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Connect's Gay Island Tour


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The boy friend and I were in Phuket over the New Year's holiday with several friends. I've seen this tour (Connect's Gay Island Tour) advertised over the years and having gone on many other island tours I thought this would be a fun day as it was advertised as staying mainly on one unspoilt island with a delicious bbq and beach games later in the day.

6 of us signed up and on the Saturday arrived at the appointed time at the Connect Guest House. Turns out 30 people had signed up for this particular Saturday and I thought great! The more the merrier! We left exactly at 11 and headed across the island to the boat which then took us to the island. As the boat was pulling into the island we all went "this is it?" We could not see any beach at all. We were told it was high tide and that it would go out in an hour. The island is small. They don't lie when they say it is called Egg Island in English because it is small! As we got off the boat onto the island we scrambled over the rocks to the "beach". Take a look at their site. In particular look at the first picture with the two umbrellas and the guy in the water. This is the beach at low tide. As we made our way to the "beach" there was one honeymoon couple camped out in the only dry space on the beach who had paid for an exclusive island champagne brunch by another tour. I really felt bad for them with 30 queens scrambling around them staring. It was like a scene out of a national geographic special. It would have been very funny if it was not so sad. They had the only dry spot on the beach. Take a look at the photo again. See the left umbrella? That was where they were sitting. The right side of the beach was underwater. The tide did not go out but continued to come in. There was no where to lie down so we had to stand or sit on the rocks, also no shade as the one umbrella on the beach was taken with the honeymoon couple when they left one hour later. Most of the day consisted of us sitting and standing on the rocks.

The bbq lunch consisted of a few hot dogs, some unidentifable chicken bits, and fish ball's and pineapple and watermellon. The food was all processed food that was bought at Carre Four supermarket. They did have plenty of soft drinks and beer. Most people did not eat as they thought this food was just some starters to get us going and there was very little of it. Little did we realize that this was at and I should have had a fish ball or two! By 3p most of the group was ravenous. Talking to most of the group at one point or another I found everybody to be unhappy with they way things had turned out.

Beach games? The only beach games I saw was when two of the very drunk connect staff took one of the guests around the rocks and played slap and tickle. By 5pm everybody was packed up and ready to go but of course we had to wait till 6p to leave as there would be no bus to take us back.

What a complete ripoff. When questioned why we were dropped off at an island with no beach we were told they they did not know the tide schedule. When asked why we did not go to the other island across from us that did have a beach instead we were told it was too "touristy". I believe that they would have had to pay a couple of hundred baht for each guest if in fact we did go to the other island.

With 30 guests going at 1700 baht a head this is certainly a nice money maker. I'm all for supporting gay tours but please don't rip me off. Very little money was spent on food and alcohol and as all of my friends that went on this tour work for the airlines, we certainly won't be recommending this tour and in fact will be bad mouthing it to every gay passenger or friend heading to phuket.

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I would sure like to hear some positive comments about "gay tours". Everyone I have taken, has been "bad news", thus haven't taken many. RSVP Greek Island Cruise ended up on a rust bucket ship at least 30 years old, but that was in their earlier years. Now they get new cruise ships. However, they take the ship "bare bones" and are required to provide all the tour staff, entertainment, etc. Also the level of food service is contracted for I suspect, so the quantity and quality is variable.

Surely there must be some good ones and those in the travel industry like OP, are the best judge do to their experience.

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I can't speak about Connect's tour, but I have been on Egg Island when the Connect group arrived. I had gone with a small ground of gay men from a faerie gathering on Koh Yao Yai (www.asianfaeries.com). Egg Island is small, yes, but --- it has the best snorkeling of any of the islands in the area. The coral are just a few feet under the surface, and it is amazing! I was wary when this tiny island was suddenly filled with a few dozen men and lots of alcohol. But we had a great time with them playing volleyball in the surf.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update! I thought that it was important to let the forum know that I was contacted directly by Ulf the owner of the Connect House regarding the Gay island tour. He seems genuinely concerned regarding the tour and will be looking at improving the quality and quantity of the food and perhaps adding more activities (other than slap and tickle) to the itinerary. He has said that he has already started improving the food and in future will be correcting other things as well.

I'm impressed that he contacted me, and personally do think his marketing of this tour to the gay community is good. I await feedback from other friends and passengers on how this tour has been improved. I will personally take this tour again in the future if I hear "good" things about it.

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I have been on this boat trip several times during the past 6 years I have been living in Phuket.

