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Thanks To Sunbelt For Visa.

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Just a word of thanks to Sunbelt again this year for helping with my 1 year visa extension.

Since the new regulations a couple of years ago a quick trip down to Penang does not work anymore and as I have no money left in the bank can only get a visa as I am over 50 and have a Thai child.

The local Immigration office does not understand the new regulations so a trip to Bangkok is necessary. I know we could go to the main immigration office and do it ourselves, as others here have done, but the fee that Sunbelt charge is well worth the convenience of getting it all done in a few hours.

I contacted Sunbelt via e-mail a few weeks before my visa was due; they replied confirming the documents needed and a date to meet at immigration. Our contact Poo was at immigration very early and got a numbered ticket to so by the time we arrived at a civilized hour we only had to wait a short time before being processed. All very painless.

So thank you Sunbelt - see you next year.

Just on the side –There is concern about the content and submissions on this forum as “the authorities” may be monitoring and close the site down. That is why we need the moderators who do such a good job. :o

Well if the “authorities” are monitoring why do they not take notice of some of the difficulties some of us have to go through to stay in LOS just for the privilege of spending our money here instead of else ware?

The reason I use the “over 50 with child” rule is I don’t have the ready cash to show to get a marriage or retirement visa, so a trip to Bangkok with all the cost involved, travel hotel etc. plus Ms D shopping is a big chunk out of my family budget. Why can’t the local immigration office provide this service and the money spent on a Bangkok trip could maybe be used to buy my kid some extra things?

Daffy D.


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Some of the local offices do and have done this extension. A lot of them seem to be scared of making a decision regarding handing out extensions to people with no money in the bank.

My mate is going down this road next time he extends. Every positive report of this is good news for him.

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... as I have no money left in the bank can only get a visa as I am over 50 and have a Thai child... why do they not take notice of some of the difficulties some of us have to go through to stay in LOS just for the privilege of spending our money here instead of else ware?


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Just a word of thanks to Sunbelt again this year for helping with my 1 year visa extension.

Since the new regulations a couple of years ago a quick trip down to Penang does not work anymore and as I have no money left in the bank can only get a visa as I am over 50 and have a Thai child.

The local Immigration office does not understand the new regulations so a trip to Bangkok is necessary. I know we could go to the main immigration office and do it ourselves, as others here have done, but the fee that Sunbelt charge is well worth the convenience of getting it all done in a few hours.

I contacted Sunbelt via e-mail a few weeks before my visa was due; they replied confirming the documents needed and a date to meet at immigration. Our contact Poo was at immigration very early and got a numbered ticket to so by the time we arrived at a civilized hour we only had to wait a short time before being processed. All very painless.

So thank you Sunbelt - see you next year.

Just on the side –There is concern about the content and submissions on this forum as “the authorities” may be monitoring and close the site down. That is why we need the moderators who do such a good job. :o

Well if the “authorities” are monitoring why do they not take notice of some of the difficulties some of us have to go through to stay in LOS just for the privilege of spending our money here instead of else ware?

The reason I use the “over 50 with child” rule is I don’t have the ready cash to show to get a marriage or retirement visa, so a trip to Bangkok with all the cost involved, travel hotel etc. plus Ms D shopping is a big chunk out of my family budget. Why can’t the local immigration office provide this service and the money spent on a Bangkok trip could maybe be used to buy my kid some extra things?

Daffy D.


Thank you for the kind words!

I appreciate every wonderful note and the thoughtfulness behind them more than you can know. It is very rewarding and fulfilling. Thank you for taking the time to write and for letting me know our staff helped you on the extension. for "over 50 with child."


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what papers you need for "over 50 with child" visa ?????????

and how much expensive is the SUNBELT service

I am in the same situation as you !!!!

I think the most important document is the childs birth certificate with your name on it as the father.

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what papers you need for "over 50 with child" visa ?????????

and how much expensive is the SUNBELT service

I am in the same situation as you !!!!

Our professional fee is 6,500 Baht.

