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Farmer Family

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A european farmed decides to emigrate to the USA with his 3 sons. After a long ride through the country they find a nice valley to settle.

When winter approaches the father instructs his sons to cut some wood to prepare for the winter. Not knowing the local winter conditions he asks the youngest son to visit the indians on top of the hill and ask them about the winter temperatures.

The son leaves with a gift and asks the chief about the winters. The chief tells this winter will be quite cold.

When the son gives his father this answer he instructs all of them to prepare more wood. Still in doubt he tells his second son the go ask the indians. This time the chief tells him it will be e very cold winter.

After hearing this reply the father tells the boys to cut more wood. Still he wonders if he will have cut enough so instrcts the oldest son to ask the chief. The chief tells him that this winter will be extremely cold, never seen before in live and that they probably will freeze to death if the stay.

Again the father tells the boys to cut more wood. He doesn't trust his sons and climbs the hill to talk with the chief about the coming winter, the chief tells him that this winter will be the worst ever and that they are now moving to they winter camp.

But says the father, how do you know it will be such an extreme cold winter? Well says the chief, down in the valley lives a farmer with his sons and they are cutting wood like we have never seen before

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