Each time I have gone I have enjoyed myself immensly. If you expect five star service and food go on one of the cruises the top end hotels provide you will have to dig into your handbag for a lot more than 1700baht more like 10000 baht the tours that I have been on I have met people from all over the world and have made some wonderful friends amongst them keeping in touch with these people and often meeting them in their own countries when I have been travelling is just one of the bonuses one can accrue from the day out. Hey its all about the fun and the conviviality and the friendships that can develop the food is secondary to most people even though it is more than sufficient for a picnic lunch (try the Riverside Marriot in Bkk for Sunday lunch) there has always been more than enough to go around plus always an unlimited supply of drinks. I have taken more than 30 overseas visitors on this trip each and everyone have had a great day out and believe me Sister Flight Crew many of these guys hold senior positions in some of the worlds larger companies and are used to travelling first class whether it be an aircraft hotel restaurant car or whatever If the tour was such a rip off as you describe do you really think that the word of mouth would not have put it out of business a long time ago Everyone is entilted to an opinion but I do think yours was being a trifle harsh its all about attitude throw away the Gucci Handbag sit back and relax and enjoy With no disrespect to you I have met and known several cabin crew over the years and some of these do have a real problem with attitude looking down their noses at the plebs etc but after all as a good friend of mine who is a cabin attendant once said we are only waitresses in the sky not the pilot who has to have the real talent and responsibilty

Cheers Phuket Sands busy packing the bikini for this Saturdays trip to Koh Kai I did hear via the grapevine or was that the Thai Telegraph that the trip was packed last Saturday with more than 50 farang

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I have been on this boat trip several times during the past 6 years I have been living in Phuket.

Each time I have gone I have enjoyed myself immensly. If you expect five star service and food go on one of the cruises the top end hotels provide you will have to dig into your handbag for a lot more than 1700baht more like 10000 baht the tours that I have been on I have met people from all over the world and have made some wonderful friends amongst them keeping in touch with these people and often meeting them in their own countries when I have been travelling is just one of the bonuses one can accrue from the day out. Hey its all about the fun and the conviviality and the friendships that can develop the food is secondary to most people even though it is more than sufficient for a picnic lunch (try the Riverside Marriot in Bkk for Sunday lunch) there has always been more than enough to go around plus always an unlimited supply of drinks. I have taken more than 30 overseas visitors on this trip each and everyone have had a great day out and believe me Sister Flight Crew many of these guys hold senior positions in some of the worlds larger companies and are used to travelling first class whether it be an aircraft hotel restaurant car or whatever If the tour was such a rip off as you describe do you really think that the word of mouth would not have put it out of business a long time ago Everyone is entilted to an opinion but I do think yours was being a trifle harsh its all about attitude throw away the Gucci Handbag sit back and relax and enjoy With no disrespect to you I have met and known several cabin crew over the years and some of these do have a real problem with attitude looking down their noses at the plebs etc but after all as a good friend of mine who is a cabin attendant once said we are only waitresses in the sky not the pilot who has to have the real talent and responsibilty

Cheers Phuket Sands busy packing the bikini for this Saturdays trip to Koh Kai I did hear via the grapevine or was that the Thai Telegraph that the trip was packed last Saturday with more than 50 farang

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Thanks for your comments Phuketsands. I never said I expected 5 star service on this tour but let me go over what was sold as a fun day out with great bbq and beach games.

1. I liked the idea of an 11am departure.

2. I liked the idea of gay men travelling together.

3. I liked the idea of staying on one beach and relaxing most of the day and playing ball games in the afternoon if I wished.

4. I liked the idea of a bbq on the beach with a good selection drinks.

5. I liked the idea of going to one other island just across the way.

6. I liked the idea of being back by 7p.

Most of this as I said in my original post was not met.

It seems you have a vested interest in this tour as you are very defensive. I've gone on many of the other tours over the years and they did not cost 10,000 baht but usually 2500 or less. But for that I was given and provided what I bought with no complaints. Sure I made friends on the connect tour and enjoyed speaking and being with them over the holiday and I even hosted 2 of my new friends at my condo in BKK. But having stayed in Phuket for several days after the tour we constantly ran into other guests who went on the tour who we did not have a chance to speak to, but voiced their negative opinions to us quite freely.