The paperwork required depends if you are still married to a Thai wife, divorced, have never married, and how old your child is.

If you have the correct paperwork you do not need a visa company. They use some of your fee to 'arrange' things. If you are happy to pay the 'extra' -that you will not know about- that is your choice.

If you are talking about Sunbelt Asia, you are wrong. We have NEVER once in Bangkok ever paid one baht to "arrange" things on anything. We NEVER had to and its not want our firm is about. It’s knowing the law inside and out and being the mouthpiece for our client.

When the law came out in Oct 2006, we were the only ones I know that were getting extension of stay permits done for clients over 50 based on having a Thai child. We did it by educating many Immigration Officers on the new law. At that time if you go back over posts, a number of Thaivisa members told us we were wrong. The regulations were being misinterpreted by us. We stood our guns that we were right and educated by responding to posts with Thaivisa members, the new regulations.

Based on our experience and posting on how we did it, some Thaivisa members emulated us. Most new clients including Thaivisa members however continue to let Sunbelt Asia do it. It certainly gives them the peace of mind to just sit there and have someone in their corner.

We also are glad that we are able to help foreign parents stay... as I told Badbanker the other day on the phone. We were happy to help him be the first Thaivisa member to do it on his own. He has been in Thailand many years and knows how to communicate in Thai so your mileage may vary.


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what papers you need for "over 50 with child" visa ?????????

and how much expensive is the SUNBELT service

I am in the same situation as you !!!!

Hi “bumbui”

The documents you will need are:-

1. Your original passport

2. The original Birth certificate of your child

3. Your wife ID card (original)

4. Your wife house registration (original)

5. Marriage certificate (Kor Ror 3 ) (original)

6. Marriage affidavit (Kor Ror 2 )

7. Your family photo showing you, your son and your wife in your house about 4 - 6 photos

8. Map of residence

9. 2 photos 4x6cm passport type photos

Your wife and child need to go with you to immigration.

The Kor Ror 2 is the wife name change certificate. If your wife kept her original name you won’t need this.

The family photos are just ordinary 6x4 inch. We had a couple of photos outside the house showing the house number and the others of us as happy family in the front room and kitchen. Ms D wouldn’t let me take any in the bedroom.

The map of residence I just did a rough line drawing in Paint couple of streets and couple of landmarks, school, gas station and Ms D wrote in Thai what was what.

We had also photocopies of all these documents.

The Sunbelt fees are as follows:

1. Renewal visa 3,900

2. Hearing the result 1,600

3. Traveling fee 600

4. Government fee for renew visa 1,900

The total is 8,427 baht (Included VAT 7%)

As said before you can do this yourself and if you live in BKK you might even enjoy the challenge. But if like us an overnight train journey plus all the hassle of minibuses to get to the train station in the first place and taxis in BK to the hotel then the immigration office with wife and hyperactive kid in tow you really want to get it over with as soon as possible.

Reading through posts here I see that some people have had to dash back home because they did not have exactly the right piece of paper or the immigration guy was having a bad hair day and made problems or the regulations had changed. With using the agent they know exactly up to the minute what is required and knowing the immigration officers has got to be a help.

Also the visit to immigration is only to “apply” for your visa. You have to go back 30 days later to get your actual visa so that’s another trip. You can leave your passport with Sunbelt and they will go get your visa and send your passport to you, saving the extra trip.

As for the cynical or skeptics I have been in LOS a long long time and over the years have helped my wife and her family quite a bit. And sorry no dead buffalo stories here.

Amongst other financial outgoings I paid off wifes father debts when he died. No he was not a lazy bum; he worked up to a couple of weeks before he passed away. We all chipped in for the funeral and if the debt had not been paid the family house would have been lost. And again no I did not just hand over money, we all when to the bank and paid the money to the bank manager. Same with the land the house was on; we went to the land office and paid to purchase the land. So I don’t have the luxury anymore to have 400 hundred thousand baht (or is it 800k) sitting idly in the bank year after year just to satisfy the current immigration regs. But at least no matter what happens my wife and kid have a place to live.



