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Confused By Sponsors Employment Section On Vaf4

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Ok, so we're doing the VAF4 form as part of my wifes UK SV application, but we're a little bamboozled by the sponsors employment section.

In the guidence notes it asks what my current employment status is.

Well, as of right now I am in full-time employment in Thailand, but will not be once the visa is granted and I return with my family to the UK to find a job. I'd say my current status is that I'm employed, but I have a feeling that the form was not designed with my circumstances in mind.

Would it be best to state that I will be unemployed and explain the circumstances in additional information, or vice versa, state that I'm employed but soon won't be?

Anyone been in the position before?

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If I was you, I'd write down you are in full time employment at present in Thailand. I'd also attach a note mentioning that you are moving to the UK with your family, but you will be unemployed upon arrival.

The thing is, as you are the main sponsor, you will have to show some means of being able to support your family without the aid of government help (benefits). I also believe that no financial help from parents is allowed but an offer of accomodation is acceptable.

Alternatively, you secure some type of employment before moving back to the UK.

Dont give up yet. You can always wait to see what the SCOUSE has to say on the matter. I'm sure he'll be able to advise you accordingly.


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Thanks for the reply....I'm fairly well advanced with it all actually.

It was really the issue of whether my current employment means current employment in the UK or whether I should fill it in as per my job in Thailand...if so that's another load of paper to chase...joy joy!

We've got about 32,000 UKP in savings between us, and are both fairly well educated, my wife has a UK Masters (2 prior UK visas) so intend to argue that we can live on savings and could conceivably do so for the entire duration of the initial 2 years on the minimum income support level jive specified, though will commence looking for permenant work immediately on our return. We are both currently compiling job ads which we will propose we can get...not too ambitious not too lowly.

Also I have just got a 2 bedroom flat which I'm renting off my cousin, and have agreement, deposit form copy, correspondence and agency flyer with specifications, (and a letter of permission coming), though it seems implicit that my wife can live there as she's also on the tenancy agreement.

Married 5 1/2 years, 2 year old daughter...plenty of pics, Xmas/anniversary/birthday cards and utility bills to prove we've been cohabiting for 6 years.

On paper it looks like I've got all bases covered...why am I still bricking it?

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It was really the issue of whether my current employment means current employment in the UK or whether I should fill it in as per my job in Thailand...if so that's another load of paper to chase...joy joy!

You don't need to have a job in UK to make an application and sponsor a Settlement Visa, it just helps but as you both have an excellent potential to secure employment once there that should be enough to influence the decision. You also have the other requirements adequately covered.

I would write your current employment details on the form (at least that proves you've not been bumming around whilst in Thailand) and detail your intentions re employment once you arrive in your accompanying letter.

Edited by Mahout Angrit
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That's what I've decided to do, I managed to dig up 4 out of my 5 contracts including the 1st and latest, and have also discovered that Thai passbooks suck if you don't update them regularly as they show block transactions. Fortunately Bangkok Bank will print you attested 6 month statements for 200 baht while you wait, and I'm hoping Krung Thai do the same thing tomorrow. Would photocopying my Thai bank cards be a good idea to show that my accounts can be accessed from the UK? I also got hold of a letter from my employers stating the duration and nature of my job and the salary. I will also try to get hold of my tax statement next week.

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That's what I've decided to do, I managed to dig up 4 out of my 5 contracts including the 1st and latest, and have also discovered that Thai passbooks suck if you don't update them regularly as they show block transactions. Fortunately Bangkok Bank will print you attested 6 month statements for 200 baht while you wait, and I'm hoping Krung Thai do the same thing tomorrow. Would photocopying my Thai bank cards be a good idea to show that my accounts can be accessed from the UK? I also got hold of a letter from my employers stating the duration and nature of my job and the salary. I will also try to get hold of my tax statement next week.

I think you are worrying too much, the latest contract should be sufficient to prove you've been working. (but if you have them all then submit them). It's your ability to settle your family in UK without recourse to public funds that will be judged and from what you say you have that covered.

As for accessing your accounts in UK, I think the ECO will know that provided the funds in Thailand are not in a fixed term deposit but in a current/savings account then they can be transferred on instruction from you should it be necessary.

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