

I have no problem with people who come to Thailand to indulge in the "nightlife", I freely admit to enjoying Nana/Cowboy/Pattaya and other similar places in the past....

However.... this comment...

I come to LOS for some Rape & Run

... is inapropriate :o

Commiting Rape is most definately not the same as paying a willing partner for sex...


Though admittedly, not being blind nor stupid, we have seen this western cultural cynicism corruptive influence and slowly creep into Thai society more and more particularly in Bangkok’s intellectual and economically prosperous society.

Please explain how you think western cynacism has affected Thai society? You dont mean because the Thais have become totally materialistic and willingly send their daughters off to the 'killing fields' so they can keep up with the rest of the village with their large screen Tv's and SUV's??

Would the fact that the economically and intellectually prosperous part of BKK is actually predominantely Chinese, therefore their influence might actually be more significant than a few FARANGS venting on a webboard?? :o

I love how the guys who just come to visit, or live here without a real job, can see things so clearly, and the rest of us who work within the community, do business with, deal with the same people every day, see things a little differently?

To answer your question, I came to Thailand to build a regional hub, I also had a pen friend here. My reason was Thailand is a good centre to SE Asia, easy and cheap to fly to the surrounding areas.


Yo, Stevehaigh,

Beyond, the simple pontifications I must in all consciences rebut your election commentary. Though as an American you have every right to your opinion.

In full knowledge as in America, a few pontificators with loud voices do not represent a people nor a country.

Likewise, in this age of Terror, Islamic extremism does not represent Islam or Muslins nor does a few corrupt or bad Thai police or Thai criminals represent the Thai people or Thailand.

I, as a life long democrat from a line of dye hard democrats and a member of the Vietnam class of 68, will be voting for George W this time around.

You and I know W. does not represent America anymore than anyone else has or will but he will in all likelihood be its President for the next 4 more years so get over it and enjoy your life in Thailand as I do when I am there. The world will not end as you or I know it no matter who wins.

By the way thanks for making all that money, $100k and all, we retired really need your contributions and I and I am sure you appreciated GW’s tax breaks as well.

That is all! :o


Good weed, beaches,FOOD!,sex,cheap stuff like cd's and DVD's, wicked cinemas (why can't the UK have cinemas like the ones on the top of that shopping centre Central Pinkloa or something which is in itself an awesome shopping centre, better than Milton Keynes anyhoos) friendlyish people, nice gold,cool elephants.


Yo rooboy,

Ha! son, though I admit I wish I knew enough and more but my 26 years times 6 months a year are more than a mere visitor acquantance with Thai society and unlike you, I don't need a job here nor there as if that is germain to anything.

Yo, We know all to well your anal-ism about the chinese. get over it my aussy friend.

But, beyond that personal hand up you have, its about imaging and sound bites and yes materialism, as it is impressed on western society that has brought many of the haves in Thai society to this mindset I mentioned.

A mindset that is prevalent in many of the west's countries. Some like in the west, have adopted it as if a credo, a measuring stick, if you will, of others including westerners as well as the have nots and less fortunate.

You obviously measure your against any Chinese you come across.

That is all!

It's the lure of the pussy.

Work in Saudi; after 6 weeks in the desert feel really horny and come to LOS for some Rape & Run. :o

Met a TG 10yrs ago and haven't been back in my home country ever since. All in all LOS has a positive effect on my life although my bank manager thinks otherwise.

yeah he met a TG ten years ago so she must have a pretty good savings if she's either working in nana or soi or patpong :D

Yo rooboy,

Ha! son, though I admit I wish I knew enough and more but my 26 years times 6 months a year are more than a mere visitor acquantance with Thai society and unlike you, I don't need a job here nor there as if that is germain to anything.

Yo, We know all to well your anal-ism about the chinese. get over it my aussy friend.

But, beyond that personal hand up you have, its about imaging and sound bites and yes materialism, as it is impressed on western society that has brought many of the haves in Thai society to this mindset I mentioned.

A mindset that is prevalent in many of the west's countries. Some like in the west, have adopted it as if a credo, a measuring stick, if you will, of others including westerners as well as the have nots and less fortunate.

You obviously measure your against any Chinese you come across.

That is all!

You are a Yank?? ex vietnam? AND you voted for Bush?? nuff said really isnt it.. You cannot spell, your grammar sucks, need I go on??

You dont need a job, therefore you dont have a clue where the people who work in Thailand are coming from. Go back to your Credence albums and shoot up a few more targets out the backyard, not from Texas are ya?

Yo rooboy,

Ha! son, though I admit I wish I knew enough and more but my 26 years times 6 months a year are more than a mere visitor acquantance with Thai society and unlike you, I don't need a job here nor there as if that is germain to anything.

Yo, We know all to well your anal-ism about the chinese. get over it my aussy friend.

But, beyond that personal hand up you have, its about imaging and sound bites and yes materialism, as it is impressed on western society that has brought many of the haves in Thai society to this mindset I mentioned.

