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As everyone knows I buy cameras and film on Ebay. Fortunately I have family there so it is easy for me to do this. I am always looking for discounts on shipping especially now since I have a large number of cameras and a lot of film to be shipped later this week. This gets expensive using non discounted rates. DHL, FedEX and UPS offer volume customers discounts of 50% and more. I recently discovered a third party shipping company that has enough shipping volume to offer deep discounts on DHL and FedEx shipping from the US. I haven't used their service yet but I will do so later this week. So far they offered personal service when I inquired about shipping film since it cannot be x-rayed. They took the time to contact DHL and get instructions for me. They also offer a service for people outside the US who want to buy items when the vendor will only ship inside the US. They will receive the package and reship. I don't know the cost since I have no need of that service but it may offer an avenue for anyone who finds equipment on Ebay and wants to have it shipped to Thailand.


I'd love to do this, but am deathly afraid of getting hit by heavy custom's duty.

Duty on cameras is 5% or 3.5% depending on the type. As I recall lenses purchased separately are 5%. Duty is calculated on selling price+shipping and insurance. VAT of 7% is then calculated on the total. I have found many times it is less expensive to buy abroad and pay the duty. Sometimes it's the only option since I still shoot film along with digital. The DHL, UPS, FedEx, etc. clears customs for you then charges you on delivery for the amount. The company I mentiuoned will preclear everything and pay duty but they charge 20% for this service. Actually its the shippers themselves (UPS, etc.) that offer this service. They don't refund the difference. It's cheaper to wait and pay here. You can call customs to get the rate on a particluar item before you buy. It helps to speak Thai to do this. My wife usually makes the calls for me when I have questions. Thailand is obligated under terms of a WTO agreement to use actual cost rather than referrence prices as a basis for determining duty. Customs questioned the prices I paid in my last shipment. I try to never pay retail for anything and the prices on some items were significantly lower than the norm. I electronically forwarded copies of my receipts to the shipping company who in turn presented them to the customs officer. Everything cleared no problem. Good luck if you decide to try this.


Thanks for the info. I wish I knew it sooner, it's been years since I gave up on buying goods on eBay.

Out of curiosity, what kind of cameras and films do you buy on eBay that you can't find in Thailand or you get substantial discount from than buying locally in Thailand that you find it's worth all the hassle and having to pay shipping, duty and VAT (other than Sony Alpha lenses)? And how many percent saving do you usually get from the local retail price buying stuffs on eBay and having them shipped to Thailand?


Medium and large format cameras are virtually unheard of in Thailand. Likewise slide film of any format is difficult to come by here. Large format film slide or negative isn't easy to come by. I can buy short date film in quantity, ship to Thailand and freeze it which gives me an ample supply at a decent price. I have never seen large format lenses for sale in Thailand.

The second hand market primarily in the in the US is also much greater than in Thailand. Consequently the prices are much lower. I visited a camera shop in Fortune Tower last year that had a few Minolta film cameras like those I use. I recall the price on one was 15,000 baht. I paid less than a thousand baht for the same camera on Ebay. It was shipped in bulk with other purchases so the cost per item was low. Ditto for lenses. I wanted a 4x5 reel for my Jobo film processor. There is a Jobo distributor in Thailand. They would not give ven a small discount on the reel. B&H in the US offered a sizable discount. I would have to look to see how much but as I recall it was substantial. When I needed a power supply for my Firestore FS4 video hard drive my wife called the Thai distributor in Bangkok. They said they would check on pricing. I never heard from them again.

Computer hardware is another thing I found to be overpriced here though I do buy most locally. I got pissed a few weeks ago when I decided to add more firewire ports to my computer. At the brick and mortar shops in Chiang Mai no one would go lower than 1200 baht. I posted here asking if anyone know of a vendor that offered competitive prices on firewire board. I got a non-negotiable offer from a local shop of 700 baht. I bought from an Ebay vendor in China for 300 baht delivered.

I have a meeting with a Thai friend later this week to discuss setting up an online shop offering competitive pricing on some computer boards and hardware that are way over priced here. I already own several prime domains that would be ideally suited for that purpose. We may discuss cameras and film too. Prices here tend to be way off the mark. Even when my wife leaves me behind and tries to negotiate the prices it does little to improve the situation. In Chiang Mai are way too high and the discount offered is way too little.

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