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True Promotion


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Stay the f..k away.

I have signet up for the True package "40 times 2560/512". That is a laugh, or to be more exact, to cry from. If I could undo it I would, but I don't know what will a good alternative, or if there is a good alternative.

I have read this forum for some time and I can only agree with most other people that are dissatisfied with the speed from True. Sometime it is as slow as a dial-up line. I have used this test http://www.adslguide.org.uk/tools/speedtest.asp and the results are unbelievable - slow that is.

Read this before you waist any money http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14504

If anybody can advise me to a good alternative to True in Bangkok (Sukhumvit, soi 39 area), please do so.

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There are hundreds, if not thousands, of us using these plans and quite happy compared to alternatives. But believe you will find those at the lower price end will tend to be the more pleased. You are not going to get the higher speeds in a usable manner until international lines are greatly increased. But those who want reliable service at or above dial up speeds at a price it is good value.

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@ h90

Any good alternatives would be welcome! I use IPSTAR. It is working fine, but too expensive!

You say that you are using IPSTAR. How is that, apart from the price? I have seen people write that the service can be unreliable due to weather factors such as rain and other atmospherically disturbance, that to get service if there are any problems is quite slow and unreliable etc. Where are you using it? I have thought about getting it here in Bangkok, but I am not sure if it is worth it. The price compared to the downloading speed (I don't care about uploading), service in Bangkok and other factors.

Could you or other at this forum that has experience with IPSTAR advice? It seems that most people that are using this service are in far away places like on an island or far up-North. Are the any IPSTAR users in Bangkok and if there is, what are your opinion about IPSTAR?

Are there anyone that are using IPTV and are you satisfied with this, please explain more closely about this service. I am using UBC CAtv at the moment.

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Speaking generally, satellites will always be afffected by cloudy and rainy weather, IPSTAR should be no exception. Not much you can do to avoid that, is there?

I know people in the Chiang Mai area who are pleased with IP Star though.

Why not start a new thread instead of posing your question at the bottom of a thread about something else. That way you'll attract the right people.

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I use IPStar in Bangkok (actually Samut Prakarn but 100 meter outside BKK).

Weather, yes when the cloudes (is it called so??) are very dark at the place where the Sat should be than it does not work anymore or if the rain is extremly strong. But this are just minutes. It can be very cloudy till problem and still no problem. I upgrade from the cheapest service to the megabit 1. I still have the 256 and not the 512, but I do not care much about it. The download limits make it expensive.

Webpages have a small delay, but overall it is fast, I really get the 256, beside weather there are never downtimes.

Overall I get what I paied for, but it is expensive. I have it connected to 5 computer, one is the Gateway.

I think I signed for a single computer, but the guy who installed it, sold me a second network card for make the main computer a gateway.

If you want to test it, come over to my office and surf a little bit arround.

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Stay the f..k away.

I have signet up for the True package "40 times 2560/512". That is a laugh, or to be more exact, to cry from. If I could undo it I would, but I don't know what will a good alternative, or if there is a good alternative.

Don't know if I agree about staying away.

At the moment, there doesn't seem to be anything better, and whatever you may say about the international speed not matching the speed of the link, it beats the h3ll out of dialup. (CS Loxinfo is supposedly also introducing cheap ADSL starting at 590baht for 256/128 - i.e. same price as True, but have just seen the press release, no adverts for it yet).

Anyway - the international bandwidth issue is a problem due to CAT. Hopefully things will improve when that particular government department gets privatised.

In the meantime, there doesn't seem to be a better reasonably priced option than one of the cheaper True packages. During the day, there's no point going for a faster ADSL package just now, unless it's for access to Thai sites, because of the international bandwidth problems - although, late evening, and into the night, you do get that bandwidth (most Internet Cafe's are closed by 10pm).

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