A mindset that is prevalent in many of the west's countries. Some like in the west, have adopted it as if a credo, a measuring stick, if you will, of others including westerners as well as the have nots and less fortunate.

You obviously measure your against any Chinese you come across.

That is all!

You are a Yank?? ex vietnam? AND you voted for Bush?? nuff said really isnt it.. You cannot spell, your grammar sucks, need I go on??

You dont need a job, therefore you dont have a clue where the people who work in Thailand are coming from. Go back to your Credence albums and shoot up a few more targets out the backyard, not from Texas are ya?

Back at it again there Roobaby...more negative opinions about LOS? You wanna throw Politics into the mix, better head on over to the BearPit before you incur George's wrath :o

also if that moron Bush gets "elected" again, where else i'm i going to live, move back to frigid UK!

Frigid UK?............. :o PLASTIC YANK!!

I have no problem with people who come to Thailand to indulge in the "nightlife", I freely admit to enjoying Nana/Cowboy/Pattaya and other similar places in the past....

However.... this comment...

I come to LOS for some Rape & Run

... is inapropriate :o

Commiting Rape is most definately not the same as paying a willing partner for sex...


Didn't realise some people would take a euphemism for R&R literally.

Probably different sense of humor.


most people on here will know you were joking about the rape comment,but dick heads just jump on the bandwagon,everytime, :D if it wasnt for the sex tourists,so many people would lose their incomes,at least the guy is honest and has a jest,lighten up guys or join a church group please :o:D ,i work 6months and then come to thailand to travel see friends and have alot of fun,i love my life here,sure beats the shit out the 6 months working, :D

most people on here will know you were joking about the rape comment,

I realise this was an attempt at humour.... just not a very good one !! :D

but dick heads just jump on the bandwagon

Thanks.... :o

if it wasnt for the sex tourists,so many people would lose their incomes

I agree... i will quote myself from a previous post

I have no problem with people who come to Thailand to indulge in the "nightlife", I freely admit to enjoying Nana/Cowboy/Pattaya and other similar places in the past....
at least the guy is honest and has a jest,lighten up guys or join a church group please

I don't see how anyone can find the act of forcing another to have sex or perform sexual acts under threat of violence and/or grevious harm, funny or humerous... sorry :D

I come to LOS for some Rape & Run

If this is the way the poster wants to portray himself then fine... however bear this in mind, this forum may be the first insight for some people who are thinking of travelling to Thailand, and they see things written like this... I wonder what they will think... ??

totster :D

I realise this was an attempt at humour.... just not a very good one !!  :o

So you feel offended and want to get even by quoting out of context.

You would make a good politician :D

Back at it again there Roobaby...more negative opinions about LOS? You wanna throw Politics into the mix, better head on over to the BearPit before you incur George's wrath :D

There was no negativity in my post, another moron who loves to troll coz he has nothing else to do with life. P#ss off Boon Meeeeee... :o

I come to LOS for some Rape & Run. :D

Nice..... :D :D valued tourist then..!!


Don't go flaming Sex Tourists, Child molesters and other such weirdos as you will be on DaveThailand's (ThaiVisa's Alpha Male (In his eyes),The Pervert's appologist in Chief) hitlist. and he wont leave you alone with his boorish oneliners :D

I have no problem with people who come to Thailand to indulge in the "nightlife", I freely admit to enjoying Nana/Cowboy/Pattaya and other similar places in the past....

However.... this comment...

I come to LOS for some Rape & Run
... is inapropriate :o

Commiting Rape is most definately not the same as paying a willing partner for sex...


Ye Gods! It was a good play on words. In the context it was funny :wub: . The phrase "is inappropriate" (and you spelt it incorrectly) marks you as definitely PC. You're a manager, perhaps?


Yo Rooboy :o

My only reponse to such elegant verbage? Could only be Non sequitor my friend!

Is it mere spelling or grammer that you find so duanting or is it the Ipsissima verba, Ex animo that you find so intimidating?

I am most proud of my feats of Bonum commune hominis along with those of my Aussy brothers of that era and of today. Iunctis viribus.

Aussy and zlander brothers Inter spem et metum, who with untold bravery shed their blood Honoris causa for Aussy’s the likes of, you do not represent. Of that I am sure.

My god, by you very words, you have no comprehensible idea in that non serviam brain of yours at your countryman’s sacrifices in Vietnam nor obviously appreciation of their toils today in the hindu Pus of Afganistian on your behalf.

I recall so vividly them standing proudly bellowing in drunken pride “hand in hand for Mate, Queensland, God and the bloody yanks”. Tall and proud of our joint efforts then and now.

You, in your pettiness, “its about me” mentality insult your honored countryman’s blessed memory by your ravings and disenginious voice of Lex talionis.

I remember comprehensively more than you will ever know about the sacrifices of all peoples there then and I know first hand the consequential but forgotten toils of the Vietnamese today as well.

