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Foreign gangs hoping to strike it rich in Thailand are becoming a big concern for local and international anti-drug agencies.

Among the millions of foreigners who come to Thailand each year and the many who reside here, a tiny but troublesome fraction are engaged in various types of crime, including the illicit drug trade.

"They come here to stay and earn money from the drugs business. Now they are causing us many problems," said Police Major-General Amaresrit Wattanavibool, commander of Division 1, Narcotics Suppression Centre (NSC) and a 31-year veteran of anti-narcotics efforts in Thailand. He is especially concerned about the increasing role foreign gangs are playing in smuggling drugs both into and out of the Kingdom.

Continue here: http://www.bangkokpost.com/060108_Perspect...008_pers002.php


importing drugs are doing burmese together with thai (the israelis, couth a month ago in Bangkok, were rather doing transit from europe to japan, australia, n zealand and usa).

exporting is doing everyone else.

very few foreigners are involved in drugs in thailand - the risk of being couth as an allien are much higher than being a local and penalties are much harsher than in Europe or the other parts of the world. Those dealing drugs in thailand are addicts or complete desperados with nothing to lose.

drug money laundering or hiding from the foreign law agencies in thailand (as the dutch arrested in kho samui in november) are equally dangerous to the international thai reputation

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