As you put it I should pay more for better service? I would gladly dig into my wallet for more money (you may carry a fake gucci handbag but I don't). But when you are ripped off 1700 or 2500 or whatever it does not matter, it is the point that you feel ripped off and taken advantage of. Sorry but the food that was served would not provide for a picnic lunch. I can honestly say without exageration that I would be surprised if 1000 baht was spent on the food and that was for 30 people! This would have fed maybe 10 people. The food was several bags of processed food bought at the local Carre Four! Hot dogs, chicken bits, fish balls and some watermelon and pineapple. I say another 2000 may have been spent on drinks. Gin and Vodka (Phoniex Brand) and soft drinks. God knows I serve some crap in economy class but even I would be embarassed to serve what I saw that day. Approximately 51,000 baht was collected. Living in Thailand and working in the travel industry I know what things cost. As I said in my original post, it is a nice moneymaker.

Oh and yes living in BKK I have had brunch many times at the Marriott Riverside. You get great food, a great view and you can hang out by the pool under an umbrella all afternoon, read your book, order cocktails, and chat with friends. On "Egg Island" you would have to stand on the rocks as there is no beach, or umbrella to protect you from the sun. I'm not sure why you are comparing the 2 but if I have a choice I would go with the Marriott Riverside Hotel.

Now you call me Sister Flight crew?...What are you stuck in the 70's? Listen "girlfriend", I don't have attitude and also have many friends in big positions in big companies. Throw away my Gucci Handbag?? Actually "girlfriend" Gucci is so so done...so I would suggest you throw yours away.

Waitress in the sky? "Girlfriend", I suggest you do some research as I don't know any Flight Attendant that would put themselves down like that to a non crew. We may joke among ourselves but no flight crew would say the real talent is the pilot in the front. We are a team. Try getting off the plane yourself during an emergency and don't forget your fake gucci handbag as you get off.

You say 50 people went last week? Wow...where did they lay? I mean stand?

So again that was my opinion and my friends opinion of the tour, and "girlfriend" don't forget your sunscreen or your copy of "The Front Runner" and make sure you watch "La Cage Aux Folles" to catch up on what you think is updated gay lingo!


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Hissy fit clean up in aisle 4...................

You get what you pay for and as far as outings in Phuket go, 1700B is cheap.

Here's an alternative suggestion when in Phuket with friends:

1. Go to carrefour, buy lots of picnic fixins' (Contrary to the slight, Carrefour has a wicked cool assortment of food)

2. Organize your friends and assemble on motorbikes and then proceed to a beach you don't frequent much and where the falangs don't go.

3. Have fun for a few hours. Stuff your faces. Say araoi and belch alot.

4. Return home with a bunch of most excellent pictures & a lot of laughs.

Total cost: Under 1000B for everything that 4 idiots would want.

And that is why we don't do "boat trips" or any other type of event.

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Good suggestion Geriatrickid!

I, for one, appreciated the review by Flightcrew. I think it was a fair representation of his experience.

I also wonder about phuketsands possible connection with the boat people as this is only his/her second post. The flaming in his/her post is both silly and mean spirited. Not the usual civil discourse one finds here on ThaiVisa, at least in the gay forum.

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Hissy fit clean up in aisle 4...................

You get what you pay for and as far as outings in Phuket go, 1700B is cheap.

Here's an alternative suggestion when in Phuket with friends:

1. Go to carrefour, buy lots of picnic fixins' (Contrary to the slight, Carrefour has a wicked cool assortment of food)

2. Organize your friends and assemble on motorbikes and then proceed to a beach you don't frequent much and where the falangs don't go.

3. Have fun for a few hours. Stuff your faces. Say araoi and belch alot.

4. Return home with a bunch of most excellent pictures & a lot of laughs.

Total cost: Under 1000B for everything that 4 idiots would want.

And that is why we don't do "boat trips" or any other type of event.

You are right...you get what you pay for. I will remember that. As far as Carrefour goes, I do like the store and did not mean to slight it, I frequent it often here in Bangkok. Other than the motorbikes as you suggest, maybe rent a car and do exactly as you say next time. Kind of silly that I did not think about that myself. Living in Bangkok, you know the ripoff's and what to avoid. But sometimes when you go on holiday you leave your brain at home. Very good advice geriatric kid!

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Thanks for your comments Phuketsands. I never said I expected 5 star service on this tour but let me go over what was sold as a fun day out with great bbq and beach games.

1. I liked the idea of an 11am departure.

2. I liked the idea of gay men travelling together.

3. I liked the idea of staying on one beach and relaxing most of the day and playing ball games in the afternoon if I wished.

4. I liked the idea of a bbq on the beach with a good selection drinks.

5. I liked the idea of going to one other island just across the way.

6. I liked the idea of being back by 7p.

Most of this as I said in my original post was not met.