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Would point out, for those that may not know, that the money in the bank does not have to sit idly during the year. You always have free use of account money - the only requirement is the current three months prior to each application that it be at or above the set level. Normal usage of the money is expected.

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dear mr daffy

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you are wrong with the "child - farang - father -visa"‏

Von: arthur schueler ([email protected])

Gesendet: Montag, 14. Jänner 2008 09:04:03

An: [email protected]

dear sirs,

please, read this carefully to avoid mistakes in the future:

you went with mr. Daffy D. to the immigration to apply for a 1-year-extension on his non-immigrant visa, without to own enough money for a marriage-visa (Bt 400.000.--).

you misunderstood the law.

this law means in the case of mr. daffy, that the child or the father (if they are us-citizens, not thai) can get a "moneyfree visa", because mr. daffy - as an owner of a 400.000-marriage-visa - supports them.

if your view of the new law would be right, nobody in the whole country would use further a marriage-visa or a retiredment-visa, because for 1000 baht would every mother confirm, that the farang supports her child. the immigration is not so stupid to contradict their own laws.

and why is in he law written "son under 18" and "father over 50"? this fits only, if my view is right and yours wrong. with a thai-child it would make no sense.

but why this big misunderstanding in the immigration too? the answer is very easy: the translator didn't know nothing about the right sense of the law and translated word by word. so is the outcome very confusing and the officials in the soy suan phu need some advice from their boss.

so i beg you, to clear this case, because i like to apply for an extension in may.

what will happen with mr. daffy? in 1 month he will go to the soy suan phu and they will ask him to show the bank statement over 400.000 baht. because the boss of the immigration will refuse to give an extension without money. and than they will ask him to show the ticket to the USA and give him (perhaps) 1 or 2 weeks to leave thailand.

mr. daffy is now in trouble because of your wrong advice, so is my advice to you: write immediately to mr. daffy an inform him about the mistake. and than borrow him enough money to get the marriage visa. mr. daffy must have some income or money. otherwise he would not be able to stay in thailand another year. perhaps the embassy can confirm some income.

please anwer me to me e-mail-adress, that you have got my e-mail and than inform the farangs on the thai-visa.

if you do a good work in this case, it will be a good advertisment for your office.


arthur schueler

ery soory, but you will get a bad experience. why? read my letter, what i wrote to sunbelt.

//Edit: Warning: this post is full of wrong and misleading information. Readers are advised to disregard it. -- Maestro

Edited by Maestro
Added "edit"comment - Maestro
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if your view of the new law would be right, nobody in the whole country would use further a marriage-visa or a retiredment-visa, because for 1000 baht would every mother confirm, that the farang supports her child. the immigration is not so stupid to contradict their own laws.

The Fathers name has to be on the childs birth certificate which is a legal document.

Congrats to Daffy and all the other fathers who have got their extension through this qualifying route.

Thanks to Sunbelt and others who managed to explain this law when it appeared in 2006

Edited by Lite Beer
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This is the second time I have got the over 50 with Thai child visa through Sunbelt. I have to do the 90 day reporting at my local immigration office and have never had any problem with them.

I tried to get my local office to process this type of visa for me, even took along the new regulations as posted on this forum to show them but as someone else noted the local officers are reluctant to make such a decision.

If you read through the regulations the difference is just one word forget now exactly which, either “and” or “or” that makes the difference and I can understand that most immigration officers would not be aware of the difference, so fortunately we have Sunbelt to point it out to them.

Perhaps it is a mistake in the translation, I really hope not as the consequences of that would be to abandon my family.



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mr. daffy is now in trouble because of your wrong advice, so is my advice to you: write immediately to mr. daffy an inform him about the mistake. and than borrow him enough money to get the marriage visa. mr. daffy must have some income or money. otherwise he would not be able to stay in thailand another year.