I remember then as now the, ignored and silent voices of Bosnia, the bleeding bodies of Chechnya and Isreal, the 2793 voiceless persons of Sept 11th, the 800 innocent slaughtered in Bali and now I must remember the chilling cries of hundreds of children in Beslan Russia today. Whom are the Rooboy’s of this world remembering but themselves!

I, unlike the non serviam likes of yourself, do not forget that it is people like me and those like my Aussy mates then and now that stand as your only barrier to people like that.

Oh, to have the courage to step aside, if, but for a moment and let these purveyors of love and demogogery share with the likes of you their dreams and aspiration! But no! I digress!

What may I ask have you accomplished, in the name of others, in your miserable existence thusfar!

That is other than your proud ravings of bigotry and deficiency of, not others as you intend, but yourself, by and through your very words and thoughts, so Non compos mentis in merit and remineasant of your true Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum nature and demeanor.

Ita vero!

I know Aussy’s first hand my friend and you are no Aussy.

It is at the feet of your conceit that you must find fault not in the conjured belief in the failings of others.

Proudly, in respect of all that is Thai,

being a yank,

a never before, but

soon to be GW voter


a honorary Tejasian,

Yours, Persona non Grata forever more there Rooboy! ,

That is all! :D


Get off your soap box, you are so typical of the old school war mongers, always looking over your shoulder, fear that everyone is out to get you. Guess what, they are! why? your own doing....

You feel proud of being a good human being along with your aussie brothers??

Lets see, vietnam, Aussies rebuild bridges, hospitals, villages, blown apart by the US forces....

Manchester United?? Oh united we stand?? Ever heard the term 'pig latin'??

God you are a sad prick arent you, you go ahead and remember all the fallen, are you going to remember all the fallen iraqis too? Oh sorry forgot, you guys fell most of them..

Do you think this forum is real life old soldier?? wakey wakey! :o


Cambodia suffered bombing because "Charlie runs over the border there so we'll bomb the crap out of the area and the locals be damned". 300,000 died from the bombings, IIRC. Civilian casualties - oops! Nomenclature error! I mean collateral damage - certainly wasn't minimised there.

he didnt mean it that way,and you know it tots,the thread not about that,why live in thailand,ok i agree a wrong choice of word :o

Ye Gods! It was a good play on words. In the context it was funny  . The phrase "is inappropriate" (and you spelt it incorrectly) marks you as definitely PC. You're a manager, perhaps?

Ok.... maybe i was being too sensitive... maybe not... nuff said... :D

You're a manager, perhaps?

.... that's just spooky.... :D

totster :D


This is quite an interesting thread. Me, im english and worked in thailand and hongkong and have been coming to thailand regularly for about 25 years. My wife is thai chinese. I agree with the comment that the chinese are a bigger influence than us whities in Thailand, isnt Taksin chinese ? But chinese have been there for hundreds of years, have grown wealthy, so chinese influence is behind the scenes, especially in business, not linked to any grand plan, the chinese have adjusted and integrated themselves, as far as they can, into thai culture. Certain things still distinguish thai chinese from thais, ching ming, chinese new year, weddings & funerals, taoist temples, etc. But it get's complicated, e.g. a lot of bangkokkiens dont realise that "dim sum" is chinese food, they think it's thai food !

Why do farangs visit or live in thailand. For me, its a home from home. I feel really comfortable there. I've acquired a taste for oriental culture. I speak everyday thai, so i have a great time there with thai and chinese friends. I find that thai people like to enjoy themselves in what i call a normal way, joking, listening to music, eating, flirting, and they are generally easy going and broad minded. Back home in the uk, so many people are obsessed with mind games, being this or being that, got to have this, got to have that, etc, and don't seem to be able to just relax, let their hair down and just enjoy themselves in a natural friendly way. Im in my 50's and find that i can flirt with young women or older women. I'm not chasing women, just enjoying the flirting game. Thai women seem to understand that, and thai society seems to be more accepting of this. Back in the UK, i've got to be very careful because of political correctness or yobbishness. You get worried someone is going to clock you one, just because you're enjoying yourself and they can't stand to see someone else being happy! Another thing back home is that younger people seem to think you should retire from sex at a certain age. If a 50 year old man is seen with a woman 10, 15, 20 years younger than you, people call him a "dirty old man"or even a pedophile. As long as my partner is legally over the age of consent, what does it matter. Society in western countries seems to be narrow minded in certain ways. It's ok for gay couples to get married, ok for older women to have toy boys but for white middle aged man to have a young gf, its taboo. What's going on ? Is it a feminist nazi culture now ?

A lot of falang guys i talk to in thailand, say that to have a thai gf in thailand is a lot cheaper than having a wife back in d uk. Maybe's it's a bit shallow to say that, but this availability and affordability of ladies must influence a lof of western guys to visit and want to stay in thailand.

Of course there's lots of other attractive things about thailand, inexpensive to live, laid back lifestyle, beautiful beaches, sunshine, food and fruit, etc.

Of course, there are some minuses, visa problems, pollution, crazy farangs, some irritating laws, traffic problems etc.

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