It seems you have a vested interest in this tour as you are very defensive. I've gone on many of the other tours over the years and they did not cost 10,000 baht but usually 2500 or less. But for that I was given and provided what I bought with no complaints. Sure I made friends on the connect tour and enjoyed speaking and being with them over the holiday and I even hosted 2 of my new friends at my condo in BKK. But having stayed in Phuket for several days after the tour we constantly ran into other guests who went on the tour who we did not have a chance to speak to, but voiced their negative opinions to us quite freely.

As you put it I should pay more for better service? I would gladly dig into my wallet for more money (you may carry a fake gucci handbag but I don't). But when you are ripped off 1700 or 2500 or whatever it does not matter, it is the point that you feel ripped off and taken advantage of. Sorry but the food that was served would not provide for a picnic lunch. I can honestly say without exageration that I would be surprised if 1000 baht was spent on the food and that was for 30 people! This would have fed maybe 10 people. The food was several bags of processed food bought at the local Carre Four! Hot dogs, chicken bits, fish balls and some watermelon and pineapple. I say another 2000 may have been spent on drinks. Gin and Vodka (Phoniex Brand) and soft drinks. God knows I serve some crap in economy class but even I would be embarassed to serve what I saw that day. Approximately 51,000 baht was collected. Living in Thailand and working in the travel industry I know what things cost. As I said in my original post, it is a nice moneymaker.

Oh and yes living in BKK I have had brunch many times at the Marriott Riverside. You get great food, a great view and you can hang out by the pool under an umbrella all afternoon, read your book, order cocktails, and chat with friends. On "Egg Island" you would have to stand on the rocks as there is no beach, or umbrella to protect you from the sun. I'm not sure why you are comparing the 2 but if I have a choice I would go with the Marriott Riverside Hotel.

Now you call me Sister Flight crew?...What are you stuck in the 70's? Listen "girlfriend", I don't have attitude and also have many friends in big positions in big companies. Throw away my Gucci Handbag?? Actually "girlfriend" Gucci is so so done...so I would suggest you throw yours away.

Waitress in the sky? "Girlfriend", I suggest you do some research as I don't know any Flight Attendant that would put themselves down like that to a non crew. We may joke among ourselves but no flight crew would say the real talent is the pilot in the front. We are a team. Try getting off the plane yourself during an emergency and don't forget your fake gucci handbag as you get off.

You say 50 people went last week? Wow...where did they lay? I mean stand?

So again that was my opinion and my friends opinion of the tour, and "girlfriend" don't forget your sunscreen or your copy of "The Front Runner" and make sure you watch "La Cage Aux Folles" to catch up on what you think is updated gay lingo!



excellent !!!

one of the best post I have read since long time :o

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I was on the 29 January trip and the food was horrible and not enough of it. Heard lots of complaints. On return I contacted Ulf and he said he had not been paying attention, and would deal with it before the next trip. I believe him. Anyone been on a recent trip? How has the food been lately?

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I was on the 29 January trip and the food was horrible and not enough of it. Heard lots of complaints. On return I contacted Ulf and he said he had not been paying attention, and would deal with it before the next trip. I believe him. Anyone been on a recent trip? How has the food been lately?

I think you mean the 27th. I'm surprised that there is still a problem as here is a copy of the email that I received from Ulf dirctly saying he was working on it. I hope it was just not lip service.


Thanks for your feedback on our gay tour to Kai Island.

I would prefer if you contacted us directly instead of putting this on the board.

Seriously it seems like that you want to close down this tour instead of helping us to improve it.

We like constructive criticism and we have listened to you and we will make changes to the tour.

We have looked over the food and we realize that it is not on up the standard as we once had. We are changing this now. We started a bit last week and we are improving it more on the tour tomorrow. More snack, chips, finger food and more variety of BBQ and more fruit.

We have also decided that even if we can stay on the small Island all day we will go to the bigger Island around 4PM to let guests play beach volleyball. I know that some people will hate us for that decision also but we can’t please everyone as you know. It makes sense for us to have more activities so we will change.

What I am trying to say is that we really try to make a good tour from Connect but sometimes it is difficult when you work with Thai staff, guests with many different opinions and cultures and of course many people signing up in the last minute. It’s not easy but we will try and after your feedback we will try even harder.

Please try our tour again. I really hope that you will be satisfied with the improvements and I am looking forward to hear your new feedback because I take you on the word when you write "I am all for supporting gay tours".

Best regards


Connect Guesthouse"

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