Surely this must be a windup...but in anyway, one can stay in Thailand without local income. One way is just to have a non-o VISA from the closest consulate/embassy. 15K and you can get it from Malaysia (including hotel and travel).

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mr. daffy is now in trouble because of your wrong advice, so is my advice to you: write immediately to mr. daffy an inform him about the mistake. and than borrow him enough money to get the marriage visa. mr. daffy must have some income or money. otherwise he would not be able to stay in thailand another year.

Surely this must be a windup...but in anyway, one can stay in Thailand without local income. One way is just to have a non-o VISA from the closest consulate/embassy. 15K and you can get it from Malaysia (including hotel and travel).

If you look through Mr arthsch other posts you will see that most of them are a load of drivel. So I would not give this one too much credence.

Dont worry Daffy. You are safe.

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Mr artsch

you must be a sick men

let me give advice you Please contact Immediately a doctor

and for the future no more stupid postings from you

oder in Deutsch verschone du uns mit deine schwachsinnige posting, du bist doch krank im kopf

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I am going down to Suan Phlu on Sunday to get (hopefully) a visa extension as DD has for living with my Thai child.

I have used Badbankers information and experience from last year and anybody elses that I could find and I will be doing it on my own.

Lets hope it works for me and I will post the result when I know.


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mr arthsch

I hope you can understand plain english :o

Getting an extension to a visa is paramount to being able to stay in Thailand long term. For those who are not employed, not married to a Thai national, or do not qualify for a retirement extension, but have Thai children, one option was the extension based on support of a Thai child.

However, since Oct 1st 2006 the rules regarding this type of extension were radically changed.

Before it was possible to obtain a yearly extension based on the fact that you were supporting your Thai child . This was particularly useful for those who were not married to a Thai , or not over 50yrs old (to qualify for retirement extension ).

As of Oct 1st 2006 this option is no longer available.

It has been replaced as such by rule 7.17/5 This rule stipulates that a person over 50yrs of age can apply for an extension based on a Thai child supporting their parent, with no financial requirement as in other extension types.

Whilst this is bad news for those under 50yrs old, it is also good news for those over 50yrs old with a Thai child, that for some reason or other are unable to meet the financial requirements of the retirement visa , or can meet the requirements, but would rather not transfer their money into Thailand.

The downside is of course, that those under 50yrs old that are unmarried have less options now.

Immigration have been quoted as explaining that this new rule is to prevent foreigners from having children in order to stay in Thailand.

Allowing those over 50yrs old to obtain an extension based on the Thai child supporting them is in keeping with the Thai way, where the child supports the parents in their older years.

To apply for an extension using rule 7.17/5 , you will need the following documents.

  • Application form
  • Copy of the proof of relationship (Birth Certificate, or other papers issued by official organizations or government agencies
  • Letter from the district office confirming you are the parent.
  • Government fee of bt1900

It is also advisable to have the mother and child accompany you to immigration in case more information from them is needed.

Please note – If you have an extension based on supporting a Thai child that was issued before Oct 1st 2006, then the old rules still apply and will be covered under the grandfather clause.

(a grandfather clause is an exception which allows something pre-existing to remain as it is, despite a change to the contrary in the rules applied to newer situations.)

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Link to English translation of Police Order 606/2006 (pdf)

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Reading this topic has got me thinking, I am 58, at present have a retirement visa, I am married to a thai and we have a 2 yr old daughter, if I interprete this topic correctly I should be eligible for the extension based on having a Thai child.

My concerns are this though, (1) how possible is it that the Thai authorities could end this extension, (2) what happens when my daughter reaches 18 does the extension automatically finish, I dont want to have to revert back to a retirement visa, by then you may need 2 million baht in the bank, would the Thai authorities somehow grandfather it.

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Actually the provision is designed for adult children to take care of there aging parents so being over 18 would not effect it if living together - it might if not. But it is a new provision and unlike any other, with the no financial requirement, so it is anybody's guess as to its longevity. Any guess on grandfather conditions would be total speculation. And guess of what you should do would also just be a guess.

