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Tt&t Hi-net / Isp Port Blocking


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I just got connected to TT&T's Hi-Net (CAT as ISP) and am getting some great speeds. :o:D:D

I am now trying filesharing for the first time, using eMule. But a lot of servers are not allowing me to log on because I have a low ID. eMule suggests that this is to do with one of the following:

• Firewalls - also the built in of Windows XP. (WinXP SP2 enables it by default!)

• Routers

• Dial-in software of some ISPs

• Connection sharing software / Software routers

• Networks with any form of NATed connection

• Ports blocked by the Internet Service Provider

I have disabled my firewall and use a modem without a router. I do not share my connection at my end (although I know the Hi-Net connection is shared by 50). So that really leaves CAT.

Has anyone had any experience of this?

Thanks a million

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The ID that eMule assigns seems to indicate whether the following ports are open for connection

• 4662 TCP

• 4672 UDP

• 4711 TCP

I don't use the XP firewall, I normally use ZoneLabs, although ZoneLabs is supposed to restrict the use of eMule, even if you configure it accordingly (I think). Anyway, now I'm not using an firewall that I know of.

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I have the Hi-Net package and get decent speeds filesharing with Soulseek. I haven't used Emule yet.

I recommend Soulseek...as the best file sharer out there for music that is hard to find. Its great for all genres.

I'm currently getting slow bit torrent speeds, though I think this has something to do with seeders and peers and the popularity of the files I want.

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Good question. I never looked for movies.

As for these ports...I'm getting really slow bitorrent speeds. Anybody else with the Hi-Net package getting low speeds? I think my ports 6881 to 6889 are not open. I always get an error when I check with my Azureus BT client. Anybody find a solution to this problem?

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I'm using Hi-net too the only filesharing I have tried so far is Bitorrent

it didn't work very well at all !! having said that I didn't try to get it working by opening ports and forwading them to my machine from the main firewall.

Also I notice

Networks with any form of NATed connection !!!

Have a look at the ip address that Hi-net gives you you will see that it is in the "private " range of Ip's

for example they have given me 172.16.11.*** today, I should not be able to use the internet from that address as it will not be routed , but I can because Hi-net has NATed 172.16.11.*** ---> 202.129.56.***

However I feel that the problem is more likely that they (Hi-Net) are blocking the ports that should be open.

I have a question for people using Hi-net can you ping anywhere without getting

Destination net unreachable ?

Pinging www.google.akadns.net [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from Destination net unreachable.

Tracert doesn't work either

Tracing route to www.google.akadns.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms lan []

2 reports: Destination net unreachable.

Trace complete.

Maybe it's just me.

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I've tried calling the engineers at Hi-Net and requested the opening of ports. Each time I ask they say the ports are open. However, when I check them myself they are closed. All this rubbish is definitely attributed to their end and I doubt there is anything we can do about it.

Hopefully, someone will one day figure out for certain if this is the issue and determine a way to resolve it.

Or maybe, Shin Corp's upcoming DSL service will be less restrictive and better suited for accessing bandwidth internationally. But I hold my breath.

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Right I'm really going to show my ignorance here :o

These ports that it seems need to be open. Would they be network ports? Are they controlled by the ISP (CAT) or by TT&T? johng you said:

having said that I didn't try to get it working by opening ports and forwading them to my machine from the main firewall.

Does that mean we can open the ports? And when you say the "main firewall" do you mean CAT / TT&T's firewall?


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I meant my (main) firewall.... if the ports are blocked by CAT, TT&T and or Hi-net

then only they can open them (from thier firewall)

Now here is something strange, depending on the online port scanner I use

my ip address today is or both are Communication Authority of Thailand, CAT whereas according to my firewall

it should be it's enough to make anyone confused.

If any moderators are reading what was the ip address recorded by this web site when I posted this ???

Shin Corp's upcoming DSL service

Do you really want to give that megalomaniac more money :o

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If you suspect port blocking, try running BT though port 80... you know that wont be blocked. I used to get BT speeds of 60-70, now I'm only getting 1 or 2 with no config difference on my end... &lt;deleted&gt;. I'm not sure where the problem is...given up!

johnq, sounds like your being routed though a proxy. I get the same thing.

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CAT blocks all useful ports on Hinet. I spent hours with the top guys at TT&T in Chiang Mai working on getting Vonage (vonage.com) to work. They told me that without a doubt the reason it doesn't work with hinet is that CAT blocks the ports. They were right. Every other ISP in Chiang Mai works flawlessly.

Forget about calling or e-mailing CAT. They will never help you. TT&T themselves told me this and dozens of phone calls, faxes and e-mails later, I can tell you, don't waste your time. You get what you pay for. The 1000 baht a month hinet is really too good to be true for many of us.

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I just applied for the Ji-net comdex package, price is 1550 Baht/month for 256/128 and 2450/month for 512/256.

It is not that much more expensive as hinet and I guess 256/128 suffices for me(I'm using iptv now but am a bit fed-up with their download limits).

I just hope a private company will be a bit more responsive to requests such as opening ports if needed...

They told me 10 days before the exchange will allow the adsl traffic so I'm waiting patiently now....

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