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Living with my Thai child visa extension.

Thai police order 606/2549 para 7.15 (5)

I am 63, married for 8 years this coming April and our son will be 4 in August.

I went this morning and arrived about 10.30 when the wife threw me out of the car and told me to get started while she found a parking space. I collected all the paperwork together at home and brought it all down with me but one thing I found is that the glue pot used to stick your photo on the application has 2 modes, not enough or bugger it now I need a new form and photo.

Then I sat and waited as the other 29 applicants in front of me plus many agents? went through the process plus the office, whule not closed at lunch time showed a distinct lack of progress for about 45 minutes.

My turn came and as my wife and son had gone for lunch I called them back when there were about 2 people in front of me and we went up together.

At first the lady asked for proof of salary or income so I explained that I was applying to live with my son. Oh, OK was the reply. She preferred the passport and tabien baan copies in black and white and not colour so my wife went off and did that and the rest went smoothly except my wife was given another form to sign saying that it was all OK with her and I had to fill in the one for our son as he is only 3 1/2 and shee took his thumbprint as a signature which was a surprise for him. She also gave him a few sweeties which he thanked her for.

The who;e process took about 20 minutes and we were out of the building in just under 3 hours. I was also due to make a 90 day report next week but I got a small letter stapled to the passport which says that by completing the extension I have also notified them of the 90 days so that report is not due until 21 April now.

I have a months extension and have to report back on 19th February to collect the visa stamp hopefully. :o

:D :D :D :D :bah:

This is a copy of the documents that I brought with me using both Sunbelt and firstly Badbankers information from last year.

I have a copy in Excel that I would like to pin for anyone else to use if some kind person will tell me how to do it.

Living with Thai child paperwork reqd

Sunbelt paperwork Original Copy 1 Copy 2

Yes No Yes No Yes No

1 A photocopy and the original of the foreigner applicant’s passport

2 A photocopy and the original of your child’s Birth Certificate

3 A photocopy and the original of your Marriage certificate (with child’s mother) which certified by

UK Embassy in Thailand as well.

4 a photo of me 4*6 cm to attach to the application form

5 a photocopy and the original of your wife's ID card

6 a photocopy and original of the Tabien Baan with wife and child named on the register

7 a map of the house showing the directions

8 a photo of the family at the house and about 4 photos of my wife, child and me in front of the house number and some inside

Child's mother to go to the immigration office with child and me because the officer will interview both parents. The applicant

will get the consideration time of 1 month and get a long visa after that.

Posted by: Badbanker 2007-04-22 10:58:47

Visa Extension over 50 to Support Thai Child (Long)

Extension of Non Imm "O" based on Age Over 50 and Support of Thai Child Original Copy 1 Copy 2

Yes No Yes No Yes No

1 Copy of the National Police Office Order 606/2006 in English and Thai

2 Passport and photocopies of main page, entry stamp page and visa page

3 Original Thai Birth Certificate of son and photocopies

4 Original Thai Marriage Certificate and photocopies

5 Original Letter from doctor on Hospital Letter Head confirming he delivered my son

6 Copies of House Registration certificate of wife and son

7 Copy of wife’s Thai ID card

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Excellent post bumbui.

Its that time again, I have to get me shit together for a renewal in April.

Hope I get no hassles with the 'grandpa' clause. last time they said no and then said ok but only this time not next year for sure.

So I hope grandpa is actually still working ok.

Also, my documents required are a little different as not married, but the map, family photos and child on house papers were never required before....are these new requirements now ?? This is my fourth renewal.

Another quick question....does anyone know where the regulations state re the grandpa clause for unmarried child support and in thai so I can maybe print it out and take along, just in case....boy scout mentality required here sometimes.

Edited by MrSquigle
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As far as I know there is no grandfather provision for child support - there is no such provision under the current laws. The only current extension of stay on basis of Thai child is for those over age 50 and that is to live with child (does not require any support).

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